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Taking kids out of school ?


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I realize that no one cares about the adults on this thread. However, there are many parents who need a break from parenting (IMO, this can help make them a better parent). Many are fortunate enough to have their parents watch the kids for a week. There are also older adults who have "been there -- done that". I strongly feel that children have rights...... but, it there any time in the year that parents feel that adults have the right to go on a cruise without school age children on board:confused:


I personally would not take a cruise or any other vacation without my child (8). The guilt I would feel would prevent me from having a good time. I can do things without him on the ship that allow me a break without having to leave him at home. If you want to cruise without children around, go for the lines that typically do not cater to children (more exclusive, higher priced). Otherwise, you will be hard-pressed not to find at least one child on board any time of the year.

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Off-topic, but does all this make-up work apply when the child's been off sick? Because it seems a bit hard if someone's had a wearying illness for a week or so, that as soon as they get back they've gotto work twice as hard to catch up - and if it's something debilitating like glandular fever, it would just make them ill again.


Most times a kid is out sick only a day or so not a week or more



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I'm glad you all have honors students and your kids always make up the work they missed.


But there are a lot of parents who take their darling kids out for "educational travel" and then want five weeks to make up the work and wonder why their child is so behind when they get back.


It's fine if there is emphasis on responsibility for both students AND parents. Emphasis on this would help our educational system in general.

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How many of you take your children out of school to cruise? If you do, does the school give you a hard time?


We have never done it but thinking it's a lot more affordable with a family of 6.


Would love to hear what others think :confused:


Much depends on grade level and individual school system. The rules are not always the same for elementary and high school. Some of the rules are passed by the local school board and some are by the state school board and some are regional certification groups who approve schools (public/private/home schooling programs etc). and some can be acted upon at the school level, some at the district level and some rest with the state.


Most parents do not understand completely the impact of the accountability standards on a school. If your school needs to have attendance levels of 92% to keep from being labeled a "failing school" they are not going to be happy to have your child contribute 5 "absence" days for you to enjoy a cruise. All absence days count even illness, court dates, and discipline absence. I have taught in schools where a child is removed from the roll and has to be enrolled back to the school when he returns (family went "home" to another country for funeral gone 8 school days!). For teachers who are dependent for raises or even their job continuing on test scores/evaluations/attendance etc of the modern school environment --a child who is absent for anything other than a personal illness or a family emergency is a hardship. She must reteach or put off or rearrange instruction to cover the materials that the child missed. Even bright children with wonderful parents need the sequencing of instruction and all the instructional time they can get.

Accountability is probably good for the child/school but it also creates other problems and reactions.


High Schools and nonschool-based instruction (fancy words for some programs that include coops/online instruction/college courses etc) have very strict rules for exactly how many hours of instruction. I have even seen some schools that have a 3 missed classes and you don't get credit.


I guess what I am saying is that your children probably should be in school. Know what you are asking your school to do (attendance standard/instructional time/teacher accountability standards) and what they CAN do. Politicians have made many headlines and many rules and labeled too many teachers and children as failing when they are not. Unfortunately it is not just a family decision to cruise off season anymore.

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I'm glad you all have honors students and your kids always make up the work they missed.


But there are a lot of parents who take their darling kids out for "educational travel" and then want five weeks to make up the work and wonder why their child is so behind when they get back.


It's fine if there is emphasis on responsibility for both students AND parents. Emphasis on this would help our educational system in general.


That's exactly why I state that my kids get good grades and were willing and able make up the work they missed. That is one of the main reasons I was able to take them out of school for vacations. The other reason was our school policy excused vacations. I don't say it to brag and I believe the other parents who mention their childs ability will agree with me...I say it to back up MY decision as a responsible one for our family.


I have always stated that taking your kids out of school is an individual decision base on the childs willingness and ability to make up the work and the schools policies. Nothing else really matters IMHO. If your child is not willing or able to make up the work or your school policy is not excuse the absence...then you should think long and hard before pulling your child out of the classroom.

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There was a time when it wouldn't be a big deal. Not now since it has become a big political issue, as so many things. There was a time when attendance was just to see who showed up. Those who didn't were not an immediate problem, it was more a matter of eventually we may need to see how and where they are. Some eventually just dropped out and nobody paid much notice.


I don't know that education is any better. There will always be a range of abilities and aptitudes. Education in the old days did result in a robust economy and the space program, even landing on the moon, all before the current bean counting.


Personally, I cruise during the value times, when school is in session. I have no problem with children or teens on cruises, but when they are it costs more and I don't go. That fact is probably the majority response to the OP's question. Most people don't take their kids out of school for a cruise or other travel.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Very, very well said.


It is also about values. Some folks value the work ethic. Some do not. Some folks value education. Some do not. Some folks value their wallets more when they schedule a vacation in off peak times when they can save some money.


Why does this issue stir up so much emotion from those against taking children out of school? Not every child and every family is the same. If it seems like there are more people with gifted children than statistically possible, remember that people are more likely to take their children out of school when they know they don't struggle academically and involved parents who work hard to plan family vacations generally also give their children the foundation they need to succeed in school.


My husband and I value education and work ethic more than many, as demonstrated by our advanced degrees and successful careers. If we value our wallets, it's because we are saving for three college educations and possible postgraduate studies (the kids will also be working to help pay their way, of course). We also value family time and new experiences, even above the school routine. We know that our children do not need to be there every day in school and can easily make up the work. Last year, they missed five days for a family vacation plus several sick days and earned the highest possible grade in every subject.


The school knows kids don't have to be there every day -- when head lice swept through the school parents were ordered to keep their children out for a week or more. My son has been ordered by his ped to stay home two weeks to recover from an illness.


The only negative effect we have had from missing school was that, last year, my daughter had to do all her work from the week when we returned, and I had to make her do math she already understood and worksheets on spelling words that she already knew. I'm sorry if it sounds like bragging -- my kids are anything but perfect, but they do not struggle academically. The "issues" they do have are helped, rather than hurt, by relaxing family time and a chance to see the world. So far, every teacher has agreed and some have expressed great encouragement. No one should feel guilty for doing what they believe is best for their family.

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Why does this issue stir up so much emotion from those against taking children out of school? Not every child and every family is the same. If it seems like there are more people with gifted children than statistically possible, remember that people are more likely to take their children out of school when they know they don't struggle academically and involved parents who work hard to plan family vacations generally also give their children the foundation they need to succeed in school.




Wish this were true. If it were, and parents on vacation cared about their children, unsupervised children would not be running into people, shoving into elevators, stepping on people, throwing food, running and screaming down hallways, etc.


Why does this issue stir up so much emotion? Because some of us cannot go anywhere without unruly, undisciplined children causing chaos. Just returned from a market where a cart that a child was guiding went over my foot and was run into by another child of about 3 years of age (who was simultaneously yelling on the top of his lungs -- his mother was nowhere in sight). It seems that for every 1 child who is walking or playing quietly, there are 10 screaming at the top of their lungs while running around. I get upset even writing about it.


My daughter is far from perfect but when she was young she would not think of running through a store or restaurant or screaming at the top of her lungs (instead, she quietly played or sulked -- not always happy -- not always unhappy). And, if someone had come up to me to say that she was doing something that was bothering someone, I would not lash out at the adult who was advising me of a situation that I need to be aware of.


Well, this is CruiseCritic where all opinions can be stated. IMO, too many people think they have perfect children who have the right to do anything they want, anywhere they want to do it. I wonder what will happen when these children learn that they cannot do anything they want or say anything they want to once they become adults and are out in the working environment.


For parents who think it is a great idea to take children out of school to go on a cruise....... I sincerely hope that you also realize that there is a greater responsibility to monitor your children's actions and behavior than there is at home. On a cruise ship, they are in a small city with lots of strangers and people who may or may not be good influences on your children (or your children on theirs?)

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I have always stated that taking your kids out of school is an individual decision base on the childs willingness and ability to make up the work and the schools policies. Nothing else really matters IMHO. If your child is not willing or able to make up the work or your school policy is not excuse the absence...then you should think long and hard before pulling your child out of the classroom.


Yup. If your child is capable of making up the work, and it's not against any rules/laws (and you're not having to lie and say your child had a rare illness that lasts exactly one week and the most common symptom is a suntan), there's absolutely nothing wrong with it.

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For parents who think it is a great idea to take children out of school to go on a cruise....... I sincerely hope that you also realize that there is a greater responsibility to monitor your children's actions and behavior than there is at home. On a cruise ship, they are in a small city with lots of strangers and people who may or may not be good influences on your children (or your children on theirs?)


True. Our children are not immune from picking up bad behaviors. What's REALLY hard is trying to explain to our kids why Little Timmy (or whoever) is allowed to run amok, but they cannot. I try to point out if Little Timmy is breaking a major rule (I don't have a word...but I'm thinking of a sign that says don't climb on the outside of the play equipment, and Little Timmy has scaled it to the very top), or just a family rule (i.e. no shoes on furniture). So then I get to explain exactly why Little Timmy isn't expected to follow the same rules that our kids have to follow. If it's a family rule...fair enough. But if your kid is doing something that is obviously not allowed...and our kids see that his parents aren't doing anything about it...well, makes my job just a bit harder.

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A recent article worth a read by every parent..




"The answer, it turns out, is none of the above. If there’s a crisis in U.S. education, the fault lies with a group more accustomed to leveling blame than receiving it: parents."

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How many of you take your children out of school to cruise? If you do, does the school give you a hard time?


We have never done it but thinking it's a lot more affordable with a family of 6.


Would love to hear what others think :confused:


This does not refer to cruising, but many years ago when my kids were young we would take them out of school the week before or after their February Vacation and we would go Skiing. All I had to do was request Homework from the Teacher for that Week.


There was never a problem or ? from the School. They are your children & no one has the right to dictate whether you go on a family vacation or not!


Enjoy yourself! They are only young once!

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I find it funny people say: they're my kids and you can't tell me what to do....BUT when the kid starts to fail its everyone else's fault but the parents and the student.



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Just because they are your kids and you CAN take them out doesn't mean you SHOULD.


Do you go against your dentist's advice when he says your kids should brush twice a day and floss because you CAN?


Do you go against the pediatrician's advice when she says to give your child medication because you CAN?


Yet people think nothing of going against the advice of their kids' teachers all the time, because they can.


Yes, many kids benefit from educational travel, IF the parents are responsible. And that's the issue. Irresponsible parents cannot differentiate between "can" and "should."

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We have every year kindergarten through fourth grade. The boys are good students and I am a former teacher. I always talked to the school prior so they knew what our plans were. The principal was supportive and the teachers rarely had much they wanted to boys to do. Sadly they did all their math homework last year, fourth grade, in less than an hour and we were away for seven school days. We laughed at all the kids doing homework at the airport in Fort Lauderdale. They were everywhere.

IF you have an elementary child who is struggling, then no, I would not take them out of school even for a couple of days. Some really need that daily contact and help. Middle school or high school, I'm just not sure what I would do. I think it would be very hard for a HS student to miss more than a couple of days and not get behind.

What it comes down to is knowing your own child/ren and school district. Some are willing to work with parents while others can be almost hostile to the idea.

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The problem that the schools have with it is they don't get paid from the government and state when kids are absent.


I agree 100%! And the more poor the state is, the bigger deal they make of kids being absent. Having raised four kids in three states and six different school districts, I speak from experience.


I have never asked the school what I could do with my family. I simply inform them of what I am doing.


Yep, me too.


I took my kids out of school for everything from camping to Disney. Sometimes they missed school just because they didn't feel like going that day. Horrors! They all graduated, went to college, and are successful, responsible adults. The youngest just started college this week on a full merit-based scholarship.


And, guess what? He's going to miss at least one week this semester for a vacation. He may be missing two weeks depending on what his professors say about the dates tomorrow. Get over it!


NONE of my kids has ever failed or been in any trouble in their lives. Not so much as a trip to the principals office. No drugs, drinking, stealing, or even loitering.


Saying that kids start failing and getting into trouble because their "irresponsible" parents take them out of school for vacation is completely ridiculous.

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One of the last years that I taught, the school was labeled a "failing school" because our attendance level was not 92% for all 180 days, and test scores were down 2 points from the magic number. As a teacher in a "failing school" I was required to apply for my job (been there 22 years) for the next year. Do I care if you drag your kid out of school? YOU BETCHA! It gets real personal but I am also required to smile at you the parent and say "oh no problem" because if I don't I get written up for not being "cooperative".


You may think it is your child and you should have all the decision making power but think that others might well have a huge stake in this also.

Just saying. I'm retired now and very very happy to travel in times where children are not so many -- perfect and brilliant or not.

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And, guess what? He's going to miss at least one week this semester for a vacation. He may be missing two weeks depending on what his professors say about the dates tomorrow. Get over it!



I posted this before but I'll type it again. In college my friend failed a class because age missed a test due to a cruise.


Professor knew and never said anything about it till later.


Professors don't care what your plans are. They don't care the excuse and believe me going on a vacation annoys them. Professors do not have to accommodate you at all. College is a different playing field.


Your child could be told there is a test the week he would be gone and the professor does not have to let him take it early.


Yes most professors are nice and done don't care....but you never know when you might get that one who shrugs and gives you a big fat F.





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where children are not so many -- perfect and brilliant or not.


My kids are not perfect or brilliant, just responsible and mature. One of my sons is even disabled (Asperger's) and still grew into a responsible, successful adult.


I'm sorry for the way teachers are treated by their employers, but it's not my personal responsibility to to plan my family's life around their problems.



Professors don't care what your plans are. They don't care the excuse and believe me going on a vacation annoys them. Professors do not have to accommodate you at all. College is a different playing field.


Ummm, yeah, I know college is different. I've been there myself, and as I mentioned, so have my three older kids.


We don't expect anyone to "accommodate" us, which is why he is asking for the professor's schedule before he decides whether or not to take the week in question. Perhaps you should reread my post if you misunderstood.


If he was still in high school, he would go regardless.

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My comment was in a general sense and not directed only to your post :)


I dealt with a lot of helicopter parents.


My one friend had a class where one student called his mom because of something the professor said about an assignment or something. The student thought whatever it was was a bad idea. Called his mother on his cell in class to complain a d then took the phone to the professor to inform him that his mother wanted to speak with him. Professor simply told the mother she was not in his class and hung up on her.


You might be amazed at how many parents believe they can bully professors the same way they did teachers in HS.


Most educational professionals below college will always say ok to what you want no matter how it upsets them. They don't want to deal with the complaining and bullying. Kids learn it from somewhere after all.....






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Ok, so went to my daughter's open house last night and got all those lovely forms with class and school rules/handbook, etc.


It specifically states in their hand book:


"If a student is absent more than 3 days in a 9 week grading period, they may be denied course credit."


So, of course, I questioned this because I was curious. I was again told that cruises are not excused absences in our county and she would get 5 unexcused absences if I took her out for a cruise.


Our county has really tightened up on absences and tardies the last 2 years, but I guess they have to.


I do not take my daughter out for any vacation, but this really makes me not take her out. She is an honors student and she cannot get even 1 unexcused absence or she would be dismissed from the honors programs.


Again, I think it depends on your school system. These kids are not always getting an education while on a cruise. Lying on a beach is not educating them. Sorry, just my opinion. I know they do learn other things though while in foreign countries if they do certain tours, etc.


Funny though, we have friends that live in another state, who take their kids out for a vacation every year. They say their schools are fine with them taking their kids out for cruises/vacations. However, their state has some of the lowest students' test scores in the country.

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I have always resented the premium charged on holiday cruises, particularly when I can get the exact same product for substantially less the week before, or after.


Supply and demand. Nothing more, nothing less.

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Have we taken our kids out of school for vacations....Yes! None of our children have ever had perfect attendence and we have taken them out of elementary, middle school and high school.


Will we take our daughter out of school for a vacation again....Yes! My whole family is going on a cruise in January for my parent's 50th anniversary and wouldn't miss it for the world.


Do we let the schools know ahead of time what we are going to do...Yes! We give plenty of notice and do not lie about what we are doing.


Do we care about any other person's opinion about what we do...No!

We are the parents and we get to decide what is best for our children jut like those who don't agree with taking them out get to do what they want. So far we have raised 6 of them to be responsible, hard-working, intelligent adults and expect no less from the last one. School is not the end all and be all of how you turn out as an adult, it is just one of the many things that contribute to it.

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Have we taken our kids out of school for vacations....Yes! None of our children have ever had perfect attendence and we have taken them out of elementary, middle school and high school.


Will we take our daughter out of school for a vacation again....Yes! My whole family is going on a cruise in January for my parent's 50th anniversary and wouldn't miss it for the world.


Do we let the schools know ahead of time what we are going to do...Yes! We give plenty of notice and do not lie about what we are doing.


Do we care about any other person's opinion about what we do...No!

We are the parents and we get to decide what is best for our children jut like those who don't agree with taking them out get to do what they want. So far we have raised 6 of them to be responsible, hard-working, intelligent adults and expect no less from the last one. School is not the end all and be all of how you turn out as an adult, it is just one of the many things that contribute to it.



I agree 100% - Well said!!

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