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Posts posted by edspec

  1. Here in Sacramento the forecast is 106, an improvement over yesterday's 114.  DS does not change his walk schedule for anyone so me, DH, and DS were out there at 4:30, hottest time of the day.  It could be worse, we could live in Palm Springs.

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  2. 2 hours ago, CruisinArn said:

    We use the cruise for the time to not eat healthy and just relax and not worry about it.

    At home we do not drink and rarely eat out, everything we make is fresh. No boxes etc..

    So when it comes time to cruise.. Drinks and Food. give us more to look forward to when we do cruise. Everything is about moderation, and how a current choice will impact a future outcome. At least that is how I look at it.


    Same except for the not drinking at home 🙂 

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  3. I wouldn’t have that sofa in my room. Granted, we have no idea what happens on the sofas so possible worse things that don’t show up. But…not going to be happy with sofa as is or with a towel thrown over it. I’d want it gone with compensation since no place to sit. Without a couch you may as well be in an interior. OBC to reflect price difference.

  4. 5 minutes ago, TxTeach79 said:

    On the way to the next stop. She’s riddling us with facts about how to catch the cable car when we’re done, how the bus can’t get that closed etc…. She may know her stuff, but maaaan she’s making this feel like a job

    We had a guide like that on our last cruise.  By the end of the tour I was so wanting her to shut up...please, just two minutes of quiet to look at the amazing view and think my own thoughts.  Didn't happen.  I felt like I'd been beaten up by the time I got off the bus. 



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  5. I would go.  Your child is this age once and wanting to go on an exciting trip with his mom....that may not ever happen again.  Don't throw this opportunity away.  Rest, get over Covid, decide what books you're taking for sea days, order your son some new clothes or some type of surprise for the first day on the ship and start to anticipate this wonderful trip.

    I personally would love to hear about this if you will be doing some type of Live reporting. 

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  6. I don’t understand why a child wouldn’t have their own package? Our son gets the same as we do and it’s always been that way. If you can’t afford for the whole family to go in the same manner then you need to tone down everyone’s expenses. A child isn’t less then.

    For those that cheat on the drink package…just no. I don’t feel like paying for your skinflint habits and in the end I will. 

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  7. 7 minutes ago, dallasdan said:

    @TxTeach79 Your international trips make me anxious and nervous. I can only imagine how you feel.  I remember last year checking CC site every few minutes waiting on luggage updates.  I guess you can buy a speedo at Venice and wear it everyday.

    Yeah, I made batches of pickles to keep myself busy so I wasn't checking every two minutes.  I'm thinking a trip to the store for pickling vegetables is in order.  

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    • Haha 6
  8. 3 minutes ago, ReneeFLL said:

    The gambling guy that recently did a review on I think it was Carnival or maybe Princess claimed he had a 2.5 hour commute each way IIRC. He said he put up with it because of the obscene amount of money he was paid.  His words not mine. If it was that amount of obscene money, I personally would have moved closer to where he worked, but he claimed it was to expensive. 🤷🏼‍♀️ There is no way either of us would do it. We call it a better quality of life. To much time away from home along with the aggravation of it it’s just not worth the extra money.

    I’m pretty sure he lives in the Central Valley, at least he did at one time…Modesto t-shirt worn during review. Anyway a lot of commuters in that area do the horrific Bay Area commute for years. It isn’t that it’s so long, 70ish miles, but the traffic is unreal. A friend’s husband left for work at 3 am for 20+ years to avoid it. It’s a killer and I wouldn’t do it but for many it’s an acceptable option.  San Francisco median house price $1,399,925 and Modesto median house price $445;651, guess it computes for them.

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  9. 44 minutes ago, roboref said:

    I just can't get to worked up about this in any way. I have always figured gratuities and now "customer appreciation" or a daily service charge as part of the price. Do these people who are all so worked up demand transparency on "port fees"? Do they demand to know the % split of the pooled tips at a restaurant? Or the price breakdown for an item on the shelf at the grocery store? Of course not. If it was so unfair to the workers on the cruise lines these workers would stay home and not go to the ship. I will pay the DSC or whatever it is called and cruise happily ever after!

    Excellent post, thank-you!!!!

    • Thanks 1
  10. People don't want to pay tips.  Instead of admitting that to themselves they look for justification.  If you're going to stiff the staff at least be honest with yourself. 

    Simple solution for those outraged by the policy...cruise on lines that handle it differently.  

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    • Haha 1
  11. On 5/28/2024 at 6:09 AM, mjldvlks said:

    The so called “discount” has always been a key selling point for cruising. How many of your selling points are you going to sacrifice?  You’ve given up food quality, you’ve given up the “discount,” you’re hacking hard at service. What’s next?  Sooner or later you are going to cut back to the point no one wants your product at any price. There are plenty of examples out there of companies following the bottom line into oblivion. Boeing is the one the comes to mind most readily. Royal is pretty much there for me. 

    Great post. The ships are full now, be interesting to see in 12-18 months. I was on Quantum last month and had it been my first cruise wouldn’t have thought to cruise again. I know what cruising can be so will definitely sail again but not with RCL or NCL, both of which I used to enjoy.

  12. 2 hours ago, KmomChicago said:



     I wrapped up my recent live report to Alaska saying that the logistics of getting to and from ports have officially pushed me over the edge.

      It’s a (usually miserable, always exhausting) day and a half of travel on each end for us and I am to the point where my anticipation of the dread of all that is outweighing the anticipation of the pleasure of the cruise. 

    That’s right. I don’t even look forward to them anymore. I now seem to spend the last month mostly thinking IMG_3018.thumb.jpeg.d0544c41f294386f80c3584d7535f319.jpeg


    That’s not much fun, coming up on a big wonderful vacation and mostly just wishing you didn’t have to face the coming gauntlet. As great as the ships are the math isn’t working for me anymore.

    I would really love to never fly again as long as I live.


    The above and @LatinaInTexas and @onlyano's recent experiences.  The travel is too much any more.  Years back we always took my mother with us, me paying for everything so we used SW points to fly to Florida or wherever we were cruising from.  Since I was buying four tickets I always bought the cheapest flights with crappy leave/arrival time and several stops.  Never an issue.  I wouldn't dream of doing that now.  And what's the nonsense of arriving at an airport but sitting on the tarmac waiting for a gate?  The first time that happened to us was in 2019, now it is a regular occurrance. 

    We will continue to cruise but only to ports w/in easy driving/flying distance or perhaps overseas if I can use points to upgrade to first class.  Thank goodness we'll be on the east coast soon and have more choices.

    I'd like to try Firenze before we leave and I  have a Hawaii cruise booked which leaves  from San Francisco but anything else isn't worth the angst.


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