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Everything posted by jennjess

  1. Thank you, that is very nice to know.
  2. Is the free laundry per person or per cabin for platinum members? Wondering if we could get 1 each.
  3. The list is just cruises from the Netherlands as that is where I live. Maybe other countries have their own lists if they are near to the ports HAL leave from. The list is in Dutch btw. https://www.hollandamerica.com/nl/nl/cruise-deals/standby-program?camp=CME:20240712_HEP2432NL2&rmid=20240712_HEP2432NL2&rrid=149827142&mi_u=420808040&lid=primarycta&XID=EXTHEM20240712WWZYBJE154#StandbyFAQs
  4. I am in Europe and just received the standby offer email. Been reading through this thread to see how others experiences have been. I am in Amsterdam so can reach the terminal in about 30 minutes or Rotterdam an hour on the train, so I'm tempted to give it try. But almost all the cruises on the list seem to be already sold out so the chances seem remote in any case. Here it is 69 euros for an inside/outside and 99 for a balcony, taxes etc. included.
  5. Just read an article about this in the Dutch news, 2 days ago. They will from now only allow 1 ship in port at a time. From 2026 only 100 ships a year, it's now 190, which is fewer than the 246 previously. The cruise terminal will have to close eventually due to plans to build a bridge in the vicinity. They do have plans to have a terminal further outside the city.
  6. The terminal will not be closed for a few years but it will close eventually. There is going to be a bridge built at that point in the city across the water to the northern part. River cruises may well take over the passenger terminal as they are less polluting and that is the foremost reason for Amsterdam wanting cruise ships out of the city centre. I don't think another terminal will be built anywhere nearby. Probably Ijmuiden will be the port of entry which will need much better facilities and transport links.
  7. I have a story about lost and found on NCL ships, that is quite positive. I lost my sunglasses actually in port when I visited a museum. I didn't realise they were missing until we were sailing away from the port later that day. I called the museum and yes they had them there. I talked to Guest Relations and they said they would ask the port agent to pick them up for me and then send them to Lost and Found in Miami. Since I live in Europe that wasn't the best solution for me but is the standard method for NCL. 3 weeks later I received an email from them saying they had them in Miami and would I like them sent back for a fee. That fee was very high $180 or something like that. I had them sent to a friend in Oregon for $60 and another friend brought them back to Europe as she was travelling here anyway. Took months to get them back but I was happy to have back.
  8. I wasn't aware I couldn't buy a non alcoholic drink in Greek waters before I went and I visit these pages quite often. Sure I'm not the only one caught out. It would be nice if NCL warned people of this fact when they booked a cruise with Greek ports ( or for that matter any ports with restrictions). But for me it wasn't a major problem but would have been nice to know.
  9. No it's not the exchange rate as every item is given in dollars and then the rate in euros. The last 2 dollar deductions are strange and the total deductions in dollars is higher than the final bill they sent me.
  10. I received a copy of my bill today, so well done to guest services for the fast response, but there IS a difference between what is on the final bill and what has been billed. I have now requested an explanation and a refund if appropriate (I believe it is).
  11. I don't get the drinks package because I don't drink, but I wasn't allowed to buy a soft drink in Greek waters either. It's not just alcohol that is affected. Just wanted to clear that up. Not a problem for me as I could go to the buffet and get something to drink. Also those not from the USA, or I guess Canada, do pay for the drink package is isn't free!
  12. I have done so, let's hope it doesn't take too long. Interested to know what the extra charge is for.
  13. Yes I also checked the account on the last day and it looked fine. The amount off the credit card though does not. The reserved amounts have come off but the actual billed amount does not correspond with the bill I saw. Needless to say it is higher.
  14. No it's not in any spam box as I've checked. Just wasn't sent out it seems.
  15. My experience with check-in at Athens was that they give you a colour as you walk in the door and you can sit and wait until your colour is called. Far preferable to having to stand in a queue for a length of time.
  16. I found the whole check-in process at Southampton quite chaotic. Arrived about midday and the security line was long and the wait was long. Then upstairs another long line to get to actual check-in. Loads of seats upstairs to sit in but you needed to stand in line rather than be seen by number or group.
  17. It's strange that you can't look up a former cruise either online or in the app. I've requested a copy of the bill via the contact page online. Let's see what happens.
  18. Well I didn't get a final statement delivered to my cabin or an emailed one and can't see the one in the app anymore either.
  19. I think all of the reserved amounts have been removed now, but the amounts actually taken do not correspond with the final bill I saw on the app. I wish there was a way to see that again. If there was a way to have them email me the bill then I missed it.
  20. I haven't received anything as yet. I may have to call them for it.
  21. I have just cruised with NCL and in the app I saw my final bill which looked correct but more money has been taken from my credit card. Trying to find a copy of the final bill but the app does't show it anymore. Doesn't seem anyway to find it online. Will they send me a copy by email automatically or do I need to get them to send it to me?
  22. Alcohol is being served on the Star in Southampton. We are on-board now.
  23. I'm boarding the Star tomorrow so will post if I see alcohol being served or not
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