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Weight Watchers Point System anyone?

cruising mickey

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I have posted on this thread a bit but am not good about keeping up with it. I'm on Weight Watchers now & have done it very successfully before. If you want to email me I will be happy to help you! I go to meetings and use the online tools.



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Hi Lisa and Laura, thanks so much.....I wish the 3 of us lived closer...

we could do it together live and in person. Thanks for the support.:)


I went out to dinner and Applebee's has WW items on their menu.

I had a grilled shrimp dish with rice......it said it had 13 points.

I had some leftovers for lunch with a yogurt. My problem is not

eating 26 points per day and trying to understand all the food/points

Do you keep track on line of what you eat EVERY DAY?:eek: and the

points for each item?


Laura, as for being motivated? That is really not me but when I

saw what I weighed?:confused:.... I knew I had gained weight....but I

didn't realize what the number was (is).........


Hi Lois,


Well obviously you were motivated enough to do something which is good. Have you thought about maybe just logging what you might have for a few days to start, write a menu and figure out your breakfast, lunch and dinner, write it down along with the points, this way it won't be so overwhelming, that is what I used to do. It was easier not having to figure out day to day what I was going to eat and figuring points, just a thought. I would usually plan for the week, have it written down on paper and try to stay with the food choices for that week, again you won't have to drive yourself crazy day to day figuring what to eat, I know that would drive me crazy too. You don't have to post anything online, I never did.


I weigh in about twice or three times a week and I am always promising myself I would not go on more then twice a week but I do anyway, trust me I am not happy with my weight either, haven't for years.


And I agree, would be nice to do this kind of thing together, we still need to get on the same ship;) someday:)

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Good morning......Janine, I will email you over the weekend...thanks:)


Laura, thanks:).....I will see about doing that......breakfast during

the week would be the easiest thing....yogurt and breakfast bar.

Or a piece of fruit and yogurt.......

And I drink a cup of joe every day....it is a Kureig....

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Good morning......Janine, I will email you over the weekend...thanks:)


Laura, thanks:).....I will see about doing that......breakfast during

the week would be the easiest thing....yogurt and breakfast bar.

Or a piece of fruit and yogurt.......

And I drink a cup of joe every day....it is a Kureig....


Good morning Lois:)


I think you will find it so much easier this way, knowing what you will be having for the day and listed right in front of you on paper, one less thing to stress about during the day. And before you know it you will know most of the points value on the foods you eat. I found after awhile that I would automatically know what the points are and I was using the points calculator less each time. Anyway my point is that it will become easier as the days go on, with much less effort and the weight will come off. You will have to let us know what you lose the first weigh in because guaranteed it will be a good number:) in the beginning it might mostly be water weight, but when I was doing it I lost on average 2 pounds a week. You might lose more, we are all different in that department;)


Have a good day:)

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I had my weigh in yesterday and I'm down 1.4! Yippee! I am 1.6lbs away from goal! I'm so happy!


I started weight watchers (for the 3rd time) in September. Have lost 26lbs now. It came off fast in the beginning but has slowed way down the last 5 mos.


Hang in there everyone. If I can do it, you can do it. One day at a time. And don't beat yourself up if you had a bad day (or week!) Just get right back on track.


Happy Friday!

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Hello, I'm Kerri, will be 46 in July and I just restarted WW Online two weeks ago. Signed up with the 6 month deal so far. That will take me past our cruises.

I last did it in 2003 and have set my first goal weight for the lowest I weighed then. Hopefully if I can get some weight off my left knee will feel better then it has lately.

I tried Jenny Craig once and I only lost $, 13 lbs and a wanted to hurt the woman there once a week. I guess I don't play well with others. :rolleyes::D

With WW I do try and eat better foods, more veggies and I'm a good tracker.

I have a smart phone but it's not up to date enough for the tracking app and my Kobo Vox e-reader is also incompatible.

At least the points calculator would download for me. If I buy someone in a large box like cereal or crackers I calculate out the points and write it on the box with a permanent marker.

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Lois, I think we all find the info overwhelming at first. As was mentioned, pick one thing to try and do that for a week. You said maybe your breakfast. Be sure to write it down every day, and then next week, perhaps add your lunch points. Take it slowly and understand why you are doing this. The big picture is to become aware of what we eat, and why. We are attempting to break some bad or not so healthy habits and learn to change our lifestyle. It really does get easier every day. Try not to eat too much less than your recommended points every day so that your body does not go into starvation mode and hold on to the weight.

Welcome Kerri. I am also on the Canada eh thread and enjoy your postings there.


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Hi Nikki, thanks for the post. I appreciate everyone's kindness.:)


I had dinner out with my sis and bil tonight. My sis was on WW a few

years ago......she lost 50lbs.

Anyway, she suggested (firmly but lovingly) that I buy a scale

and she also said I should write down everything I eat. The scale

is for the food.


I had grilled salmon for dinner...fresh asparagus and it also came

with sweet red peppers and cut up sweet potatoes.

I don't drink a lot during the day...my sis said I really have to start

drinking water. The leader at the WW meeting said Crystal Light is good.

I would much prefer to drink that as opposed to water.

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I made the mistake of weighing this morning and cannot understand what is going on. We went to visit my younger son on Thursday and had pizza for dinner. I had 2 small slices and a salad. I did indulge in one of his home baked butter tarts. Usual breakfast of yogurt and a banana. While at lunch yesterday, I ate a bowl of pea soup and had 2 plates of salad with low fat dressing. Dinner last evening was 1 cup of chicken fried rice. Points for Thursday were 24 and yesterday I ate 26. the butter tart I counted in my weekly allowance. ( 6)How could I have gained a pound and a half since Wednesday?


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I made the mistake of weighing this morning and cannot understand what is going on. We went to visit my younger son on Thursday and had pizza for dinner. I had 2 small slices and a salad. I did indulge in one of his home baked butter tarts. Usual breakfast of yogurt and a banana. While at lunch yesterday, I ate a bowl of pea soup and had 2 plates of salad with low fat dressing. Dinner last evening was 1 cup of chicken fried rice. Points for Thursday were 24 and yesterday I ate 26. the butter tart I counted in my weekly allowance. ( 6)How could I have gained a pound and a half since Wednesday?



My guess....looking at what you ate. Looks like a fairly large quantity of salt in the mix which can take as much as a few days for your system to remove.


My suggestion


Don't fret daily or hourly scale changes. Wait until your weekly weigh in.


And remember to try and include power foods and your 9 healthy guidelines in your daily point allowance.


You're doing fine. Keep it up

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Hi Nikki. Thanks for the welcome.


I don't drink a lot during the day...my sis said I really have to start

drinking water. The leader at the WW meeting said Crystal Light is good.

I would much prefer to drink that as opposed to water.

I have trouble with the water thing also. I've started drinking more herbal teas because I can take them plain and trying to have at least one plain bottle or large glass of water.

Totally cut back on my love of juice because of the calories, but I'm one of those people who can really taste artificial sweeteners in stuff like Crystal Light. I was hoping I would like the new Mio liquid flavorings, but I don't.

One Diet Coke/Pepsi is now my drink of choice if DH is having a beer when we go out. I'm not a fan of carbonated pop or sodas but it's pretty good when you can't have anything better. :D The strong flavor also hides the sweetener taste better.

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Hi Nikki, thanks for the post. I appreciate everyone's kindness.:)


I had dinner out with my sis and bil tonight. My sis was on WW a few

years ago......she lost 50lbs.

Anyway, she suggested (firmly but lovingly) that I buy a scale

and she also said I should write down everything I eat. The scale

is for the food.


I had grilled salmon for dinner...fresh asparagus and it also came

with sweet red peppers and cut up sweet potatoes.

I don't drink a lot during the day...my sis said I really have to start

drinking water. The leader at the WW meeting said Crystal Light is good.

I would much prefer to drink that as opposed to water.


Hi Lois,


Yes your sister is right, always include enough water day to day for optimal weight loss, without it you may not lose as much as you like. Water is a great way to flush your system of all toxins, sodium, etc....That is all I drink, but I can understand why most folks cannot tolerate that alone, so the crystal light sounds like a good idea.


And the scale is a good idea too, this way if you have something that is not packaged or frozen you can weigh it to make sure you are eating the right serving, it will come in handy for especially meats and vegetables.


Good luck, check in again soon:)

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I made the mistake of weighing this morning and cannot understand what is going on. We went to visit my younger son on Thursday and had pizza for dinner. I had 2 small slices and a salad. I did indulge in one of his home baked butter tarts. Usual breakfast of yogurt and a banana. While at lunch yesterday, I ate a bowl of pea soup and had 2 plates of salad with low fat dressing. Dinner last evening was 1 cup of chicken fried rice. Points for Thursday were 24 and yesterday I ate 26. the butter tart I counted in my weekly allowance. ( 6)How could I have gained a pound and a half since Wednesday?



That happens to me all the time. I will eat something like pizza and be up 3 lbs!!! It always comes off after a few days. Now, I try not to weigh myself after I eat out. I will just be disappointed.

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Hi girls, I got a new Kindle Fire this morning:)......I was trying to type

on it but I don't like using my finger....I need to get a pointer or whatever

goes with it to type.....I tried doing it and for some reason this thread

kept saying I need to log in...but I DID log in:eek::rolleyes:

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Hi Lois,


Yes your sister is right, always include enough water day to day for optimal weight loss, without it you may not lose as much as you like. Water is a great way to flush your system of all toxins, sodium, etc....That is all I drink, but I can understand why most folks cannot tolerate that alone, so the crystal light sounds like a good idea.


And the scale is a good idea too, this way if you have something that is not packaged or frozen you can weigh it to make sure you are eating the right serving, it will come in handy for especially meats and vegetables.


Good luck, check in again soon:)


Hi Laura,:) I went to the WW store and my team leader was there

and she said it doesn't have to be water...that 6 glasses a day

of Crystal Light would be fine. We talked for a few minutes.

I also bought a scale and a spiral notebook....

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Hi Laura,:) I went to the WW store and my team leader was there

and she said it doesn't have to be water...that 6 glasses a day

of Crystal Light would be fine. We talked for a few minutes.

I also bought a scale and a spiral notebook....


Good for you Lois:) glad you can drink the crystal light. I have been drinking only water for years so it does not bother me. I used to drink the diet soda, milk, orange juice and gave it all up, just gave me problems. And you would be surprised what the water alone will do for your skin;) And the scale will take all of the guesswork out of it. I hope you find it easier to write everything down, just like your personal menu, all you have to do it look at it in the morning and not have to figure from day to day what to have, I thought it was very easy this way. I really should get back on the program myself, I would have to go back to WW because I have no clue where that points calculator is, I don't even think I have it anymore and plus the points value may have changed since then.


Again, you will have to let us know how you make out the first week, I hope you have a great week and a great weight loss:)

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Tracy - Thoughts and Prayers are with you today. I'm so missing my mother today and I know with you losing her so very recently it is probably a real tough day. Hugs for you just to let you know we all are thinking about you.


I just finished my first week with weight watchers and it was kind of a disaster. To much going on this week and my weigh in today was only 1.6 lbs and probably should have been more like 6 to 8 lbs. One good thing is that I have steadily been gaining weight at 1 to 2 lbs a week for the last 10 weeks so even a 1.6 lbs loss is like 2.6 to 3.6 for me if you figure in what I would have gained. I'm on track this week (hopefully) and will make it a point to have a great week. I have worked 15 hours a day all week and didn't even have time to eat until the end of the day and then most days it was more than I should eat.


I love checking in on the boards it seems to ground me and bring me back to reality. I am setting a goal of a total weight loss this week of 3.4 to make me an even 5 lbs in 2 weeks. It should be very realistic since I didn't really stay focused this past week to obtain the benefit of week 1 weight loss.


Welcome to everyone that is new. looks like I have some reading to do to catch up

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I made the mistake of weighing this morning and cannot understand what is going on. We went to visit my younger son on Thursday and had pizza for dinner. I had 2 small slices and a salad. I did indulge in one of his home baked butter tarts. Usual breakfast of yogurt and a banana. While at lunch yesterday, I ate a bowl of pea soup and had 2 plates of salad with low fat dressing. Dinner last evening was 1 cup of chicken fried rice. Points for Thursday were 24 and yesterday I ate 26. the butter tart I counted in my weekly allowance. ( 6)How could I have gained a pound and a half since Wednesday?



I thought I was done reading this board and found more posts. Nikki you have done so fabulously that a little set back on your scale is nothing. Plus you have lost 5 lbs in 2 weeks...that is a lot of weight considering you are almost at your goal. You're probably going to go up and down 2 to 4 lbs regularly once you get to your goal weight and then back down. Maybe all in the same week. Just remember that you are so much healthier than you were a few months ago. Since this is a lifestyle change you can just chalk up this couple of lbs to family and friends and move on. Just think, months ago you wouldn't have even thought about making those good choices. We're all so very proud of you and you are encouraging to each and every one of us.

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I thought I was done reading this board and found more posts. Nikki you have done so fabulously that a little set back on your scale is nothing. Plus you have lost 5 lbs in 2 weeks...that is a lot of weight considering you are almost at your goal. You're probably going to go up and down 2 to 4 lbs regularly once you get to your goal weight and then back down. Maybe all in the same week. Just remember that you are so much healthier than you were a few months ago. Since this is a lifestyle change you can just chalk up this couple of lbs to family and friends and move on. Just think, months ago you wouldn't have even thought about making those good choices. We're all so very proud of you and you are encouraging to each and every one of us.


Thanks for this perspective. I go to meetings every week, but this board and all of you have become my anchor. I love reading about your successes because we are all going through the same issues. And like everything else in life, we will have disappointments. The big thing is to let them go and build on our achievements. And losing extra pounds for life IS a big one.


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And losing extra pounds for life IS a big one.


That's my problem. I never lose enough that I have to go buy a new wardrobe so I don't notice things creeping back up again.

My online weight in was today and I'm down 6.5 lbs so far. Going in the right direction still.

I had a lot of my weekly points available for two Mother's day meals and I used quite a bit of them for special homemade treats. I'm sure I overestimated some foods also because I had no idea of the weights. My Mother-in-Law was BBQ'ing so at least I could calculate the points for a burger and buns off the packaging and I stayed away from the other meats and carbs. She's Italian and cooks like she's ready for another family to walk in the door starving.

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Thanks so much robocop. It was really hard and I ate over it. I never realized how much advertising there is for Mother's Day, I'm so glad it's over. I ate unhealthy food and too much of it. I tracked everything I could though. But just because I had a bad food weekend doesn't mean I have to throw out the whole week. Time to get back on track. Fingers crossed that I can resist the late night binging and stay on plan.


Congrats to Nikki for last week's WI, so happy for you. And congrats to Melody as well. You both rock.


Nikki, you've said a couple things recently that I really liked. First you talked about how important this board is to you, and I agree. In a short time it's become very much of a support for me, and I appreciate you all. I'm doing WW online because I'm not a meetings person, so the added support is wonderful. Thank you all. The second is that this is going to be your first summer as a thin person. I just loved that. I won't be thin yet for this summer, but I'll be thinner than I was, and my cruise next February is going to be my first as a thin person. And 50 is the year that I become a healthy and thin person.

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Thanks Tracy. You have dealt with one of the hardest blows that can come our way and came through it with a fantastic attitude towards your weight management plan. Just keep remembering how proud your mom would be of you when you board that ship in February as a healthy, thin person.

Good work on your part resisting many of those high calorie foods yesterday Kerri. Your weight loss is excellent and in another week or two, you will really notice that your clothing is too big and feels sloppy.


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I am in the same way about drinking. I make myself drink so much before I get home from work. I also have been adding fresh flavoring to my water. I got this awesome thingy from Pamper Chef to put fruit in. (having a online party if anyone is interested)


I also have a picture of watermelon, mint, and lime in the fridge. Try to stay to natural items instead of chemicals.

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I also have a picture of watermelon, mint, and lime in the fridge. Try to stay to natural items instead of chemicals.

My SIL drinks water at home with sliced cucumber in it. Too bad I don't like cucumber.


I split a hamburger and sweet potato fries side with her at a bar last night for the Toronto/Boston hockey game and limited myself to 2 chicken wings (had to try one of each flavor ;)) and one diet coke.

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