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Everything posted by edspec

  1. My guess is that dress code will go to wear whatever you want with dress to impress optional.
  2. Same except for the not drinking at home 🙂
  3. I wouldn’t have that sofa in my room. Granted, we have no idea what happens on the sofas so possible worse things that don’t show up. But…not going to be happy with sofa as is or with a towel thrown over it. I’d want it gone with compensation since no place to sit. Without a couch you may as well be in an interior. OBC to reflect price difference.
  4. Great review, concise and balanced. I've been thinking of trying Islander and this pushes me a little closer.
  5. We had a guide like that on our last cruise. By the end of the tour I was so wanting her to shut up...please, just two minutes of quiet to look at the amazing view and think my own thoughts. Didn't happen. I felt like I'd been beaten up by the time I got off the bus.
  6. The pictures on this review…I never thought of taking this cruise but I spent quite some time “shopping” today. Thank-you @TxTeach79 and @HelloItsMeB.
  7. Yay, another great review. Thank-you for the New York information and pics.
  8. I would go. Your child is this age once and wanting to go on an exciting trip with his mom....that may not ever happen again. Don't throw this opportunity away. Rest, get over Covid, decide what books you're taking for sea days, order your son some new clothes or some type of surprise for the first day on the ship and start to anticipate this wonderful trip. I personally would love to hear about this if you will be doing some type of Live reporting.
  9. How is it possible tomorrow is debarkation day? You just got on. Chris made a good call on the sandwich, low fat, protein, and vitamin C. Hope you feel better soon…that the pizza smelled good is positive!
  10. I don’t understand why a child wouldn’t have their own package? Our son gets the same as we do and it’s always been that way. If you can’t afford for the whole family to go in the same manner then you need to tone down everyone’s expenses. A child isn’t less then. For those that cheat on the drink package…just no. I don’t feel like paying for your skinflint habits and in the end I will.
  11. Yeah, I made batches of pickles to keep myself busy so I wasn't checking every two minutes. I'm thinking a trip to the store for pickling vegetables is in order.
  12. I’m hoping Guest Services can help you tomorrow. You’re not being a B****. A vacation should not be hard.
  13. Yay!!! Desperately needing distraction from real life. This and @pirate4me2review will surely get me through the next week. Thank-you both!
  14. Sounds like a great trip, looking forward to your Live. Have fun!
  15. @LatinaInTexas they should be able to book Chops w/o issue. There should be restaurant staff around who can book them in the specialties.
  16. People don't want to pay tips. Instead of admitting that to themselves they look for justification. If you're going to stiff the staff at least be honest with yourself. Simple solution for those outraged by the policy...cruise on lines that handle it differently.
  17. Great post. The ships are full now, be interesting to see in 12-18 months. I was on Quantum last month and had it been my first cruise wouldn’t have thought to cruise again. I know what cruising can be so will definitely sail again but not with RCL or NCL, both of which I used to enjoy.
  18. That’s what I thought. I’d have been a basket case but would have realized what a positive impact I’d had…sort of like teaching. You know that feeling @TxTeach79.
  19. Same here, two great minds...but we'll probably do Firenze first while we're still in California. Having a new air conditioner installed in the house tomorrow. Ok, it's Sacramento, it'll be super hot very soon but I really, really hate spending money that way 😞
  20. I haven't gotten them in a long time either but in my case I never pay for flights with money, just cash. Maybe that disallows me???
  21. Great pictures! I loved the Venezia sweat pants post. Such a dad thing to be looking out for you even now.
  22. https://www.google.com/search?q=tilapia+quadruple+amputee&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari
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