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Would you cruise without your significant other?

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...DH can't go because of work issues. He told me I should still go and take our 7y/o...

Does OP need to take a notarized form since both parents are not going -- something about taking a minor out of the country.

Maybe someone can post a link to the form or with more info. Thanks.

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As I mentioned, I am fortunate not to have to worry about it, but if I was in this position I would be disappointed that I could no longer travel as often, but I would figure out ways to enjoy my time off. I personally would sleep in, work on planning the next cruise, work out, etc. Probably even get in a little bit of shopping, something I never seem to have time to do. But DH and I would both be of the mind set that just because he (in the interest of earning a living) had started over at a new job with one week vacation instead of five, it wouldn't mean that my attitude should be, "Sucks to be you, see ya in a week, I'm off to spend my share of our hard-earned traveling money, too bad you don't have time". I wouldn't have fun without him anyhow.
WOW! I didn't realize that was the attitude that I was portraying. I'm not really sure how taking vacation time and spending money on travel is worse than taking vacation time to spend money on shopping, but apparently there is a difference.


It is fortunate that my husband does not believe that it sucks to be him. The trips that I have taken without him have been with just my mom or with both of my parents. I am lucky that my husband understands that with my dad getting older and my mom confined to a wheelchair, they are not always able to travel without assistance. He is fully supportive of my being a good daughter and being there for my parents when they need assistance. I know we would be divorced if he expected me to turn my back on my parents because his vacation schedule didn't allow him to come with me when I wanted to visit them.


My husband and I like to travel outside the US to places that would be very difficult for a wheelchair user. My husband prefers to spend our vacation time with just the two of us so we can visit the Galapagos Islands, Mediterranean, etc. which we both enjoy. I will spend a week, with my husband's blessing, taking my parents to wheelchair-friendly areas like a Caribbean cruise or places within the US so they also have the opportunity to travel in their "golden years."

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I was really looking forward to my first ever cruise in Nov. On FOS. Now DH can't go because of work issues. He told me I should still go and take our 7y/o. My parents are also going. I just don't know what to do now. My parents and ds are really looking forward to it but now I'm not. So would you go without your significant other????


I've done it before. I sometimes go crusing with my mom along or my mom and sister. Make it a girls trip out! My husband understands and is all for it. But that's also because we go together on other cruises.

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Guess I'm in the super minority here. I will have been married 8 years come October, and my husband and I have NEVER spent a single night apart. We work together, so time off is never a problem.:)


We're not dysfunctional or wackos or anything, we're just always together (our kids too obviously,and usually my mom too, she lives next door). :eek:


So no, I personally would not cruise without him, but that's just me. There is certainly nothing wrong with cruising without your spouse. I just don't think I would enjoy a 'family vacation' without one of the most important members of my family.:)

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I am planning a cruise for my sister and I on the 02/07/11 sailing of Elation out of Mobile. I have never sailed on Carnival but have sailed on both NCL and RCCL. I am trying to decide between the following three rooms...V34, V38 and U102. I know that U102 is pricier due to it being a Grand Suite and I'm trying to weigh out the price difference vs how obstructed the view actually is in the other two rooms. Can anyone provide pics of any of these rooms? Any opinions?


Cindy, I see this was a post from you. And then I see this one:



I will go against the flow here and agree with lindamr and say I would definitely NOT go without my DH. We have been married almost 22 years and we do not have children (by choice). We have chosen to spend our lives together and that is exactly what we do whenever possible. He is my best friend and I know that I would not enjoy myself without him. On our first cruise we went with 5 other family members and took an excursion separately, he went on a dive trip and I went to Megan's Bay. We both said we would not do that again. Both excursions were awesome but clouded by not having the other with us. I realize we have a different relationship than so many modern couples but it's what we want. I suggest talking to you parents and seeing if it might be possible to find another week that everyone could go. I know my parents would understand that and would want their SIL on the trip.


What was that smart a** remark about me protesting too much!?! - Miriam

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Originally Posted by dcward89 viewpost.gif

I am planning a cruise for my sister and I on the 02/07/11 sailing of Elation out of Mobile.




Originally Posted by dcward89 viewpost.gif

I will go against the flow here and agree with lindamr and say I would definitely NOT go without my DH.


Wow. Or maybe, oops ! would be more appropriate.


Seems now that there is a little uhm... ahem, credibility issue.


Maybe she ¨forgot¨ her second half ? :)



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I'm not going to get in an argument with you or anyone else on a message board. I thought I was just expressing an opinion but apparently you can't handle that. In reality nothing you say affects my life and nothing I say affects yours. We are entitled to our own opinions and our own choices in life.


And sorry but that first post is no smoking gun...I just abbreviated a bit and left out "and our spouses and her children and our parents " for the sake of brevity. It wasn't relevant to the information I was seeking.


Google the comment if you don't understand it.

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Absolutely - go and have a good time. I have 5 more cruises than DH because I took my Mom for her birthday the last 5 years of her life. He didn't want to go. I have memories of my Mom that are priceless and know that I brought her some joy in her declining years.

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Thou art wise TerrI! If separate vacations work for others, I guess "go for it". My DSLW and I plan and choose a cruise ove a long period of time, it is a major event (both financially and in our sometimes busy schedule) for us once or twice a year. To go on a major event without her just is not in my plans. I could trust MrsOrange no matter where she went (and she trusts me as well), but it's not about that, it's about what makes me happy during those yearly major events (and it's her... and I'm VERY happy:D).


Thanks, Bill. :) You make great points about what makes you happy, and it's apparent that for many posters cruising makes them happy, whether their significant others are with them at the time or not. To each their own, I'm certainly not judging, just observing.


I am glad you brought up the trust issue, as well. More than once on this thread it has been implied that those who cruise without their spouses (or vice versa) "can trust each other", implying that those on the flip side of the coin can't. Like you, that's certainly not the case for us.


WOW! I didn't realize that was the attitude that I was portraying. I'm not really sure how taking vacation time and spending money on travel is worse than taking vacation time to spend money on shopping, but apparently there is a difference.


It is fortunate that my husband does not believe that it sucks to be him. The trips that I have taken without him have been with just my mom or with both of my parents. I am lucky that my husband understands that with my dad getting older and my mom confined to a wheelchair, they are not always able to travel without assistance. He is fully supportive of my being a good daughter and being there for my parents when they need assistance. I know we would be divorced if he expected me to turn my back on my parents because his vacation schedule didn't allow him to come with me when I wanted to visit them.


My husband and I like to travel outside the US to places that would be very difficult for a wheelchair user. My husband prefers to spend our vacation time with just the two of us so we can visit the Galapagos Islands, Mediterranean, etc. which we both enjoy. I will spend a week, with my husband's blessing, taking my parents to wheelchair-friendly areas like a Caribbean cruise or places within the US so they also have the opportunity to travel in their "golden years."


You have failed to grasp the point(s) on so many left. As for your sarcastic remark in response to my HYPOTHETICAL shopping comment (you may or many not have read the part about the fact that I DON'T have to worry about having more vacation time than my DH), for one, we actually (although it is none of your business), as most ppl likely do, have a separate budget for shopping vs travel. But that's a moot point, of course, since the only vacation time shopping I do is when I am with my DH and we're buying our souvenier shot glasses. So yes, and I quote you, "apparently their is a difference". :rolleyes:


Guess I'm in the super minority here. I will have been married 8 years come October, and my husband and I have NEVER spent a single night apart. We work together, so time off is never a problem.:)


We're not dysfunctional or wackos or anything, we're just always together (our kids too obviously,and usually my mom too, she lives next door).


So no, I personally would not cruise without him, but that's just me. There is certainly nothing wrong with cruising without your spouse. I just don't think I would enjoy a 'family vacation' without one of the most important members of my family.


PhoenixDawgCruising, you may be in the minority here, but you are not in the "super minority". I posted a couple of days ago that we've been together for 23 years and never have spent one night apart. And we also work together with the same vacation allowance. :)


I hesitate to claim we're not wackos or disfunctional (even though we're not) as I can only imagine what CC friends might have to chime in, though, lol. ;)

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Sorry I'm old fashioned and very much in love with my husband of 25 years. I would N E V E R consider a first time, life changing event, such as a first cruise without the love of my life. That's just me. If you are as madly in love with your DH as I am with mine, R E S C H E D U L E !!!!!! IMMEDIATELY:D.

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I grasped your point and if you had left with just describing how you would spend extra vacation time, I wouldn't have an issue. I simply felt that your comment "Sucks to be you, see ya in a week, I'm off to spend my share of our hard-earned traveling money, too bad you don't have time" was sarcastic and out of line.


I can understand not wanting to travel without your spouse. I used to never travel without my husband, but situations change and people adapt. When my husband had more vacation time, we spent a week traveling together with my parents and two weeks traveling on our own. Since he now only has two weeks off, my husband prefers to spend that time with just the two of us, taking more adventurous trips than my parents can manage. Therefore, he is supportive of my spending a week away with my parents.


At some point in the future (God-willing, far in the future), my parents won't be around anymore. I would like to think by traveling with them now that I am making their lives more enjoyable. I know several of the places that we have been are places that they would not have gone on their own due to the logistics. When my parents are gone, I may decide to take up sewing or gardening or shopping and spend any extra vacation time at home.


If you insist on "quoting" me, please do so correctly. I used the phrase "there is a difference" with "there" spelled correctly in its adverb form. You incorrectly attributed "their [sic] is a difference" to me.

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I believe all you need is a notarized letter from your husband stating that he is aware that you are taking you child on a cruise, ship name, sail date, and what countries you will visit. I think the best place to ask your question is on the family cruising board: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/forumdisplay.php?f=49 or else ask Royal Caribbean directly.


Have a wonderful cruise!

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Sorry I'm old fashioned and very much in love with my husband of 25 years. I would N E V E R consider a first time, life changing event, such as a first cruise without the love of my life. That's just me. If you are as madly in love with your DH as I am with mine, R E S C H E D U L E !!!!!! IMMEDIATELY:D.


I find it very offense for you to suggest that someone may not be in love with their spouse just because they choose to take a trip seperately for them. I have been married 21 years and still am very much in love with my spouse. He's my best friend and the most important person in the world to me. In september we will be going on our second cruise in a year, He doesn't enjoy cruising as much as I do. He likes it but likes to mix things up a bit. So he told me after this cruise he was done for a while (which is fine with me, I would never force him to do something he didn't want to do) and if I want to go on any that he would be fine with me booking a girls cruise, a mother/daughter cruise, etc. Would I take a cruise INSTEAD of going on vacation with him? NO!! NEVER!!!


We enjoy several trips a year all though not big trips but we normally do a week long vacation somewhere in May and do severall 4 night trips to the beach thru out the summer and fall months. But I have also done 2 girls weekends to the beach this year and I am leaving today to spend 4 days with my parents at the beach. He has to work and is ok with it so why should I sit at home just because he can't go??


OP, I understand that this is your first cruise and I really would not want to be in your situation. I would absolutely hate not having my DH there with me but you have other people to consider such as your parents and son. Not that they are more important than your husband but we don't live in a bubble and what we do, good or bad, effectives other people. It sounds to me like you have an amazing husband that gave you his ok to do the trip without him and it shows how much he loves you and your son.

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nice try at recovering from that oops moment, dcward89. I don't believe it, LOL, because if you were trying for brevity you simply would have said "I'm planning a cruise and trying to decide between these cabins..." Instead you specifically said "for my sister and I" . Why not "for my extended family?" I think you're full of beans but whatever.


Good grief people. Expand your horizons! You can be madly in love with your husband and still enjoy the company of your parents, your sister, your best gal pals etc for a few days without your spouse. The world will not end nor will your marriage! How do you think it makes your parents, sisters, friends to know that you're not willing to part with your spouse for a few days in order to enjoy time with them while they're on this earth? That is just weird.

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nice try at recovering from that oops moment, dcward89. I don't believe it, LOL, because if you were trying for brevity you simply would have said "I'm planning a cruise and trying to decide between these cabins..." Instead you specifically said "for my sister and I" . Why not "for my extended family?" I think you're full of beans but whatever.


Good grief people. Expand your horizons! You can be madly in love with your husband and still enjoy the company of your parents, your sister, your best gal pals etc for a few days without your spouse. The world will not end nor will your marriage! How do you think it makes your parents, sisters, friends to know that you're not willing to part with your spouse for a few days in order to enjoy time with them while they're on this earth? That is just weird.

Well said. Amen.

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I find it very offense for you to suggest that someone may not be in love with their spouse just because they choose to take a trip seperately for them. I have been married 21 years and still am very much in love with my spouse. He's my best friend and the most important person in the world to me. In september we will be going on our second cruise in a year, He doesn't enjoy cruising as much as I do. He likes it but likes to mix things up a bit. So he told me after this cruise he was done for a while (which is fine with me, I would never force him to do something he didn't want to do) and if I want to go on any that he would be fine with me booking a girls cruise, a mother/daughter cruise, etc. Would I take a cruise INSTEAD of going on vacation with him? NO!! NEVER!!!


We enjoy several trips a year all though not big trips but we normally do a week long vacation somewhere in May and do severall 4 night trips to the beach thru out the summer and fall months. But I have also done 2 girls weekends to the beach this year and I am leaving today to spend 4 days with my parents at the beach. He has to work and is ok with it so why should I sit at home just because he can't go??


OP, I understand that this is your first cruise and I really would not want to be in your situation. I would absolutely hate not having my DH there with me but you have other people to consider such as your parents and son. Not that they are more important than your husband but we don't live in a bubble and what we do, good or bad, effectives other people. It sounds to me like you have an amazing husband that gave you his ok to do the trip without him and it shows how much he loves you and your son.



You are absolutely right.



I have been a 9-1-1 dispatcher for 27 years . I work nights, days, weekends , holidays, birthdays , you name .Plus we have been running so short shifted for so long theier is massive OT (great for the pocketbook, but try and plan a normal life :() Like others here have said . If my family could only go someplace or do things when I could go. They would be missing a lot.:(



Of course I hate missing out on things, but such is the nature of the job. Makes me enjoy these things all the more when I do get to join in.


Especially when you have kids . You can't dissappoint them . You do what you have to do to make them enjoy,

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nice try at recovering from that oops moment, dcward89. I don't believe it, LOL, because if you were trying for brevity you simply would have said "I'm planning a cruise and trying to decide between these cabins..." Instead you specifically said "for my sister and I" . Why not "for my extended family?" I think you're full of beans but whatever.


Good grief people. Expand your horizons! You can be madly in love with your husband and still enjoy the company of your parents, your sister, your best gal pals etc for a few days without your spouse. The world will not end nor will your marriage! How do you think it makes your parents, sisters, friends to know that you're not willing to part with your spouse for a few days in order to enjoy time with them while they're on this earth? That is just weird.


I think SOME these "we have the perfect marriage/family/whatever " "I can't live without him/her" "We can't be apart one night" people are all a big show anyway. I know there are alwasy exceptions


Remember Kathy Lee Gifford , every morning how wonderful Frank is, how perfect her kids are , how he calls her and sends her flowers and tells her how beautiful she is .



Then the pictures come out with him and the stewardess.

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I think SOME these "we have the perfect marriage/family/whatever " "I can't live without him/her" "We can't be apart one night" people are all a big show anyway. I know there are alwasy exceptions


Remember Kathy Lee Gifford , every morning how wonderful Frank is, how perfect her kids are , how he calls her and sends her flowers and tells her how beautiful she is .



Then the pictures come out with him and the stewardess.


I had to google her, never heard of her before. ;)

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OMG!!!! Haven't seen this thread in a couple of days and it has really heated up!! I don't think it was the OP's intention to bring out such awful behavior in adults. What is good for one is not good for another. She didn't ask whose marriage is without fault etc. she asked a simple question and got answers from everywhere about things only the poster really cares about.


Sit back and look at some of these posts - downright awful. In kindergarten we learn to use our words and use them nicely - please remember this folks. Just because someones' opinion does not reflect yours does NOT mean they are wrong. Please look at your behavior!!:(


As far as a cruise being a life changing experience - I don't know about that!!!!;):confused:


Oh and by the way my husband was in the United States Navy and we were apart for up to a year at a time - he was protecting you all - does that mean we did not love each other???????? What about all the service persons protecting your freedom - should they stay home so as to not be separated from their spouses????????


beachgirl - you need to go with what is in your heart. Make beautiful lasting memories for those of you that do cruise!!

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Oh and by the way my husband was in the United States Navy and we were apart for up to a year at a time - he was protecting you all - does that mean we did not love each other???????? What about all the service persons protecting your freedom - should they stay home so as to not be separated from their spouses????????


Please convey my thanks to your husband for his service to our country.


I agree with everything you've written, but I'll hope you'll permit me to play devil's advocate for a moment. I would imagine that most people, even those who would never think of taking a vacation without their spouse, would make a distinction between voluntary separations (such as taking a cruise without the spouse) and mandatory separations (such as a business trip, or deployment overseas).


That said, I must say that the level of bile on display in this tread is uncalled-for, and stands in sharp contrast to the generally kind, helpful nature of most Cruise Critic posts.

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