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Few last minute questions from first-time cruiser


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Hello, "phoenix_dream." Thanks for your comments.

I think that, before posting, however, you must not have read, and thought over, the totality of my words (in two posts) carefully enough -- and you must not have carefully considered the propriety of leaving a post in response to mine.


You wrote: "I am curious as to why changing a bedding arrangement needs to be done 'immediately' unless you are going to bed in the afternoon."


Well, the first reason is simply ... to right what is wrong! There doesn't have to be a "practical" reason, such as needing an afternoon nap. A steward should want to correct his/her mistake without delaying until later in the day.


Sadly, however, I have had one steward lie, telling me that the cruise line had not notified him of my wish concerning the bed arrangement ... and I have had another steward tell me that he intentionally ignored my request! He said that he thought that I would soon find myself just as happy, or happier, with the opposite bed arrangement! He left me feeling sure that he had simply been lazy and had wanted to leave the arrangement as it had existed for the previous guests -- in order to save himself a bit of time and labor.


Nevertheless, besides the "principle of the thing," there can be practical reasons for requiring/expecting "immediate" correction of the error.


Here's what I stated in my first post on this thread:

"If [the bed set-up] is wrong [contrary to what you requested], don't be afraid to [demand] that it be fixed immediately (while you are at lunch). Otherwise, it may not be done until evening (while you are at dinner), and a bad bed-setup can create a problem for your afternoon unpacking."


So, as you can see, "phoenix_dream," I had already given a reason for immediate, as opposed to delayed, correction. Getting it done while one is at lunch doesn't have to do with napping, but with unpacking and storage of belongings, especially for those of us who sometimes travel alone. Some of us want to have two separate twin beds, for two reasons:

(a) they make for a nice, wide passage [and side-by-side end tables] between them, which is very helpful while unpacking and afterwards; and ...

(b) they allow for spreading out an opened bag and unpacking it directly onto the bed that will not be used for sleeping -- and thereby for spread-out, easy-to-access, "open storage" of items, atop that second bed, throughout the cruise.


I'd venture to guess that other visitors here could provide other, very different reasons for desiring not to have to wait until evening to have a correction made in favor of the opposite bed arrangement (twins joined together as a queen).


You wrote: "On the outside chance you intend to nap, I would think you could tough it out for once, unless you have some kind of medical issue or something that truly may require immediate service:rolleyes:."


I didn't appreciate the rolled eyes, which were not deserved!


People are not to be expected to "tough it out" when they are paying an arm and a leg to have things done properly for them -- only to find something important having been done wrong on "day one"!


Since you yourself were able to picture "some kind of medical issue or something that truly may require immediate service," I think that it would have been wise for you to have abandoned your message without posting it! You also went on to say, "I obviously can't speak as to why you need it done immediately ...". Yes, you "obviously" could not speak in an informed manner, so it would have been better if you had not spoken imprudently. Sometimes the prudent thing for each of us to do is to stifle the urge to respond every time we disagree with someone.


You wrote: "When passengers start boarding cabin stewards are inundated with various requests and complaints. To expect the cabin stewards to drop everything and handle your problem first seems a bit ....... ummm ........ selfish maybe?"


No. As I hope my statements above have shown, it has nothing to do with selfishness, but with justice and a steward's professionalism (correcting his/her error or even deliberate misdeed!). Correcting the problem takes ten minutes or less, and I didn't state that it should be done "first" (before everyone else's legitimate needs), but "while you are at lunch," as opposed to "while you are at dinner."


[i'm editing the above to add this PS: I see that the person who originally attacked me unjustly has done it again -- again, because of a lack of understanding the situation. How sad! What I have stated above overcomes his/her new objections, as well as the old ones.]

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You are correct, it is not an emergency. The proper procedure is to tell the steward that you need them corrected by the first night, if they are not done correctly than you call someone and have them come and fix it while you wait. If you complain vociferously over something that is not called for than it may affect your service the rest of the week. Just human nature. The posters experience is highly unsual.


Don, no one said that it was an "emergency."

In addition -- no offense intended, but -- I do not see you as an authority as to what is "proper procedure." Based on reasons I have given, at length, above, I am convinced that "proper procedure" is immediate correction of the problem (with "immediate" meaning "while I am having lunch," not "this very second").


Moreover, I believe that you are wrong about "human nature" -- at least, in a situation like this. I have found that, when a steward has done something wrong and a guest corrects him/her in a fair manner (not abusively), the steward works even harder to make up for it and to earn his/her gratuity (rather than lose it).


Finally, I don't see how you could possibly know if my "experience is highly unusual." I think that you are just making an assumption and that you have not done research into it. My experience could be far more common than you think it is. Saying that my "experience is highly unusual" is a demeaning thing to say -- as though I should simply be disregarded. I didn't appreciate that.

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Don, no one said that it was an "emergency."

In addition -- no offense intended, but -- I do not see you as an authority as to what is "proper procedure." Based on reasons I have given, at length, above, I am convinced that "proper procedure" is immediate correction of the problem (with "immediate" meaning "while I am having lunch," not "this very second").


Moreover, I believe that you are wrong about "human nature" -- at least, in a situation like this. I have found that, when a steward has done something wrong and a guest corrects him/her in a fair manner (not abusively), the steward works even harder to make up for it and to earn his/her gratuity (rather than lose it).


Finally, I don't see how you could possibly know if my "experience is highly unusual." I think that you are just making an assumption and that you have not done research into it. My experience could be far more common than you think it is. Saying that my "experience is highly unusual" is a demeaning thing to say -- as though I should simply be disregarded. I didn't appreciate that.


Sorry for the misunderstanding but I used the word emergency because others did use it when referring to this situation, it was used by the poster that I quoted and was in the quote.I acknowledge that you did not use it but I didn't say you did.


I guess the human nature thing is the half full, half empty theory. Usually I am a half full person but I believe we are both right.


Sorry if I used the word proper but should have used another word such as a good procedure but I am only going by what others have done in the same situation.


Finally, in all my years on this board which is 15 I have never heard of a complaint of a steward refusing to move the beds. I had the same thing on my last cruise and I asked that it be changed, went to eat and it was done. We had three people in the room at the time. I don't doubt your situation but in my experience and from a couple of other posts on this thread, it appears to be a rare situation. Again, I meant nothing personal, only commenting from experience...

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[i'm editing the above to add this PS: I see that the person who originally attacked me unjustly has done it again -- again, because of a lack of understanding the situation. How sad! What I have stated above overcomes his/her new objections, as well as the old ones.]



If you are referring to me as "attacking" you "unjustly" in my comment to the poster, I am sorry you feel that way.

I responded to the original poster's question re the steamer and her lack of requesting a bed arrangement in her booking process and how to handle it politely onboard.


As she is new to Celebrity, she might have gleaned from your "complain vociferously" advice , that Celebrity's service is below par and unless spoken to in that manner, would be ignored. I felt it a misleading answer (perhaps just a poor choice of wording) and not a true picture of the helpfulness of the stewards I have met up with on our X cruises. It is a simple mistake to fix...and perhaps NOT the steward's fault as you blamed. TA's can forget to enter the info as well as Celebrity not always entering info correctly. To jump all over the steward as you suggested the OP to do, would be in your words.."unjust", not knowing the facts. hmmm..Just as you say some of us responded to you. ;)


Sorry you feel a lack of justice or getting what is due you has played a role in this easy question by the op.


Everyone faces life's little knots with different priorities. We look at things differently..that's all. Doesn't make life or anyone else's different opinion "unjust".:confused:


Continue to enjoy your cruises!:)

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Hello, "phoenix_dream." Thanks for your comments.

I think that, before posting, however, you must not have read, and thought over, the totality of my words (in two posts) carefully enough -- and you must not have carefully considered the propriety of leaving a post in response to mine.


You wrote: "I am curious as to why changing a bedding arrangement needs to be done 'immediately' unless you are going to bed in the afternoon."


Well, the first reason is simply ... to right what is wrong! There doesn't have to be a "practical" reason, such as needing an afternoon nap. A steward should want to correct his/her mistake without delaying until later in the day.


Sadly, however, I have had one steward lie, telling me that the cruise line had not notified him of my wish concerning the bed arrangement ... and I have had another steward tell me that he intentionally ignored my request! He said that he thought that I would soon find myself just as happy, or happier, with the opposite bed arrangement! He left me feeling sure that he had simply been lazy and had wanted to leave the arrangement as it had existed for the previous guests -- in order to save himself a bit of time and labor.


Nevertheless, besides the "principle of the thing," there can be practical reasons for requiring/expecting "immediate" correction of the error.


Here's what I stated in my first post on this thread:

"If [the bed set-up] is wrong [contrary to what you requested], don't be afraid to [demand] that it be fixed immediately (while you are at lunch). Otherwise, it may not be done until evening (while you are at dinner), and a bad bed-setup can create a problem for your afternoon unpacking."


So, as you can see, "phoenix_dream," I had already given a reason for immediate, as opposed to delayed, correction. Getting it done while one is at lunch doesn't have to do with napping, but with unpacking and storage of belongings, especially for those of us who sometimes travel alone. Some of us want to have two separate twin beds, for two reasons:

(a) they make for a nice, wide passage [and side-by-side end tables] between them, which is very helpful while unpacking and afterwards; and ...

(b) they allow for spreading out an opened bag and unpacking it directly onto the bed that will not be used for sleeping -- and thereby for spread-out, easy-to-access, "open storage" of items, atop that second bed, throughout the cruise.


I'd venture to guess that other visitors here could provide other, very different reasons for desiring not to have to wait until evening to have a correction made in favor of the opposite bed arrangement (twins joined together as a queen).


You wrote: "On the outside chance you intend to nap, I would think you could tough it out for once, unless you have some kind of medical issue or something that truly may require immediate service:rolleyes:."


I didn't appreciate the rolled eyes, which were not deserved!


People are not to be expected to "tough it out" when they are paying an arm and a leg to have things done properly for them -- only to find something important having been done wrong on "day one"!


Since you yourself were able to picture "some kind of medical issue or something that truly may require immediate service," I think that it would have been wise for you to have abandoned your message without posting it! You also went on to say, "I obviously can't speak as to why you need it done immediately ...". Yes, you "obviously" could not speak in an informed manner, so it would have been better if you had not spoken imprudently. Sometimes the prudent thing for each of us to do is to stifle the urge to respond every time we disagree with someone.


You wrote: "When passengers start boarding cabin stewards are inundated with various requests and complaints. To expect the cabin stewards to drop everything and handle your problem first seems a bit ....... ummm ........ selfish maybe?"


No. As I hope my statements above have shown, it has nothing to do with selfishness, but with justice and a steward's professionalism (correcting his/her error or even deliberate misdeed!). Correcting the problem takes ten minutes or less, and I didn't state that it should be done "first" (before everyone else's legitimate needs), but "while you are at lunch," as opposed to "while you are at dinner."


[i'm editing the above to add this PS: I see that the person who originally attacked me unjustly has done it again -- again, because of a lack of understanding the situation. How sad! What I have stated above overcomes his/her new objections, as well as the old ones.]


Wow! Don't forget that the purpose of a cruise is to RELAX!;)


OP- Don't worry. Your room steward will usually bend over backward to do anything you want (ice/towels/bed formation, etc.) and you will probably meet him or her the first afternoon. Depending on your schedule, you may or may not see him/her that often but there will be info in your room about how to contact him/her and their hours if needed.


One of the greatest things (usually) about a cruise is the wonderful "service with a smile" one gets from all crew members, especially since they work such long hours for relatively low pay. Once in a while you will meet one who isn't (sick, homesick, disgruntled) but I can say it has been a rarity in our 4 cruises! And I have always found the best way to bring out the best in them is to be pleasant and understanding if everyone of your wishes cannot be met right that second but as soon as possible. :D



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. When you board, please go right to your stateroom and check the setup. If it is wrong, don't be afraid to "raise hell" about it, demanding that it be fixed immediately (while you are at lunch). Otherwise, it may not be done until evening (while you are at dinner), and a bad bed-setup can create a problem for your afternoon unpacking.]




Don, my use of the word "emergency" was not in quotes. I derived the word from this post to the op from jg51. And this was before the "complain vociferously" comment. Sorry , but sounds like an emergency to me.

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Wow! Don't forget that the purpose of a cruise is to RELAX!;)


OP- Don't worry. Your room steward will usually bend over backward to do anything you want (ice/towels/bed formation, etc.) and you will probably meet him or her the first afternoon. Depending on your schedule, you may or may not see him/her that often but there will be info in your room about how to contact him/her and their hours if needed.


One of the greatest things (usually) about a cruise is the wonderful "service with a smile" one gets from all crew members, especially since they work such long hours for relatively low pay. Once in a while you will meet one who isn't (sick, homesick, disgruntled) but I can say it has been a rarity in our 4 cruises! And I have always found the best way to bring out the best in them is to be pleasant and understanding if everyone of your wishes cannot be met right that second but as soon as possible. :D




Which is why we as well as tens of thousands more enjoy Celebrity. Glad you are telling it like it is....we too haven't ever had in the last 10 plus years any staff member not do their job willingly. All without a harsh threat or demand. :D

We'll be back for more of the same in January!:)

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Don, my use of the word "emergency" was not in quotes. I derived the word from this post to the op from jg51. And this was before the "complain vociferously" comment. Sorry , but sounds like an emergency to me.



I understand, I was only pointing out to the poster that the word was used prior when he said it had not been...

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Hello, "phoenix_dream." Thanks for your comments.

I think that, before posting, however, you must not have read, and thought over, the totality of my words (in two posts) carefully enough -- and you must not have carefully considered the propriety of leaving a post in response to mine.


You wrote: "I am curious as to why changing a bedding arrangement needs to be done 'immediately' unless you are going to bed in the afternoon."


Well, the first reason is simply ... to right what is wrong! There doesn't have to be a "practical" reason, such as needing an afternoon nap. A steward should want to correct his/her mistake without delaying until later in the day.


Sadly, however, I have had one steward lie, telling me that the cruise line had not notified him of my wish concerning the bed arrangement ... and I have had another steward tell me that he intentionally ignored my request! He said that he thought that I would soon find myself just as happy, or happier, with the opposite bed arrangement! He left me feeling sure that he had simply been lazy and had wanted to leave the arrangement as it had existed for the previous guests -- in order to save himself a bit of time and labor.


Nevertheless, besides the "principle of the thing," there can be practical reasons for requiring/expecting "immediate" correction of the error.


Here's what I stated in my first post on this thread:

"If [the bed set-up] is wrong [contrary to what you requested], don't be afraid to [demand] that it be fixed immediately (while you are at lunch). Otherwise, it may not be done until evening (while you are at dinner), and a bad bed-setup can create a problem for your afternoon unpacking."


So, as you can see, "phoenix_dream," I had already given a reason for immediate, as opposed to delayed, correction. Getting it done while one is at lunch doesn't have to do with napping, but with unpacking and storage of belongings, especially for those of us who sometimes travel alone. Some of us want to have two separate twin beds, for two reasons:

(a) they make for a nice, wide passage [and side-by-side end tables] between them, which is very helpful while unpacking and afterwards; and ...

(b) they allow for spreading out an opened bag and unpacking it directly onto the bed that will not be used for sleeping -- and thereby for spread-out, easy-to-access, "open storage" of items, atop that second bed, throughout the cruise.


I'd venture to guess that other visitors here could provide other, very different reasons for desiring not to have to wait until evening to have a correction made in favor of the opposite bed arrangement (twins joined together as a queen).


You wrote: "On the outside chance you intend to nap, I would think you could tough it out for once, unless you have some kind of medical issue or something that truly may require immediate service:rolleyes:."


I didn't appreciate the rolled eyes, which were not deserved!


People are not to be expected to "tough it out" when they are paying an arm and a leg to have things done properly for them -- only to find something important having been done wrong on "day one"!


Since you yourself were able to picture "some kind of medical issue or something that truly may require immediate service," I think that it would have been wise for you to have abandoned your message without posting it! You also went on to say, "I obviously can't speak as to why you need it done immediately ...". Yes, you "obviously" could not speak in an informed manner, so it would have been better if you had not spoken imprudently. Sometimes the prudent thing for each of us to do is to stifle the urge to respond every time we disagree with someone.


You wrote: "When passengers start boarding cabin stewards are inundated with various requests and complaints. To expect the cabin stewards to drop everything and handle your problem first seems a bit ....... ummm ........ selfish maybe?"


No. As I hope my statements above have shown, it has nothing to do with selfishness, but with justice and a steward's professionalism (correcting his/her error or even deliberate misdeed!). Correcting the problem takes ten minutes or less, and I didn't state that it should be done "first" (before everyone else's legitimate needs), but "while you are at lunch," as opposed to "while you are at dinner."


[i'm editing the above to add this PS: I see that the person who originally attacked me unjustly has done it again -- again, because of a lack of understanding the situation. How sad! What I have stated above overcomes his/her new objections, as well as the old ones.]


zey vill obey your orders. i can see why you travel alone.

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We usually find the beds seperated when first checking in, even though we've specified they be together. I used to just mention it and it would get taken care of before bedtime, but now I just lift the nightstand and push the beds together to facilitate the unpacking. We actully like having the two beds together but pushed to one side of the room. This makes for a larger walking space on the other side. The room seems to work best for us this way. Takes about 20 seconds to push the beds around and move the nightstand, and the steward gets the idea and keeps them that way. Not a big deal at all. :)

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Wow! Don't forget that the purpose of a cruise is to RELAX!;)


OP- Don't worry. Your room steward will usually bend over backward to do anything you want (ice/towels/bed formation, etc.) and you will probably meet him or her the first afternoon. Depending on your schedule, you may or may not see him/her that often but there will be info in your room about how to contact him/her and their hours if needed.


One of the greatest things (usually) about a cruise is the wonderful "service with a smile" one gets from all crew members, especially since they work such long hours for relatively low pay. Once in a while you will meet one who isn't (sick, homesick, disgruntled) but I can say it has been a rarity in our 4 cruises! And I have always found the best way to bring out the best in them is to be pleasant and understanding if everyone of your wishes cannot be met right that second but as soon as possible. :D




'Wow' is right! We are just talking about a bedding arrangement, aren't we? Righting a wrong, correcting an injustice - did I miss something and someone committed a crime here? I thought the room steward just set up the beds wrong. I definitely think a little relaxing is called for.:)

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On our honeymoon cruise I had to book it in my maiden name to make sure my passport matched everything. The cruise line thought it was two males sharing a room so they had the beds apart...


That just wouldn't do so I screamed up and down the hall for our stewerd and pushed her into the room and yelled at her. I told her she wasn't allowed to leave the room until she fixed her mistake and then I called her stupid for making it in the first place. I only let her leave once she was cowering in fear and realized I was boss and she would obey my commands. :p


Actually, once we figured out they thought I was a male, we had a good laugh and helped the stewerd moves the beds. After she saw how laid back, fun loving and just generaly nice people we are, she bent over backwards to help and please us. Then again we aren't hard to please. :D


Also, working in a public service field for several years, I can say that being asked nicely gets me to work harder and faster then being yelled at, demanded of, or someone "raising hell".


It is not hard to say in a nice, friendly voice, "I noticed the beds aren't together. I know you are really busy, but I would really appreciate it if you could have it fixed (Enter time table here ie: During lunch, before dinner), please.

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On our honeymoon cruise I had to book it in my maiden name to make sure my passport matched everything. The cruise line thought it was two males sharing a room so they had the beds apart...


That just wouldn't do so I screamed up and down the hall for our stewerd and pushed her into the room and yelled at her. I told her she wasn't allowed to leave the room until she fixed her mistake and then I called her stupid for making it in the first place. I only let her leave once she was cowering in fear and realized I was boss and she would obey my commands. :p


Actually, once we figured out they thought I was a male, we had a good laugh and helped the stewerd moves the beds. After she saw how laid back, fun loving and just generaly nice people we are, she bent over backwards to help and please us. Then again we aren't hard to please. :D


Also, working in a public service field for several years, I can say that being asked nicely gets me to work harder and faster then being yelled at, demanded of, or someone "raising hell".


It is not hard to say in a nice, friendly voice, "I noticed the beds aren't together. I know you are really busy, but I would really appreciate it if you could have it fixed (Enter time table here ie: During lunch, before dinner), please.

Well put:)

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