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Everything posted by Coralc

  1. Our next door neighbors were locked out on their balcony by their room steward. They were napping, and I guess he didn't see them. I was reading on our balcony when they started yelling for help. Fortunately, one of them had their room card in a pocket. So they just handed it around the barrier and I went and let them in. I guess it could have been worse if no one was around.
  2. I purchased 3 Albuterol inhalers $25 last time we were in Cozumel. Just saying. 😚 The previous one I was prescribed had lasted for 5 years. In this C age it is nice to have something available, if needed. No chastising needed. ☺️ And this may or may not apply to Debbie. The doctor told me to cut a small mouthpiece sized hole into the bottom of a small plastic water bottle. Press the inhaler into it and then inhale very deeply out the opening. More medication gets further into your lungs instead of your mouth. (With Bronchitis)
  3. I don't usually watch much television. But tomorrow is a big TV day! I have set up the DVR to record the coronation. This is a really historic event and nothing we have seen in our lifetime. I guess I am a Royal watcher. I am excited to watch it, and I can skip through the boring bits. ☺️ It starts at 2 AM here. And then I set a Google reminder for the Kentucky Derby tomorrow. Seven and a half hours of coverage? That is a bit much. Timer is set for 3:30 PM to actually watch the race, which is at 3:57 PT and 6:57 ET. I do enjoy the race every year. ☺️
  4. I still remember the first day I received mine in the mail, and I left it on the kitchen table so my dad could see it....And he swept it up unintentionally with newspaper and papers and threw it away. πŸ™„ And then I made 2 trips to the DMV, because I had to have a signed consent form to have it replaced. ☺️
  5. I stink at geography, but maybe Central America for the Canal.
  6. You both look fabulous! This photo cracks me up. It looks like Eva in WALL-E. ☺️
  7. They made the Rita's on Serenade into a proper bar. But unfortunately, it closes at the same time as Windjammer. It is nice to sit back there! ☺️
  8. I couldn't live on an island. Maui is gorgeous, but there is only one main road that goes everywhere on Maui! You can't just drive to other places, or other states. It is beautiful, but I couldn't do it. It is too confining. And I thought that back in college.
  9. Ooops. It might be Landry's, not Darden. My apologies. Or it is not listed yet anyway. I don't think we have a Ruth Chris locally. I got too excited.
  10. I spent 3 weeks in Maui in college in a tropical marine biology class. We went all over the island on field trips and a few of us into town just about every night. And we have also been back twice on cruises, so I am guessing they still use the same place. Kimo's in Lahaina is a favorite restaurant. The college group I was traveling with were Seventh Day Adventists from Seattle Pacific University. Although "wiki" said they were Free Methodists. (Think "Footloose, anyway) The instructors introduced me as the black sheep from California. πŸ™„ But I did find a couple of guy students who accompanied me on our visits to Lahaina and other jaunts. The drinking age was 18 at the time. I thoroughly enjoyed our time there. 😊
  11. We loved Huatulco when we visited on a canal cruise. Really nice beach/port/town, and very convenient to the pier. Great photos, as always!
  12. Sous Vide seems to require a lot of single use appliances. The cooker, the vacuum sealer, the pot or tray. I don't have room to store all those, and it seems to be more cooking steps than I am interested in. JMO. ☺️It is like recipes with more than about 5 ingredients and a lot of single use herbs. I shy away from those, too.
  13. Navigator block just came today from September sailing. I asked the LA about in March, and he just happened to be the same LA from Navigator, that had ordered it originally. He said it was "in process", and that it would be one of the old blocks. It's not. It is one of the new blocks with the photo of Navigator. It is fine. It just looks sort of gift store cheap/gaudy. So, we have it to go sort of along with all of our other ones now. 😏
  14. That's okay John. Family Go Boston and RSharpe are doing a live review for your cruise. 😊 There are a lot of live reviews going on this week. Don't worry about it. Pop in when you can! We'd love to hear and see how it is going. πŸ˜€
  15. Wow! They are posting photos of the PBG tornado damage today. That was quite a storm! Tornado flips cars, damages homes in coastal Florida city (yahoo.com)
  16. It is Pat! It is so nice to find a person you can count on! ☺️ There are 3 more bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and the exterior to paint, and he is actually excited about the work.
  17. The rainforest bridges in Costa Rica almost killed me. They took us to the top of a mountain with a guide and we walked some number of miles downhill. I just about died. The lodge was in sight, and I said, I don't think I can make it anymore. When we got to the bottom, I drank more water. Our driver was so concerned, he had me sit in the front seat of the van and directed the air vents at my face. Like you, I am no longer a hiker. Beautiful photo though! ☺️
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