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Everything posted by Cruising-along

  1. Good morning all! It will be another sunny day here, high 70's. Tomorrow shows a chance of rain, we really need it (yes, it can get very dry here in the middle of summer) πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜„ When people from other parts of the country ask when is the best time to come, I always tell them July or August (especially if they don't like rain). Interesting collection of days. Living in Montana we saw a lot of cowboys, I like vanilla ice cream but only with a slice of cake or pie or in a sundae -- never just a scoop by itself. Sadly a school friend drowned in a local park when we were in high school 😞 I remember getting lessons at the Y when I was small, then in high school in CA swimming was required in PE. We had a pool then, so I got a lot of practice. I'll pass on the meal (spice), drink (coconut) and red wine. Interesting that it's a blend with Viognier, one of my favorite white wines. Have never been to Japan. Thanks for all the photos! Yesterday it took awhile, but my Grand Australia spreadsheet is now up to date with all our itinerary changes. Thankfully so far all the private tour operators have agreed to the date changes. Waiting for refunds on those that had to be canceled. It will be interesting to research our 3 new ports, but so far they appear to be very small and most likely beach days. @summer slope Dixie Happy Birthday!! I hope your day is splendid. @Denise T Fancy is adorable. Are the 3 cats welcoming or shunning him? Since things are going well I'm guessing they're ok with the new fur baby. πŸ™‚
  2. I join the others, this is rotten news. Continued prayers for sweet baby Murphy, all the family, and the medical team.
  3. Good morning all! I would love to have a hammock, but probably would end up splat on the ground when it's time to get out of it...today will be a day of leisure compared to yesterday after 13 hours with the DGS -- but still will be a day of laundry and redoing my Grand Australia spreadsheet after all our itinerary changes. When I hear spoonerisms I think of my dear DF -- he did a lot of them, mostly unintentional and quite funny! I miss him. The drink sounds yummy, and maybe the meal, but I don't have any saffron. Maybe if someone else made it for me. Haven't decided yet what will be for dinner tonight. We may BBQ something. Have never been to this port, thank you Jacqui @kazu and Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser for the great photos! Bon Voyage Debbie @dfish and Sue, Jake @Crazy For Cats and Juan, and Edi @NextOne! Thank you for the lovely photos of your Iris Nancy @ottahand7.
  4. Good afternoon We had a great time at the zoo and after picking up our oldest DGS from camp we’re resting at their house before going out for dinner. As many times as we’ve gone to the zoo here, I seem to see new things each time. For one thing this was the first time we were able to see a couple programs. First was the feeding of the penguins (trout) and then training a gorgeous tiger. All fascinating. We also saw Grizzlies and a beautiful Lynx.
  5. A quick good morning everyone before we head to Seattle. It will be a long but hopefully fun day with the DGSs. Zoo, dinner out, then games etc. etc. tonight. Probably a 12-14-hour day. Tomorrow I rest! Like others have said, our Grand Australia itinerary had LOTS of changes last night. No more Bora Bora (not a surprise there) but another port taken off (and we had a fun private tour booked there). 😒 I feel for those arranging private tours because their work has been cut out for them now. Ports removed and others have had their dates changed. At least 3 new ports to research. My spreadsheet will have to be completely redone LOL! Happy Birthday Craig @Sharon in AZ!! Safe travels and Bon Voyage to all who are cruising!
  6. I was worried about DH, he's claustrophobic -- but he was fine. And the lights along the pathway going down went out so we were in pitch darkness for what seemed like minutes but was probably less than a minute. It was quite the experience!
  7. Thanks Jacqui, I agree and have had the same experience. Gardening can be one big experiment sometimes. I can't count the number of plants I've replaced. We're the original owners of the home, so I started from scratch. Yes, curious indeed!
  8. Wow, the sage and Marigolds have grown! Like I said, I didn't have much luck growing anything when we lived in a hot, dry place, so I think you're doing well. I wonder if the Zinnias didn't get enough light after the sage and Marigolds overshadowed them (?) Jacqui @kazu any thoughts?
  9. Lenda I just re-checked the price now, it's $299.95 p/p. I wasn't remembering correctly yesterday.
  10. Good morning all! It will be another sunny day in the low 80's here, then will cool off to the 70's for awhile. One of my tomatoes in the yard is starting to turn -- yippee! I haven't had an ice cream soda since I was a child, and like others I prefer a float. Hot dogs are ok, but no plans to have one today, and will pass on the lollipops. Love the quote, it sounds just like BFF and me. Will pass on the drink (coconut and pineapple). The wine that Ann @cat shepardsuggested sounds lovely. I haven't tried King Estate wine but have always liked most Willamette Valley wines. My choice tonight will be my usual, one of the NZ Sauvignon Blancs. The meal sounds yummy too, I printed off the first recipe. Tonight we'll be having Chicken Pesto meatballs with Marinara sauce though. We've been to Norway but not this area. I remember the first moon walk well, I watched it with my parents on TV. DH was stationed across the country, and we were preparing for our wedding in September. @dfish Debbie safe travels for you and Sue! @cruising sister Lorraine that's great news about baby Murphy πŸ™‚
  11. I took this tour in 2006, so I honestly don't remember how long the ship was in port. It was a 12-hour day (8 am - 8 pm), because of traffic in Alexandria. IMO if this is a bucket list item for you, do it!! It was an amazing day that I'll never forget. DH and I went into a pyramid, a thrill of a lifetime. I wouldn't consider a private tour either, not only because of the distance, but because you could get tangled up in traffic as we did and be late getting back.
  12. I see that HAL is offering that flight tour on our cruise too. Very smart of you to get it on your own! I don't know how much it was in 2002, but they want over $200 p/p now. Our tour is a private tour and I've had my eye on it but had to wait for them to open it up for the cruise season. Thank you so much, Lenda. I bet it isn't a lack of a green thumb, but where you live? When we lived east of San Diego on the edge of the desert I couldn't grow anything. Even my tomatoes were all eaten by horrid tomato worms. 😞
  13. Good afternoon from a sunny, just right 80 degrees PNW. My only accomplishment so far today has been to get my hair cut, water the garden and lawn, and to book another tour for the Grand Australia. This one goes out of Broome and among other things it takes us to see some dinosaur prints. I’ve been waiting for this one to show up. @NextOnepraying that your friend makes a full recovery. @Lady HudsonHappy 54th anniversary! You got married 2 months before we did. 😁 β€œOld Spice” sweet peas (they smell SO good) Looks like I’ll be adding more lime, the Hydrangeas are losing their pink color this year. Liatris
  14. Good morning all! Today and tomorrow are heating up from the 70's to the 80's then will cool off again on Friday. Fine with me! On Friday we'll be going to the zoo with the youngest grandson, then after picking up the other DGS from camp we'll be with them late into the evening while DD and DSIL have a night Interesting days -- instead of raspberry cake, I would choose chocolate cake with raspberry filling -- yum. I'd like the drink but pass on the red wine. And yay on the meal, one of our favorites. I printed off the 2nd recipe and would just add some feta. Hope to make it soon! Have never been to the port, thanks for the excellent photos Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser and Sandi @StLouisCruisers. Today I need to get my hair cut (seems a lot of us are doing that this week!) Last week I had a scare at the ATM machine, one I've used many times. When I inserted my card it kept saying "cannot read card" but it wouldn't go in further and wouldn't come out. I could see it, but no amount of pulling on it worked. Hitting "cancel" didn't help either. It just stayed there, stuck. Thankfully the credit union was open another few minutes so I dashed over there and they canceled that card (whew) and gave me a new one. Now I'm nervous about using that machine again. Have a great day everyone. Prayers for all on the care list and big cheers for everyone on the celebration list.
  15. Good morning all! I'm later than usual, another poor night of sleeping. Strangely I slept better finally after 4:30 am and then until 8:30 (very late for me). Another beautiful sunny day and mid 70's here. I won't see any of my kids today to hug, but was able to hug some of them a couple days ago. Not a fan of sour candy, and listening is an art we all need to perfect. The quote isn't true for anyone I know, will pass on the drink and red wine. We'll be in New Caledonia on the Grand Australia, but not this port. I would like the meal but would have to cut the spice and the salt. Otherwise it sounds very good. Last night I made the Penne Pasta with Pesto, it was a hit! I added some peas, tomatoes, fresh basil and chicken. Not sure yet what will be for dinner tonight. Today we'll hopefully be making a trip to the dump (garage clean-out) and DH will be making a visit to Comcast....big billing mistake. Oddly our next-door neighbor also had a billing mistake this week. You'd think with what they charge us they could afford to hire better people...πŸ™„ @Nickelpenny I loved hearing about your swimming experiences. Our son was a swimmer (not the caliber you were, but he did get 2nd in State in the 100-yard backstroke. He missed 1st by 3 one hundredths of a second). His main event was the 50-free. One of his competitors in that event went on to the Olympic Trials. It was always a thrill watching that boy swim!
  16. Another local here and another vote for the aquarium and/or zoo. Our 8-year-old grandson loves both.
  17. Good morning all! We woke up to some drizzle this morning and we really need it. Hopefully it will be enough to help. The lawn has gotten really dry. After today there's no rain in the forecast. Neither DH or I have any tattoos and don't plan to get any πŸ˜‰ DS has one small one on his shoulder blade, a piranha chasing smaller fish. He got it when he was on the Naval Academy swim team. DD has a "thing" about needles so I know she won't ever get a tattoo! Not sure why we celebrate someone who -- either pulled a fast one, or made a big mistake -- I like emojis as long as the message isn't cluttered with them. Will pass on the red wine, the drink sounds refreshing. I think I'll make the penne with pesto tonight, maybe add a little chicken. Last night I made the salmon burgers -- it was ok but not a favorite so I think it was a once and done for us. We've been to Norway but not to Molde. Strange quote, at least the first half. @Crazy For Cats Jake Happy 19th Anniversary! @summer slope Dixie sending hugs today as you pick up Bailey's ashes. @kazu Jacqui gorgeous flowers -- is that a Jackmanii Clematis? I love mine! @ottahand7 Nancy WOW on the fish! And beautiful flowers πŸ™‚ @ger_77 Sending my condolences on the passing of your friend.
  18. Good morning all! I'm not a big fan of Barbershop music but it's ok in small doses. I'm definitely not a geek, but our DS is, and DD is to a smaller degree. Don't think I live in a fool's paradise. Funny quote! We'll be in Moorea on the Grand Australia and have a private tour planned. Thank you Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser and Sandi @StLouisCruisers for the great photos. I'll pass on the drink and wine, but have printed out the first recipe and will make it later in the week. Tonight we're having tacos and DH will be working the following 2 days so that means no big meal planning. Maybe we'll have the salmon on Sunday. As I thought, I'm still aching all over from my work in the "jungle" behind our house. Thankfully it's cool enough here and I can have a heating pad on my back. Our high today will just get to the low 70's, but it will heat up to the high 70's this weekend. @kazu Jacqui I'm sorry you and Ivan both felt unwell yesterday. I hope today will be better for both of you. @StLouisCruisers Sandi thank you for sharing the photos of your darling grand-pups. Very cute! @marshhawk Annie I agree with others and hope your DH goes to visit his DM now. When my DM wasn't doing well and was on hospice, the hospice nurse told me nothing would happen soon. So I didn't go up to see her that day -- then I was sorry I didn't go, of course, and she passed before I could see her. His chemo treatments complicate things further too.
  19. Good afternoon, I did get back into the "jungle" behind the fence and got those pesky Cottonwood shoots all cut off. The area is full of blackberry vines too, so it wasn't very pleasant and the depressing thing is they will just grow back again into big nuisances. We've tried putting "stuff" on the stumps to stop them, but nothing has worked. So, I'm aching all over but still glad I did it. At least I slowed them down until next year and I had a good work out. 🀣 Lorraine @cruising sister Wonderful news about sweet baby Murphy! Edi @NextOne Cheering for you that all the polyps were non-cancerous! Yippee!
  20. Good morning all! Good collection of days, I'll pass on the drink, would like the Riesling but it may be a bit sweet. I'll pass on the meal -- love salmon with lemon and garlic, but not all that butter....I know, just not a butter person! πŸ˜… I think the Hitchcock quote is being taken way too seriously...he had quite a sense of humor and this was an example of it. His shows always had a moral and the "bad guys" never got away with their bad deeds. Nobody approves of murder. We still watch his shows from the 50's. We'll be at this port in 2025, thanks for the wonderful photos! @Denise T I'm glad your doctor took you off Metformin. I was on it for years and it was NOT good for my kidneys. That and Omeprazole (heart burn) were the worst for kidneys, so glad I'm not on either one anymore. Today I hope to get back behind my neighbor's fence and cut off the sprouts coming up out of the Cottonwood stumps. The trees were cut down but they're sprouting now, ugh. Wish we could eradicate them altogether. Have a wonderful day everyone!
  21. Good morning all! I'll celebrate cheering up the lonely and blueberry muffins, but won't celebrate censorship. The drink looks good as does the champagne, and I would like the meal as a side dish (minus the dill). I don't think I've been to Cabo San Lucas. Thanks for the great photos! Today will be more cruise planning and gardening. We have pretty much the same weather that @Vict0riann has, no rain in the forecast. I need to do some watering today. Sure enjoying this weather! I hope everyone has a great day!
  22. What’s blooming here today. 🌸🌻🌼 Fuchsia Sweet Peas Hydrangea The Liatris is just starting Jackmani Clematis
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