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Everything posted by Txcotn

  1. And if they would put it on the web site, we all would know! They could color code the floor plan, thus avoiding the daunting task of putting it out there for all to see on the web site. 🙄
  2. There are rooms on 10 on Serenity which are showing bathtubs. Check out the Aquamarine classic/2018 updates....unless you know for a fact that all tubs were removed......
  3. No but your TA can get the info from Crystal. It should be on the website but it isn't. 🙄
  4. Curious - obstructed by what? Lifeboats are below deck 7...
  5. Shouldn't this all be on the website?🙄 But it's not.
  6. I think this is not on the web site as the segments are not listed yet, but your TA should be able to get that info by calling Crystal directly.
  7. Wyndham practically across the street from the pier. They even run a free shuttle to get you across the road. Pretty basic hotel, not fancy, but very convenient.
  8. 1010 Would only be on Symphony.😎
  9. Ten years.🤣🤣🤣
  10. I don't think the bridge will cause you much disturbance. The crew all wear soft soled shoes and they dance very quietly.🤣 It's been a few years since we were in one of those forward rooms but the verandas were bigger than further down the deck. I think we were 10003 or so.
  11. So don't book it if you like what this guy says.
  12. Probably "fresh frozen", the experts on CC tell me it's basically the same. 🤣
  13. Looks like your glass is perpetually half-empty. 😰
  14. Hotels and restaurants and bars do it all the time.
  15. My point was not which company, my point was this is Crystal, this is the price, just like any other product, take it or leave it.😎
  16. Bottom line - it is what it is so no point in agonizing over it. We either pay up or stay home. We're too old for the latter. 🤣 Might as well go!
  17. Interesting how often throughout this thread the words "I would hope", "I guess", "Surely they would/wouldn't", "I'm pretty sure", etc appear. Would be SO professional of Crystal to just publish what is included so we can KNOW - drinks, tips, excursions, etc, etc, what is smoking policy, and all those areas where people have concerns.......and on smoking - aren't there many many hotels and restaurants that are totally NON smoking these days? Certainly where we eat and travel, even most bars in hotels and restaurants are non smoking.
  18. And stink up those areas with smoke smell for ever as it NEVER comes out. Check out the Irish pubs that have banned smoking, they still stink to high heaven.
  19. I like this, it's a bit like the smoking rooms in the Atlanta airport. You can get your smoke plus everyone else'. 😱
  20. Agree to disagree. Mr. d'Ovidio had been wanting to buy Crystal for a long time. If I were longing to buy a company and actively pursuing it, I would probably have an ongoing list of "to do" and prioritize it. There has been PR in the trade mags, but not all of us read those religiously. We have PR people in the family and I can tell you CATEGORICALLY that a PR timeline for new products and new events are in the "can" up to a year in advance. So he bought Crystal in June, wouldn't it have made sense to be ready to go 6-8 months later, especially with the resources of A&K readily available? What was the point of "signing up" for "updates" if we never receive any email updates? A good PR Director would have press releases, blast email, info on the web. This would save thousands of phone calls and very frustrated customers.
  21. Not entirely true. Many rooms have been reimagined, made larger, but for the most part, the public spaces remain as they were.
  22. I thought I was the only one and doing something wrong!
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