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Would This Work for bringing alcohol on board?


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Unbelievable - Really WhansaMi? Get real, as you certainly live in a fantasy world.


Please advise who I have ridiculed? I and others are the ones being attacked because we chose to carry on a small amount of spirits to enjoy. I have spent many $$ over numerous cruises producing much revenue so you and others can enjoy the cost of a lower priced cruise, quite the opposite of what you think.


Do you think it was quick, easy and cheap achieving DIAMOND status? I have spent a lot of $$ with RCI and I plan to spend a lot more. Back off with your better than thou attitude because you do not like the fact that some bring a little bit of spirits onboard. You probably don't even drink, so how are you contributing to producing that revenue you speak of?


Sadly, you are right, a lot of the time. The world I would like to live in is not the world I often see.


Nonetheless, I will continue to hope that people will act with honesty and integrity, even if it costs them something, either monetarily or convienence. I can imagine what the world would be like if everyone (or even most people) behaved that way. It would be a nice thing to expect that people will act honestly, don't you think?


As I see it, you have paid for your cruises, which you, apparently enjoyed, not for the right to break the rules. I am a regular at Starbucks, and have spent a lot of money there. I don't think that means I can walk in and take a mug, because I've contributed to their revenue.


I do drink alcohol, although not that often, and not that much at a time. I'd rather save my calories for dessert. However, we do go to the casino. By this logic, perhaps you would say that I am deserving of grabbing a few chips while I'm there?


Any way you cut it, IMO, it is wrong. Anyone who hides it from the cruise personnel knows it is wrong... that's why it is done in secrecy.

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Well, Well, what if, she put the booze in her mouth and held it there, went thru security then

put it back into the bottle!!!!!

Technically she didnt consume it! Worked for someone else we know ~



That's desperate!:D

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Have I made a wrong choice in life? Absolutely. Many.


Do I feel badly about it? Yes. Do I make it a point to learn from it, and not do it again? Also yes.


Do I deliberately set out to do things that I have agreed not to do? No. I don't.


One of the reasons I wrote on this thread is because, obviously, the OP and some others feel/felt that it is acceptable to smuggle booze. If no one speaks up and says "You agreed not to do that when you signed up for this, and therefore you shouldn't", then there continues to be little thought to doing it.


I don't know the OP. I certainly can't control the OP, or anyone else, other than myself. But, I do believe that, if you see people doing the wrong thing, if you (generic) don't speak up, ultimately they, as human beings who (I hope) strive to do better, suffer. And, society suffers, because I think that personal integrity is an important foundation for a good society.


I feel that my integrity would be at risk if I didn't mention to you that your post comes off as self-serving, smug and pompous. I'm sure you didn't mean to come off that way but your post makes you sound like an etiquette know-it-all and honestly, no one finds a boastful, 'I'm better than you so listen to my unsolicited moral opinion of your life' attitude as a sign of integrity or a foundation of what's good for a society. :D I only decided to post this after you mentioning that you feel it's wrong not to post a scolding reminder to posters...so please, no offense meant at all!

Edited by luckyprincess
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I feel that my integrity would be at risk if I didn't mention to you that your post comes off as self-serving, smug and pompous. I'm sure you didn't mean to come off that way but your post makes you sound like an etiquette know-it-all and honestly, no one finds a boastful, 'I'm better than you so listen to my unsolicited moral opinion of your life' attitude as a sign of integrity or a foundation of what's good for a society. :D I only decided to post this after you mentioning that you feel it's wrong not to post a scolding reminder to posters...so please, no offense meant at all!


Lucky princess, I believe you are taking the post out of context. We were discussing that exact topic and the response was in line and in no way did it make me feel. A though he was arrogant.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

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I feel that my integrity would be at risk if I didn't mention to you that your post comes off as self-serving, smug and pompous. I'm sure you didn't mean to come off that way but your post makes you sound like an etiquette know-it-all and honestly, no one finds a boastful, 'I'm better than you so listen to my unsolicited moral opinion of your life' attitude as a sign of integrity or a foundation of what's good for a society. :D I only decided to post this after you mentioning that you feel it's wrong not to post a scolding reminder to posters...so please, no offense meant at all!


I get the sarcasm. :-)


And, I'm not offended.


I don't believe I am talking about etiquette, at all, but ethics and morality. BELIEVE me, I am the last person you would want to be a "life line" on an "etiquette" question on "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire"! But, I have engaged in a lot of thinking, reading and discussion on the topic of ethics, and, to me, that's what, ultimately, this thread is about.


I can't figure out a way to say "I believe that you are doing is wrong", without coming across as "scolding", so I guess I will just have to live with it.


My remembrance is that you are no stranger to "spirited" discussions, wherein people think that you are coming across in a particular (negative) way. I much admired many of your posts on the "formal wear" thread. I suspect that we share the attribute of being willing to say what we think, even if it is unpopular.


You, however, are much better than I at couching negative things within posts that are a bit ambiguous. I am very much a "what you see is what you get" kind of person, and usually do not take the time and energy to do so (and, even if I did, it probably wouldn't come out right).


That sometimes gets me in trouble, but I'd rather be in trouble for being myself than be someone I'm not. I'm not saying that is what you are doing... I'm saying that this does not naturally come to me, so I'm not inclined to proceed in your footsteps.


(P.S. and Wingate, I am a "she". Not a big deal, at all... just saying. :-))

Edited by WhansaMi
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Lucky princess, I believe you are taking the post out of context. We were discussing that exact topic and the response was in line and in no way did it make me feel. A though he was arrogant.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD



I was not so much taking it out of context as I was using it in conjunction with his post admonishing people that do things that 'break the rules' of the cruise. I felt that what he has written has broken the rules of CC. Name calling isn't really allowed, even if done subtly. His justification of breaking the rules of CC is to say he feels he must protect his integrity by telling posters they are breaking the rules. I felt that was a funny, ironic circumstance so I made a sarcastic post trying to point that out. :) I could care less either way in the alcohol debate so I don't have a dog in the fight, so they say.

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I was not so much taking it out of context as I was using it in conjunction with his post admonishing people that do things that 'break the rules' of the cruise. I felt that what he has written has broken the rules of CC. Name calling isn't really allowed, even if done subtly. His justification of breaking the rules of CC is to say he feels he must protect his integrity by telling posters they are breaking the rules. I felt that was a funny, ironic circumstance so I made a sarcastic post trying to point that out. :) I could care less either way in the alcohol debate so I don't have a dog in the fight, so they say.


That's what I was saying. She was elaborating on her thoughts and it was not directed at anyone. She was responding to a post I made saying almost the same thing. Please start here and read back a few http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showpost.php?p=36774401&postcount=65

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I get the sarcasm. :-)


And, I'm not offended.


I don't believe I am talking about etiquette, at all, but ethics and morality. BELIEVE me, I am the last person you would want to be a "life line" on an "etiquette" question on "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire"! But, I have engaged in a lot of thinking, reading and discussion on the topic of ethics, and, to me, that's what, ultimately, this thread is about.


I can't figure out a way to say "I believe that you are doing is wrong", without coming across as "scolding", so I guess I will just have to live with it.


My remembrance is that you are no stranger to "spirited" discussions, wherein people think that you are coming across in a particular (negative) way. I much admired many of your posts on the "formal wear" thread. I suspect that we share the attribute of being willing to say what we think, even if it is unpopular.


You, however, are much better than I at couching negative things within posts that are a bit ambiguous. I am very much a "what you see is what you get" kind of person, and usually do not take the time and energy to do so (and, even if I did, it probably wouldn't come out right).


That sometimes gets me in trouble, but I'd rather be in trouble for being myself than be someone I'm not. I'm not saying that is what you are doing... I'm saying that this does not naturally come to me, so I'm not inclined to proceed in your footsteps.


(P.S. and Wingate, I am a "she". Not a big deal, at all... just saying. :-))


Lol, you have a good memory :) Yes, I have mastered passive aggressiveness to the point of expert I suppose. It just comes out :D I don't intend it to be that way. I guess sarcasm is my second language? :p I suppose I just enjoy the spirited discussions best!


P.S. - Sorry for assuming you were a man! You know what happens when you assume....:D

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I was not so much taking it out of context as I was using it in conjunction with his post admonishing people that do things that 'break the rules' of the cruise. I felt that what he has written has broken the rules of CC. Name calling isn't really allowed, even if done subtly. His justification of breaking the rules of CC is to say he feels he must protect his integrity by telling posters they are breaking the rules. I felt that was a funny, ironic circumstance so I made a sarcastic post trying to point that out. :) I could care less either way in the alcohol debate so I don't have a dog in the fight, so they say.



I don't know that I have broken CC rules or not. As I read the boards, I have seen posts that go beyond what I said, in spirit, so I am unsure.


But, as I said earlier, there were ways to get my point across without being unkind. I should have chosen one of those, regardless of the CC rules. I stand behind the ideas that I have put forth, but, I should not have written it the way that I did.


For that, I apologize to the OP and the others reading the board.

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BTW, enjoy the Enchantment cruise. I live 90 miles away from the port and have never been on that one!


Thank you. My first time on RCCL. I'm really looking forward to it, and Radio's very thorough (and beautiful) thread has made me an "expert", even though I've never been on it!


I need a cruise. We were *on* the Pride when the coast guard closed the Bay, due to Sandy. I think it was because of all of the anxiety... watching "Frankenstorm" coverage on the news, so many of us were incredibly emotional afterwards. I think our nervous systems were just on overload!


Our river cruise last summer convinced me that I need to stick with ocean liners (almost every day after the 3rd or 4th day, I was thinking "I just want to go home", and I broke out with shingles within days of our return), so it has been a while since I really went on a vacation and *relaxed*.


I'm counting the days. :-)

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Lol, you have a good memory :) Yes, I have mastered passive aggressiveness to the point of expert I suppose. It just comes out :D I don't intend it to be that way. I guess sarcasm is my second language? :p I suppose I just enjoy the spirited discussions best!


P.S. - Sorry for assuming you were a man! You know what happens when you assume....:D


See? You are just you, and I am just me.


Sometimes those differences in communication style can cause some friction. I hardly ever hold it against anyone. I hope you don't either.


No problem about the assumption. Can't exactly see people on here!

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See? You are just you, and I am just me.


Sometimes those differences in communication style can cause some friction. I hardly ever hold it against anyone. I hope you don't either.


No problem about the assumption. Can't exactly see people on here!


Nope, I'm pretty easy going..

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WOW...just joined & this is the first post that caught my eye. YIKES!! How 'bout just a simple answer? I like to drink Vanilla Coke Zero with Red Stag Black Cherry Bourbon & if they have that on board AND can mix it the way I want it, I'll gladly PAY for it. BUT...chances are... So... to the person who posted this originally, you sure are expecting to use a lot of HAIR SPRAY (hint hint).

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I feel that my integrity would be at risk if I didn't mention to you that your post comes off as self-serving, smug and pompous. I'm sure you didn't mean to come off that way but your post makes you sound like an etiquette know-it-all and honestly, no one finds a boastful, 'I'm better than you so listen to my unsolicited moral opinion of your life' attitude as a sign of integrity or a foundation of what's good for a society. :D I only decided to post this after you mentioning that you feel it's wrong not to post a scolding reminder to posters...so please, no offense meant at all!

If anyone sounded smug and pompous, it was the DIAMOND member spouting about all the money he spent. Now because of all the revenue he as a DIAMOND has generated, other lowly non-DIAMONDs can get a cheaper cruise. He's DIAMOND and can get all the drinks he wants?:p


Guess we all see or read things differently and you may not think this person was pompous. By the same token, I saw nothing pompous or smug about any of WhansaMi's posts.;):)

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WOW...just joined & this is the first post that caught my eye. YIKES!! How 'bout just a simple answer? I like to drink Vanilla Coke Zero with Red Stag Black Cherry Bourbon & if they have that on board AND can mix it the way I want it, I'll gladly PAY for it. BUT...chances are... So... to the person who posted this originally, you sure are expecting to use a lot of HAIR SPRAY (hint hint).
Just curious, how are you going to get the Vanilla Coke Zero on board?
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If anyone sounded smug and pompous, it was the DIAMOND member spouting about all the money he spent. Now because of all the revenue he as a DIAMOND has generated, other lowly non-DIAMONDs can get a cheaper cruise. He's DIAMOND and can get all the drinks he wants?:p


Guess we all see or read things differently and you may not think this person was pompous. By the same token, I saw nothing pompous or smug about any of WhansaMi's posts.;):)


Well said. I wil never be a DIAMOND because we are true to no line and I DONT CARE about being DIAMOND,EMERALD,RUBY....whatever. :D

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Well said. I wil never be a DIAMOND because we are true to no line and I DONT CARE about being DIAMOND,EMERALD,RUBY....whatever. :D

LOL, we would be DIAMOND, maybe even DIAMOND+ if all our cruises had been on Royal Caribbean.:D


For the record, if someone is Diamond, good for them, I just don't need to hear about it all the time.

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LOL, we would be DIAMOND, maybe even DIAMOND+ if all our cruises had been on Royal Caribbean.:D


For the record, if someone is Diamond, good for them, I just don't need to hear about it all the time.



:D I agree. Ha! We would be triple D's :p

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So where are we at? Rum runners work? :D


I, too, am one of those people who have no issue at all paying for drinks on board. However I am super picky about what I drink and has anyone ever noticed how no bar ever seems to have diet sprite or god forbid diet caffeine free coke?


My drink of choice is sweet tea vodka and ice tea. The name is deceiving as the vodka has no more sugar in it than clear vodka. However, this is not something easy to find. Does anyone know if the ships carry this?


This thread cracked me up by the way. I say live and let live. I'm willing to take a chance to bring a small amount of something specific I like that might not be on the ship. Doesn't mean I will not be purchasing wine with dinner, etc.

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