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Info on WHAT to wear on a MED(and other) cruise/cities etc.

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Fun, interesting, helpful read, but dream on.


I still sadly remember the last extensive thread on appropriate dress in the major cities of the world where the CA people (and others) ranted endlessly on their freedom to wear their beach and gardening clothes wherever and whenever they wanted when spending their tourist dollars.:)

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Fun, interesting, helpful read, but dream on.


I still sadly remember the last extensive thread on appropriate dress in the major cities of the world where the CA people (and others) ranted endlessly on their freedom to wear their beach and gardening clothes wherever and whenever they wanted when spending their tourist dollars.:)

I agree,but I thought it could be a start...but dream on is right...this question will be asked forever:D:D:D..BTW,COULD being the operative word.

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Tell me about it.....I got nicely roasted on the Egypt boards last week for suggesting that it wasn't proper to wear shorts into a mosque in Cairo. (Someone came back from a tour "reporting" that it was fine to do so....) :eek:

There are always a few........:rolleyes:

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Really there two types of dress codes -

People seeing nothing wrong in wearing their gardening or gym clothes in cities just because they are on holiday.

Others feel they have the right to wear what they wish when they visit religious sites/churches/mosques

To the first group - if you feel comfortable go ahead but don't be surprised that you will stand out like a sore thumb.

To the second group - sorry but it's shameful that you don't show the respect due to these sites.

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My pet peeve is the sight of thousands of white sneakers disgorging from the ship. Why do people think sneaks are the only comfortable option for sightseeing, particularly in large cosmopolitan cities like Rome?

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  • 3 weeks later...
My pet peeve is the sight of thousands of white sneakers disgorging from the ship. Why do people think sneaks are the only comfortable option for sightseeing, particularly in large cosmopolitan cities like Rome?


Yes! How else would we be identified as Americans.

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I just read an appropriate sentence - << unfortunately, for some people informal means sloppiness >>

I think some Americans associate the Med with beaches. So, maybe they don't accept that you don't wear beach clothes in european cities.

Others really worry about suitable dress code and take great care to dress appropriately.

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  • 3 months later...

Oh well, we sort of don´t expect anything else than a lot of people having no idea what to wear (when and where), but frankly the person wearing shorts to a mosque was lucky not to get stoned.

(yes, we mean rocks)


By the way: yes, Europeans can always identify Americans by their white sneakers :D The fact that they drink Coca Cola in other countries does not mean that the locals actually think the same way as Americans....

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A really informative link for those who may ask "what to wear"..:confused:

What Not To Wear Dress Codes Worldwide in Arts + Culture on Concierge


THANKS, Karen! It is an interesting read and sampling for different places in the world, especially if you are doing business meetings in these many countries. I agree that you should understand that being in churches and certain "better" places require a higher standard. Those in Spain and other Med countries do dress better than average and are more likely to have leather, dark shoes; avoid shorts, etc., even in casual settings on hot days.


My view, however, is that considering comfort, the heat, etc., are relevant factors, too. Nothing says we must dress exactly like the local residents. Given how much walking will be done on uneven pavement over long distances, up stairs, etc., means that I want my comfortable and durable Reeboks, even if they are white and look like tennis shoes. Sorry!


Enjoy! Terry in Ohio

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My pet peeve is the sight of thousands of white sneakers disgorging from the ship. Why do people think sneaks are the only comfortable option for sightseeing, particularly in large cosmopolitan cities like Rome?



All I am going to do is re-post this post. It says it all.


(My dh knows the only place he is allowed to wear his tennis shoes is in the gym on the ship !)

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People can whine and moan about how "American" tennis shoes are and how "Euro" they are by their superior shoes, but I'm wearing comfortable shoes if I'm walking for 5-20 miles a day. If you think that makes you better than me, you are wrong.


FYI, my "tennis shoes" aren't white and they aren't built for tennis. They are, however, built for walking long distances. They are fashionable and they, above all else, comfortable.


The funniest thing to me is that people say "Oh, I was in Europe and since I didn't dress like an American, people thought I was Euro. They even spoke _____ <insert language> to me." You know... the second you opened your mouth, they knew you weren't a Euro. If they think I'm an American by my shoes... so be it. They will know I'm a nice, normal human being the second they speak to me, though.


I don't wear Hawaiian shirts and fanny packs and giant hats. I don't wear inappropriate things to venerated sights. I don't talk loudly and embarrass my fellow Americans.


I'm just a normal guy who wears reasonable clothes that are comfortable and conducive to the climate and what I'm doing for the day. I get sick of reading condescending garbage about how "un-American appearing" people believe themselves to be because of their shoes.


I know this post wasn't directed at ME, personally... but I'm sick of being lumped into a group of undesirables because some snooty people think they are better than everyone who isn't like them.

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People can whine and moan about how "American" tennis shoes are and how "Euro" they are by their superior shoes, but I'm wearing comfortable shoes if I'm walking for 5-20 miles a day. If you think that makes you better than me, you are wrong.


FYI, my "tennis shoes" aren't white and they aren't built for tennis. They are, however, built for walking long distances. They are fashionable and they, above all else, comfortable.


The funniest thing to me is that people say "Oh, I was in Europe and since I didn't dress like an American, people thought I was Euro. They even spoke _____ <insert language> to me." You know... the second you opened your mouth, they knew you weren't a Euro. If they think I'm an American by my shoes... so be it. They will know I'm a nice, normal human being the second they speak to me, though.


I don't wear Hawaiian shirts and fanny packs and giant hats. I don't wear inappropriate things to venerated sights. I don't talk loudly and embarrass my fellow Americans.


I'm just a normal guy who wears reasonable clothes that are comfortable and conducive to the climate and what I'm doing for the day. I get sick of reading condescending garbage about how "un-American appearing" people believe themselves to be because of their shoes.


I know this post wasn't directed at ME, personally... but I'm sick of being lumped into a group of undesirables because some snooty people think they are better than everyone who isn't like them.


WOW..... someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.


First of all this whole thread is really about dressing appropriately. Everyone traveling should dress comfortably - especially when walking alot. It is possible to dress comfortably while dressing appropriately. Most people will visit places of worship or countries where the prominent religeon dictates a need to dress more modestly (ie: Turkey) There are some who either do not know this, understand this or care about this. From your post it doesnt sound like you are one of those. But to those who blatantly say "I am going to dress however I want" and do not take into consideration the above factors...... well all I can say is they do reflect on being an American in a negative way. Period. I am talking about the women who want to wear midriff baring tops into a mosque, or mini skirts up to the )(^&(*%^* into St. Peters. There are rules - their rules and they should be followed and respected.


The whole deal about WHITE tennis shoes (not black or brown ones) is almost a joke except for the fact that when you talk to Europeans they in all honesty say they can spot an American from far far away BY THEIR WHITE TENNIS SHOES ! Is that a bad thing ? NO.


So I say as long as you dress appropriately - go for it. (But my dh will still only wear his WHITE sneakers in the gym -opting for black or brown skeechers or some other comfy stylish shoes for everywhere else) It doesnt make us any better - just maybe a bit more stylish :rolleyes:

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"BY THEIR WHITE TENNIS SHOES ! Is that a bad thing ? NO"


Didn't mean it was BAD, it's just an easy way to identify a US citizen. You cannot see the passport from such a long way, that much is certain:D

And some Americans are not that easy to spot.;)

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When I used to work in a tourist resort, not only could we spot a tourist from a mile off, but we could also recognize most of the nationalities.

To be honest, I hadn't noticed the infamous white tennis shoes of the Americans. Nowadays when I see guided tours in Valletta, I straight away look at their shoes. Same applies when we are on a cruise.

My comment is - why do so many choose white tennis shoes. Apart from brown, blue, black, black etc being more stylish = tennis shoes are made for tennis . Good walking shoes are made differently and thus more suitable.

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When I used to work in a tourist resort, not only could we spot a tourist from a mile off, but we could also recognize most of the nationalities.

To be honest, I hadn't noticed the infamous white tennis shoes of the Americans. Nowadays when I see guided tours in Valletta, I straight away look at their shoes. Same applies when we are on a cruise.

My comment is - why do so many choose white tennis shoes. Apart from brown, blue, black, black etc being more stylish = tennis shoes are made for tennis . Good walking shoes are made differently and thus more suitable.


I suspect it's because a lot of Americans will spend the money on expensive (i.e., good) athletic shoes, but won't spend the same amount for a good pair of walking shoes. They buy cheap ones -- and then they find them uncomfortable.


I have several good pairs of real walking shoes and would not trade them for athletic shoes if I am going to be walking all day.

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What doesn't change for me is the constant "better than you" attitude in these threads. The overwhelming need to know something or be just a tad more civilized.


No, I'm not a Neanderthal who believes in disrespecting any sort of place, but that's not because of what country I live in or pretending I am (or am not) from.


I was at Disney World and sat on a bench as a couple from Germany (at least they were speaking German, which I speak not quite fluently nor even as fluently as I wish) proceeded to exit the Splash Mountain ride... strip completely naked and put on fresh dry clothes out of their backpack. In the middle of the walkway. That may be entirely suitable in whatever city they live in, but it's NOT acceptable in the US... especially in a theme park designed for children. The entire thing was over in 30 seconds and no one is going to die from seeing a little flesh, but that's unacceptable here.


I saw an Asian man slap the crap out of his wife in North Carolina once on a trip. Maybe that sort of behavior is acceptable in whatever country they are from (I don't know any Asian languages, so I had no idea where they were from) but that isn't and wasn't tolerated in NC.


My point is: people who are visiting a country not of their own, often behave how they behave at home. Whether they realize it or not. That doesn't make it right and we should all try as citizens of this planet to do our best to get along and respect the people we are visiting. HOWEVER, blaming these "ugly Americans" shod with "white tennis shoes" is just as revolting to me.


FYI, you so-called more evolved folks:











I find it funny that all these companies sell these "walking shoes" that don't mention playing any sort of sports... just walking and fitness... and they sell them in white.

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What doesn't change for me is the constant "better than you" attitude in these threads. The overwhelming need to know something or be just a tad more civilized.


No, I'm not a Neanderthal who believes in disrespecting any sort of place, but that's not because of what country I live in or pretending I am (or am not) from.


I was at Disney World and sat on a bench as a couple from Germany (at least they were speaking German, which I speak not quite fluently nor even as fluently as I wish) proceeded to exit the Splash Mountain ride... strip completely naked and put on fresh dry clothes out of their backpack. In the middle of the walkway. That may be entirely suitable in whatever city they live in, but it's NOT acceptable in the US... especially in a theme park designed for children. The entire thing was over in 30 seconds and no one is going to die from seeing a little flesh, but that's unacceptable here.


I saw an Asian man slap the crap out of his wife in North Carolina once on a trip. Maybe that sort of behavior is acceptable in whatever country they are from (I don't know any Asian languages, so I had no idea where they were from) but that isn't and wasn't tolerated in NC.


My point is: people who are visiting a country not of their own, often behave how they behave at home. Whether they realize it or not. That doesn't make it right and we should all try as citizens of this planet to do our best to get along and respect the people we are visiting. HOWEVER, blaming these "ugly Americans" shod with "white tennis shoes" is just as revolting to me.


FYI, you so-called more evolved folks:











I find it funny that all these companies sell these "walking shoes" that don't mention playing any sort of sports... just walking and fitness... and they sell them in white.



Clearly you have a sensitivity on this issue. I don't think anyone's trying to be condescending -- just objective. Of course other people have the same issues when traveling as Americans. No one suggested they didn't. But just as you would wish that the Germans and Asians you witnessed would learn more about American mores, shouldn't Americans do the same when they travel to other countries?


FWIW, the type of walking shoes you are linking to are "walking" as in "athletic or fitness walking"; not as in "city walking"; I suspect you and I are talking about two entirely different things.

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I was at Disney World and sat on a bench as a couple from Germany (at least they were speaking German, which I speak not quite fluently nor even as fluently as I wish) proceeded to exit the Splash Mountain ride... strip completely naked and put on fresh dry clothes out of their backpack. In the middle of the walkway. That may be entirely suitable in whatever city they live in, but it's NOT acceptable in the US... especially in a theme park designed for children. The entire thing was over in 30 seconds and no one is going to die from seeing a little flesh, but that's unacceptable here.


I saw an Asian man slap the crap out of his wife in North Carolina once on a trip. Maybe that sort of behavior is acceptable in whatever country they are from (I don't know any Asian languages, so I had no idea where they were from) but that isn't and wasn't tolerated in NC.


NO, this kind of behaviour is not normal nor suitable in Germany. I visited Germany more than 20 times. And no, it's not normal that you think it's a normal thing in Berlin. You're going too far in advocating this white tennis shoes (I also own a pair of white nike's and wear them when walking in nature or by a seaside, if I go to our Cathedral or if I visit Vatican in Rome I wear normal shoes).

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I forgot to add in my previous post that there is another issue involved other than just "wanting" to dress like a local, and that issue is safety. If I make an effort not to stand out as an American tourist, it is less likely that I will be targeted by pickpockets.


To that end, I try to dress to "fit in" to the environment I am visiting. I am pretty successful in Europe; less so (as a tall, dark blonde woman) in Asia. ;) I don't have a camera around my neck or pull out a map and study it on the street. I don't take group tours (unless I have no other option), and I try to dress appropriately........ including my shoes.

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We live in Germany since 2006 and stripping naked in public is not accepted, it could even get you arrested:D; not much different from the US in that respect. Nor do we think that one or 3 US citizens getting falling-over drunk in public mean that is the norm:rolleyes:..... there's abnormal people all over the world.

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What started this 'white tennis shoes' controversy is IMHO this -

many of the folk wearing white tennis shoes are elderly and the shoes look brand new.

The youngsters, if they wear them, have shoes that look clearly well worn while most of the adults have the white tennis shoes that seem never to have been worn for walking cities.

Do you see lots of Americans with these white tennis shoes in cities in America ? Or places like Disney World or in the shopping malls.

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