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Everything posted by rolloman

  1. I am sure if there was something to tell the OP would have been back here in a flash to report it. Keep in mind originally the OP took time out of her cruise to post about it...so if there was some amazing ending...we would probably have been updated by now. It is not like she is a newby...she has over 100 posts lifetime on the site.
  2. Only Disney allows a 6 back of beer to be brought onboard at port stops. Royal does not.
  3. Ask for the drink of the day without the souvenir cup and the price is even less.
  4. Mega Pro Tips- For that occasional pool side drink, carry on a couple mini's at each port stop to mix with complimentary juice. Visit the onboard art auction and jewelry stores for complimentary champagne. Captains' gala event (when it comes back) for free champagne toast Watch the planner for taste testing in the ships liquor store Make friends with a D and above passenger who does not drink Collect 2500 (PRIME) points in the casino and get free beverages in the casino bar.
  5. The difference is...I am not assuming anything...I am open to the concept of any possibility until it is proven otherwise...a few others are making "definitive" statements. Until the OP comes back and says it was stolen and security provided the evidence...everything until then is pure conjecture.
  6. There has been zero evidence someone stole her voucher. What has been stated by the OP is she misplaced her purse. The purse was found and turned in. The purse was missing a voucher the OP is certain was in the purse prior to misplacing it. For some reason, many have quickly assumed the voucher was stolen...skipping over all other possibilities... Some other possible outcome examples to consider... voucher was lost by the OP prior to misplacing her purse or maybe the voucher fell out of the purse on the way to being turned in by the good Samaritan...in addition, the OP may have mistakenly forgot she had previously cashed voucher and lastly a voucher may never have existed. That being said, the correct response would be to wish the OP well in finding resolution to her issue.
  7. Well ok then...here is my rough draft...parody of 50 ways to leave your lover... The problem is all inside the purse security said to me…the answer is easy if you take it logically. I’d like to help you in your struggle but there will be a fee. There must be 50 ways to lose your voucher…50 ways to lose your voucher…It just slipped out the backpack, slot tech found it on the deck, heck, no need to be coy Joy just get yourself OBC … so it’s time to make a new plan Anne… so, he dropped off the cursed purse, we don’t need to discuss much …just go on a shopping spree with your new OBC.
  8. Well... it will be the OP word against whomever cashed it unless video shows something different. Was the ticket legitimately found somewhere on the ship or was the supersonic video (as Pompey describes as being able to see a Nat on a fly) show something nefarious? Either way the back of the ticket says Royal is not responsible for lost tickets. Therefore, the money is gone and a valuable lesson for all of us. I never walk out of the casino with a ticket over 50.00 bucks...too many things can happen...kid spills a drink on it in the cabin making it no longer legible...room service delivery blows it out the balcony door...accidentally toss it in the trash with the plethora of Spa marketing material...maybe I will write a book...a hundred ways to lose your casino voucher on a ship...
  9. They have a team at their HQ who are responsible for monitoring social media. If it is a big enough issue or trend it will get attention internally.
  10. You back on this thread for another round Pompey lol...just for the record, as of now, we have no evidence the ticket was stolen. For all we know the ticket could have fallen out of the bag and is still stuck to someone's sandal or scooter wheel.
  11. Vouchers which get lost or are not cashed out equates to more money for the casino. Now the positive side of it from a gambler point of view... I like the vouchers though because I often use them as tip money to the bar staff and they can easily be transferred from machine to machine unlike the sea pass method where you constantly have to log into your account and transfer the money. In addition, often the machine keypad does not work properly so you wind up not playing where you wanted to.
  12. I hear ya...lots of ifs and PFM in order to identify the thief. Let me tell you a story... a few years ago I was on one of the smaller Royal ships Majesty...they have that quarter machine with the bills in it. Two early mornings in a row with the casino closed I caught this guy and his friend with a flat flexible metal bar sticking it up underneath the glass and raking the bills out of the machine. Low tech but obviously effective. Now if those super cameras you describe were doing their job these two clowns would have been escorted off the ship but evidently either Royal did not care, or those cameras are not focused everywhere in the casino.
  13. I understand how it works...I spend a lot of time in casino. The OP information is on the ticket if she used her sea pass card while playing in the machine. The person (if it is the thief) who puts that stolen ticket in the machine for cash out purposes is not going to use their sea pass card unless they are an idiot... the thief would simply put the ticket in a machine and then immediately press cash out to generate a new ticket to take to the cage or go play elsewhere. So you will be left with no incriminating evidence as you are describing.
  14. Please explain how the voucher will say who cashed it? The only way will be to track down what machine it was entered in and then view the cameras. Even then, if the person is tracked down with facial identification they could say it was given to them or they found it in the trash or some other odd story. The only chance is if they find footage of a person pulling the ticket out of the bag and then putting it in their pocket and same person subsequently putting it in the machine. Probably little chance of that. More than likely it was a professional thief who took the bag and then went in to the restroom, rooted through it, kept the voucher and then left the bag for someone else to find and then that person turned it in.
  15. I never said you were lying...my comment meant you need better presentation skills. If you intend to get your voucher back you need to be thorough and specific. Your story changed dramatically with regards to content in your bag. If I was investigating and you first told me you had an empty bag with a hairbrush then you later you proceeded to say it contained credit card, phone charger, hair brush and whatever else I would be less likely to drop what I was doing to help you out. It has been my experience the casino management tend to not believe anything the gamblers report and or complain about. I was on the Oasis of the Seas and my wife had Tory Birch flip flops...she walked away for a few seconds, came back and they were gone. She asked for security to see the footage, they reluctantly did and it showed a woman walk up, slip them on and quickly walk off...end result...they did nothing about it. Good luck...
  16. The OP still has not mentioned the amount of the voucher...which leads me to be it is a minor amount and not worth the investigative trouble. As an aside, I am also a little confused as to how a hairbrush is of more value than the credit card and cell phone... Sorry OP but the presentation of your story is a little suspect...especially when it involves an accusation of theft.
  17. I don't need the drink package...I get 5 free drinks a day in the loyalty program, and I get free internet...unlike the NCL program which is basically non- existent...outdoor dining lol... ridiculous...wind...heat... nobody eats outdoors...well...maybe except for you.
  18. Lots of NCL loyalist hanging out on the Royal forum. Probably because no one hangs out on the NCL forum. This whole idea of NCL freestyle is a joke. Nothing free about it. Drinks included... lol yeah right. You pay upfront gratuity for drinks you probably will never drink. As for dining, you have a small window to "try" and get a reservation each night. The "no further charge" restaurants have the same menu every night, literally forcing you to book specialty dining. Not sure if anyone remembers the no more taking food from the buffet back to your room attempt, they unsuccessfully tried. Always trying some major cost saving measure to see if they can make it stick... that is NCL.
  19. Always great to see a "hey everyone look how much I tip compared to you thread". Anyway...I only drink beer and I always give a dollar...but you know what...occasionally I do not have or I ran out of dollar bills...that being said...If I don't have cash or a machine voucher...I say I will get you next time and they are always good with it. I literally have chased bar staff down after I am able to break a bill and some are usually shocked when I roll up and simply say... here...this is for the time I missed you.
  20. So in my case all 3 family members are D+. On a 7 night cruise, skip the first night then each person uses their 2 days of complimentary internet one right after the other to cover the next 6 days...granted it has to be on different devices but the access is still there if there is a need communicate back home. Pretty nice perk.
  21. She said "nice" restaurant...not a beach bar... I too vote for Gladys in St. Thomas...
  22. Casino host once onboard will be able to confirm.
  23. What is the name of the popular one which is orange in color has a cherry on top and is named ????? kiss? My wife loved those on the recent Horizon sailing.
  24. I was on it a couple weeks ago for an 8 nighter and I never felt any AC issues...nor did any of my party of 6.
  25. Sorry, your last sentence could not be more wrong. The crew is infected with Covid. The port visits are infected with Covid. Your fellow passengers are not the only source.
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