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Everything posted by AusMum

  1. The question was asked on another forum about Endeavour and parkas. It's my understanding that the jackets are only for certain destinations. This passenger is going from England to Scotland and wants to know if they are included, even if this is on an expedition trip. I have tried google and ended up back here. thanks!
  2. I'm Australian and I much prefer the South Island, but I love Melbourne more than I love Sydney 🙂 we self drove both islands, so can't comment on an ocean voyage. We have done several sailings to other destinations in the South Pacific, with varying degrees of weather.
  3. We are on Endeavour this September. We didn't even consider the layout of the ship, its restaurants or its pool - our only consideration was the amazing itinerary of eastern Greenland. We saw an ad on tv showing polar bears, then $28,000 each (within less than 24 hours) we were booked! it was later we found out about butlers etc 🙂
  4. Great to know when doing a 16 night cruise or more
  5. I've just been on Virgin's Resilient Lady Have been to Alaska twice. Our last cruise was on Celebrity where the highlight for us was Icy Straits - we got to witness whales bubble feeding. It was a very emotional experience.
  6. We are on The Endeavour this September. The itinerary keeps changing, but feel this might be normal? I'm hoping to see polar bears in Greenland...
  7. None on Resilient Lady, but loads of satin and plenty of funny pjs
  8. we almost booked with them, but it could probably happen to anyone? hate all the loungechair experts coming out calling it a "floating petri dish"
  9. We are doing a cruise from Reykjavik that goes up the east coast of Greenland. We are doing Iceland via road.
  10. "Everything needs to be secure down below" lol Davenport have some great ones too 🙂
  11. Saw this new ad on tv tonight, and now I’m super excited about cruising! https://youtu.be/YGu-LBVTugs
  12. I’m female and 100% agree with you. Ties can look really ‘stuffy’ on some men. There’s some beautiful shirts available these days.
  13. I am Gen x and I think you are accurate. I've noticed my inlaws, now in their 70s, have ceased to travel as much. I'm disappointed for them because it was something they really enjoyed (especially cruises). Their needs are now very different. When I saw the advertisements for Antarctica and the Arctic, my husband and I both agreed we were at a stage in our lives where we needed to do more expedition style journeys whilst we were 'still physically able'. We all age differently, and you get some people in their 70s and 80s who are fitter than people 30 years younger! Unfortunately, my father in law is already showing signs of dementia, and it's just becoming too risky for him to be on the other side of the world with my husband's mother. They did have their travel dreams abruptly halted because of the pandemic, but many others experience life changing and unpredictable hurdles in life. In 2021 I had a tough battle with septicaemia, that infected my heart and my eyes. I was given a 5 to 10% chance of survival. Consequently, I ended up in hospital 9 times in 2021/22 and got through the worst of it. Sadly it caused glaucoma in my eyes, which is something I am still fighting. I have surgery again in a few weeks time, to once again try to save my sight. We've been lucky enough to experience many forms of travel, and seen most countries we have both wanted to see. I now want to do as many things as I can, because we really don't know when our life journeys will finish. I just know that planning this amazing trip to Iceland and Greenland fills me with hope and optimism. I'm not going for another year, but I've been spending my days immersing myself in Icelandic novels, Icelandic language, Icelandic history etc. I have maps, I have books, I have watched every documentary. EVERY person on The Silver Endeavour will have a 'story' about how and why they ended up in The Arctic. I will be surprised if their main motivation will be to show off their latest purchase from Neiman Marcus. With only 200 passengers, I'm sure I'll meet some amazing people from all over the world! I loved Ryan's blog about his young family's recent cruises throughout Scotland and onto Iceland, where they were so impressed with their voyage, they booked another one to Greenland! You are right; Ryan and his family represent a new market for SS (I believe they are millennials). I love that Ryan took his kids to places where they could really learn something about isolation, the impact of climate change, resilience, and so many other factors that will help craft their young minds.
  14. Being from Bermuda, you wouldn't get many opportunities to wear a suit! I get the impression the majority of posters who are strongly in favour of 'formal attire' come from the US (or parts of the UK). What if someone wanted to wear their cultural or religious attire? would that be deemed offensive because it wasn't what someone in North Carolina would wear? If nothing else, surely the pandemic has made society look at "the more important things in life". How privileged are we to come out of this alive and affluent enough to afford such experiences.
  15. I have recently purchased an OM System 5. I love how light it is, it's weatherproof, and has some awesome lenses.
  16. I'm glad you asked this question, as we are going on a similar cruise in September 2024. I have booked what I can, and also saw the same msg about other excursions being available on board.
  17. Ours is 16 nights in September 2024 - love to hear about your experience!
  18. I thought I was imagining things when I looked at the shore times for our cruise next year, but it probably has changed!
  19. Some people also forget that SS is an 'international' cruise line and different countries (even US states) have different fashion beliefs, which we really shouldn't judge.
  20. Can't wait to find out what this ship is like
  21. My husband is an accountant in one of the more traditional business districts of Perth. When he first graduated he wore a suit and tie every day, then he eventually got rid of the jacket. It's now so unusual to wear a tie in his industry, they have become more difficult to purchase. He is still a bit more traditional, and will often wear a tie. In a firm that now has 40 accountants, he is the only one. Most men are opting for a nice dress shirt.
  22. The advertising campaigns in Australia don't sell this idea at all, and neither do the travel agents! the current campaign shows exotic and adventurous locations. I'm guessing they are now seeking new markets and new 'experiences' for their cruises. With their smaller ships they can offer this. I paid a lot of $$$ because of the promise of feeling like I was going on an 'expedition', but some posters on FB have made it sound like it's only for those who feel they are "better than everybody else". I was hoping to be joining people who want to see the Arctic because they are intelligent, adventurous and care about the environment.
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