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Everything posted by Cruising-along

  1. I'd like to start with the Lemon Drop, then Apple pear cucumber salad Glazed duck breast Tiramisu Thanks!
  2. We're on 7 aft. Here is the recipe @erewhon posted here last month: 300 grams digestive biscuits 100 grams butter melted 250 grams condensed milk 2 x 45 gram packs of Kit Kat 100 grams Nestle milk chocolate Crush digestive biscuits in food processor. In medium sized bowl, mix together crushed biscuits, butter and condensed milk. Add chopped Kit Kat, fold into mixture. Scoop mixture into an 8 x 8 cm baking tin, level out the mixture, Refrigerate until set. Melt milk chocolate pour over the set base. leave to set. (Recipe says to add another 100g of butter to the chocolate when melting, but I did not do so). Of course I had to ask Google the substitutions for grams to ounces 😉 I'm guessing a little goes a long way, very sweet! But oh my it looks good. Oh and I just used a rolling pin and crushed the biscuits, seemed to be ok.
  3. I'm so glad you did it! You do deserve it and will be very glad you have the balcony on the long cruise. Wondering if you're anywhere near us, we're on deck 7. If you haven't already, don't forget to email Tallulah so she can make the change on the spreadsheet. 🙂 I've got the Kit Kat Slice in the fridge @erewhon -- it looks so good!
  4. Good morning all! I'm happy to see 3 days of sunshine and even a high of 56 F today! I'm all for cat herders, have never re-gifted and never will, and I like iced tea but not a fan of hot tea. I'll also pass on the meal (spice) and drink but the wine sounds good. 🙂 I like the quote and love GWTW -- have read the book a few times and we own the movie. This will be a very busy weekend. Today we'll pick up the DGSs after school, get them to a Taekwondo Christmas party, and then bring them home with us for the weekend. We have a lot planned, some Christmas crafts, and a Christmas Lights viewing tomorrow night. We went to the same one last year and it's the best in our area. Then on Sunday the family will have our early Christmas gathering. They're doing it early for us, so we can self-isolate before the cruise. Trying our best to stay healthy before we leave! Prayers for all on the Care List and cheers for all celebrating.
  5. So glad to hear that Tudor is still on the NS. We've enjoyed him on a couple cruises -- love his humor! When DH told him it was our 50th anniversary cruise, he turned to me and asked with a straight face "And how many years for you?" Brian @POA1 I probably missed it, but I'm wondering if Captain O'Driscoll is Captain?
  6. I will be making it this weekend! I know everyone will love it. Susan I'm so, so sorry. It isn't only the frustration, but having to sit at home waiting....
  7. I'll start with a Lemon Drop, then Caesar Salad, Fried Chicken, and the Pavlova. Thanks!
  8. Well our luggage has been picked up now, 1:30 PST. When he saw all the bags he asked if we were moving LOL. @CrabbyPatti Sending hugs -- 3 months isn't long -- it does get better with time but we'll always miss our Dads. It's been 5 years for me and I still can't believe he's gone. Happy birthday to your daughter! Glad to hear your FIL is doing better after having Covid.
  9. Bruno @atexsix It's good to hear from you, but I'm sorry you and dear Dad are having health issues. Thank goodness your stroke was mild with no new deficits. The views from your townhouse must be wonderful on a clear day! Hope to hear more from you but understand about the limitations on free time. Hope to hear you're able to take that cruise next fall.
  10. Good morning all! Good collection of days. We recently got our "report card" from the utility company and got "Good". I was horrified to see that our usage was up over 100% from a year ago ---- until DH reminded me that we were gone all that month last year. 😅 No wonder it was so low a year ago! Whew! I love the quote and is how I live too. Will pass on the meal, drink and wine today. We've been to Sweden but not Visby. Like others, we're waiting for Luggage Forward to arrive. Our original pick up time was 1-5, then 10-5. It's after 11 now. We're sending a bit 😉 Happy Anniversary Sharon and Craig @Sharon in AZ! Sandi @StLouisCruisers My sincere condolences on the death of your cousin. Jake @Crazy For Cats Safe travels! @Niagarawine Sincere condolences on the death of your FIL. Vanessa @JazzyV I hope the meds will kick in and help you get some much needed sleep (and relief!)
  11. Good afternoon everyone, I was able to get out in the garden and do a lot of clean-up. Kind of silly, I know, since there will be storms making a mess this winter while we're gone, but I feel better knowing it looks good before we leave. And it just felt good to be doing something outside after all the rain we've had. Meanwhile, DH has gotten all the bags and one box all ready for Luggage Forward tomorrow. I doubt they'll show up at 10, probably more likely 5 after we've sat home all day. But that feels good too, to have everything ready to go. Roy @rafinmd I'm happy you got a good report from the cardiologist! Susan @durangoscots That's great that your handyman is helping out and being extra "handy"! Yay! Maureen @RMLincoln Safe travels @Niagarawine I'm sorry your father in law is in the hospital with Covid. Prayers for a full recovery.
  12. Oh boy, dinnertime! I'd like Baby beets Crab cake Prime rib Hazelnut mousse cake
  13. Thanks POA! I was just answering @erewhon who asked if it was available on the ship. Didn't mean to step on any toes! I'm thoroughly enjoying your blog. 😀
  14. It showed on Tamarind's menu that Lisa posted last night (I remember because it's what I would order) 😉
  15. Good morning all! We're enjoying a second day of sunshine because the rain will be back tomorrow....and stay.... I did get some yardwork done yesterday even though it was wet, maybe I'll do more today. I'll celebrate all 3 days today, especially cocoa. The drink sounds good, and I'd drink the Chardonnay, even though I do prefer just a touch of oak in mine (not too much, just a touch). I doubt we'll ever get to Dubai, thanks for all the great photos! I'm laughing here because the meal today has everything I do not like (cilantro, dill and cumin). Needless to say I'll pass. 😂 Lorraine @cruising sister there will be some who pack a lot and some like Rich @richwmn who pack very, very little. Because we got free unlimited luggage forwarding (and only because of that) we're sending 4 large bags, checking 1 bag of OTC meds, sunscreen etc. that LF won't take, and have 2 carry-ons. So we're bringing more than we usually would -- and a lot of that is books, crafts, puzzle books etc. for all the sea days. Susan @durangoscots Oh my on the message from LF! No, don't even think of hauling those suitcases somewhere. Our pick-up time is between 1-5 pm tomorrow. But only rain here thank goodness. (edited: just got an email from LF, our time was changed to 10-5).... Vanessa @JazzyV I hope the meds will help you sleep tonight -- and/or at least a nap this afternoon. The fact you feel sleepy is encouraging that it will help you sleep. Keeping my fingers crossed!
  16. Since this is all wishful thinking on my part, I'm going to go all out. 😅 I'll start with a Cucumber Mojito, Then a glass or two of Villa Maria SV with dinner Shrimp Tempura, Jewels of the Sea Mongolian bbq lamb chops w/Dungeness crab fried rice on the side and finish with the Exotic Fruits. And now I'm stuffed. 😂
  17. Good morning all! (barely still morning here anyway!) I'm very late today, not a good night for sleep (absolutely no reason other than too much to think about). Upcoming 2-night sleep-over with the DGSs, our early Christmas gathering, and the cruise. I'll pass on the gingerbread and ambrosia, love Poinsettias. The quote is good, will pass on the meal (BLTs sound really good but I think we need to work through the freezer meat first) and pass on the red wine. The drink sounds pretty good. Have not been to Ravenna, almost but it was canceled. Lots to do, DH has been on the phone all morning getting things put on vacation hold -- garbage pick-up, car insurance, etc. etc. Plus we're paying everything ahead or putting on auto-pay. We finally have sunshine here! So today is the day for yard/garden cleanup. Rain will be back soon. Debbie @dfish We watched "Don't Look Up" last night and enjoyed it. I do wish Hollywood would stay out of politics, but oh well. Meryl Streep was a hoot, as you said, as Madame President. It may be one reason I couldn't sleep though, visions of that asteroid.....😲 Vanessa @JazzyV I so hope these meds will help you sleep. You NEED it. Honestly, I don't know how you can even function much less do all that you do. Have a good day everyone!
  18. I'd like the Chateau Ste. Michelle Chardonnay, shrimp cocktail, filet with shrimp newburg, and the apple pie ala mode please. 🙂 Yum!
  19. I love Meryl Streep and Jennifer Lawrence so I have high hopes. 😀
  20. Good morning all! Good collection of days -- I'm like @kazu, I guess I'm not crazy about apps and just "tolerate" the apps on my phone. One of my pet peeves is that our phones come with apps you cannot delete -- whether you use them or not. 😞 I've deleted all I can, and still have too many. The meal sounds good, as does the drink. I like the quote, will pass on the red wine. I was surprised to see Portland, OR on the port of the day list, I didn't know it has a cruise port -- and especially since it's so close to Astoria, which is used a lot by HAL. We lived in Portland for a couple years (around 1980 when Mt. St. Helens blew) and our daughter was born there. So we have some memories of that city! But all my photos are predigital so no photos. Annie @marshhawk I didn't know Leave the World Behind was produced by the Obamas. Also I've never watched Friends (gasp!) so didn't catch the "I'll be there for you". It did make me think, but other movies have done a better job -- just my opinion -- but it was entertaining, and that's fine. Edited to add that I Googled the movie and apparently the book it was based on had an ending that I would have liked better. 😉 I can understand why Debbie @dfishand Sue gave up on it, the music in the beginning was hard to take. Tonight we'll be watching "Don't Look Up" -- we'll see how that one is. Prayers for all on the Care List and cheers for all celebrating!
  21. We watched that last night! Even though I've never been a fan of Julia Roberts, it sounded good....I have mixed feelings about it. The ending was a letdown, for one thing (I won't say why, at risk of giving it away). But we were like "huh"???
  22. Good afternoon from a cloudy, wet PNW. Thank you @durangoscots, @bennybear, @Sharon in AZ, @aliaschief and @JazzyV for the birthday wishes for DH. He says Thank You! We're looking forward to PF Chang dinner tonight!
  23. Good morning all! First of all, DH and I want to say thank you for all the birthday wishes! @grapau27, @StLouisCruisers, @kazu, @Cruisercl, @rafinmd, @ger_77, @dfish, @puppycanducruise, @RMLincoln, @Quartzsite Cruiser, and @cunnorl all very much appreciated. 🙂 After last year's "big birthday" and celebration, this year will be low-key. We'll celebrate his birthday more on our family's early Christmas a week from today (early because we'll be kinda self-isolating before the cruise). This year is definitely not the usual. 😉 But he's been wanting dinner from PF Chang, so that's what we'll do tonight. I'll pass on the meal today -- I do love lamb, but it would be ruined for me if it had coconut and curry. The drink sounds good, will pass on the red wine. I don't think we've been to this port. We have distant relatives in TN who thank goodness are OK even though the tornado came through their town. It was a stressful time for them! Prayers for all affected. Bon Voyage @LAFFNVEGAS, @POA1, @dobiemom and @lindaler!
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