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Everything posted by lenquixote66

  1. Hi Lois R.My friend the Vegan Chef wrote a cookbook too.
  2. I could not open either .I assume the stadium will be filled to capacity tonight. The very first baseball game I ever went to was in Yankee Stadium in 1962.
  3. 7 days in 1973 to celebrate my birthday .Round trip NY to Hamilton Bermuda on the Cunard Ambassador.
  4. I do not think so.If you are at the front of the cruise port and cross the street-walk 1/2 block East there was the bar that had an upstairs and a downstairs.The upstairs was sort of open and it was non stop music. Somewhere in my house I have a coaster that I took home as a souvenir. I think that Hogs Penny was in the middle of the street
  5. Our favorite as well.We have been there many times .The overnights in Hamilton are great .In our younger days we would go to a club across the street from where the ship was docked and listen to music .
  6. As I have posted before,when my father came to the US in 1913 he was a Soccer player and played in the Immigrant Soccer League in NY.Players were from many different European countries and all spoke their native language.My father learned bits of several.He was also working in a factory where most of the employees were Italian and eventually became fluent in several languages.His best friend ,my godfather was Italian and I learned a lot about Italy at a very young age.
  7. My first cruise was in 1973 to Bermuda.I fell in love with the island.At that time all the ships went to Hamilton.There was no such thing as shore excursions .We walked a lot ,of course we were young and healthy.
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