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Everything posted by Cruising-along

  1. Good morning all! Another frosty sunny morning in the PNW. Tomorrow will be our last sunny day for awhile, rain is coming! Better than snow, no complaints 🙂 Before email I wrote lots of letters. That was also before my hands got so arthritic that it's painful to write. So now it's email, FB and Christmas letters. I love French Toast, will pass on the drink and red wine. I'd like to try the meal, but not sure about the spices. Gerry @ger_77 We have Tricare because of DH's military service. Between that and Medicare, I don't remember the last time we got a bill for medical services. If we do get a bill, it's always because the clinic made a mistake in billing codes 😉 I know we're very fortunate. Roy @rafinmd I'm very relieved that the tests showed no heart failure. Prayers for a swift recovery and thank you Jacqui @kazu for posting Roy's updates. Debbie @dfish I can't believe you still haven't gotten the results of your CT scan! That's nuts! Remember when DH had pneumonia recently he got a call from his doctor before he got back home? I'm sure you've called and asked, what do they say? We have been to Naples many times, but never spent any time in the city. Instead we went to Pompeii twice, Herculaneum once, spent a few days on the Amalfi Coast, and climbed the last mile up to the top of Vesuvius. Once we went to a buffalo cheese farm. 😂 We'll be in Naples again next year and plan to go back to Pompeii for a 3rd time. New discoveries are being made all the time. Here are some photos from some of our visits to Naples, Pompeii, Herculaneum and Vesuvius. Sunset over Naples Naples and Vesuvius at night from our ship At the top of Vesuvius looking down into the steaming crater View of Naples from the top of Vesuvius Victim in Pompeii.....tragic Cinque Terre The boat houses in Herculaneum People killed at the marina during the eruption Next 3 photos are scenes of Herculaneum
  2. Good morning all! Another clear, frosty morning here. I've never thought pie in the face was funny. I love Bavarian Cream Pie but haven't had any in a long time. I had a box turtle when I was in my teens, as did our DD. I'll pass on the meal, red wine and drink, the quote is a good one. Have not been to this port. Luggage forwarding will be picking up our bags in a couple weeks. Yesterday I went through the closet choosing what to bring for the dressy and formal nights for the cruise. That involved trying on everything to see what still fits! Thankfully most of it does. I'm getting frustrated that HAL still hasn't let us know what the Theme Nights will be...hope to hear something this week. Meanwhile I'm just making educated guesses. The cruise may be a month off, but most of us are having our luggage picked up in mid December. DH is having a tooth pulled today, so I have no idea what we (I?) will have for dinner. Thank you Jacqui @kazu for sharing Roy's @rafinmd update. What a night! I hope it was all for good, and they can quickly get him feeling better. I also hope he got something to eat last night! @quilty964 I'm so sorry you've tested positive for Covid. Jack @Heartgrove I hope your DW improves quickly and sending good wishes on the job hunt.
  3. Oh, Roy. I'm so sorry to hear this. Not good for anyone, especially a diabetic. Prayers that things improve quickly.
  4. Good morning all! Another crisp, sunny morning, 28 F again this morning, now up to 34 heading for 45. I was awake for 4 hours give or take again last night -- absolutely no reason unless it was because I can't seem to turn off my brain. Vanessa @JazzyV I just don't know how you do it. At least I was able to get some sleep before and after that 4 hours, and I'm not in pain like you are. Sending (((hugs))) All good days, I'll pass on the red wine and the drink but the first 2 recipes look good to me. Last night the stuffed peppers were delicious and tonight we'll be having rotisserie chicken. That will probably make 2-3 meals for us. I haven't been to Jakarta, but my parents lived there for a few months when my Dad was there on business. I loved hearing their stories of living there. Our cruise is now only 37 days off, and HAL has yet to let us know what the Theme Nights will be....so it's a little hard to plan for those plus get ready for the holidays. Hoping they get busy this week and we hear something. Meanwhile our packing continues, I'm probably half finished. Yesterday we did a big grocery shopping, and should have enough to get us through the next 35 days other than needing to pick up milk and produce during that time. Roy @rafinmd I'm worried about you too -- please let us know what you learn at Urgent Care. @Haljo1935 Bon Voyage!
  5. Good idea Lenda, and it must look quite festive! I like both, but have only done the red ones for so long now, it would seem strange now to have the green ones so I'll just stick with the red.. Guess what! While grocery shopping today I saw that our Navy Commissary does have the Digestive Biscuits! So now I can properly make the Kit Kat Slice recipe that @erewhon gave us. I just never noticed them before. I know the family will love it on Christmas.
  6. Wow, thank you! I've copied this info and will add it to my spreadsheet 😉 Many thanks.
  7. Good morning all! Another frosty morning here, clear and 28 F when I woke up. Heading for a high of 44 F. I love parfaits, and maize (corn) is my favorite vegetable. Unfortunately it's also the worst for my blood sugar! We'll be getting groceries today at the Commissary and I do have my shopping list (reminder) started. The Christmas shopping is finished. I like the quote, prefer meat in my stuffed peppers and never have used a recipe. Always use red peppers because DH doesn't like the green, and I like to add grated melted cheese over the tops. That actually sounds very good for tonight. Viognier is one of my favorite wines, and I'd like to try the drink. Melbourne is on the itinerary for the GA, our plan is a city and garden tour, then I'd like to take the tram to the market. Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers for the info. Since we'll be there during their summer, I'm sure we won't feel like walking 9 miles that day like you did! 😂 I'm a cool-weather walker. 😉 Vanessa @JazzyV I do hope you can get a nap today and prayers for your pain to get better (preferably go away!). You have put up with this for far too long. 😞 Gerry @ger_77 Great news that your DH's CT was fine and the culprit must be his blood thinners. Annie @marshhawk I'm sorry you're having tummy troubles and hope it passes soon. Sandi @StLouisCruisers I'm sorry you're also having tummy troubles and hope it's a 24-hour thing too. It was exactly 1 year ago now when I was SO sick for weeks and couldn't hold down anything. It's what messed up my kidneys -- so now I worry anytime I hear about tummy troubles. Thanks all for the great photos of Melbourne! Getting so excited!
  8. Ugh, you have my sympathy. That's an early flight. Our next flight (Jan. 1) is actually out of Everett! It's at 9am and we're still getting a hotel near the airport the night before because of the horrible traffic at that hour getting across the trestle. That can take a half-hour in itself. This will be a first for us -- flying home we'll fly into SeaTac but at least it's at a civilized hour. 😉
  9. Thanks Sharon. Good to know you'll be staying there again. We travel with a sound machine everywhere we go. If it isn't construction, it's loud neighbors -- or both. I think the conveniences will outweigh the inconveniences. @cat shepard Great photo!! It took me a few seconds but found it!
  10. Good morning all! Our plan is to stay off the roads today. With the many shopping outlets near us, the roads and stores are always packed on Black Friday. We don't have any need anyway, most of our shopping was done online. I do know the family health on my DM's side. Diabetes ran rampant and still does. Every generation. It hasn't hit our children's generation, but they're still in their 40's. Family curse I guess. I have a few talents, but none of them are really unique, and I won't be celebrating D.B. Cooper. I would like the salmon without the turnips and chard, will pass on the drink and red wine. Have not been to the port. I hope everyone who celebrates had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday. We had a very nice afternoon with DS and DDIL, just the 4 of us and the pups. I think it was the first time we've had time together just the 4 of us since they moved here from CA last year. Very nice! And DDIL is such a good cook, I loved every bite -- especially nice because I didn't make a thing! We'll be enjoying left overs tonight. 🙂 Debbie @dfish My tradition (after my dear Dad) is a piece of pie for breakfast the morning after. I just haven't decided yet if it will be pumpkin or apple. 😉 Bon Voyage to @Himself, @Niagarawine and @Seasick Sailor! Happy Anniversary @Vict0riann! Jacqui @kazu Happy Heavenly Birthday to your dear Jose. I'm glad you will be with your BFF today. Debbie @dfish I love that you'll have 3 Christmas trees. We always have had 2. It seems so strange to not be decorating this year!! I've always loved decorating for Christmas. We'll need photos, of course! My Grand-pups getting their Thanksgiving treat.
  11. Wonderful! The selling point for me is the Wyndham has an airport shuttle, and we can walk across the street to the ship. Still within walking distance to a Rite Aid for last minute things too.
  12. Good morning all and Happy Thanksgiving! We will be eating our share of cranberries today, I like espresso once in awhile, and haven't seen a jukebox in years. I like the quote but will pass on the meal, drink and red wine. We were in Tallin once, I'd love to go again. We're looking forward to sharing the Thanksgiving meal at DS and DDIL's today. And I'm really enjoying not having to cook one darn thing! I just realized it will happen again next year because we'll be on a cruise for Thanksgiving -- I could get spoiled! We'll be heading down to check on DD's cats before going to DS and DDIL's, meanwhile I'll do the usual, more cruise planning 😉 This morning I changed our San Diego hotel back to what I'd originally booked -- Wyndham Bayside. I see several of our Dailyites will be at that hotel too. 🙂 Looking forward to meeting everyone and can't wait for the cruise. We've been to Tallinn once, in 2014 on the Eurodam. I loved that town! So walkable and interesting. We did a Rick Steves self walking tour and thoroughly enjoyed the day. I would love to get back there again. Here are some of my photos from our day in Tallinn. Four ships in port that day One of our first sights Fat Margaret Tower Alexander Nevsky Cathedral Headquarters for the Brotherhood of Blackheads, a group of unmarried men formed to protect the city in the mid-14th century. I noticed Sandi @StLouisCruisers liked this building too. The city wall Clock on Church of the Holy Ghost Tall Herman Tower Toompea Castle (Pink Castle) Town Hall Square We walked to the top of a hill for this great viewpoint.
  13. This sounds just like our family. We've been known to have more pies than people in attendance. 😂 Me too! I'd never heard of this before. Drat! So sorry about the drain back-up. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
  14. Good morning all! It's taken me awhile to read the 3 pages -- you've all been busy! I had a few freckles when I was a child, I love cranberry relish, and we went for a ride yesterday when we drove down to Total Wine and to DD's house to check on their cats. It was a full day after my labs in the morning and today I'm looking forward to staying home! I'll pass on the wine and drink, and like meat in my chili. We will be in Tauranga on the GA, we have a private tour booked for that day. Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers for the great photos! The test results for my latest kidney function came in a little after midnight last night. As far as I can tell, most things stayed steady, but there was a slight dip in one important test...so I'm waiting to hear what the doctor says, and hoping it isn't a concerning dip but only typical fluctuation between tests. It was still way better than at it's lowest point when everyone was so concerned. Still, I was hoping for improvement but maybe I've reached a plateau and this is how it will be. I must have the best DDIL in the world, she's insisting on doing ALL the cooking for tomorrow. This is the first time in my adult life that I won't be making at least half of the food for Thanksgiving. It feels good! DDIL is a great cook, so I know it will all be yummy! It will just be the 4 of us and the pups, since DD is in Canada with her DH and in-laws. Happy Birthday @1ANGELCAT! Bon Voyage Pennie @Nickelpenny! Enjoy the Volendam and when you can, let us know how she is. We can't wait for our turn in January. Jack @HeartgroveI'm sorry to hear you got Covid and hope it stays mild. Gerry @ger_77 Prayers that your DH's CT results come back quickly and it's nothing to worry about. Annie @marshhawk I'm sorry to hear your friend has kidney cancer and it's spread. What a shame he wouldn't go in sooner. @lindaler Welcome home!
  15. Good (late) morning all! I had a lab appointment this morning so am running late today. This was for my kidney function, we'll see if it has improved any since the last test 7 months ago. I feel like I've been as good as I can be, so we'll see... I've never been a fan of the flavor of ginger, so have never cared for gingerbread or gingerbread cookies. I do like the smell of it though. 😂 What would we do without our televisions. Ours isn't on much of the time, but we do have a couple favorite shows. Don't want to jinx myself, but we haven't lost any socks in the laundry in quite awhile so no odd socks here. I'll pass on the drink and red wine, but would like the chicken without the squash. We had 4 full days in Israel in 2011 when our 2 days in Egypt were canceled. So I have lots of photos from Ashdod, but they would be too much like what has already been posted so I won't hunt them up. We also floated in the Dead Sea, what a hoot! I didn't get salt water in my eyes, but did get it in my mouth. 🤢 This afternoon we'll make a run to Total Wine and then stop by to see DD's cats. The family is up in Whistler for their yearly Thanksgiving with DSIL's family so we have cuddle duty with their cats. I see that "Parkirak" is still showing posts on yesterday's thread -- did he post here today also?
  16. Good early evening! I had a great time with BFF at lunch and our usual after-lunch walk and then visit on a park bench until the sun was dipping down and it was getting too chilly. She even bought my lunch because I won't be here on my birthday this year (we always treat each other on our birthdays). Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser Oh No on the head bump! That sounds so painful. Take it easy tonight and I hope the bruise won't be too bad. Vanessa @JazzyV and Debbie @dfish I'm glad you both were able to get naps this afternoon. @erewhon Thank you but it's @cruising sister who had the surgery today, not me -- hope we hear tomorrow that she's doing well.
  17. Good morning all! We have partial sun and highs in the mid 40's F here today. A good day for walking after lunch with BFF. It will be the last time we get together until April after my cruise, so glad her test was negative so we can do this! All worthy days, but I don't care for peanut butter fudge -- fudge should be chocolate 😉 Chicken Parmesan sounds really good, in fact it may be what I order today for lunch. Love all the recipes, thanks Debbie @dfish. Will pass on the drink but I love Marlborough wines so I know I'd love this one too. We haven't been to New Guinea -- thank you for the photos Sandi @StLouisCruisers! Lorraine @cruising sister Sorry to hear about your stomach upset last night but glad it's over now and sending good wishes for a successful surgery and swift recovery. I know exactly how you feel about apprehension and excitement about the GANZ because it's how I feel too. We've been gone for 75 days before, I don't know why 94 seems so much longer (?) I think for me it's the fact it won't be nearly as easy to FaceTime with the family because of the huge time difference... Terry @smitty34877 Oh my on poor puppy swallowing the sock and needing surgery! Poor little thing! Nancy @ottahand7 Thank you for posting the gorgeous photo of the sunrise. Debbie @dfish Another one with GI distress! I hope you're doing a lot better today. Strange, I had leg cramps last night too (woke me up twice). Otherwise I slept well. So glad River can spend Thanksgiving with you!
  18. Good morning all! All good days today, I like rum so would probably like the drink, will pass on the red wine and the meal sounds yummy but for another time. I'll be having my labs on Tuesday, so I must be good. 😉 The port looks lovely, thanks for posting Lenda's @Quartzsite Cruiser photos Sandi @StLouisCruisers. It's one we haven't been to, but would love to see. Not a good night's sleep last night, my mind wouldn't turn off. Maybe I can grab a nap today, but then I wouldn't sleep tonight....We made good progress yesterday on the Christmas gifts and starting the packing of the bags that will be forwarded. Lots more to do, but we have a few weeks. My BFF tested negative -- hurrah! So lunch tomorrow is still a go. Annie @marshhawk I hope Chuck is ok today after his fall. Bruce @aliaschief Sorry you aren't feeling well and also hope you can get some help with the knee issue. You can't miss that cruise! Bon Voyage @Cruzin Terri!!
  19. True, who knows...our Celebrity cruise was in September.
  20. Good morning all! We have an interesting sky this morning. Looks like a sunny morning but I know rain is in the forecast. I like apple cider once in awhile, DDIL worked for Disney as an Imagineer and always said she "worked for the Mouse". I feel like a princess when we sail on a BHB! I'll pass on the meal and drink, but am sure I would like the wine. Have not been to the port. Today I need to work more on the Christmas shopping (online). I have 1 person taken care of, lots more to do. The cards are all addressed and ready to send in a few weeks. Sandi @StLouisCruisers I'm sorry to hear that you'll most likely cancel the cruise -- I was looking forward to meeting you. I do understand though. We're happy that Egypt was kept, we haven't been there since 2006 and would love to get back again. I dreamed about Egypt last night LOL. Bon Voyage @Cruise Suzy! @Lady Hudson I'm so sorry to hear that your DH and DS are dealing with health issues. Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser Safe travels to AZ! @Haljo1935 Very sorry to hear your DH has bronchitis and you're dealing with viral gastrointestinal issues. Hope you both feel better soon.
  21. We had something like this on a recent Celebrity cruise, so glad to see HAL is doing it too.
  22. Good afternoon, Three of us had a really nice visit 'round the fire pit this afternoon. One of the 4 had to cancel because she's feeling under the weather -- congestion and sinus issues. We missed her, and hope we'll get another chance to do this when she's feeling better. It was a gorgeous day today! BFF is still waiting to get the Covid test results. Apparently even though her doctor told her she would get the results today, now they're saying 48-72 hours. So that would be tomorrow at the soonest. As I was out visiting, DH started packing. Nice to get that started and figure out the luggage situation. I hope everyone had a nice day!
  23. Good morning all! It's a bright, sunny morning here in the PNW. Perfect day for our fire pit gathering this afternoon. I was pleased that everyone is eager to come, it's been too long. We have a great group. I won't be taking a hike, most of my walking is done on the treadmill lately. I salute all students, and will pass on the Baklava -- too sweet for me and as Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser said, it isn't chocolate. 😉 I'll also pass on the meal but the drink and wine both sound good. Last night I made Quiche to use up the ham and some cheese we had, something I hadn't made in years. It was tasty! I don't agree with the quote and haven't been to La Paz. Yesterday we had a little bit of a scare. DH was told to do a follow-up chest x-ray after having the pneumonia, and after the x-ray they sent him for a CT scan. Apparently it was better but something didn't look right. Thankfully the PA called him as soon as he got home after the scan and let him know that there's nothing to worry about, the scan showed no problem. Whew! Someone else I'm worrying about today, my BFF told me last night she'd been exposed to Covid and woke up yesterday with a scratchy throat. Her doctor did a test that is more accurate than the rapid tests, and she's waiting to hear the results. We have plans to have lunch together on Monday, so I'm hoping she's ok for several reasons. @seagarsmoker I was dismayed to hear that you got caught up in the company layoffs. I hope you can find something else soon. Vanessa @JazzyV Yay about 5 hours of sleep! Now to get rid of that darn pain and back to feeling better.
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