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19 years old on Carnival Conquest-What to do?


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Hey man, I completely understand what you are worried about. I have been on several cruises when I was 13,14, 15, and 16, (all years when you have the planned activities set for you by the cruise) then I went on another cruise when I was 19 and I was also a little worried since it was an in between age. I ended up having a great time on the cruise though. It is a little more difficult to meet other young people without the planned activities so you have to be a little more outgoing, but once you meet one person, then its easy to get a group going. Almost all of the other people close to your age are traveling with their families and are looking for people to hang out with too, so keep that in mind. I had the best luck meeting the younger people, up by the pool, or by the sports deck where the basketball court is, ironically enough I think the ship I was on when I was 19 was also the conquest too.


I am going on a cruise this coming week and it will be my first one since the one I took when I was 19, now that I am an old 23 lol I think it will be a bit of a different experience. I'm sure it will still be a blast though.. Good luck on your trip man, hope you have a great time.

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I haven't been able to find out who are cruise director even is. Much less get in touch with him/her. Any help on how I would find out? :confused:


Cruise Director schedule for Dec 2012 is not out yet so no way to know yet. Check this Fall and you should be able to find out who your CD will be. Have a great cruise!

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I can understand your concerns. I agree with you that the 18-20 age group is a tough age on a cruise....you can't drink but you also can't hang with younger friends at the teen clubs.


If I were you I would, as others have said, join the roll call on your cruise. Introduce yourself and ask if anyone else on the board is your age, or if anyone has a guest in their group around your age. I would also go on the Carnival website and look into the forums on there. (Click the Community button at the top of the page, then click Forums). I have seen a lot of people post on there asking if there are going to be any other people in their age group on the cruise. If they have a singles or solo meetup on the ship, really try to go. You might meet a friend or two. :)

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Double Amen. However this is falling on deaf ears as the OP is a teenager. Teenagers think they are kings of the world. They know everything, don't you know. :rolleyes:


And how does a teenager thank you for this priceless advise? By calling you 'old'. LOL



I would like to point out that the OP has been respectful and polite even to the rude, "old" people. Maybe she has a few things to teach you.


OP, I hope you enjoy your cruise. Make sure to write a review please because in a blink of an eye, my son will be 19.

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I would like to point out that the OP has been respectful and polite even to the rude, "old" people. Maybe she has a few things to teach you.


OP, I hope you enjoy your cruise. Make sure to write a review please because in a blink of an eye, my son will be 19.

I picked up on the "OLD" too!!

As for what the OP can 'teach" us...can't think of much except how to use some modern technological things.

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I'm sorry OP but threads like these chap my hide. If I see one more 'my mommy and daddy are taking me on a cruise and I'm afraid I'm gonna be bored' thread I think I am going to scream.

You are going on a cruise with 5 star dining, and exotic and wonderful ports of call. Do you realize how lucky you are? You can do anything your heart desires. There are so many things to do on a cruise. Trivia, bingo, contests, swimming, sunning, meeting people all ages etc etc etc.

When I was 19 I was lucky if my parents got to take me camping for a weekend an hours drive from where we lived.

You are a 19 year old, you can meet people just like you meet people at your school or college. Just remember to spend some time with your parents and thank them for this wonderful chance to travel. One day you will wish you could eat one more dinner with your mom and dad because you won't have them with you forever.

Have a great cruise and cherish the memories.

Wow, sorry but I think you are out of line, first of all the OP didn't say who was paying for the cruise, nor is it any of your business. No reason in the world to start a rant on OP.

If you can't contribute to the question nicely then you shouldn't post about it at all IMO

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Our show is on Georgia Tech's radio station, WREK-FM. I'm not a student there so I'm a "community host," a local expert who helps out with the show. If you're interested, it's dubdubdub dot wrekage dot org. Around 30 years and still going strong! (Warning: the music is kinda intense....)


...Sitting in one of the hot tubs in the Serenity area aboard Imagination at about 1am -- they'd 'forgotten' to come by and close them at 12 -- with the smoothest seas of the entire voyage (finally), and looking at the ship's wake curling away into the distance under clear skies and silvery moonlight, and thinking "THIS is why people love to cruise! You can't do THIS at home!" :D :)


I'm definitely OK with intense :D My main stuff I play is DnB & Dubstep. I'll have to check it out for sure!


But yes, that sounds like an awesome experience. I'm sure I'll be taking a few thousand pictures to capture things like that too, haha.


It is a little more difficult to meet other young people without the planned activities so you have to be a little more outgoing, but once you meet one person, then its easy to get a group going. Almost all of the other people close to your age are traveling with their families and are looking for people to hang out with too, so keep that in mind. I had the best luck meeting the younger people, up by the pool, or by the sports deck where the basketball court is, ironically enough I think the ship I was on when I was 19 was also the conquest too.


I'll keep that in mind, thanks! How did you end up keeping in touch with people once you met them? So far the only thing I can think of is, "Hey everyone, meet here at 10:00 tomorrow."


Cruise Director schedule for Dec 2012 is not out yet so no way to know yet. Check this Fall and you should be able to find out who your CD will be. Have a great cruise!


I actually just got an email back from support saying it was Craig Johnson. However, they said there was absolutely no way I could get in touch with him for any reason :( They said they wouldn't give out his contact information for "security reasons"... I'm asking for something like a business email, not his cell phone & address, geeze!


After that, I asked if THEY could possibly get a message to him through another means (such as me emailing the general company email & them forwarding it to him). They refused. Honestly, I'm a bit confused as to the absolute refusal.


I would like to point out that the OP has been respectful and polite even to the rude, "old" people. Maybe she has a few things to teach you.


OP, I hope you enjoy your cruise. Make sure to write a review please because in a blink of an eye, my son will be 19.


Hey now, just because I'm polite, doesn't mean I'm a girl :p A few of the guys in my generation were raised right too!


I'll definitely write a review for other people in the same situation to read. Fingers are crossed it's going to be a positive experience & I can report back on the awesome time I had!

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OP, just go on this cruise with an open mind and the expectation of having fun. Don't overthink and worry too much. What's the worst that could happen? Even if you don't meet anyone your own age, you can spend time relaxing, reconnecting with your family (even your younger sibling!), eating good food, and participating in all the activities.


On our recent cruise, my 18 yr old DS met people at karaoke, trivia, other games. He met some people his own age, and some a lot older. But he is a "people person" and is not uncomfortable being in groups of people of all ages. I would suggest attending all activities that you enjoy so that you will meet others with the same interests. Don't be shy, just strike up conversations. As far as keeping in touch, yep...just say "let's meet at the dance club at 10:00", that should do it!


OP, I don't agree that Carnival does a "terrible" job on this age group. Keep in mind that Carnival plans things for "kids" in the Kids Clubs. 19 is no longer a "kid" and besides the first-night meet and greet, I'm pretty sure 19 year old mature adults should be able to make their own fun with all the events onboard.

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On our recent cruise, my 18 yr old DS met people at karaoke, trivia, other games. He met some people his own age, and some a lot older. But he is a "people person" and is not uncomfortable being in groups of people of all ages. I would suggest attending all activities that you enjoy so that you will meet others with the same interests. Don't be shy, just strike up conversations. As far as keeping in touch, yep...just say "let's meet at the dance club at 10:00", that should do it!


OP, I don't agree that Carnival does a "terrible" job on this age group. Keep in mind that Carnival plans things for "kids" in the Kids Clubs. 19 is no longer a "kid" and besides the first-night meet and greet, I'm pretty sure 19 year old mature adults should be able to make their own fun with all the events onboard.


I'd consider myself a pretty good people person as well, but it sounds like I'm going to have to take it up a notch for the cruise.


Terrible may have been a bit harsh, but they don't do a good job with it. I'm fine with them not even having planned "activities" for us. I realize we're old enough to be able to find things to do on our own. But it would at least be good if they provided us something like that meet & greet you mentioned. As of now, they don't. I imagine it's going to be difficult getting a significant number of us together to plan things. Especially with how few of us there will be compared to the older crowd.

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I'm definitely OK with intense :D My main stuff I play is DnB & Dubstep. I'll have to check it out for sure!


But yes, that sounds like an awesome experience. I'm sure I'll be taking a few thousand pictures to capture things like that too, haha.




I'll keep that in mind, thanks! How did you end up keeping in touch with people once you met them? So far the only thing I can think of is, "Hey everyone, meet here at 10:00 tomorrow."




I actually just got an email back from support saying it was Craig Johnson. However, they said there was absolutely no way I could get in touch with him for any reason :( They said they wouldn't give out his contact information for "security reasons"... I'm asking for something like a business email, not his cell phone & address, geeze!


After that, I asked if THEY could possibly get a message to him through another means (such as me emailing the general company email & them forwarding it to him). They refused. Honestly, I'm a bit confused as to the absolute refusal.




Hey now, just because I'm polite, doesn't mean I'm a girl :p A few of the guys in my generation were raised right too!


I'll definitely write a review for other people in the same situation to read. Fingers are crossed it's going to be a positive experience & I can report back on the awesome time I had!


My apologies. My son is also very polite so I do know it isn't a girl thing.

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I'd consider myself a pretty good people person as well, but it sounds like I'm going to have to take it up a notch for the cruise.


Terrible may have been a bit harsh, but they don't do a good job with it. I'm fine with them not even having planned "activities" for us. I realize we're old enough to be able to find things to do on our own. But it would at least be good if they provided us something like that meet & greet you mentioned. As of now, they don't. I imagine it's going to be difficult getting a significant number of us together to plan things. Especially with how few of us there will be compared to the older crowd.


Maybe not as hard as you think. Even though the ship is huge, you tend to start recognizing people pretty fast...especially if you hang out in particular areas. By the second night, I have a few new friends from the casino crowds.


I don't blame you for worrying about being bored. It would suck for you AND your parents. Other posters are right though, you CAN keep yourself from being bored by making the effort to find stuff to do and meet people. I think you'll be fine. Props to you for not blasting the rude folks. I'm prould of you, young one!


I am also very interested in hearing your review...I've got one turning 17 this year and I'd like some tips for him on how to brave the new world of no planned activities when he turns 18. Though I think he'll end up in the casino with me a lot when that happens.

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I picked up on the "OLD" too!!

As for what the OP can 'teach" us...can't think of much except how to use some modern technological things.



You might be surprised but only if you can let go of the idea that teens have nothing to offer to society.

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Uhfolks, I agree, Carnival doesn't do a very good job with this age group. Generally, when you are older, you are going with your spouse or friends, but when you are 19 it is usually with your family. When you are with friends or a spouse, you have people to hang out with that have similar interests. This isn't the case with this age group. I am really going to encourage him to go to the meet and greet if there is one for the young singles.


We are leaving in 3 days on the Liberty. My DS is 19 and both of us are a little worried. He is looking forward to relaxing, though. He also has a great relationship with his little sister so she has promised that she won't spend ALL her time in Club O2 so they can hang out together. We have also said we will all go to the comedy club and piano bars together.


Hope you have a great time!

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We were worried about the same thing for our daughter who is 18. She loves to hang out with us but we knew she would get bored with what we like to do all the time when not in port. We opted to let her invite someone to come along and for a vacation present to us, we got them their own inside cabin...a win/win

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We were worried about the same thing for our daughter who is 18. She loves to hang out with us but we knew she would get bored with what we like to do all the time when not in port. We opted to let her invite someone to come along and for a vacation present to us, we got them their own inside cabin...a win/win

I've read others have done that, and it usually works out well working as a team.

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I'm sorry OP but threads like these chap my hide. If I see one more 'my mommy and daddy are taking me on a cruise and I'm afraid I'm gonna be bored' thread I think I am going to scream.

You are going on a cruise with 5 star dining, and exotic and wonderful ports of call. Do you realize how lucky you are? You can do anything your heart desires. There are so many things to do on a cruise. Trivia, bingo, contests, swimming, sunning, meeting people all ages etc etc etc.

When I was 19 I was lucky if my parents got to take me camping for a weekend an hours drive from where we lived.

You are a 19 year old, you can meet people just like you meet people at your school or college. Just remember to spend some time with your parents and thank them for this wonderful chance to travel. One day you will wish you could eat one more dinner with your mom and dad because you won't have them with you forever.

Have a great cruise and cherish the memories.


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I don't blame you for worrying about being bored. It would suck for you AND your parents. Other posters are right though, you CAN keep yourself from being bored by making the effort to find stuff to do and meet people. I think you'll be fine. Props to you for not blasting the rude folks. I'm prould of you, young one!


I am also very interested in hearing your review...I've got one turning 17 this year and I'd like some tips for him on how to brave the new world of no planned activities when he turns 18. Though I think he'll end up in the casino with me a lot when that happens.


I'll definitely be keeping my eye out for others me age :) As far as blasting the rude people, it's honestly sad enough that they're that way to begin with. No reason to drop to their level.


We were worried about the same thing for our daughter who is 18. She loves to hang out with us but we knew she would get bored with what we like to do all the time when not in port. We opted to let her invite someone to come along and for a vacation present to us, we got them their own inside cabin...a win/win


That sounds like a great idea! I'll be sharing a cabin with my younger brother, but I'm sure he'll be off having fun on his own. Not going to try to force him to stuck around, haha.

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I actually just got an email back from support saying it was Craig Johnson. However, they said there was absolutely no way I could get in touch with him for any reason :( They said they wouldn't give out his contact information for "security reasons"... I'm asking for something like a business email, not his cell phone & address, geeze!


After that, I asked if THEY could possibly get a message to him through another means (such as me emailing the general company email & them forwarding it to him). They refused. Honestly, I'm a bit confused as to the absolute refusal.



I've recently become a subscriber to John Heald's Blog (he's the Brand Ambassador and Sr Cruise Director for Carnival). Possibly, if you subscribe too, you might be able to get some of your answers from him (maybe re:getting in touch with the cruise director on your ship/date). :)

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There is no reason to say 'ouch'. I didn't mean for my post to be rude in any way. He asked what he could do. I offered him suggestions. What is so bad about thanking his parents? What is so bad about wishing him a great cruise and cherishing the memories?

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Wow, some mean-spirited attitudes in this thread! Saying that any advice given here will fall on deaf ears simply because the OP is a teenager is amazingly close-minded.




My post was not meant to be mean spirited at all. I just call it as I see it. I see most, (not all but most) teenagers these days being entitled and spoiled. This is not said to be mean. I am just being realistic.


When I was 19 I took my parents (yes, I paid their way) to Hawaii for two weeks. I saved for years to do this for them. I took them on vacations and cruises several times again in my adult years. I think I owed it to them for all they did for me over the years. They never gave me a car, a cell phone, a computer, a college education or wonderful vacations every year. They gave me something far more valuable. LOVE.

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OP- that's great you will have Craig! I think you will really like him. Just an FYI most the Cruise Directors are on Facebook.....including Craig E Boy Johnson :)


Great to hear! I'll have to look him up, thanks for the info!


I've recently become a subscriber to John Heald's Blog (he's the Brand Ambassador and Sr Cruise Director for Carnival). Possibly, if you subscribe too, you might be able to get some of your answers from him (maybe re:getting in touch with the cruise director on your ship/date). :)


I'll check it out, thanks! :)


There is no reason to say 'ouch'. I didn't mean for my post to be rude in any way. He asked what he could do. I offered him suggestions. What is so bad about thanking his parents? What is so bad about wishing him a great cruise and cherishing the memories?


Don't worry, you aren't one of the rude ones in here ;) I'll definitely cherish the memory!

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I picked up on the "OLD" too!!

As for what the OP can 'teach" us...can't think of much except how to use some modern technological things.


And perhaps a bit of humility on the side.


I'm definitely OK with intense :D My main stuff I play is DnB & Dubstep. I'll have to check it out for sure!


Ours is a metal show. Ye hath been warned. :)


I'll keep that in mind, thanks! How did you end up keeping in touch with people once you met them? So far the only thing I can think of is, "Hey everyone, meet here at 10:00 tomorrow."


And unless you exchange room numbers with anyone else, that's basically gonna be it. (The phone system on the ship is very similar to a hotel's, where you can leave messages for people if they aren't there.)


I actually just got an email back from support saying it was Craig Johnson. However, they said there was absolutely no way I could get in touch with him for any reason :( They said they wouldn't give out his contact information for "security reasons"... I'm asking for something like a business email, not his cell phone & address, geeze!


After that, I asked if THEY could possibly get a message to him through another means (such as me emailing the general company email & them forwarding it to him). They refused. Honestly, I'm a bit confused as to the absolute refusal.


With good reason. That is poor customer service.


My post was not meant to be mean spirited at all. I just call it as I see it. I see most, (not all but most) teenagers these days being entitled and spoiled. This is not said to be mean. I am just being realistic.


--And quite a few teenagers today are entitled and spoiled, but how you could possibly come to that assumption from the OP's statements is wayyyy beyond me. We're talking about a 19-yr old whose posts have been so polite and well-phrased, he was quickly mistaken for a girl! :p

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