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Posts posted by SusieKIslandGirl

  1. 5 hours ago, *Miss G* said:

    Yes, @MadManOfBethesda, you are correct. The price differential for a Vista is definitely not worth it. I would get the verandah and then watch my emails for a paid upgrade offer (to a Neptune Suite) closer to the sailing date. If you book through a HAL PCC they will make sure you receive the offers. If you book through a TA you may not get them. 

    You can call your TA after final payment to ask about a paid upsell. At the time I did that, the price for the Vista was actually less than what we'd gotten the verandah for, but the trick was asking for a paid upsell rather than just an upgrade.

  2. @durangoscotsWhat a difference a few miles (relatively speaking) make. We're visiting in Salida and it's been snowing most of the last 3 days. Yesterday afternoon I thought the rain would melt a lot of it, but a few inches more this morning. The sun is back so maybe the end is in sight. Hoping for clear weather for the trip back to Denver and our flight home Tuesday. Of course, the weather in the Seattle area has been wonderful.

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  3. It's been an interesting few days in Colorado, so far. On the way home from the 5th grade band concert last night, the snow started falling. This morning it continued and finally stopped after about 12-14 inches. The power went out about 8:30 am and came back on about 6 pm. Interesting trying to keep the boys (9 & 11) entertained-dominos and a puzzle helped. We made great toasted cheese sandwiches on top of the wood stove. Of course at home, near Seattle, it was supposed to reach 80 degrees. Not sure what tomorrow is going to bring! Heading home on Tuesday. Take care everyone.

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  4. Have you completed your cruise? What did you find out about the visa for Bali? I always have problems trying to fill out visa requirements online. Thanks!

  5. We had an amazing cruise for the solar eclipse but sure haven't been able to get back in the groove since we came home. And now we're packing up again to spend a couple of weeks in Colorado at DD's new home (with plenty of projects to help with there).  @RedneckBobLast week at Seattle's Woodland Park zoo, a mother duck with ducklings were paddling around the pond in the bear enclosure. Well, you can probably guess the outcome. And lots of upset little kids on the other side of the glass. @superomaI also vote for wallflower. Mine came back for many years. And they have a very nice scent. The stalks did become somewhat big and woody.

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