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Who is responsible for missing embarkment?


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I want to clarify that the bus driver took a turn HEADING to the wrong port. Realizing his mistake, he turned around and headed to the Independence of the Seas.


Sorry to dwell on this......Do you mean the wrong ship at Port Everglades, or to the wrong port altogether? Port Everglades is right next to the airport. I'm still having a hard time understanding how he accidentally started heading to a port that is 190 miles away. :confused:


But, whatever. I would keep on RCI. Talk to their resolutions department. When you purchased the insurance, didn't you get any info on what exactly it covered?

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I felt Airtran was at fault in this situation and I wanted to know if there was some way I was able to recover my loss from them.

That's the problem with discount airlines with limited routes and CoC's that don't require them to seek alternatives in the event of a mechanical, like you had. Like the old adage goes... you get what you pay for. Save $20 on a ticket, lose thousands on your cruise.

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First, let me say how terribly sorry I am that you did not make your ship. I can't imagine how horrible it was for you to watch the ship leave without you.

This is a valuable lesson to you and those others on CC who might read this to ALWAYS come in the day before a cruise. As mentioned, you are sorry about that now.

I am a flight attendant for Airtran and I can tell you that Airtran is not responsible for any of this legally. We never guarantee that a passenger will get to his destination on time. I can't tell you the million things that can go wrong and what you are told at the gate may or may not be the real reason. We can't take off without water, which was one of the reasons you mentioned. There are so many things that can delay a flight. Once again - a reason to always come in the day before.

I am truely sorry and hope you can get some resolution for a future sailing out of RCI. I think that's your best bet since their representative told you that you had plenty of time to get the luggage and it was a RCI paid transfer. Appeal to their heart about missing this trip and beg them for a credit for another sailing and get there the day before. I sure do hope it all works out for you.


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Theres always a way to get compensated, you just have to cause enough of a ruckus. Call and complain, talk to a supervisor, if that doesn't work call some more!


I am optimistic, and I really don't want anyone quoting me with some sort of rebuttal. TY

No apologies for the rebuttal, but if you don't want to get your hands dirty, don't play in the mud. Compensation when you are due compensation is one thing... compensation when you're entitled to nothing is another no matter how loud you scream. Do you think Air Tran cares???


Optimism is one thing, blind foolishness is another. :rolleyes:

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No apologies for the rebuttal, but if you don't want to get your hands dirty, don't play in the mud. Compensation when you are due compensation is one thing... compensation when you're entitled to nothing is another no matter how loud you scream. Do you think Air Tran cares???


Optimism is one thing, blind foolishness is another. :rolleyes:


I agree. That's the problem in this world. People expecting to get whatever they want by screaming and raising a fuss. RCL paid you $500 that was covered under your policy. It was your choice to give up the money you paid as cruise fare. The airline had no responsibility to get you to the port on time.


THis is also an important lesson in buying travel insurance. When it comes to trip delay, $500 may not be that much coverage after all.

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This was my 3rd cruise and I am new to Cruise Critic. I have learned many lessons with this. I am by no means screaming and raising a fuss. I am very happy to get something back. Yes, I was misinformed about the insurance. Another lesson learned. I was tired of so many people telling me to go after the airline and Royal Caribbean that I just wanted to get your opinions. I thought that was what this site was for.

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I am rather new to cc too and reading this post I have to say that the responses are rather harsh !!! I am sure you feel bad enough about the whole ordeal - I agree that the airline really will do nothing and I understand that, but I do not understand why you can't use the trip cancellation in place of the trip delay - at one point it was a delay that turned into a cancellation - it does state in the insurance that if you cancel for a non approved reason you can get 75% credit for a later cruise - what is RCCL telling you ? it does give you coverage also for independent booked air - for delays and/or cancellation - I would speak to a supervisor asap to see how to resolve this -

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If you read the insurance coverage that the other posts refer to, it says pretty clearly that you can cancel up to "departure" - I think that should qualify you - you said they paid you $500 for trip delay? return it and change that to trip cancellation based on their mistakes getting you to the pier !!!!

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CRUISECARE “ANY REASON” CRUISE CREDITS……Up To 75% of the non-refundable

pre-paid Cruise Vacation Cost

Provided EXCLUSIVELY by Royal Caribbean International

In the event that you choose to cancel for a reason not authorized above or for a reason that is

otherwise restricted, at any time up until departure, and you have purchased CruiseCare, Royal

Caribbean International will provide you a cruise credit equal to 75% of the non-refundable value of your

Cruise Vacation prepaid to Royal Caribbean International, for your use toward a future cruise. This

additional enhancement is offered exclusively by Royal Caribbean International as a special service to

guests that purchase this cruise ticket Cancellation Penalty Waiver Addendum. Certain restrictions on

the use of these cruise credits (such as blackout periods) may apply. Credits are valid for one year from

issue date, are not transferable, and have no cash value. To be eligible for credits, notification of

cancellation must be given to Royal Caribbean International prior to the ship’s departure. Once you’ve

cancelled with Royal Caribbean International, please contact the CruiseCare Help Line at 1-800

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I felt Airtran was at fault in this situation and I wanted to know if there was some way I was able to recover my loss from them. .


Air Tran was responsible for getting you from your airline departure point to Ft. Lauderdale, which they did, albeit late. In your contract of carriage with Air Tran, it spells out what their obligations to you are if they delay in getting you to your final destination; however, what they owe you is not going to include refunds for activites (i.e. cruise ship embarkation) that you may miss due to your delayed flight. Also, if any of the delays were weather related, they have no obligation to you. For instance, you said part of the delay was in waiting for the crew to arrive from another flight; if they were delayed due to weather, Air Tran would not owe you anything. Not sure if that's why the crew was delayed or not, and I know there were other mechanical issues, so it would seem the airline does owe you some recourse, but it won't be cruise fare reimbursement.

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This was my 3rd cruise and I am new to Cruise Critic. I have learned many lessons with this. I am by no means screaming and raising a fuss. I am very happy to get something back. Yes, I was misinformed about the insurance. Another lesson learned. I was tired of so many people telling me to go after the airline and Royal Caribbean that I just wanted to get your opinions. I thought that was what this site was for.

No harm, no foul... I didn't see you as screaming and making a fuss at all.


Sad fact is, the airline you flew on assumes no liability, RCI's not liable. At least you got something back albeit unfortunate as it is.


Hopefully, you'll take that next cruise.

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I agree. That's the problem in this world. People expecting to get whatever they want by screaming and raising a fuss..


Two words: Personal responsibility. People these days don't want to take any personal responsibility, and seem to always want to blame someone else and/or make someone else pay when things don't go their way.

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Air Tran was responsible for getting you from your airline departure point to Ft. Lauderdale, which they did, albeit late. In your contract of carriage with Air Tran, it spells out what their obligations to you are if they delay in getting you to your final destination; however, what they owe you is not going to include refunds for activites (i.e. cruise ship embarkation) that you may miss due to your delayed flight. Also, if any of the delays were weather related, they have no obligation to you. For instance, you said part of the delay was in waiting for the crew to arrive from another flight; if they were delayed due to weather, Air Tran would not owe you anything. Not sure if that's why the crew was delayed or not, and I know there were other mechanical issues, so it would seem the airline does owe you some recourse, but it won't be cruise fare reimbursement.



Quoting myself here....apparently Air Tran may owe you even less than I gave them credit for. As several have pointed out, their CofC says they aren't responsible even for mechanical issues, as other airlines do. I don't know first hand, so I will take their word for it. I think there are some federal laws that spell out some obligations for these situations, but the bottom line is it's still not going to cover cruise fare for a missed cruise.

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I felt I was responsible waterbug123 by purchasing insurance through Royal Caribbean. I was misled by being told I was able to cancel until I found out when I returned home, "departure" means leaving from your home not the ship. I am not trying to get someone to pay since it didn't go my way. I am just trying to get back what is mine by what was stated in the insurance policy.

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I felt I was responsible waterbug123 by purchasing insurance through Royal Caribbean. I was misled by being told I was able to cancel until I found out when I returned home, "departure" means leaving from your home not the ship. I am not trying to get someone to pay since it didn't go my way. I am just trying to get back what is mine by what was stated in the insurance policy.

But you didn't "cancel". You "missed the ship". Not covered.

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On a positive note:


I am so sorry that you missed your cruised. I can only imagine how upset you were.


I say "Kill Them With Kindness" and see where it gets you. If that doesn't get you anywhere, atleast you were kind to them and won't feel bad about being rude/ugly to them about it. Not that your were going to. I find that I get better results with an issue when I'm nice (yet sometimes firm), than when I'm rude or ugly. It also makes me feel more a peace....


Good Luck........

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I felt I was responsible waterbug123 by purchasing insurance through Royal Caribbean. I was misled by being told I was able to cancel until I found out when I returned home, "departure" means leaving from your home not the ship. I am not trying to get someone to pay since it didn't go my way. I am just trying to get back what is mine by what was stated in the insurance policy.



Ok - where in the cruise insurance does it define the term "departure"? I cannot find it described at all, let alone when you leave your home - cruise cancellation says before departure - obviously you would not get your airfare covered since you did take the flight but you never boarded the ship - that looks to me like a cancellation - I would have to seriously challenge the agent that you spoke to when you got home and hopefully you have the name of the person who told you could cancel - maybe some one with a better legal understanding of the policy could help you - I would continue to persue this if I were you - good luck to you !

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Theres the first issue right there.....you booked your own air and that is NOT COVERED by RCI's insurance...,..consider yourself lucky you got any $$$ back !


So in answer to your topic "Who is responsible".... that would be YOU..... not RCI, not Airtran, nor the bus driver !



Actually, you are wrong. RCI's cruise care insurance does indeed cover you if you book your own air. It is pretty new. My TA booked our air independently from RCI; she was going to sell us additional travel insurance to cover the air portion. I told her there was no need, she didn't believe me. She called RCI, it was confirmed; she gave RCI all of our flight information. No problem, we are covered. This policy change is on their website, as well as in their new brochures.

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A word about cancelling. Did the OP call the ship before they departed the port? If not, the OP never cancelled. She/he would be considered a "no call, no show", and therefore not receive any compensation.


There is a difference between cancelling and "no call, no show". I owened and opereated a Bed & Breakfast in for nearly 15 years.

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RCI worked with us when we once missed embarkation.


The cruise line put us on a different ship, departing the same port the next day. Different port stops and a slightly smaller cabin but we were happy to salvage our vacation and were grateful to RCI. ;)

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In my cruise insurance documents, there are three different areas describing trip cancellation, interruption, and delay, and all of them have their own set of parameters and compensation. (I have CSA)


You apparently fell under the category of trip delay and that is how they compensated you. If you had attempted to meet the ship and not succeeded, I would think they would reimburse your attempts to meet it but not necessarily reimburse trip interruption as bad timing may not be one of the acceptable parameters for interruption compensation.


The reasons are all spelled out and from what I can see on my policy, none of them actually covers me for bad time management. I am flying in on the day of departure and I am also taking a risk. Trip delay is good if my carrier is delayed for 6 hours or more but cancellation and interruption don't kick in until my carrier has been delayed for 24 hours or more (again this is CSA). I did take the earliest flight out with no stops but if there is a freak snowstorm I am in trouble.


I think you might have a chance at something if you speak to resolutions and describe your luggage retrieval/bad driver scenario but no guarantees. Good luck, I could be in your situation in a couple of months.

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I did cancel before departure. I called BerkleyCare Insurance (RC CruiseCare) to try and get clarification on the verbage of their policy. Here it is...Since I left my house and attempted to make the flight regardless of the reasons of the airline delay, it falls under "Trip Delay" and I was covered for the amount listed in the schedule - $500 maximum. Here is the area in the policy covering Pre-Departure Trip Cancellation For Independently Booked Air:

We will pay a Pre-Departure Trip Cancellation Benefit, up to the amount in the Schedule, if you are prevented from taking your Covered Cruise Vacation due to your, an Immediate Family Member's, Traveling Companion's, or Business Partner's Sickness, Injury, or death or Other Covered Events as defined, that occur(s) before departure on your Covered Cruise Vacation. The Sickness or Injury must:

a) commence while your coverage is in effect under the plan; b) require the examination and treatment by a Physician at the time the Covered Cruise Vacation is canceled; and c) in the written opinion of the treating Physician, be so disabling as to prevent you from taking your Covered Cruise Vacation.

I am not entitled for the 75% credit. With my situation, the cost to continue on to the next port would have cost me just as much as the original cost of the cruise. I am very happy to have received some money back.

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I did cancel before departure. I called BerkleyCare Insurance (RC CruiseCare) to try and get clarification on the verbage of their policy. Here it is...Since I left my house and attempted to make the flight regardless of the reasons of the airline delay, it falls under "Trip Delay" and I was covered for the amount listed in the schedule - $500 maximum. Here is the area in the policy covering Pre-Departure Trip Cancellation For Independently Booked Air:

We will pay a Pre-Departure Trip Cancellation Benefit, up to the amount in the Schedule, if you are prevented from taking your Covered Cruise Vacation due to your, an Immediate Family Member's, Traveling Companion's, or Business Partner's Sickness, Injury, or death or Other Covered Events as defined, that occur(s) before departure on your Covered Cruise Vacation. The Sickness or Injury must:

a) commence while your coverage is in effect under the plan; b) require the examination and treatment by a Physician at the time the Covered Cruise Vacation is canceled; and c) in the written opinion of the treating Physician, be so disabling as to prevent you from taking your Covered Cruise Vacation.

I am not entitled for the 75% credit. With my situation, the cost to continue on to the next port would have cost me just as much as the original cost of the cruise. I am very happy to have received some money back.


What are the other covered events? It should list them individually and specifically in your policy.


When I look at my policy, there are things like 'earthquake at the destination', 'strike by employees', 'burglary', 'accident', 'delay of at least 24 hours by a common carrier', etc. Bad timing is not a covered event.

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This I have learned many lessons with this. I am by no means screaming and raising a fuss. I am very happy to get something back. Yes, I was misinformed about the insurance. Another lesson learned. I was tired of so many people telling me to go after the airline and Royal Caribbean that I just wanted to get your opinions. I thought that was what this site was for.


I just want you to know from my original post that I did not mean to say you were screaming and fussing. Rather, I wanted to say please don't do that.

I do feel bad for your situation. Unfortunately, this will have to be a very difficult situation to learn from.

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