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Everything posted by cunnorl

  1. Enjoy the dinner with your travel agency. Sounds like a fun evening and a great way to start this wonderful journey.
  2. Good Morning from a cool and sunny day at the beach I dont usually like buffets, only on a ship. Dont have a cat, and have not been to todays port. Thanks for the great pictures! Lots going on here today already. I just got back from my stress test and was surprised to see the Daily already on page 3! My test went fine and I was able to complete the whole thing without difficulty. @aliaschief Safe travels tomorrow. Enjoy every minute of that wonderful journey. @RMLincoln A very Happy Anniversary to you both. May you have many more. @smitty34877 Glad to hear that Tina`s Aide is back. @mamaofami A very Happy Birthday to Sam Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  3. Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit Happy New Year Good Morning from a sunny and cool day at the beach I really like sweet potatoes. They are on todays menu. Will have to look at the recipes. Going to reach 70 today. I plan on a nice long walk on the beach. It will be peaceful. @Cat in my lap Happy Anniversary and hope you enjoy many more. I really enjoy this time of year. I love reading all the blogs on the Grand Cruises. We will be on the 2025 WC if all goes well. Stay well and enjoy today Charlene
  4. Wonderful blog. I really enjoy it. Thanks for taking us along on your amazing journey.
  5. It will be an interesting journey! I wish you safe and healthy travels. Thanks for taking us along. I always enjoy your posts.
  6. Good Morning from a cool but sunny day at the beach Happy New Years Eve to everyone. We will not see midnite. A few years ago, one of our friends had a New Years Eve parry at noon. It was great. In my early years, I always worked New Years Eve I was an ER nurse. So never was much of a party time for me. We went to Fanning Island on the Eurodam in 2019. Very rough tender ride. I really enjoyed the visit. They had told us how primitive it was but still passengers were looking for the ATM! I have some very fond memories of that visit. Sandi @StLouisCruisers We were told that they process seaweed for the Japanese. They trade seaweed for supplies. Not sure if it is true but thats what we were told. We had a wonderful visit with our cruise friends from the Noordam. There was even a heavy rocket launch which they have never seen before. They are going to stop again in March on their way back to Canada. Hope everyone has a safe and healthy New Year. Charlene
  7. @dfish Debbie , glad the surgery went well. Relax, take your meds and get better. Give yourself time to heal
  8. Have a wonderful trip. Enjoy every minute. Thanks for taking us along on this amazing journey.
  9. Good Morning from a rainy and cool day at the beach I enjoy minestrone soup. Would be great on a day like today. I have friends coming today so does that count for call a friend day. Todays quite is a goiod one. It made me cry and I never cry. It just reminded me of so much. My really good friends and neighbors are returning today. I am making them lunch and put it in their refrigerator. I did a small grocery order for them yesterday. They will be here until the middle of May. Our cruise buddies will be here for dinner. They are on their way to Ft Myers but will visit with us. So a busy day for me! Anyone driving thru Florida, be careful. The roads are wet and very congested. It seems the last few days no one knows what a turn signal is, only a horn! Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  10. Good Morning from a sunny and warm day at the beach Have to enjoy this weather before a cold front comes in. Went for a long walk on the beach yesterday , many people win the water! Obviously not locals. LOL Have not been to a Zoo in many years. I like a really good fruitcake. Unfortunately there are not too many of them around. Have not been to todays port, thank you for all the wonderful pictures. @SusieKIslandGirl A very Happy Anniversary. May you enjoy many more. @dfish Best of luck with the surgery. Hope you recover quickly. @aliaschief Enjoy your wonderful journey. I can only imagine how excited you both must be! We are booked on the 2025 HAL WC and already I am crazy with excitement. Have some errands today . Nothing too exciting. Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  11. Good Morning from a warm and rainy day at the beach Forecast for rain the next few days and then getting colder. Feel bad for anyone wanting beach time. I will celebrate Homeowners Day, but sometimes not so much. We received an unexpected but welcome call last nite from a couple that we met on the last cruise. They are driving to S Florida and wanted to stop and see us. They will be here on Thursday. We have done a few Zoom calls with some people from that trip. Very excited to see them. @rafinmd Roy, Sorry to hear that you need radiation but it sounds like thet are following closely. Take care of yourself. Today is clean up day. The decorations will come down on Friday. Safe travels to everyone Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  12. I also have an induction cooktop. DH wanted it when we remodeled a few years ago. I was skeptical but am now a convert. I really like it, Although I had to get all new pots and pans. It heats and then cools down quickly . I would recommend.
  13. Merry Christmas everyone! @ger_77Happy Birthday. Hope you have a wonderful day and many more
  14. Merry Christmas Eve! Hope all of you have a very safe, happy and healthy Christmas! Don’t drink too much eggnog! @grapau27 Very Happy Birthday to your Sarah. She is a wonderful gift. Off to the beach to watch Surfing Santas. It is quite an event here. A few pictures of Darwin. Great town. We were there on Rhanksgiving 2022.
  15. @StLouisCruisers I am so sorry to hear about what happened to your DGD. So scary for her but thankfully she was not harmed physically. I am sure she will be getting extra hugs from her Grandma!
  16. Good Morning from a cloudy but warming up day at the beach It is currently 65 and expected to go to mid 70s. I see a beachwalk this afternoon. Hats off for Mathematics. Basic math is my limit. Although I do not use a calculator, preferring to do it "in my head". No cookie exchange this year. I have received or should I say DD has received boxes of cookies from friends. We will share. A note of recognition to the USGA on their anniversary. I do very much enjoy the game of golf. We have been to Ketchikan twice, once in 2001 on the Statendam and again in 2014 on the Amsterdam. Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers for your great pictures. Graham @grapau27 Prayers for Paulines friend. @cruising sister Prayers continue for Murphy. She is a little fighter. Hopefully soon she will be able to go home with her parents. Wish everyone traveling safe and healthy travels. We are staying put and it will be a quiet Christmas for us, which is ok. Stay well and enjoy today Charlene
  17. Have a wonderful and safe trip Rich. Thanks for taking us along.
  18. Good Morning from a cloudy and cool day at the beach It is currently 63 and not going to get much better. Christmas forecast is not a good one. Oh well nothing can be done about weather! @richwmn Safe travels and have a wonderful trip. Sounds wonderful! Thank you for all you do to keep us going. @kazu Thanks for stepping up. This is a wonderful thread and truly appreciate the effort to keep it going. We used to go Caroling but it all stopped in the Pandemic. One of my neighbors tried to get a group together for this year, but no one was interested. The quote is interesting and true. Everyone has something going on in their lives. Always at the Holidays, sickness and sad events are always worse. We all deal with things in our own ways. @aliaschief Loved the "lifesaver book" I bought those all the time! Great memory. Stay well and enjoy today Charlene
  19. Good Morning from a bright and sunny day at the beach It is currently 71 and more showers are expected. I dont think the storm here was as expected. Had heavy rain and winds but all is well this morning. There 2 ships that left Port Canaveral and sat just off the coast for a long time before sailing away. I imagine it was a very rough nite. The ocean is still churning with strong riptides. We are going to the local playhouse this afternoon for their Christmas show and then come here for a light supper. Hoping it didnt flood out, waiting to hear. @grapau27 Graham, I am very sorry to hear about Paulines friend. Very difficult. My prayers are with all of you. Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  20. Good Morning from a windy and rainy day at the beach be back later after we move the patio furniture. We were in Sydney 1 year ago today.
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