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Everything posted by Coralc

  1. She's beautiful! She does look like a shedder. We are still finding gray kitty fur, more than a year after he is gone.
  2. had Oxy for a lot of things. I would take maybe half a one during the day, and a whole one at night. It just put me to sleep, with less pain. It doesn't seem like an addictive thing to me. I liked the Tramadol better (before hip surgery) because it doesn't make (me) sleepy. Which is apparently synthetic. I didn't know you weren't supposed to drive on it. 🤔 Ooops. I don't what the deal is with Morphine. Sue @Lionesss might know. I would have a morphine injection, and I throw up. I think it still works for the pain because it is in your system. I received injections after my back surgery. That happened almost at once, every time. Nurse called DR. to say I didn't seem to tolerate it, and they put me on something else. Now I just tell, when asked. Not an allergy, but a reaction.
  3. That's interesting! They are able to throttle satellite internet speed, I guess. Thanks. 😊
  4. Bill took some photos of the new floors. It is difficult to capture the color correctly. They are really kind of gray, depending on the light. But in any case, they are just a neutral color.
  5. With Serve Safe, Individuals may be blocked from alcohol purchases for a specific amount of time. 24 hours? I don't have experience with it, but I have heard bartenders telling patrons that they were unable to serve them and handing their card back. So, there must be some way to make it happen. Maybe guest services?
  6. We had sent our clothes out for the wash & fold. When we returned home, I realized that we had a Red 3XL T-shirt that didn't belong to us. DH said he thought it was mine. (Seriously?) I called RC Lost & Found to see about returning it. I guess there is a lot of forgotten clothing, because they said they don't bother with it. It does actually make a good sleep shirt. ☺️
  7. With Deet? It is supposed to help. I was wearing Deep Woods Off, but I think I must have missed my feet. And I always seem to think that it is not going to happen on vacation, and then I get badly bitten. Supposedly, you build up a tolerance to the bites. But we aren't in bug country long enough to have that happen.
  8. They're not really sand fleas or sand flies. They are biting midges, and they are all over the Caribbean and southern states. I've been bitten, just about everywhere, San Juan, St. Kitts, Roatan... We stayed at our friends' house in Melbourne Beach, FL, and they were particularly bad there and in Louisiana and N. Carolina. https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/publication/IN626
  9. You have to wear closed toes shoes for sure. That was a requirement on our galley tour.
  10. The San Francisco 49'ers actually play in Santa Clara at Levi Stadium, where Taylor Swift played. The SF Bay Area is sort of like one big continuous city, that just encircles the Bay, with bridges here and there. ☺️
  11. They (city officials) said they were going to ban all (taylorgating) or entrance when she played in Santa Clara. The SF concert that @ownedbypets mentioned. But they ended up not doing any of that. It looked like everyone had a good time. She seems like a nice young lady, public persona-wise. ☺️
  12. I sprayed weeds today with the backpack sprayer. <shrug> ☺️ But I'm beat. It gets more and more difficult to carry that much weight on my back. And I just did the flat areas. Bill mows it, we have an electric mower and the front lawn is only about 400 sq. feet lawn. I do all the pest control. Did you see the online article about the lady on her riding mower? Hawk dropped its captured snake on her arm and then came down to retrieve it. In between the (non venomous) snake bites and the hawk scratching at her arm to retrieve the snake, her arm was badly mangled. And we are so sad about the fires on Maui and what has happened to the town and people of Lahaina. 😔
  13. I'm sorry, I don't know. It has been quite a few years since we boarded and disembarked in San Diego. I do not remember what the terminal looked like, or even if there was one. There must have been something, because we round tripped on Radiance and disembarked there from a canal cruise. I think I tend to block all that. ☺️ And we port stopped there several times.
  14. Sorry. We just reserve Junior Suites and you don't even have to wait in that long line. There is a Suite line to the right, (with a sign) they will open the rail for you, and there is a suite check in, behind the tent. 3 sailings on Navigator. It's not a brag, we just reserve JS anymore, and it does come with priority boarding, even at San Pedro.
  15. I received the Community Survey a couple of years ago. This year they sent a (thankfully) shorter one about education and student debt. They mentioned sending another one next year as a follow up. The Community Survey is very long and you're right, rather intrusive.
  16. 1 (800) 256-6649 Just push the number to book a new cruise. Someone will answer, and hopefully they can assist you.
  17. Maybe I am not understanding something? Isn't 2,162 a lot more than 1,547? Edit: Never mind, I see that you are counting total numbers, not just Gold. 😉
  18. I don't think so. You have always been a very thin gentleman. I hope we get to see some photos and a narrative from your sailing. Your trip reports are always so enjoyable! ☺️
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