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Everything posted by klfrodo

  1. The Cruise Air board gave you excellent advice
  2. None of them are guaranteed to work. Many times, connectivity is bad to non existent no matter what plan you buy. However, at other times it’s very good. The only guarantee or close to a guarantee would be from a wifi spot on shore.
  3. Sounds like you’re experiencing what they call a rebound after taking Paxlovid. since that medication is by prescription, I can only assume that you have documentation from a medical professional regarding your original positive? That might help your case. If not to board the ship, at least with your travel insurance
  4. I don't believe it's written anywhere that you are to be notified of any itinerary change. In fact, you'll probably notice that the cruise line has the option of changing any itinerary at any moment without notification. People who cruise often are very aware of this and it is quite common. Not that my opinion matters but I enjoy HMC very much.
  5. I've listened to Sirius XM using the mobile app on my phone while cruising the Caribbean. I either use my headphones while walking around town or at the beach, or I've used my Bluetooth speaker in my cabin.
  6. All I can say is WOW! Step back, put the cell phone down (or any modern electronic device), and step away. If you don't know what you're doing with electronic devices. ASK your grandkids, nieces, nephews, neighborhood kids, or just go to the local elementary school. Don't post on the world wide web that Mark Twain was right.
  7. I'd have expected a 22yo to be responsible enough to not lose his only WHTI compliant photo document prior to need. Missing the cruise is a great reminder of having responsibility.
  8. Ya'll are sounding like 1st graders arguing about whose more right. I got the answers. I thank all of you! Don't prove Mark Twain as correct.
  9. Can you save money? That's the big question isn't it? If $$$ is the only concern, then yes, you probably can. However, if you think you are buying the exact same ticket from a consolidator for $500 less than you can directly from the airline, you might have to wonder why. The tickets are NOT the same. However, if you educate yourself, weigh the risks, and still decide to go with Fly2Fun, then you've made a great choice for you.
  10. I really doubt that anyone can help in this instance. The restrictions placed on (Consolidator) Fly2Fun air travel tickets can be different for any ticket. Could even be different that the person you are flying with. (Fly2Fun tickets are NOT exactly the same as tickets you would have purchased directly thru the airlines website.) Until Carnival actually pays the airline (which is usually 30 to 45 days before the trip begins), no one will know.
  11. Glad to hear that it worked out in your favor. I would be curious to know if the reason it worked out well for you has anything to do with consumer protection laws in Canada? Or did your TA just accept that they made a mistake and are honoring the original price and "do the right thing"?
  12. In a desire to remove this from the courtroom and out of parliament, I wish to thank all of you for your valuable input. I have received my answers.
  13. 1. Yes, actually you'll be required to show the completed ArriveCan before being allowed into the cruise terminal at the beginning of each cruise. 2. Yes 3. No. There is no charge. (Unless of course you've gone to a Spam site)
  14. Review that. I don't believe Medicaid covers healthcare costs outside of the US either. For Travel Insurance purposes, if you have to file a claim AND your travel insurance is "Secondary", THEN you must file with Medicare first, receive the denial letter, THEN you can file with the travel insurance. There are some Medicare Supplement plans that do cover outside of the US, but these are limited to $50K lifetime maximum.
  15. So, my takeaway is probably no requirement for a UK ETA will most likely not be required for our visit to the UK in 2023. However, the whole Brexit thing has me confused about the possibility of a day trip from London to Paris via EuroTrain. Would I need an EU ETIAS as a US Citizen traveling RT from London?
  16. I thought of that also as I re-read after posting but let it slide. However, for accuracy, I should have said Citizen. Thanks
  17. What are you asking? If you filed all the proper documentation, then Trip Delay was the right way to go. But, it depends on what travel insurance you purchased. Carnival's policy maxes out at $500 under Trip Delay. The policies that I purchase maxes out at 150% of Trip Cost. Plus there are minimum time limits on different policies. Anywhere from a 4 hour delay to a 48 hour delay. The definition for your policy would be in the details. If Carnival is giving you an FCC, the insurance company will determine that you have been made whole. I assume you can fight it and decline the FCC but you may be in an uphill battle "proving" you cancelled for a "covered" reason. "Carnival told us not to board" would probably not be a "Covered" reason.
  18. I use Tile Tile’s Bluetooth tracker devices can find just about anything you're tracking | Tile (thetileapp.com)
  19. To further clarify what Babr is saying, First understand that Carnival insurance is Secondary when it comes to medical coverage. What does that mean? If you have Medicare or any other health insurance, You must apply to them for reimbursement. Then after they pay their share (or send you a denial letter), then you file with AON. So, by going with what you have posted, it could very well mean your claim is going to be denied. Or, the claim is so small they just overlook the secondary part. Second, all insurances are regulated by each individual State. Yours would be the Division of Financial Regulation. Found here. https://dfr.oregon.gov/insure/Pages/index.aspx Each State has a requirement in which claims are to be addressed. For me, it's 30 days after acknowledgement of receipt. File a complaint with them. That should help get the ball rolling.
  20. Pre-pandemic, wasn't the UK going to institute a program for visitors to the UK to complete before arrival such as the ESTA program the US has for citizens of the UK? I do recall that the plan was put on the back burner once the pandemic hit. Has the UK reinstituted the program? If so, is there a link available? Thanks
  21. You shouldn't have any problems IF what you are claiming is a "Covered" reason. Many people think or thought (me included) that since I adulted and bought travel insurance, that I was free from anything that might go wrong. Fortunately, I never discovered how wrong I was until I started reading the insurance board. Babr is correct in that if you filed under the wrong coverage, they could deny based on that fact. They may not say, hey, this is Trip Delay not Trip Interruption, and just automatically correct it for you. Also, if the airline gives you a credit for the missed connection, the insurance will consider that as you are being made whole. Good luck with your claim.
  22. Cruise line insurance does offer some benefits such as they don't price based on age, they include Cancel For any Reason, and the price is cheaper. However, the negatives are low medical coverage (only $20K max), the medical is secondary and doesn't not cover any pre-existing conditions. And it only covers the timeframe of the cruise in most cases. If you drive or fly, maybe spend a day pre-cruise or post cruise, that time is not covered. But at the very least, EVERYONE needs to understand that insurance is almost always reimbursement AFTER the fact. If you get hurt on an excursion and need medical, YOU have to pay either cash or via credit card up front. Then file for reimbursement when all is said and done. Cozumel International Hospital is not going to directly bill Medicare, BCBS, United Healthcare, none of them
  23. A couple of ideas. First understand that Carnival is no longer involved. It's between you and AON. Second, all insurances are regulated by each individual State. Yours would be the Nevada Division of Insurance. Found here. Nevada Division of Insurance (nv.gov) Each State has a requirement in which claims are to be addressed. For me, it's 30 days after acknowledgement of receipt. File a complaint with them. That should help get the ball rolling. However, also understand that insurance companies are also dealing with the ramifications of the pandemic. (Not that they were slower in accepting your money 😲) But my reimbursement did take about 6 weeks. (About 2 weeks after I filed my complaint.)
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