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Bailey & Sophie

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Everything posted by Bailey & Sophie

  1. If I paid all that money for a private yacht I'd be more than a little ticked off with this chef. He shouldn't be telling them WHAT to eat and WHEN. He seems like a spoiled brat. Where's Marcos when you need him? Tacos & dessert tonight for dinner? Outrageous.
  2. Watching. I may be premature in this opinion but the bosun is WORTHLESS. I see her as passing off her job duties on everyone else while she sits back and smokes.
  3. Helpful (?) Hint... To get in & out of shower, sit on edge of tub, swing legs over and stand on good leg. I found this easier.
  4. By far the most beautiful place we saw on this cruise. It was incredible. We were pretty lucky. Too many people signed up for a tour so there weren't enough seats on the 2 buses. The tour group stepped in and also took a small groups of people in smaller cars. Just 4 of us. It was like a private tour and everyone had a window seat. I think you will love it.
  5. I'm a few pages behind so someone may have already suggested this, but get a shower chair. It really helped me, especially since my balance wasn't so great at first.
  6. This. You can pick them up at Dollar Tree. Don't pay any attention to what others are doing.
  7. And sprinkle some of that popcorn cheese over it. That stuff is addictive!
  8. It's a beautiful setting. There are concerts all over the city. You could go somewhere every night. Does your son have the Lake Harriet schedule? If not, let me know and I'll post it.
  9. Tonight we went to hear the free concert at Lake Harriet. Walked around the lake first. It was overcast, about 80 F but a little sticky. Lake looked like a mirror. The band tonight was Minneapolis Pops Orchestra. They were awesome. Started off with Star Spangled Banner and the rest of the night didn't disappoint. This video is the last number. They will also be performing next Sunday night. 20220703_184650.mp4
  10. OMG...wow. I can not think of anything else to say. I'm so sorry this much anticipated cruise left such a bad impression.
  11. We're on Harmony in Nov and Oasis in March. Thank you for all the details. I've taken so many notes for the ships and ports! Looking forward to walking in your footsteps.
  12. Glad to hear he's doing better. It's tough to have unrelenting pain. Hope he keeps getting better faster and faster!
  13. What strategy? Drink. Rinse. Repeat. It's unlimited. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure this one out.
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