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  1. We are now on Grandeur and after 2 Splendor cruises over the past 2 years have noticed a decline in food and service. As with the past 2 Splendor cruises, we are in a GS, 1012, which is gorgeous. We ate our first night at Sette Mari, and honestly, it was bordering on terrible. Pasta Fagioli soup had zero taste to it and my penne bolognese arrived very undercooked. I had it replaced and this time the pasta was cooked, but the bolognese was very greasy. Gave up on dinner and hit Meridian Lounge instead. Second day at Pool Grill, I ordered peel and eat shrimp. Three times various servers brought over sandwiches that were never ordered and after over 30 minutes, gave up on the shrimp/food and went to pool bar. There I ordered a drink (only a few people at bar) and again wanted 20 minutes or so neglected to up to suite and its bar. We ate at Pacific Rim a couple nights ago and it was very underwhelming, to the point we just had appetizers. One thing we’re have definitely noticed on this cruise is the staff. Although very friendly and helpful, it seems that a good number struggle with English and understanding what is being ordered. At this point in our Med cruise, we would rate it as under 4. Very disappointing for a proclaimed 5 star line.
  2. Check out the suite guru on this site and see if either/both have been reviewed. Splendor is a gorgeous ship.
  3. Like hearing that….merci.
  4. On our Splendor TA cruise last year, PR had zero Sake. And like you, I love hot Sake. Very disappointing, to say the least. We board Grandeur Monday in Barcelona and will enquire first day if they are offering Sake. If not.....most likely will not even bother to eat there.
  5. We board Grandeur July 22 so will be interesting to see.
  6. We use Blacklane almost exclusively when traveling overseas and highly recommend them. We fly to Barcelona next Friday and board Grandeur the following Monday and have Blacklane booked to take us from airport to Majestic Hotel, hotel to pier, then Civitavecchia to Rome hotel then hotel to airport Aug.2. Terrific cars/vans and professional drivers.
  7. Think a good decision. After, hopefully, a great and relaxing cruise, I think it smart to not get yourselves possibly stressed out when returning home. Relax and reminisce about your vacation/cruise.
  8. For us, we would most likely book a 12:30 flight. We don't like stress when traveling so giving yourself the max amount of time to disembark and get to the airport is what we would do. Again, Montreal road construction in the summer makes a mess out of driving.
  9. I also would definitely consider an Uber or taxi. We were on a Splendor cruise about 18 months ago and stayed at an airport hotel due to our flight from Savannah to Atlanta being 4 hours late, thus missing our connection to Miami. It really was a pain taking hotel transportation to the airport then "trying" to find the correct path to our check-in (and not International). We like to be as stress free as possible, even if it costs a bit more. Originally from Montreal having lived there the first 22 years of my life and still visit often to see family and friends. If you are spending any time there would suggest you try and get to Schwartz's Deli for iconic Montreal smoked meat and if looking for an excellent Italian dinner, Da Vinci.
  10. Being originally from Montreal, and knowing what summer construction on roads is like there, one should expect a very long drive (time wise) to the airport from the pier. If us, we would do as CJANDH suggest and grab a hotel for the Sunday night at an airport hotel.
  11. Sarcasm is my middle name. We were twice on Splendor in a Grand Suite over the past 2 years and never received all the listed amenities for that suite. We will be on Grandeur in a GS in 3 weeks time and will insist on amenities listed on Regent’s website….we definitely have noticed a “reduction” in the “all inclusive” fares. As well as significant price increases. Perhaps time for land based vacations? We are off to Ireland (lived in Dublin for 5 ½ years) the end of August to play some golf and general buffoonery. If food, excursions, and overall satisfaction do not meet expectations (and we are low maintenance) on upcoming cruise our trips may very well be land based in the future.
  12. We would most probably book a Grand Suite again and deal with the wind and vibration. The suite is beautiful……we love the space and second bathroom and being able to dine in any specialty restaurant of your choice on any night wins it for us. We are in 1012 on Grandeur in a few weeks and look very much forward to comparing the Grand Suite onboard against the 2 we had on Splendor. Bonne chance with your decision.
  13. Have the same for our luggage tags, bought on Amazon. Very inexpensive and work well.
  14. I would think Regent will comply with whatever it is you like. May be a price involved but if an absolute favorite/must-have, you should be able to arrange for it.
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