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It certainly appears to me like the lynch mod is stalking you. I'm not sure what the original action was, but it is irrelevant at this point. There is no justification for the harassment. You don't have to explain anything.


Most of my cruises these days are on Carnival and you are entitled to your opinion of Carnival and to express it.


As for the lynch mob, I'm used to walking around with a target on my back. I will not be intimidated and will not be silenced.




ZC, this has never been about you :rolleyes: Sure, everyone is entitled to their opinion... the posters opinion, once again, having never been on Carnival (as in PB) was that everyone that cruised on Carnival was (and I quote) "of meager funds" and "below her" and that we were ALL (all Carnival cruisers) trailer park TRASH. So no, nobody is entitled to group everyone into one category and come slamming down on EVERYONE, which she did, in a way that certainly p'd alot of people off. Not asking you to understand, but once again the same person is passing around false information and very quickly becomes irrate. I have better things to do with my time than "stalk" someone :rolleyes: but being that I frequent this board, I, as are you, am entitled to chime in... There is no lynch mob, contrary to whatever you might think... the thread in question had well over 120 posters involved in it, so I'm thinking that some had issues. Believe me, I didn't go crying or posting the regulations when she attacked everyone. Sorry, it is MY opinion that the poster KNEW what she was doing and once again was just trying to stir a pot... which obviously she succeeded at. My opinion, and while I won't take away your right to yours, I hope that you won't take away my right to mine.

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Nancy, you said you wouldn't be posting on here anymore so it's quite possible that you won't read this. However, I have to say that when you posted the "Carnival/Wal-Mart" thread, there were many on here that were very offended not only by your "non truthful" statements but also, that you were so defensive and never would tell the truth. First you said you and your boyfriend were 29, ya'all lived in a "gated community" in Scranton, Pennsylvania, money was no object because your boyfriend was CEO of a Fortune 500 company, that you went to medical school and drove over four hours every day to and from school in Philadelphia so you could meet with your patients/clients in the evening, would never shop at Wal-Mart or Target, and wanted to know if you and boyfriend would "fit in" with those that cruised on Carnival. When it was brought to your attention that there were no CEOs of any Fortune 500 company under the age of 50 . . . you posted that your boyfriend was really 50. When it was brough to your attention that your profile said you were a social worker and not a licenced PSY . . . you said we were rude. Then you posted on another thread that you didn't live in Scranton and on yet another post that you loved Target and shopped there often. There were other inconsistant statements which I can't remember right now but each one was met with the same . . . everyone was being rude to you. Now you say you were at Paradise Beach last September and found it to be dirty and not to your liking . . . and on another post, you are asking what Paridise Beach is like. What can I say? I'm not attacking you . . . I'm an attorney and inconsistant statements are what I look for in defending my clients. The number of inconsistant statements in your postings are unbelievable.


I've been on these boards since before my last cruise in 2003 and no one is "stalking" you . . . we just read all the posts that pertain to the cruise we are planning on taking. For me, that would be the Carvival boards, fashion boards and Cosumel boards (and Grand Cayman and Jamacia boards too). Thus, I have read a lot of your posts. Had you just been honest or at the very least explained all the inconsistancies in your various post, you would not be as upset as you are and you would not have received as many negative replies as you have. These boards are very friendly but when someone comes on and puts down an entire group of people ("I know Carnival is for the Wal-Mart crowd and I'm not sure my boyfriend and I will fit in") and then says a beach as well liked as Paridise Beach is dirty and nasty . . . and then it turns out you weren't even there . . . well, as in the words of my granny . . . "one reaps what one sows."


Well said!!


Just thought I would jump into the melee.....

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ZC, this has never been about you :rolleyes: Sure, everyone is entitled to their opinion... the posters opinion, once again, having never been on Carnival (as in PB) was that everyone that cruised on Carnival was (and I quote) "of meager funds" and "below her" and that we were ALL (all Carnival cruisers) trailer park TRASH. So no, nobody is entitled to group everyone into one category and come slamming down on EVERYONE, which she did, in a way that certainly p'd alot of people off. Not asking you to understand, but once again the same person is passing around false information and very quickly becomes irrate. I have better things to do with my time than "stalk" someone :rolleyes: but being that I frequent this board, I, as are you, am entitled to chime in... There is no lynch mob, contrary to whatever you might think... the thread in question had well over 120 posters involved in it, so I'm thinking that some had issues. Believe me, I didn't go crying or posting the regulations when she attacked everyone. Sorry, it is MY opinion that the poster KNEW what she was doing and once again was just trying to stir a pot... which obviously she succeeded at. My opinion, and while I won't take away your right to yours, I hope that you won't take away my right to mine.


I don't have a problem with anyone expressing an opinion. I prefer for them to address the issues and not the person.


I am not saying it is ok to lie, but why doesn't everyone simply IGNORE the posts and let them settle to the bottom of the list, instead of constantly stirring them back up to the top? There are lots of people reading these boards that really don't want to read all this BS.


Welcome to the bash to poster party! That has certainly succeeded, along with probably driving some readers away, and intimidating others into having resevations about asking questions.

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I don't have a problem with anyone expressing an opinion. I prefer for them to address the issues and not the person.


I am not saying it is ok to lie, but why doesn't everyone simply IGNORE the posts and let them settle to the bottom of the list, instead of constantly stirring them back up to the top? There are lots of people reading these boards that really don't want to read all this BS.


Welcome to the bash to poster party! That has certainly succeeded, along with probably driving some readers away, and intimidating others into having resevations about asking questions.



Zydecocruiser . . . you said "There are lots of people reading these boards that really don't want to read all this BS." That's the beauty of the internet and the Cruise Critics boads . . . no one forces anyone to read anything they don't want to read . . .

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No one is twisting anyones arm to read this thread or any other. If you don't like what you're reading then move on. By the way - My comment was not directed at any person in particular - but if you take it that way then so be it. I have no control over your thoughts.

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I don't have a problem with anyone expressing an opinion. I prefer for them to address the issues and not the person.


I am not saying it is ok to lie, but why doesn't everyone simply IGNORE the posts and let them settle to the bottom of the list, instead of constantly stirring them back up to the top? There are lots of people reading these boards that really don't want to read all this BS.


Welcome to the bash to poster party! That has certainly succeeded, along with probably driving some readers away, and intimidating others into having resevations about asking questions.


If these posts a bothering you as much as you are letting on, why don't YOU IGNORE THEM? YOU are the one that seems most affected by this post. And it is YOU who has felt compelled to post the rules out to us. So it seems to me YOU have a little to do with these posts being "stirred back to the top".


Yes, there are lots of people who read CC posts everyday. How do YOU know what BS they don't want to read? Are you being personally contacted with such concerns?


If there is a post I don't want to read, I simple don't read it. NO ONE is forcing anyone to read posts. If I wanted to ignore someone, I would add them to my ignore list. If I wanted to see a thread go poof, I would use the triangle. YOU have obviously not done any of the three so you are enjoying this thread just as the rest of us are:)

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Good God girl. Take your own advice.


This has me lmao Mr. Pete (especially now that we know he is Mr. Bill and he WILL NOT BE SILENCED!!). I know it's wrong, but I love the preposition "good God!" and always think of that song, "War"....but I digress...wow, she said Carnival cruisers were of "meager funds"? *****? :eek:

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No one is twisting anyones arm to read this thread or any other. If you don't like what you're reading then move on. By the way - My comment was not directed at any person in particular - but if you take it that way then so be it. I have no control over your thoughts.


I'm not taking any of this personally, but it seems like others are. The reverse is also true - if they don't like what I post they are free to ignore and move on. But they don't.

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I'm not taking any of this personally, but it seems like others are. The reverse is also true - if they don't like what I post they are free to ignore and move on. But they don't.


Now Zydeco (or can I call you Bill??), you know you are just as intrigued by this thread as all of us or you wouldn't keep coming back!!!!! :D Sometimes it takes something like this for all of us to stop taking life so darn seriously!!!!! I told you, I was HIGHLY offended by what the OP has said to me in the past. Is this the best or most mature way to go about it? Of course not.... am I proud of any of this? Of course not.... but just as you said there are people that might be turned off by the BS, the same people may be turned off to certain places when they read things such as "unsavory people", "filthy and dirty"... if they did not have the benefit of knowing that the person stating those comments had never been there, that may sway their decision. Same thing went with the "wal mart cruisers cruise Carnival"... these things can INDEED sway the way a person thinks.... sad, but true. Of course, I agree this thread has spiraled out of control.... but I think there is something that keeps you, and the others coming back!!!! :D Be it good or bad!!!! Honestly, I don't think I have tried to offend you, rather I think I have tried to reach out to you and help you understand how some might be feeling. I don't expect you to understand, but since obviously some of us have issues to work through (gosh this sounds familiar from another board, LOL!!!), then it might be best to just skip past it for a while... it will die soon, either by time or by a Mod :eek:

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Now Zydeco (or can I call you Bill??), you know you are just as intrigued by this thread as all of us or you wouldn't keep coming back!!!!! :D Sometimes it takes something like this for all of us to stop taking life so darn seriously!!!!! I told you, I was HIGHLY offended by what the OP has said to me in the past. Is this the best or most mature way to go about it? Of course not.... am I proud of any of this? Of course not.... but just as you said there are people that might be turned off by the BS, the same people may be turned off to certain places when they read things such as "unsavory people", "filthy and dirty"... if they did not have the benefit of knowing that the person stating those comments had never been there, that may sway their decision. Same thing went with the "wal mart cruisers cruise Carnival"... these things can INDEED sway the way a person thinks.... sad, but true. Of course, I agree this thread has spiraled out of control.... but I think there is something that keeps you, and the others coming back!!!! :D Be it good or bad!!!! Honestly, I don't think I have tried to offend you, rather I think I have tried to reach out to you and help you understand how some might be feeling. I don't expect you to understand, but since obviously some of us have issues to work through (gosh this sounds familiar from another board, LOL!!!), then it might be best to just skip past it for a while... it will die soon, either by time or by a Mod :eek:


GC, are you sure you weren't an attorney (or PSY) in another life? Z, as well meaning as she may be isn't the issue of this thread. We seem to be addressing her frustration (can't think of a better word) more than we are in addressing why DancingNancy put down Paridise Island . . . when it seems that she never even visited Paridise Beach. Why this poster (DN) continues to stir up things on the Cruise Critics Boards is a mystery to so many. Why would she in one post say PI was dirty and she didn't want to visit again and in another post ask for advice about visiting Paridise Island on her next cruise. That's the real issue. Z (sorry Z) probably doesn't know enough about the history of DN on the Cruise Critics boards to understand why so many just want her to explain why she said what she did about Paridise Beach (among so many other things).

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GC, are you sure you weren't an attorney (or PSY) in another life? Z, as well meaning as she may be isn't the issue of this thread. We seem to be addressing her frustration (can't think of a better word) more than we are in addressing why DancingNancy put down Paridise Island . . . when it seems that she never even visited Paridise Beach. Why this poster (DN) continues to stir up things on the Cruise Critics Boards is a mystery to so many. Why would she in one post say PI was dirty and she didn't want to visit again and in another post ask for advice about visiting Paridise Island on her next cruise. That's the real issue. Z (sorry Z) probably doesn't know enough about the history of DN on the Cruise Critics boards to understand why so many just want her to explain why she said what she did about Paridise Beach (among so many other things).


She's a he. And yes, you may call me Bill. I don't think Paradise Beach is the root cause of the issue some posters have with the OP. I think it is residual from past threads that have been deleted.


Why the other posters keep stirring the pot is a mystery. I would handle it differently.


GC and others, I'm sorry if the OP offended you in past, present, or future posts, but only you control how long you hold on to those feelings. If the OP never "comes clean" - are you going to harbor those feelings forever? If so, that is sad.


I didn't start this, but I do intend to be at the finish line.

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LOL Lady C, no... although that was my dream as a youngster!!!!! But I will say, in owning a business, I come across people daily where the "attorney" in me comes out... I don't like that side necessarily, but it is a necessary evil I guess. I personally will say that of course I am not proud as to the way this thread has gone. Most who know me, know that I am a very fun loving, gentle person... but tick me off, and the devil in me appears. I just don't personally like some of the things the OP has done on CC... this board for the most part is comprised of people that want for the good of cruising... there are always those that just want to pump their ego, or cause trouble, and I guess I am a little too over protective :o Anyone who knows me, knows how much I love these boards... they have helped me to create life long friendships and have assisted me in much more than learning about cruising... kind of like when someone messes with your family :(

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She's a he. And yes, you may call me Bill. I don't think Paradise Beach is the root cause of the issue some posters have with the OP. I think it is residual from past threads that have been deleted.


Why the other posters keep stirring the pot is a mystery. I would handle it differently.


GC and others, I'm sorry if the OP offended you in past, present, or future posts, but only you control how long you hold on to those feelings. If the OP never "comes clean" - are you going to harbor those feelings forever? If so, that is sad.


I didn't start this, but I do intend to be at the finish line.


LOL Bill... I will say, it's been entertaining at best!!!! I really do understand where you are coming from... and had I not had previous run ins, I may be where you are now... I don't like to see innocent people come down on, on these boards... I really don't. YOu may think that I am just the wicked witch from the SE... but really, I'm not :o Should this have been handled differently? maybe.... you are right about that.... but until in that position, you just never know how you might handle something. I don't think the OP will ever come clean, and I'm not holding my breath on that... and I truly hope you don't hold this against many of these posters... I have tried to maintain a bit of composure over this, then again, I probably have not done the greatest job... it's a dead horse, but we keep coming back to watch the burial :D

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She's a he. And yes, you may call me Bill. I don't think Paradise Beach is the root cause of the issue some posters have with the OP. I think it is residual from past threads that have been deleted.


Why the other posters keep stirring the pot is a mystery. I would handle it differently.


GC and others, I'm sorry if the OP offended you in past, present, or future posts, but only you control how long you hold on to those feelings. If the OP never "comes clean" - are you going to harbor those feelings forever? If so, that is sad.


I didn't start this, but I do intend to be at the finish line.


You are on here for the same reason we all are....for curiousity and entertainment:p

When you say thing like " Why the other posters keep stirring the pot is a mystery", you write this in hopes you CAN make someone mad by implying THEY might be the ones you are talking about. You might as well point fingers if you want the full effect:D


"But I do intend to be at the Finish Line". Does that mean you have to have the last word? That you will die trying to prove that you are right? What purpose does that prove? That you just like to argue?


Perhaps if you would have read the particular thread we have been telling you about, you may be able to put yourself in others shoes. She did spew some nasty accusations around. It's one of those "you have to be there" situations. People react differently to different things....and none of us have the right to tell someone how they should feel.


If all of us are giving each other attention, we are ALL guilty of "stirring the pot" :)

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LOL Bill... I will say, it's been entertaining at best!!!! I really do understand where you are coming from... and had I not had previous run ins, I may be where you are now... I don't like to see innocent people come down on, on these boards... I really don't. YOu may think that I am just the wicked witch from the SE... but really, I'm not :o Should this have been handled differently? maybe.... you are right about that.... but until in that position, you just never know how you might handle something. I don't think the OP will ever come clean, and I'm not holding my breath on that... and I truly hope you don't hold this against many of these posters... I have tried to maintain a bit of composure over this, then again, I probably have not done the greatest job... it's a dead horse, but we keep coming back to watch the burial :D


I don't think you drive a broom. It does seem a little like watching reruns expecting the ending to be different.

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Mr. Bill,

When DN was asked on that first infamous post to 'try again' after really putting her foot in her mouth...she just inserted it further.

it isn't like we didn't try with this girl/woman (I don't know how old she is this week???).


That is what really made most of us believe she is dilusional. No licensed psychologist (well, she is this week...in the previous thread, she was just a counselor going through med school) is so bad that they have zero ability to converse with people and tell truths...or at least make ammends after offending people.

When we asked her to make an attempt to ask her questions without being so condescending.....she just compounded the issue by throwing out more nasty comments that had to do with cruising with people with meager funds....it was the kind of stuff that, after you read it, you sucked in your breath and thought, 'what the.....??????'

It may not bother you if she gives bad information about a certain beach...but if it was your beach, or you owned a business on that beach, you might feel differently. Everyone here wants to hear the good/the bad and the ugly about cruise lines, ships and ports...but if you have something negative to say, you need to back it up with an explaination of WHY you disliked it. This is what will make it easier for other posters to know what to weed out...

and, lets be real, if you post one thing and then turn it around and say something else completely....what are the chances that no one will call you on it???? Or, if you talk down to people and act like you are better than them...aren't they going to get a little p-o'd????

If any of us call someone on what they say and it bothers you, you have the right to report it, using the 'warning button' thing...or you have the right to skip over it. I don't think your posting CC guidelines is going to stop anyone from calling someone on a lie....especially when it's followed by pages of more lies.

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