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Everything posted by BonTexasNY

  1. Anotther "wordy" post. We were with our NY dentist for almost 30 years, when he retired. He sent out the most poignant, heartfelt letter to all of his patients. In it, he wrote what an honor it was to be trusted to take care of our dental needs. He mentioned sharing joys and sorrows and considers his patients to be an extended family. He wrote it was a pleasure to watch our kids grow up so beautifully. He wrote he retires with a heavy heart and it was one of the most difficult decisions he had to make. His daughter and grandkids lived in CA and he and his wife wanted to relocate to be with them as long as possible. I wish I kept that letter. I have no idea what happened to it thru the years but I HATED the doctor that took over his practice and went to a different dentist from then on. Fast forward to my Primary Care Dr., here in TX who retired after I had been his patient for 10 years. All I got was a mass produced letter from the office letting us know he retired and was no longer associated with the practice.
  2. Please add me to the list of those offering condolences on the passing of your dear friends. Congratulations to Ava. You go girl!
  3. Maryann, thank you for asking. My ankle is totally healed. However, the top part of my foot is giving me lots of pain. Surgeon said I need to see a Podiatrist, that it's not an ankle issue. First appointment was 2 weeks from when I called. One night it was so painful, Jack took me to the ER to be sure nothing was broken. Thankfully, nothing was. I saw my Podiatrist 6 days ago. Did some blood work, said it showed an inflammation but he couldn't determine which kind. I was put on prednisone for 6 days and although it did help with the inflammation and pain I still need to walk with the aid of a cane and I cannot walk barefoot without limping. Icing it is the only thing I can do for now. Next Podiatrist visit is in a few days. Not sure what the next step will be. This should be my worst ailment.
  4. We decided to get our 5th (3rd booster) covid shot today. We've been drinking lots of water hoping to lessen the arm pain we both had with previous shots. @LuckynanaMaryann, glad Jim is on the mend. @Sunshine3601Debbie, how are you feeling? @Sea DogGreg, sounds like you received a favorable doctor report. Jack always sits on the side of the bed a few moments before getting up. Helps lessen any dizziness he might have.
  5. Happy 35th Anniversary! Thank you for sharing your beautiful wedding picture. Here's to many more happy years together.
  6. Deb, I am definitely following. Looking forward to reading all about it. Wishing you smooth sails and wonderful memories.
  7. Thoroughly captivating Enjoyable Amazing pictures and videos You left us wanting more You've earned your place among the pros because you are one Safe travels home
  8. Maryann, what a wonderful achievement for your grranddaughter.. I'm sure Jack and Ava will look smashing in their Homecoming duds. These are the times that they will always remember. May you and Jim continue to celebrate wonderful occasions with your family. Robyn, it's a treat seeing you post in here. I'm glad you've recovered from covid and only had head cold symptoms. Have a fantastic B2B cruise on Explorer. Any chance of a Live report? I know it's time consuming, but you do it so good!
  9. Swoon. I could eat lambchops every evening for dinner and never tire of them.
  10. I'm certainly no expert but I will venture to say your two videos passed the test!
  11. So sorry to read you both tested positive. It sounds like you're doing the best you can. Hoping you'll make that Transatlantic and have a wonderful time. Both Jack and I had covid in early July and are thinking of getting our 5th shot (3rd booster) .We're on the fence. Since I've been reading that folks who received all boosters are still getting covid, I'm thinking, what's the point?
  12. When we decided to downsize from our large TX house to an apartment, we had a wonderful woman come to our house with shelving units and staged all of the stuff we wanted to sell, making our downstairs rooms look like a boutique. Most of the stuff including furniture was sold. We made good money and were very pleased in the end when a man purchased everything that was left. If not, it would have been donated.
  13. Nobody is egging him on. Besides, @John&LaLa John understands sarcasm 😏
  14. Renee your comments and pictures are wonderful. Your Jr. Suite balcony is awesome. I haven't stayed in a Jr. Suite but I'm not sure about the two chair placement in the middle of the floor. I would be walking into those chairs repeatedly. No matter, you're on a fabulous cruise/journey. Enjoy every moment.
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