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Everything posted by DirtyDawg

  1. I like making my own also but these days crab meat costs two gripping claws and 10 legs! 😁
  2. Mrs. Dawg told me once to turn down the music volume in our hot tub because she thought it might disturb our neighbour who is a very nice little old lady. Of course I obliged (aka, followed orders 😉) and turned down the volume. So what did I hear from the other side of the fence right afterwards? "Turn the music back up!" 🎶 I agree with you, a little more common (or not-so-common) courtesy would be welcome on Royal these days.
  3. Are you sure your five year old didn't call up Royal and arranged his own cabin. Those little guys are wanting to be pretty independent at that age. 😁 Like others have said get on the phone with Royal first thing in the morning. Just be sure to make an extra large pot of coffee (or tea) - you might be on the line for quite a while. Pssst, some Baileys in your coffee this morning might help too! Good Luck!
  4. There was a survey done in around 2013 that found that 69% of Germans surveyed said they always tipped while on vacation, compared with 57 percent of Americans (other countries surveyed ranked lower). Germans were the highest out of the countries surveyed. Many media reporting this concluded therefore that Germans were the best tippers in the world. That would only be true, if for example, the Germans and the Americans both tipped the same amount. But of course there would be a big difference in the interpretation of this data if the 69% of Germans only tipped 10% vs. the 57% of Americans if they tipped 20%. The expected tip from the Americans would be far greater than from the Germans. But it looks like that question wasn't asked or analysed. Of course, the Germans, whose country ranks better in teaching math vs. America might have figured out that all they had to do to claim they were the best tippers was to address only one side of the equation. Heck, those American media outlets will buy it because they're clueless about probabilities and expected values. 😉
  5. The FUGS??? I just knew you were a hippy dippy counter cultural rebel back in the day. Groovy! ☮️ 🙂
  6. The Carthaginian general, Hannibal, made his men and elephants cross the alps, in winter no less, to attack the Romans. Egyptian Pharaohs made their slaves build the great pyramids. Christopher Columbus made his men endure endless hardships to get to the other side of the known world. And some modern day cruisers made some other modern day cruisers rise from their seats in order to get to the other side of the theatre row. Great accomplishments are only achieved through great sacrifices! 😉
  7. OK. I just have to know now. What loud music would be acceptable? For me it would be anything from the Beatles, The Guess Who, or Burton Cummings. I'd have to accept lots of country crap because Mrs. Dawg likes songs about truckers and beer and truckers who love beer and truckers whose beer has left them for another trucker and whatever else they sing about. 🙂
  8. Or perhaps it was the 10 vodka tonics she had in her mason-jar style drinking glass that was the real culprit. Folks, don't mix! 😉
  9. People like that are just like those salmon swimming up stream. They have no idea why they do it but they still have to do it anyways. Not sure if Royal or anyone can fix that.
  10. WOW, I've never run into that issue on Royal before... Or should I say that issue has never run into me on Royal before. 😁 Details, we need more details!
  11. Good one. I never go to the shows so I definitely missed that one. Of course, wouldn't it be best of class theatre etiquette if they talked right through Cats? 😉 📢
  12. Will the sun come up tomorrow? You bet your sweet bippy it will! So will X.
  13. It's the latter. 😁 One thing I missed was Royal could also test to make sure cruisers knew about not smoking anything on the balconies. Cruisers can eat smoked salmon on the balconies but smoking the salmon on the balconies in definitely a no-no! 🙂
  14. Royal needs a new kind of testing. Let's call it a Cruiser Intelligence Quotient test, a CIQ if you will. Royal can test to see if a cruiser knows not to be a Chair Hog, or not to wear wife beaters in the MDR, or not to manhandle the food with their hands in the buffet line. It could also test to see if cruisers know how to control their kids, tip the crew appropriately, and to let people exit the elevator before they rush in. I probably missed a lot more things Royal could test cruisers about. What would you want Royal to test for on their CIQ test?
  15. Just be happy the Royal communications folks don't steer the ship. You'd end up in Portland, Oregon rather than Portland, Maine.
  16. True, except for U.S. corporate income tax. They prefer to be 'foreigners' for that one. 😉 They're like me. I'm a Toronto Maple Leafs fan from October to March then I have to switch to being a foreigner and a Tampa Bay Lightning fan for the playoffs. It saves on the anguish year after year after year ... (right @Tree_skier) Royal just saves the anguish of paying U.S. Corporate Income tax year after year after year .. 😁
  17. Frankly, I don't care what Carnival Corp.'s various cruise line brands do with their 'service fees'. I don't sail with them. That would be like me caring why Jeep makes such bad cars when I never would buy a Jeep in a million years!
  18. I think @DDF2821 was referring to Princess Cruise Lines practices not Royal Caribbean's.
  19. Drink faster. 🧉 Problem solved. 😁
  20. To pool, or not to pool: that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous pooling, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them? To tip only the person who personally served you;
  21. Do whatever floats your boat. I hate going to guest services for anything. It is usually such a zoo down there so I just leave everything on the card so I don't have to waist any of my vacation time dealing with GS.
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