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Everything posted by land64shark

  1. I was on that cruise also. I made a mental note that there were no future cruise offers.
  2. I am just off the Spirit. In ISP, there WAS a very large amount of people in the water. I sent a picture to my daughter remarking about the crazy people. She had been on Splendor in May and Splendor was also in ISP with us. She responded that her cruise director was in the water in my pic. She said he apparently arranges this every cruise. But back in early May, there were only like 5 participants. Last week there were more like 30-40 people in the water with a hundred or more on the beach behind the restaurant. Spirit did not have anything to do with this. Sorry.
  3. Contrary to other opinions, I didn't think the gf mushroom pizza was all that bad, if you covered it with parm cheese and crushed red pepper
  4. Just off the Spirit and here are my gluten free thoughts....USELESS! I was all excited to try out the new Menu Mate for dietary allergies. The algorithms it uses are junk. Please tell me how a banana is not safe for me to eat? Oh, and the MDR lobster tail isn't safe...but the Steakhouse Selection lobster tail is? Come on! Seriously, it listed like ceasar salad, chicken breast and ice cream as the only things safe. (Exaggeration, but very small.) Whatever! So I decide to go another route and pre-order my food for the next day brunch and dinner. The MDR staff couldn't find either order. I gave up and just went with my own "gut" feelings and if I wasn't really sure, I didnt eat it.
  5. Where is the baguette? Dining room? Deli? Thanks
  6. They do if they can't have gluten, like myself
  7. So I am scheduled on Carnival Spirit to be in Skagway on July 17th. There are only 2 ships listed in port that day, the other being Silver Muse. Spirit is scheduled at RRF and Silver Muse at RRA. Might they possibly move us to the other ORE and BRD berths?
  8. So I have celiac and can't have gluten. I am dining at the steakhouse the first night. Will someone in the steakhouse take my order for the next day's breakfast and dinner? Also, I am assuming that the only reason to take an advance order is if there is something that needs to be made special. Does this also mean I can't order anything "special" the first night in the steakhouse?
  9. I scheduled mine with CVS. I think you do need symptoms or maybe exposure. It asked if I had any symptoms in the last 14 days. Of course I've had fatigue and a headache since then, so no lie!
  10. I just made an appointment for the 10th of July at CVS. Yeah, it asked if I have had any covid symptoms ....in the last 14 days! Well, yeah. I've been fatigued and had a headache in that timeframe. So, not lying.
  11. Loving this. Not only beautiful and informative, but just plain fun to read. I've had a lot of laugh out louds. Keep it up, please!
  12. OMG! My lactose intolerant digestive system is screaming just reading the recipe! I guess that's a big NO for me. (Though for some reason I do ok with cheese)
  13. What an excellent idea! I have to be gluten free and sometimes there is just not much that interests me for appetizers
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