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Everything posted by Mudhen

  1. Is the WiFi the same charge whether we us our phones or perhaps the desktops in the library? I’m reluctant to use my iPhone as the last time I used it on Cunard, I was hacked. Not blaming Cunard in any way but would like to avoid further trouble.
  2. Speaking of the environment AND our price point, we’ll always check our local thrift, consignment, and Sally’s (Salvation Army) before buying “new”. Most amazing goodies at pennies on the dollar. How’d you think we got as far as the PG? giggle!
  3. Thank you for this info. Cunard alerted us via email that we’ll be having breakfast in the veranda. No problemo….haha! All other meals will (supposedly) be unaffected.We’ll deal with whatever comes!
  4. Our up coming cruise on the QM2 will be making two stops in Hamburg. I have a couple of questions.... 1) what dock does the QM2 use? 2) is there anything walkable from said pier...ie shops? cafes? pubs?
  5. Haha! I was doing the same thing today!
  6. Not to worry… The Grills cocktail lounge is the most boring bar on the QM2….bar none.
  7. We will be leaving on the QM2 on the 27th and received an email stating that the Princess Grill will be closed for breakfast starting on the 14th. We'll have breakfast in La Veranda. Not worried or concerned at all, but we're curious as to just what are they doing in the restaurant. We will have lunch and dinner in there as usual. Does anyone know what's going on in there? Perhaps someone who's on board now?
  8. As I'm a relatively small eater, I'm no stranger to ordering a combo of soups, salads and apps, for dinner in particular. As my husband always says, "the apps are the most dramatic part of the meal, even surpassing many desserts". I think he's right! I've done this with Cunard and several other upscale cruise lines.....no seems to mind a bit!!!
  9. Iceland Air goes out of Newark as well. Although the seats don’t lay flat, they’re big and comfy. Not a long flight.
  10. We’ve experienced all “fare” levels on Cunard except the Britiania grill and have not minded the so called class destination one bit. I still laughed when we were called “rowers” when in an inside double!
  11. I can actually speak to this lack of boarding pass. We were traveling with a friend, whom I repeatedly reminded to be sure to have her boarding pass and passport. She had her passport, but when asked if she had her pass, she said she left it at home (grrr....!) Anyway, apparently there is a special desk in Brooklyn where folks who do not have the said pass, can get one. I'm sure she wasn't the only one who did not have one.....
  12. Thank you for all of your posts! Very glad you had a wonderful cruise!
  13. Yup, soda is a general term for any carbonated drink here in the northeast but unflavored carbonated water is called seltzer for the most part. Of course if you’re an old timer (like me!),it could be called a “2 cent plain”! And then there’s that wonderful treat called an egg cream!
  14. I don't know about the Riesling, but I, personally love the "strange pre cocktail"....kinda wish I could get it out by the pool....(giggle!)
  15. I can easily live with those!
  16. Maybe, as we've not heard a peep from the ops......are they out there? Jump ship? Where are they? Maybe their onboard experience wasn't so bad after all!!!
  17. Most definately a first world problem, but it's one of my pet peeves. Cunard has been using the "print it yourself" tags for years now. Seems to me that a so called "luxury" line that we're paying a small fortune to, shouldn't be making passengers print their own. Print, fold, staple, tape, whatever to your bag or bags.... Sure not luxe to me!!!
  18. When we are on vacation, if we're going to Europe, we try, if possible to fly business class. Lately, in general, it's become eye wateringly expensive. It's now almost possible to sail rt in a low cabin catagory. for about the same price. Yes, I'm counting tips, drinks, etc. I realize that this arrangement wouldn't suit folks who are doing transport with business affairs. What I'm trying to say is that I'd much rather do the QM2 rt, even in a low catagory, than pay just as much to fly. A weeks worth of fun for the same price as flying, is a no brainer for me! Your milage may vary!
  19. Unfortunately for the most part, the only ships going out of Manhattan are the monster mega ships or what I would call the party ships. Occasionally in the fall there will be a few “upscale “ boats that go out, but the pickings are slim!
  20. You are absolutely right about the volume of an ordered drink with ice. Although I like "some" ice, I'll ask for only a few cubes, rather than half a glass. In a nice restaurant or "classy" cruise ship (ie the QM2, sometimes, if I'm having a cocktail, I'll ask for a few cubes on the side and sometimes a wedge of lime). After awhile, I get to be known as the "Lime Lady". Works wonders if a cocktail is too sweet!
  21. We often enjoy an adult beverage in the cabin as we dress for dinner. A Hendricks and tonic or Grey Goose on the rocks, isn't quite the same with out the "rocks"!
  22. Is there any word from our OP, as they were pretty vocal on their dissatisfaction with the hotel et al? Would really like to know their thoughts at this point.
  23. Oh my! How nice of you! Looks great! Thank you so much!
  24. I was just about to mention that one! Close by and we loved it! Great staff, good English communication, made us feel special!
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