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Everything posted by DirtyDawg

  1. LOL, Ours is not to reason why; ours is but to do and enjoy his squirm!
  2. And Free Cash Flow in Q2 was in the range of -$3B (-.5B from Ops and -2.5B from Capex and Cash paid on settlement of derivative financial instruments) But hey, RCL is dropping mask requirements! 🥳
  3. LOL, I see you haven't met my friend... or his family.
  4. Amazon has pick up lockers and counters in lots of countries. If you are looking for one in the UK for example you have to sign into amazon UK and you can find one near an address, like a cruise port. My son worked in IT at Amazon and he told me about this. He is a world traveller and uses these lockers and counters all the time if he doesn't have a set location like a hotel when he orders.
  5. If they couldn't find anything on the ship they could save port time by simply going online and ordering clothes from Amazon and have them delivered to the next port. If you have the will, and a credit card, there's always a way!
  6. A friend of mine had waited months and months for the Tesla he ordered. Close to the delivery date the dealership called him and said they had a customer who was willing to pay $40K over list for immediate delivery. My friend took the money and left the Tesla. 💲 no 🚗
  7. Very true about arriving the 27th. I've been up since 5am and the brain is on strike this evening. 😉
  8. Be thankful you are flying out on the 26th. This is going to be a mess!
  9. You guys were in the front of the line getting nature's beauty so it's only fair you are always behind the rest of us for other things. 😉 I'd gladly trade you Hamilton's harbour for Victoria's harbour.
  10. My regular drink is The Glenlivet or a good Rye straight up. When I want to go wild and have a mixed drink I mix The Glenlivet or rye with one cube of ice. 🧊 Everything, especially the mixers, in moderation folks! 🥂
  11. I go to sleep when I am tied and wake up when I wake up. It's a vacation - I leave the schedule at home.
  12. My favorite beer on Royal is one from Scotland. It's called The Glenlivet. 🥃
  13. A day that no one remembers when they celebrate it. 😉
  14. I had never heard of a Twizy before this thread. Thanks for posting. I looked it up and the Twizy looks like fun. There is also another electric car, the Tazzari which looks a bit bigger and has larger range. I won't win any F1 race in either but they look like fun options to get around the island.
  15. Welcome to the world of cruising and to Cruise Critic. As others have said the cruise lines can and do change itineraries for any reason and the cruise contracts we all agree to allows this. So if you are cruising to visit a particular place or port it would be better to avoid a cruise and try to visit it with a land trip. As for Cruise Critic you will find answers to your questions here but, as you have experienced already, you also have to endure some internet nitwits who live for criticizing others to make themselves feel superior in their teenie weenie minds. Don't bother posting this on the Royal board. Those folks think that this place is called Cruise Lovers, not Cruise Critic. They are very protective of their chosen cruise line and any criticism is shunned. (Yes they will be much worse than here.) 😉 Enjoy your future travels.
  16. I was in the jewelry business when I was much younger while I was in high school and university. I bought some nice jewelry and watches (that a student could afford) but I paid very close to wholesale. I don't know what the retail markups are today for jewelry and watches but back in the day they were very healthy markups so paying close to wholesale saved me lots of money. After I left the business and had to start paying retail, I quickly lost the need to spend any more money on jewelry.
  17. I was part of my University's Frosh week committee when we welcomed the new first year students and threw lots of parties for them. I'm in Canada so 99% of the Frosh were of legal drinking age back then. Well, the only reason they asked me to join the committee was because I shared a large townhouse with four other guys, I was working in town that summer, and they needed to store hundreds of cases of Black Label that Carling had donated a month before the start of school. Our payment for the storage was about 50 cases for our townhouse. Needless to say we had some GREAT parties that Fall ... ... and I've never touched another Carling Black Label ever since! 🤮
  18. I didn't live through the Great Depression either, but my grandmother did. My grandfather didn't survive the 1930's. She was left as a single parent to raise two small children. They had a very rough childhood growing up without a husband and a father. Do you know where my sense of humour comes from - my grandmother#1, my aunt#2 and my dad#3. Their life view was if it doesn't kill you you can joke about it. And if it does kill you, others better step up and joke about it in your stead. I know for certain that my aunt, late father and grandmother would find my post pretty funny (not my best mind you) but would joke mercilessly about me being way, way too PC. Happy Cruising! 😁
  19. "Thank goodness, now we can survive another month with the big fat check Kraft wrote us to write this slop'" 😉
  20. Even the Great Depression had some good elements to it. Cheap houses. Cheap stocks on Wall Street, Shirley Temple. But overall the whole experience, just like Cats was rather ... how should I say it ... Depressing! 😁
  21. Last night's score. Red Sox 5 Blue Jays 28 Beat them by over three touchdown! 🏈 I'm sure glad I changed my mind and pre-tipped the Boston Red Sox pitchers last night! 😁
  22. Isn't a cheese steak sandwich made with Velveeta called a Jersey Cheese Steak? 😉
  23. Hmmm? A Mac & Cheese Martini. 🤔 Now that's something I can sink my teeth into....
  24. You poor soul, don't you know that the breakfast of champions is a drink you eat. Guinness. The Breakfast of Champions!!! Of course the folks who eat it for breakfast are Champion Irish Drunks but hey, they're still Champions! 🏆
  25. Are you saying God didn't invent Velveeta? Was it the other guy?😈 Sorry, can't be sexist. Was it the other gal? 😈
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