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Everything posted by buchhalm

  1. I find it double standards if a cruise line wouldn't let you book a cruise via an US based TA if you don't reside there. Their own service centers are based there and you have to deal with them for nearly everything. Even if you dial an Australian phone number, you are mostly redirected to the US *or Manila*. Currency on board is mostly USD. And even if you use a random American address, the moment you try to use a Non-US credit card, if could take you back to square one
  2. Yes! I thought so as well. When I lived in the US, that constant "Thank you for your service " was sickening. Uniformed military * but not any ACTUAL services that help people* get to board aircraft first etc. But what REALLY annoyed me were constant announcements in that regard on a cruise in EUROPEAN waters. OK, an American ship but there were more Europeans, and even Aussies on board. And Americans on cruise forums ask if they should bring their military uniforms (hopefully not the combat or every day ones) for Formal Night. But hey.... Halloween is creeping into Australia as well...
  3. Ahhhhhhh! Thanks for the tip. I'll send my wife to take photos.
  4. You reckon I can get a Personal Butler discount? I mean why not. I do my chosen job and get paid for it. So I am just as eligible for a discount then. Cue the outrage.
  5. Oh, I couldn't do the red hair. That's not going so well for that Windsor bloke either
  6. I understand the concern, but if THAT is the way one thinks about life, one would never leave the house.
  7. Some airlines, such as Qantas have the annoying habit of sending you 'your flight to xyz has changed' messages. The new flight times are exactly like the booked ones. So where is the change? It's usually a minor change of aircraft. The only impact that may have is that the seat you chose is now somewhere else....
  8. I remember a French restaurant in Bangkok where they had FauxScargot. Bits of braised beef instead of the snails. 🤷🏻‍♂️. Goes to show that the garlic butter is the important thing
  9. Oh, I do baby potatoes, boiled, halved, then scoop out some of the potato, put an escargot inside, too with herb and garlic butter and baked under the grill...
  10. Ahh, a man of taste. Take him on Celebrity. Escargot are on the every day menu, as far as I know. A great excuse to mop up garlic butter. (The photos are from our local French bistro)
  11. Thank you. No-bake lemon and coconut with ginger cookies crust....
  12. This subject has been discussed at length yesterday. *why are folks opening new threads before bothering to look first?* Apart from that, OK, New Zealand is a bit behind, but not exactly a "remote island"
  13. So you have seafood soup, you have steak with trees. Now have cheese cake.
  14. That's right. The USA are on list of visa waiver countries.
  15. Read this. It explains it all. https://www.immigration.govt.nz/new-zealand-visas/apply-for-a-visa/tools-and-information/your-journey-to-new-zealand/before-you-travel-to-new-zealand
  16. It couldn't have been THAT bad. She just left again. Only about 45 minutes late.
  17. The best is a taxi. The most economical is walking.😉 (Or the train, if your party isn't bigger than 2)
  18. Seriously the Celebrity media team better monitor these conversations and put out some clarifications on the media. These reports are just outrageous
  19. Headlines right now. Channel 9 news: " numerous covid 19 positive cases.. " 2GB redneck radio: "covid riddled ship..." The Australian: "cruise ship arrives in Sydney with close to 300 suspected covid cases" Pick one.
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