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Everything posted by DirtyDawg

  1. To my American cousins on this thread, do you guys have a $2 bill. With inflation these days, maybe it's time for me to ask for more of those at the bank vs. using so many singles.
  2. What were the reports you have read? If one or two were from the Lancet or The New England Journal of Medicine or even the Economist (my fav) then you would likely take what they said over any opinion by any of us. BTW the Economist hasn't had any reports along those lines. But if they were from the likes of TwitCruiser on Twitter that's another storey.
  3. And my favorite, the pre-tipping vs. post tipping threads. 😱 😉
  4. I don't. I occasionally tune in just like I occasionally tune into a NASCAR race? Why? For the BIG multi-car - multi-poster pile-ups, of course! 💥💥 But, alas, even those NASCAR race Boom Booms get boring after awhile and after 400 or so laps of going round and round ... and round and round ... and round and round ... each race mercifully comes to an end. 😁
  5. I'm willing to give a BIG TIP to the moderator who closes down this thread! 💲💲
  6. But the OP's response to you begs the question; can there anything other than a deliberate jerk? Is there a possibility someone could be an accidental jerk? Or an unsystematic jerk vs. a systematic jerk? 🤔 Questions to ponder on this glorious Sunday morning in the GTA. 😉 @Kate-in-Canada, I'm on Telus. Great network (it works), good customer service, but I don't use their international roaming plans. As for this one, I'll ask my two kids if they know. Those two are winging around the States and the world so much these days for pleasure and work that it's tough to figure out where they are at any one moment. I'll post their comments if either has any experience with the product. 🤔
  7. Did you ever think your FCC was in ... ... ... Jeopardy?
  8. I'm glad your return from Europe went smoothly. ArriveCan is such a simple app to use. As for Pearson, did you buy a lotto ticket afterwards? Hey, when you're on a winning streak...😉 Also glad your Roger's is back up. I sometimes think my Cogeco is bad but Roger's sure has been having issues in recent years.
  9. Our Canadian pastime is complaining about ourselves. Our American cousins' pastime is complaining about everything and everybody that's not themselves. 😉
  10. Yep, in an ideal world all of this tipping would be included in the price. But, of course, in an ideal world I'd look like Brad Pitt, and have the bankroll of Elon Musk and not have to worry about sailing on a plebeian cruise line. So this Elmer Fudd doesn't worry about a little extra add on.
  11. I can't help on the annual plans but for a single trip plan we compared Manulife with Blue Cross earlier this year. I found that Blue Cross was a little less intensive in it's health questions and a little less costly vs. Manulife but it's exclusions/range of coverage was weaker than Manulife's ( at least for my specific health issues). We ended up going with Manulife. I did not want to be penny wise and pound foolish. Sorry, probably not much help, but perhaps a place to start with your research.
  12. We're Canadians, we live to complain. In the winter we complain about the weather - too cold. In the summer we complain about the weather - too hot. In the spring we complain about the weather - too wet. In the fall we complain about the weather - too hot - too cold - too wet - too short ... and the Blue Jays are bums again for not getting to World Series. And if our favorite NHL Team gets off to a 0 and 3 start to begin the season; 😱 "the sky is falling, the sky is falling!" Our official national symbol might be the the red maple leaf but it should be red WHINE.
  13. https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/rogers-outage-cell-mobile-wifi-1.6514373 Dear Mr. Rogers; Please try unplugging your cable modem, wait ten seconds, and plugging it back in again. 😁
  14. Yep, and I'm sure some folks will also be ecstatic to hear Royal is planning a retrospective of some of the greatest classic movies of all time to show on all the ships; The Terror of Tiny Town (1938) Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (1964) They Saved Hitler's Brain (1968) Heaven's Gate (1980) Ishtar (1987) and, of course ...... Cats (2019) 😁 Sorry, couldn't resist it. Hey, I'm a dawg. 😉
  15. That thing should have been neutered long ago. 🔪
  16. The marketing genius behind that tour's pricing is probably the same person who invented $3 bottled water. 😄
  17. Hey, we are talking about the cruise industry here. A mandatory 'resort fee' would be way too logical. 😉
  18. Net Debt to EBITDA is a fine ratio but with all general ratios it has to be 'tweaked' for the individual industry. The main drawback with Net Debt to EBITDA is that it treats all debt as the same. Some company's debt will be costing them 4-5% while other company's will have debt that costs them 8-9%. Obviously a 4X Net Debt to EBITDA for a company paying 8-9% on it's debt is way worse than the same ratio for a company whose debt is costing them 4-5%.
  19. I always take the Sky train, even with baggage. It is fast, predictable, and cheaper. But the taxi's are flat rate and hey, if you get stuck in traffic it will give you more time to see Vancouver. Like being stuck in the Louvre and being forced to gaze upon the Mona Lisa for an extra 30 minutes. 😁 And yes, I am biased, I love that city. 😍
  20. Hey, watch out using that port. Royal might charge you an extra port fee. 😊
  21. Yep, it sure seems that way around here sometimes. Reading about Celebrity on this board is like going to the "Eiffel Tower" in Vegas when it is filled with actual Parisians. The attitude can be a bit nasty and it has some resemblance to the real thing but that's about it. 😉
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