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B2B Carnival Dream March 12-26 Review


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I too have enjoyed reading your review, but I do have a couple of comments and a question. I found your willingness to allow Jenna to come back to the cabin at basically whatever time she chose rather irresponsible. It appeared she could come and go at will without much direct supervision by you, because a great deal of the time, based on your review, you had consumed huge quantites of alcohol.


Would her mother have approved of this type of supervision or is this typical of her curfew when she goes out at home?


While on the ship, did you and Jenna do much together, other than have dinner and watch an occasional movie in the cabin?


I discussed with her mother that I did not plan on giving Jenna a curfew on the ship; her mother warned me she was a night owl and I understood that.


Not much else together other than the night I snuck her into the Caliente club. She's not my child I don't need "bonding" time with her or to drag her to a bunch of events neither she or I want to go to. We spent our days together in St. Thomas, St. Maarten, Cozumel and Roatan, that was more than enough "together" time for me (and for her).


What I find personally irresponsible is parents who will not give teenagers - especially those who are close to being a legal adult - the freedom to make their own choices and development personal responsibility. In one year Jenna will be 18 and an adult.


Society has far too many young people whose parents wrapped them in bubble wrap their entire childhood - and even past childhood into their early 20's - and these "kids" are completely unprepared to deal with even the most mundane life tasks.

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I discussed with her mother that I did not plan on giving Jenna a curfew on the ship; her mother warned me she was a night owl and I understood that.


Not much else together other than the night I snuck her into the Caliente club. She's not my child I don't need "bonding" time with her or to drag her to a bunch of events neither she or I want to go to. We spent our days together in St. Thomas, St. Maarten, Cozumel and Roatan, that was more than enough "together" time for me (and for her).


What I find personally irresponsible is parents who will not give teenagers - especially those who are close to being a legal adult - the freedom to make their own choices and development personal responsibility. In one year Jenna will be 18 and an adult.


Society has far too many young people whose parents wrapped them in bubble wrap their entire childhood - and even past childhood into their early 20's - and these "kids" are completely unprepared to deal with even the most mundane life tasks.


Well said! As the mother of an 18-year old who has cruised with me more times than not, I totally respect the way you and Jenna balanced out your vacation. :)

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Isn't that what aunts are for, to bend the rules that your parents set for you a little? She has said countless times "I am not a parent nor do I pretend to be." I find it great that you allowed Jenna so much free time. Teenagers have to learn sometime in their life to be on their own. My parents allowed me the same amount of free time on my first 2 cruises at 16 and 19. I knew they trusted me and my judgement. Are they bad parents? No they are great! They haven't been holding my hand my whole life. I really feel bad for some people's teenagers who never get the chance to grow up and know what it's like to be on their own.

Sorry to go off I just find it rude that some people feel the need to say what they say in someones review.

By the way I am loving your review and am checking all the time for updates! Your doing a great job!

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Yes, this is the posters review, but she put it out there and I didn't realize we weren't suppose to make comments, just read the dang thing. What happened to my memo?


As many of you know, I can take the heat and the question I asked is one that I'm sure several people here were thinking, but just didn't want to ask. In my opinion, I didn't frame the question in a rude manner, but I can't tell you how many times I've heard people here at cc complain because folks let their kids run all over the ship with no supervision. I've heard you all mention that the ship is like a city and it is absurd to think that "parents" can bring their teens onboard and let them do whatever they want and not worry about crime, simply because they are on a ship and can't go anywhere. Now we are prepared to give somebody a pass because the adult sounds like a fun person. There seem to be rules for everybody else, but some are exempt, make up your minds.


When four teens slept outside all night, that in my view was irresponsible, I don't even care if the girl was a night owl or not. Coming in at 7:30 in the morning because you fell asleep on a lounger and that was the excuse, give me a break, and the "parent" wasn't even aware that she was missing until the next morning. Now picklebongo is the bad guy, Dr. Phil, family critic, my word, you folks kill me sometimes.


But I do love the writing style, breezy comments, zest for life and her ability to roll with the punches. Sounds like she had a great cruise!

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I have a very boring Canadian Government job. The only perk is the leave.


3 weeks sick leave per year

4 weeks vacation leave per year (after 8 years of service which I reached 2 years ago)

1 week of "family related" leave (to care for sick children / parents)

1 volunteer day per year

1 personal day per year


The leave is great - the job causes me to die a slow death Monday to Friday each and every week.


I basically save continuously for vacations and live my life vacation to vacation. The trips are the only things that keep me sane :p well, somewhat sane at least. Okay, they keep me from pushing people out of windows.


I also have a very boring Canadian government job, so I can totally relate! But the leave is wonderful! Trips are the only things that keep me sane too! LOL


This review is so amazing! Definitely my fave that I've read here. I'm constantly laughing and smiling while reading :D. A group of us are going on the Dream next August and this review has been making me soooo eager to get on the ship!! Excellent job! :o

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Yes, this is the posters review, but she put it out there and I didn't realize we weren't suppose to make comments, just read the dang thing. What happened to my memo?


As many of you know, I can take the heat and the question I asked is one that I'm sure several people here were thinking, but just didn't want to ask. In my opinion, I didn't frame the question in a rude manner, but I can't tell you how many times I've heard people here at cc complain because folks let their kids run all over the ship with no supervision. I've heard you all mention that the ship is like a city and it is absurd to think that "parents" can bring their teens onboard and let them do whatever they want and not worry about crime, simply because they are on a ship and can't go anywhere. Now we are prepared to give somebody a pass because the adult sounds like a fun person. There seem to be rules for everybody else, but some are exempt, make up your minds.


When four teens slept outside all night, that in my view was irresponsible, I don't even care if the girl was a night owl or not. Coming in at 7:30 in the morning because you fell asleep on a lounger and that was the excuse, give me a break, and the "parent" wasn't even aware that she was missing until the next morning. Now picklebongo is the bad guy, Dr. Phil, family critic, my word, you folks kill me sometimes.


But I do love the writing style, breezy comments, zest for life and her ability to roll with the punches. Sounds like she had a great cruise!


Well, though I do see your point, I don't think that everyone raises their children the same. I have a 20 and 17 year old. They both work public jobs, own vehicles, and make many adult decisions daily. I am available for advice and I do make requirements of them. However, while on vacation, I am certainly more lax than usual and I assume they will make good choices based on the good upbringing they have brought with them to this point.

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I also had no curfew on cruises at that age "the age of discovery", as my father calls those years. They instilled in me responsibility towards others and myself. At 52 and the financial aid director at a large college it's so sad to see adults 18-22 with the maturity level of 14 year olds. The baby boomers have coddled this next generation to the point where they almost can't funtion in society. :(


Sorry I had to get that off my chest.:o

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While reading this review, it never crossed my mind to question the "parenting" of Jenna by her Godmother. I am just enjoying hearing about all the fun they had. Would u prefer that they were joined at the hip during this cruise? Seems to me it was discussed with Jenna's mother what she would be allowed to do before the cruise. The OP is sharing the day to day happenings that they experienced. Why do u feel the need to comment on what u perceive as irresponsible behavior on the OPs part? People are different. They are allowed to make their own decisions. To also mention how much the OP had to drink is very rude. She is on a cruise vacation and having a great time. When people take the time to write a wonderful review that is witty and informative, the least we can do is be civil. Comments like these are why people hesitate to post on CC. You need to get a life and quit trying to tell people how to live theirs..

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Well, first I want to say, what an awesome review from meatloafsfan! What a talented writer you are and a great storyteller :)


To Picklebongo, I have to say that the same ideas crossed my mind while reading the review. I kept thinking "wow! I can't believe she let Jenna stay out so late!" I don't know that I would have stated those opinions on here though (I guess I just did! ha ha). I don't necessarily think it's bad that she gave Jenna such freedom but I'm also pretty sure I would not do that with my own teenagers (my oldest is only 7).


Question though. Why are there no curfews for kids under 18 on the ship? It's kinda surprising to me (as is the fact that 9 year olds can check themselves out of camp). Our local movie theater/restaurant shopping centers in town do not allow kids under 18 to be loitering around after 10pm. And it's strictly enforced by local police. Seems to me like the cruise ships should have the same policy. One, for their own liability. Two, to keep pesky teenagers from disrupting paying adults during the various nighttime activities. Three, for the safety of the minors. I suppose it would be a bit difficult to enforce. Though all it would really require is any ship employee to ask someone's age after hours and then if underage, ask them to return to their rooms or find their guardian.


I understand that kids seem to be coddled too much now days but I firmly believe that we live in much more dangerous times than even 20-30 years ago. Again, I don't think the OP did anything wrong, especially since Jenna is not even her kid. I just don't think I personally would give my kids so much freedom. Either way, she's a darn good writer and I've very much enjoyed reading her review! :)

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While reading this review' date=' it never crossed my mind to question the "parenting" of Jenna by her Godmother. I am just enjoying hearing about all the fun they had. Would u prefer that they were joined at the hip during this cruise? Seems to me it was discussed with Jenna's mother what she would be allowed to do before the cruise. The OP is sharing the day to day happenings that they experienced. Why do u feel the need to comment on what u perceive as irresponsible behavior on the OPs part? People are different. They are allowed to make their own decisions. To also mention how much the OP had to drink is very rude. She is on a cruise vacation and having a great time. When people take the time to write a wonderful review that is witty and informative, the least we can do is be civil. Comments like these are why people hesitate to post on CC. You need to get a life and quit trying to tell people how to live theirs..[/quote']


Well said. We are all different and we do not all parent or godparent the same. As long as Jenna, her mom and the OP are happy with the situation, that is all that matters. I am enjoying this wonderful day to day review so much:)

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I think it would be safe to assume that Meatloafsfan and Jenna's Mother have a pretty good grip on what kind of person Jenna is. Obviously if she is a juvenile delinquent and constantly getting in trouble, I doubt she would have been given the freedom to do as she pleases on the ship. It doesn't sound like she was out there getting into trouble. Just hanging out with friends.


I, personally, don't think I would allow my 15 year old daughter quite that much freedom, but every parent and child is different. I would definitely be more lenient on a cruise though! LIke she said, she discussed this with Jenna's Mother before the cruise, so she obviously wasn't being irresponsible.


As for how much she had to drink? Seriously!?! Ummm she's on VACATION! Geeze!


Keep up the awesome review! This is always the first thing I look for when I log onto Cruise Critic. To see if Meatloafsfan has updated her review!

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You have to be KIDDING ME!!!!


This is the second time recently that I have been reading a wonderful review that someone came on and made comments that were construed to be snarky.


Unfortunatly for so many of us that were enjoying the previous review I am referring to, the OP decided to just stop the review and I felt really badly for the OP as well as all of us who were reading it and those who would miss out on all the info.



WHile I understand that people have varying opinions on many things I really don't think a review is the right place to voice them.....If you have a question regarding why someone found it comfortable to allow kids to be free because you are grappling with this decision yourself it is one thing otherwise I don't believe opinions on parenting or guardianship or someones personal choice of entertainment or clothing or food choices or photographic abilities etc etc etc should be stated in a review thread.



I really hope that these comments can just be pushed aside and Meatloafsfan continues with her review eaxctly as it has been going!

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You have to be KIDDING ME!!!!


This is the second time recently that I have been reading a wonderful review that someone came on and made comments that were construed to be snarky.


Unfortunatly for so many of us that were enjoying the previous review I am referring to, the OP decided to just stop the review and I felt really badly for the OP as well as all of us who were reading it and those who would miss out on all the info.



WHile I understand that people have varying opinions on many things I really don't think a review is the right place to voice them.....If you have a question regarding why someone found it comfortable to allow kids to be free because you are grappling with this decision yourself it is one thing otherwise I don't believe opinions on parenting or guardianship or someones personal choice of entertainment or clothing or food choices or photographic abilities etc etc etc should be stated in a review thread.



I really hope that these comments can just be pushed aside and Meatloafsfan continues with her review eaxctly as it has been going!

OUTSTANDING. Now, let us all agree to disagree and let Meatloafsfan continue with her daily log to keep us entertained. I am SO ENJOYING this review! :)

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Perfectly said, LizaMM! When I have a cruise booked or am planning on booking, I spend an unfathomable amount of hours on this site and have for the last 4 years. So, why do I only have postings in the double digits...because of the unbelievably judgmental people on this site who don't hesitate to flame others or question their moral judgment if it's not of their same opinion. I deal with too much stress at work and at home with a teenager and don't need to listen to negative comments from someone to further dampen my day when I'm trying to do something that's supposed to be enjoyable and an escape from the daily realities!


Yes, everyone is entitled to their opinion...but where is the common courtesy to others that you have to voice it? You can think it...just keep it to yourself. I am a mother of a teenage son and being that he is my only child, I'm probably even more protective of him than most. A cruise is one of the rare times that he gets as much freedom as he does so I let him enjoy it. The only rules are that if we get off the ship we do it together, have dinner together and he has to be in by 1:00 am.


Meatloafsfan has put an UNBELIEVABLE amount of time and effort into this review and all of us come here daily (multiple times per day on the weekends for me) eagerly anticipating her next post. I personally am VERY grateful for her willingness to do this and hate to see negative comments tainting it, regardless of what anyone's parenting methods or personal opionions are.

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Meatloafsfan has put an UNBELIEVABLE amount of time and effort into this review and all of us come here daily (multiple times per day on the weekends for me) eagerly anticipating her next post. I personally am VERY grateful for her willingness to do this and hate to see negative comments tainting it, regardless of what anyone's parenting methods or personal opionions are.

Another EXELLENT post/opinion. :)

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So, why do I only have postings in the double digits...because of the unbelievably judgmental people on this site who don't hesitate to flame others or question their moral judgment if it's not of their same opinion.

For me every thread I seem to post on gets deleted b/c of this very issue you named. This thread has been one of my favorites. I hope she keeps posting the review. And for anyone questioning or commenting on what "could have happened" it DIDN'T. Only thing that happened is Jenna came away from this feeling trusted. Kids tend to live up to that!!

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Seriously!!!! Are we really going to ruin the best night time story I have been reading in awhile! I love this review! Gives visions of what's to come and fills my head with cruise pleasure. Her cruise, her review...please don't let this keep you from making the rest of us happy. Great review!! :)

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I think it would be safe to assume that Meatloafsfan and Jenna's Mother have a pretty good grip on what kind of person Jenna is. Obviously if she is a juvenile delinquent and constantly getting in trouble, I doubt she would have been given the freedom to do as she pleases on the ship. It doesn't sound like she was out there getting into trouble. Just hanging out with friends.


I, personally, don't think I would allow my 15 year old daughter quite that much freedom, but every parent and child is different. I would definitely be more lenient on a cruise though! LIke she said, she discussed this with Jenna's Mother before the cruise, so she obviously wasn't being irresponsible.


As for how much she had to drink? Seriously!?! Ummm she's on VACATION! Geeze!


Keep up the awesome review! This is always the first thing I look for when I log onto Cruise Critic. To see if Meatloafsfan has updated her review!


Hear hear! No one knows Jenna better than her own family, and they obviously have trust in her to be responsible and stay out of trouble. I'm sure if Jenna's mother thought a lack of curfew was inappropriate, she would have voiced her opinion.


Please keep up the awesome review meatloafsfan! I am not even going on the Dream (anytime soon anyways!) and have loved reading about your experiences!

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