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Everything posted by dfish

  1. Love the pictures, Sharon. They bring back such good memories. I think the tour you are talking about is the one out of Halifax. You go up to Burntcoat Head and walk out into the Bay of Fundy when the tide is out. You can see tidal pools and all kinds of creatures. These are the stairs leading down to the ocean floor. Here's a sea critter for you! This is normally an island. I'm not done in the kitchen yet, but I'll share some of my mess. And, yes @ger_77, you qualify for the Messy Bakers Guild. I have it all over me. Flour on the mixer, pumpkin on the counter.... Powdered sugar (icing sugar) everywhere. Wax paper ripped off the cake. I've managed to spread the mess throughout the whole kitchen. I still have to make the filling and fill and re-roll the pumpkin roll. You can't really see the mess on the floor because the color of the floor helps absorb it.
  2. I may be able to match this later today. Wonderful news! I haven't started the pumpkin rolls yet. Did my in the house route of laps this morning and did get all the ingredients out and on the counter. Now, to organize them and get started. @kazu Jacqui, so glad you made it to San Diego. Enjoy your cruise. Here are the reversing rapids in Saint John. We were there in October and will be back next July. And our ship from the park across the way. And one of the famous sea caves on the Bay of Fundy. We watched as the water rose quite quickly.
  3. Good morning, everyone! What a morning already. Sister Sue reports ice is everywhere, but she still has to go into work. I'll bet half her patients cancel. We only got rain as far as I can tell. No school closures in Midland, but up near Sue they are all closed. At least she won't have to battle school buses on the way to work. I have engaged in regifting. I had these two friends and we used to get together at Christmas. I would cook dinner and we'd exchange gifts. Generally what I got from them was stuff that I didn't know what to do with and had little or no use for. So, I'd regift them at white elephant exchanges. My friend John told me after the last one that he wasn't accepting any more gifts from me. I explained that I had to regift so I could make room for all the junk they were going to give me that year. I got my grocery shopping done and I have everything I will need for Christmas except vegetables. I'll get those next week so they are fresher. Today I am making pumpkin rolls. They freeze well so I can keep them for Christmas. Today's meal is a great one. This first recipe calls for apple and fennel and I suspect the flavor is wonderful. https://www.simplywhisked.com/rigatoni-with-pork-ragu/ This next one leaves out the apples but includes fresh ricotta. Smooth and creamy! https://www.foodandwine.com/recipes/rigatoni-pork-ragu-and-fresh-ricotta This next one is for those who like to fuss. Tony Mantuano starts with pork ribs following a family recipe. Ok, that means it has to be good! https://www.foodnetwork.com/fnk/recipes/rigatoni-with-pork-rag-7151624 One last one that adds in some Italian sausage. Mmmmm https://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/rigatoni-with-spicy-calabrese-style-pork-ragu-51143440 The only question left is how do I choose? Wishing everyone a wonderful day.
  4. And I have no idea where I got it. Maybe I just decided that Maxine @AncientWanderer needed a day of celebration. Or, more likely, I hadn't had enough coffee yet. Anyways, @Sharon in AZ Sharon, I hope I didn't take too much away from your day and Maxine, take advantage and party hearty. One year at Christmas time we made Dad go out and get chestnuts and a chestnut roaster so we could roast them on an open fire in the fireplace. We also made everyone sit in the living room and sing that song while we roasted them. They were ok, but we never asked for them again. I did get to the grocery store! And, I think I have almost everything for Christmas dinner. I know I don't want to go back to the store in the last few days before Christmas. Early next week will be the latest I will go.
  5. @Sharon in AZ Sharon, you have that same brilliant smile. Truly beautiful! The power company here in Midland does offer a discount program if you cut back energy use during peak times. That is between 2 pm and 7 pm. Their recommendation is to not do laundry or run the dishwasher during these hours. So, that is the program we have worked on since moving in. The biggest discounts are in the summer months, probably due to air conditioning costs. I tend to do open windows unless it is really muggy, so we'll see how it goes next summer. Thanks to @kochleffel for the explanation about the latkes. I really do enjoy the historical aspects of food traditions. Ok, I must get busy today. I do need to get to the grocery store as I am almost out of things to doctor up here.
  6. Good morning, everyone. Wow, it is really gloomy out today. We are supposed to get some of the fringe of that massive storm. I think we'll be on the mostly rain end of it while Sue will get the snow and ice up her way. I didn't get to the grocery store yesterday and only have my list half done. Instead I did laundry and actually ironed a few things. @AncientWanderer Happy Anniversary! Today's meal sounds really good to me, but I'd probably skip it due to the carb count. You can do a lot with it. If you don't like parsnips, leave them out and just have potato latkes. This first recipe doesn't have the sauteed apples. It uses homemade applesauce instead, but you can easily sautee the apples in butter, brown sugar and cinnamon. https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/food-network-kitchen/parsnip-potato-latkes-with-cinnamon-applesauce-recipe-2042144 Don't they look wonderful? Nice and brown and crispy? Oh, my! My resolve is fading. This next one is the ingredient list for the Good Housekeeping recipe. That recipe is behind a pay wall and I refuse to pay it, but the recipes look good. I think we can all figure out what to do with the ingredients. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/71283606587737063/ This one also uses applesauce. That is a fine accompaniment if that is what you like. I'd saute the apples myself. https://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/potato-parsnip-latkes-with-savory-applesauce-236748 This next one just uses parsnips. I'm sure you can add in some potato if you'd like. The mustard cashew cream caught my eye. https://www.deliciouseveryday.com/parsnip-latkes-mustard-cashew-cream-honey-roasted-apples/ That should give you some choices! So sorry Dixie @summer slope that your DH has still tested positive. I hate this virus. Wishing you all a wonderful day and wishing @kazu Jacqui safe flights and arrival in San Diego.
  7. Good morning, everyone! It is going to be kind of gray and gloomy here in mid-Michigan today. Now that I've said that, the sun will come out and shine brightly. Not a lot on the agenda here except perhaps some grocery shopping. Or at least making the list for grocery shopping. We shall see how motivated I am. @AncientWanderer So sorry to hear your are in the Covid penalty box. That is a bummer, especially right before the holidays. Wishing you a light case and quick recovery. Today's meal sounds good to me. It would be wonderful for a family brunch. For the kale haters, use spinach. I've gotten to really enjoy kale lately. So I'd stick with that. https://emeals.com/recipes/recipe-41526-265295-Tuscan-Sausage--Kale-Frittata This next recipe points out that breakfast for dinner is often quite good. And a frittata can be great for cleaning out the fridge. https://imperfectlypaigewellness.com/sausage-kale-frittata/ It seems like a lot of the recipe sites are pushing specific products and this next one is one of those. But, ignoring the commercial aspects of it, the recipe looks pretty good. I like the addition of tomatoes to the frittata. And, I know I can use any brand I'd like. https://kitchenconfidante.com/italian-sausage-and-kale-frittata Next up we have a brand I've never heard of, but I'm sure it is good and that I can use parmesan cheese I find locally. https://nourish.schnucks.com/recipes/tuscan-frittata/ While none of these are low in calories, they are low in carbs making them great for those of us who must watch them. Wishing everyone a wonderful day!
  8. Lenda, you know how to make the messy part worth it. The finished product is worth all the mess and hassle to make these. Beautiful.
  9. Good morning, everyone! Our snow from yesterday has all melted. It is going to be a gray day today with lots of cloud cover and moderate temperatures for this time of year. So, I will be out doing my laps as soon as I finish here. Then, I want to get downtown to a kitchen/coffee shop to get Sue a special spatula for making her eggs in the morning. It is one of her few culinary feats - she makes great over easy eggs. @grapau27 I'm glad things went well with your surgery today. May it heal quickly. @kazu Jacqui, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. We're supposed to get the storm here in Michigan on Wednesday, so perhaps you'll beat it out. We're really not getting much of it and they have only forecast 1-3 inches. Today's meal should definitely be considered a comfort food due to the creaminess of the Alfredo sauce. This meal has a low enough carb count that it is doable for me. I'd try it with a salad on the side. This first one is very keto friendly due to the substitution of spaghetti squash for pasta. For those who have never done that, yes pasta is better, but the squash isn't terribly squashy and does make a nice alternative. And, it does slide down smoothly. https://thatlowcarblife.com/spaghetti-squash-alfredo/ This next one is a skinnied down version. It swaps ingredients to make a sauce that isn't quite so full of fats while still being good on the carbs and allowing for a side salad. There is also some chicken in it for the carnivores. You can leave out the chicken for the vegetarians. https://dishingouthealth.com/skinny-chicken-alfredo-stuffed-spaghetti-squash/ This next one is a vegetarian version that incorporates fresh spinach and sun dried tomatoes. If you want, you can add in chicken or sausage or even shrimp. https://saporitokitchen.com/baked-spaghetti-squash-with-tuscan-alfredo/ Using these recipes as an idea launch, you can easily come up with your own version to satisfy your own tastes. Prayers for all who are ailing and wishing them a speedy recovery. We can celebrate all the little victories along the way and swell that celebration list. We all have something we are celebrating today. Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  10. I'm thankful Sue and I will get there twice next summer. We love hiking Acadia.
  11. Wishing you the best for tomorrow, Graham. It was wonderful that you could watch the ceremony, but you are right - it isn't the same as being there and seeing people in person. Your daughter is very talented. Beautiful tree. I'm glad you were never positive and that your DH is now negative. Bummer on having to wait until the 14th for the ship to test. How disappointing that you cannot go this year. I would run shuttle service for you if I were closer. Let's keep next year in mind and make it happen. Prayers that he will be home for Christmas. I know the hospital and rehab staff really work to get patients home by then. What an interesting memory. How old were you? That sounds really good! I am sorry about the devastating health news for a family member. Warm thoughts to you that you can find peace and comfort. If we on the Daily can give you some support, let us know. We're here to do that. What an experience. It is a good thing you were with your grandson. Thank you for those pictures! You are helping me decide what to do there. Thank you, Jack, for the beautiful pictures. I am more excited for this port now. Can't wait to see those eggs! So happy you are feeling better and better. Maybe some chocolate would speed up the recovery? May they rest in peace.
  12. Good morning, everyone! We had some snow last night, just enough to make the trees look pretty. I'm sure it will be gone by this afternoon unless we get more of it. My walk will probably be indoors today as the driveway and sidewalks can be a bit slick, especially in heavily treed areas. I like today's quote. What happens in the church needs to carry forth once you leave and far too often, it doesn't. I'm skipping the meal today - way too many carbs for me. The drink sounds like it would be good on Hallowe'en. I hope someone posts pictures of today's port. I'm going there next summer, God willing. As I mentioned before, today's meal is carb heavy. It is most likely delightful to eat, but it would knock me out. This first recipe calls for a brown, short grained rice instead of the usual white. It gives it a nice nutty flavor that pairs well with the butternut squash. https://cookieandkate.com/roasted-butternut-squash-risotto/ This next one uses the regular Arborio white rice and the cooking method is a little different. But, I would bet the results are just as good. https://www.loveandlemons.com/butternut-squash-risotto/ This last one lists the carb count as 52 g per serving. Wow! That is almost double my limit. I try to stick to 30 per meal. No wonder I get sleepy looking at it. But, I bet it is good! https://www.delish.com/cooking/recipe-ideas/recipes/a44148/butternut-squash-risotto-parmesan-recipe/ Enjoy, whatever you fix for dinner. I loved my salmon and snow peas last night. I might have to repeat! Rapid healing to all who are ailing and wishing you all a wonderful day.
  13. Good morning, everyone! First of all, Happy Birthday to @Cruising-along's DH, Henry! Here's hoping Carolyn is well enough for a celebration today. Thank you to @HAL Sailer for the update on DSIL. However things progress from here, let her be comfortable and peaceful. @aliaschief Glad you are feeling better! @marshhawk You have a lot on your plate. If you want, I can help with the meal planning for diabetes. chebble1 at yahoo dot com Last night we had a rousing round of Farkle Friday. We were joined this week by brother Jeff and that helped keep things moving. Next week we are moving it to Saturday as Bill has to work Friday night. Sue will be here next week so we don't want to miss it. I'm cooking one of Muzzy's Marvelous Meals from the family cookbook. Can't decide between meatloaf and beef stroganoff. Speaking of meals, we have a good one for today. I love chili and it is the perfect meal for cold weather. Right now I have a batch of chicken, sausage, and kale soup that I am alternating with my batch of chili. I froze half of each and will have them for a while. Mmmmm https://www.howsweeteats.com/2020/09/easy-turkey-chili/ I love the avocados on the one above. I like the next one because it looks to have more of a broth to go with it. I like that. https://www.healthyseasonalrecipes.com/smoky-and-sweet-turkey-chili/ This last one adds some Mexican beer to the mix and some interesting seasonings. I'd try it. No directions unless you go beyond the pay wall on Good Housekeeping, but most of us can figure out what to do. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/272467846195398662/ Wishing all of you a wonderful day. For those who are ailing or have ailing family members, my wishes for a speedy recovery. Hope all the broken and cracked bones heal quickly (Ray). I'm off to get ready for my morning walk.
  14. That is wonderful news! Hope the trend continues in a rapid upwards motion.
  15. Good morning, everyone. I hope this morning finds our sick bay residents a bit better. It is supposed to be mild and overcast today, so I'll go do my walking laps this morning. I'm having great fun discovering the neighborhood by walking around it. Yesterday I discovered I could walk to doctor's appointments easily. It takes about 30 minutes to get there and is a little over a mile. There are a couple places where I need to cross busy streets with stoplights. I never hit them where I can just keep walking. Since I managed to get license plates and put them on the car, along with a drivers license, today I am resting from my moving chores. I'm going to spend the afternoon looking at excursions for next summer's cruise. I think we've nailed down which ports are for walking around and which ones we want to book excursions in. It is time to get excited about that cruise! These Moroccan Meatballs are made with ground beef (or lamb), onions, herbs and Moroccan spices. Keeping with tradition, there's no eggs, bread or dairy in this recipe. These flavor-packed little kefta, simmered in a well-spiced fresh tomato sauce, make a wonderful main dish, with couscous or rice, and salad. https://www.panningtheglobe.com/moroccan-meatballs/ This next one is not the traditional version, but might be good on a hot day. https://www.onceuponachef.com/recipes/grilled-moroccan-meatballs-with-yogurt-sauce.html What makes these meatballs or any food “Moroccan”? You’ll notice warm spices like cinnamon, allspice, cumin, and coriander. In some ways, it may remind you a bit of curry. Often dried fruit like raisins or apricots are included, chickpeas are common, and sometimes olives or capers. This next recipe incorporates those spices into the meatballs and sauce, but it different from the first two. https://www.rachelcooks.com/moroccan-meatballs/ Guy Fieri offers this recipe for a crowd. If any of us is making it, we'd have to cut the recipe by a factor of 10. Or plan to share with the neighbors up and down the block. https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/moroccan-meatballs-recipe-2059828 Wishing everyone a wonderful day and rapid healing to those who are ailing, including @summer slope's DH. Let's hope you don't show up positive, Dixie.
  16. Good grief, woman! Go easy on yourself. How about watching some TV? Oh, Dixie, I am so sorry to hear that. Hopefully he will recover soon. It is a good thing you stopped by Urgent Care. Hope you heal quickly. Ok, Dailyites, that is enough! No more injuries or illnesses! @aliaschief, @Cruising-along, @lazey1 and anyone else who is ailing, Get Well Now! Seriously, be careful and take precautions. I hate to hear about friends who are suffering. I went and completed what I think is the last task of moving - getting my Michigan drivers license and car license plates. Wow, this is expensive! $291. They are good until April of 2024 and I did get a park pass for the state parks and registered to vote at the same time. One stop shopping.
  17. Good morning, everyone! Such sad news about the firefighters in Pennsylvania. Prayers for their families at this difficult time. Also, prayers for @HAL Sailer's DSIL. Also prayers for those battling Covid - @lazey1 and @seagarsmoker. Hoping that @Cruising-along Carolyn continues to improve. Wow! What a lot of sickness here. Let's get well, folks! This morning should be good for doing my laps. Rain is coming in later this afternoon. I'm also off to the Secretary of State's office to get license plates and a Michigan driver's license. Then, I think, the move will be complete. Today's meal is a good one for all of the Dailyites fending off illness. Grilled cheese and tomato soup were favorites as a kid. This first one is a kosher recipe. https://www.kosher.com/recipe/roasted-tomato-soup-with-parmesan-crostini-5507 Everyone's mom had the best recipe. In our house, it was Campbell's. We were kids and hadn't developed our palates yet. https://www.thecookierookie.com/moms-tomato-soup-with-cheesy-crostini/ Lastly, Ree Drummond has her contribution to the recipe file. https://www.thepioneerwoman.com/food-cooking/recipes/a11985/tomato-soup-with-parmesan-croutons/ Wishing everyone a wonderful day.
  18. Good morning, everyone. It was a rough night last night as I just couldn't relax and get to sleep. I think it was 3:30 am before I drifted off. Fortunately, the only thing I have to do is get a letter to the post office. Thanks for the pictures of Red Bay. I will be there next summer and I'm looking forward to it. I will be sure to take my netting to keep the pesky bugs away! The Tex Mex casserole sounds yummy. Probably more carbs than I want, but I can look for the low carb tortillas. This first one is for the vegetarians in the family. It is quick and easy and looks delicious. https://www.sidechef.com/recipes/134/tex_mex_tortilla_casserole/ I'm not sure what the difference is between the tortilla casserole and the tortilla pie. This next one is an enchilada casserole and it is for the carnivores in the family. https://www.melskitchencafe.com/tex-mex-enchilada-casserole/ This one is from Ree Drummond and it looks great. https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/ree-drummond/mexican-tortilla-casserole-3364358 I hope everyone has a wonderful day. For those who are ailing, prayers for a quick recovery.
  19. That is wonderful news. I would be jumping with joy if my joints would allow me to do that. I should try it and see how far off the ground I can get. About an inch - higher than I imagined.
  20. @Cat in my lap I was getting quite worried, as you know. Just let me know quickly how you're doing. You don't have to say anything beside, "a little better today." @Quartzsite Cruiser You can make it with all the carrots you want! I'll send you my portion. Well, today was quite the adventure. Brother Bill and his bride picked me up this morning and we went to pick up the U-Haul truck. We drove up to Sister Sue's with no problems, loaded the bed in the truck easily, tied it down tight, and started home. We stopped in Clare at the Doherty Hotel for lunch - one of our favorite places. Got home and unloaded the bed, set it up easily, and went out to the truck to take it back to U-Haul when we noticed part of the right front fender was missing! We hadn't hit anything, hadn't bumped anything, hadn't even gone over any really bumpy roads. But, the fender was missing. I know it wasn't missing before we left. It is the kind of thing you notice. I was just sick with worry thinking about how many hundreds or thousands of dollars this was going to cost me. So, we went to U-Haul where I tearfully confessed to the missing fender piece. They had the head guy come out and check it out. He noticed tape marks and said he thought the piece had been taped on because the tape marks were very evident once he pointed them out. He said the edges were clean and not from any accident damage and surmised that the piece just came loose and fell off. Not my fault, no charge to me. Thank God for small favors and honest people.
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