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Crazy For Cats

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Everything posted by Crazy For Cats

  1. The Zaandam looks good coming into port this morning. I’m not sure I’ll see sail away since I’ll be in the office. Looking forward to sailing on her next month.
  2. Good Morning Everyone, thanks for today’s daily fleet report. Woke up to some good news, the groundhog is in the trap that I moved to the back of the yard! Hopefully he’s the only one. I’d give today’s meal suggestion a try if it was in front of me. Today’s an in office day and it’s time to get ready. I hope everyone has a good day today.
  3. Good Afternoon, the workers completed sealing up the extension to the house. There is a one way door out just in case anything is under the house. They will return in one to two weeks to remove the door and seal the rest. When DH came home he spotted the groundhog at the back fence and ran under the fence into the neighbors yard. He’s been eating my hostas. After catching for opossums DH admitted he thought I imagined the groundhog. I took one of the traps and put it in the back and called the company to advise them.
  4. Thank you for this reminder. I just took a look at the web cam and it’s so foggy I can’t see any of the ships in port.
  5. Good Morning Everyone, thanks for today’s daily fleet report. It’s a cool overcast day. The workers arrived this morning shortly after 7 to dig the trench around the extension. If the rain holds off they should complete the project today and then no more critters under the house! I’ll pass on today’s meal suggestion even though they look tempting, it’s leftover turkey today. @Mr. Boston my condolences on the loss of your brother. After chatting with @dfishlast week I think I’m going to book Canaletto for the first night of our May cruise. I hope everyone has a good day today.
  6. Good Morning, @StLouisCruisers thank you for today’s report. I’m curious about today’s meal suggestion and look forward to pictures and recipes from @dfish. I’m planning on making a beef roast for tonight’s dinner. During the running of errands yesterday I picked up six azaleas and got them planted yesterday. The plants got some nice rain overnight. I think I’m going to make a quick trip to Home Depot to pick up some ant traps as a preventative measure. I hope everyone has a good day today.
  7. Good Morning Everyone, thanks for the daily fleet report. I typically do laundry on a work at home day, so laundry was done yesterday. I'll pass on today's meal suggestion and instead will have turkey. Today we will run to the bread outlet store and possibly stop at Target and Lowe's. I hope everyone has a good day. I certainly appreciate DH.
  8. There’s the Volendam looking good coming into port this morning.
  9. Good Morning Everyone, thanks for today’s daily fleet report. Yesterday got to 91F yesterday and today is supposed to get to 85. The upstairs windows were open overnight with a fan in the bedroom. It was a good nights sleep until Mona demanded attention at 2am. I like today’s quote. I saw a report that FLL should open at 9 am today. They need to inspect the runways for safety. Hoping everyone that is traveling to catch a ship makes it there in time. I hope everyone has a good day today.
  10. Good Morning Everyone, thanks for today’s daily fleet report. Yesterday I turned off the heat and DH didn’t notice. Since this is New England I’m sure it will be back on in a few days. Today’s meal suggestion sounds interesting and I look forward to recipes and pictures from @dfish. This morning I saw a news report that the airport in Fort Lauderdale is closed due to heavy rain. They hope it will be open by noon today. Today the electricians will be here to install new smoke/carbon detectors and put a surge protector on the fuse box. Either today or tomorrow a crew will arrive to seal the house extension. No animals were caught overnight. I hope everyone has a good day today.
  11. Good Morning Everyone, thanks for today’s daily fleet report. I’ll pass on today’s meal suggestion as I’m not a pesto fan. We will have chicken thighs with rice and beans. Yesterday was beautiful with temperatures in the 70’s and tomorrow and Friday should be in the 80’s. Much to DH’s disappointment I replaced the flannel sheets with regular sheets. Over the weekend I saw a groundhog in our yard and he scurried under the extension on the house. We contracted a service to remove him. Over two nights three possums were captured. I also having another service come out for an estimate on sealing the extension this morning. I hope everyone has a good day today. Another birthday celebration this month. River turns 8.
  12. Good Evening, thanks to everyone who shared today. I'll celebrate pet day by giving the kids hugs and treats.
  13. Thank you for today’s daily fleet report and to everyone that contributes.
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