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Carnival scummed my TA


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and if you are really just looking for a simple answer... ask a simple question without a back story.


"What is carnival's policy for when I can switch my booking from me to a travel agent?"



if that's all you wrote, no one could have added anything further. when you write a back story, you invite others to comment on the back story as well. that is how forums usually operate.


Agreed. Also, back story or not, and I am sure it was not the OPs intention to get people riled up, but yes, ask as many questions as you want, but to title the post 'Carnival is scamming my TA' of course people are going to get on the defensive.


You may have intended to find a simple answer to a simple question but to call out Carnival in the thread title and accuse them of scamming, well, its akin to lighting a match next to a powder keg.

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Yep...it is 30 days...


I knew that and I am not even a TA.....


so no, Carnival did not "scum" you...you just used a TA that does not know what they are doing it appears.



Doesn't appear the TA does anything except collect the commission.


Who is "scumming" who?

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Like. I don't agree that his TA "scummed" him.


Do you realize that you are doing the same thing to the posters? You attack the posters for attacking you.


The problem is that you blamed Carnival for something that a competent TA should already know. If a TA has to call Carnival to ask a basic question, then that isn't a TA that should be handling cruises. This whole thing sounds more like a scam on Carnival. Your TA is getting a commission from Carnival for doing nothing.

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Do you realize that you are doing the same thing to the posters? You attack the posters for attacking you.


The problem is that you blamed Carnival for something that a competent TA should already know. If a TA has to call Carnival to ask a basic question, then that isn't a TA that should be handling cruises. This whole thing sounds more like a scam on Carnival. Your TA is getting a commission from Carnival for doing nothing.


yes, I know I'm attacking them for attacking me. that's fair. they were attacking me for asking a question. that's not fair.


see the difference?


Again, you say a competent TA should know.. never mind. I've answered this ridiculous claim too many times already. go back and read my dozen previous replies.

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I think the point that people were making about your travel agent/friend, is that a properly trained travel agent shouldn't have to be calling 1-800-CARNIVAL for answers to basic policy questions that they should have known from their training and day to day bookings. (hopefully you are not her only client)


The fact that you did not remember the 30 day policy is fine.

But a trained travel agent should have known the rules.

(I would expect my CPA to know the tax law without having to call 1-800-IRS-HELP)


Plus the way you intially stated your case, the fact that you do all the work and transfer it to her, made zero sense.


After you explained your realtor/TA relationship, it made more sense.


Hope you and your friend keep helping each other out...




I'm trying to understand, let's see if I got this. so according to you, a "properly trained" TA should assume from their training what Carnival's policy is and then assume that from that point until the end of time that the policy will never change. and also her day to day bookings, which are not transfers, should somehow reinforce the years old transfer policy which never changes and could never change. Did I get that right?

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I typically transfer my booking to my TA after I've booked directly with Carnival because she offers me OBC. I still owe the same amount I booked with Carnival' date=' plus I have OBC that I wouldn't have if I hadn't transferred the booking to my TA.


I could let her do all the work, but I like to see and compare the rates myself and feel confident that I'm getting my cabin choice at the rate I feel good about. If my TA didn't offer any OBC, then I wouldn't have a need to transfer the booking.


It seems to work for her, certainly works for me! :)[/quote']


This is very similar to me. Glad to know I'm not the only one. She usually gives me something. A coffee card one time, a bottle of wine another time, it's a nice treat.

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Your friend/TA should have known the policy, that is part of the TA's job. Now whoever at Carnival gave out the worng info is partilly at fault as well. However I fail to see how giving out worng info is scamming (scumming) her. As for being hammerred on that comes partly cause, your op like so many on here came across as. There is a problem and it is all Carnival's fault. I personally have no accountablity for it. And it is only Carnival who does these things. If not you then the TA is paritly at fault. And if you think that Carnival is the only cruise line where from time to time customer service rebs. give out the worng info. While then I have a nice bridge in Brooklyn for sale you might be intrested in.


Please someone help me understand why so many people keep saying this "they should know the policy" but nobody acknowledges that in order for at TA to know the policy, at some point they must ask. and if time has gone by, a GOOD TA will want to veryify the policy hasn't changed instead of assuming it's the same thus giving their clients old, wrong information. And how pray tell do they verify?? how? 'cmon... you can guess this. how do they verify???


I'll help... THEY PICKUP THE PHONE AND ASK!!!! That's what good TA's do.

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I'm trying to understand, let's see if I got this. so according to you, a "properly trained" TA should assume from their training what Carnival's policy is and then assume that from that point until the end of time that the policy will never change. and also her day to day bookings, which are not transfers, should somehow reinforce the years old transfer policy which never changes and could never change. Did I get that right?


Yeah a competent TA has policies of the companies they work with in writing

All of these policies are available in written form


And you are continuing to antagonize people into giving you snide remarks

You are a competent troll

Good show

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Your friend/TA should have known the policy, that is part of the TA's job. Now whoever at Carnival gave out the worng info is partilly at fault as well. However I fail to see how giving out worng info is scamming (scumming) her. As for being hammerred on that comes partly cause, your op like so many on here came across as. There is a problem and it is all Carnival's fault. I personally have no accountablity for it. And it is only Carnival who does these things. If not you then the TA is paritly at fault. And if you think that Carnival is the only cruise line where from time to time customer service rebs. give out the worng info. While then I have a nice bridge in Brooklyn for sale you might be intrested in.


and I didn't typo. SCUMMING is a term we use in Real Estate when you're expecting a commission, typically with a buyer, you work with them showing houses day in and day out and they call you up one day and say, "oh sorry, we called up this other Realtor/builder and bought a house with them" and suddenly you're out your commission.


My TA was expecting a commission, did what she was told and got nothing. She got SCUMMED. (not scammed).

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How true, has it always been this way?


I took a year off of cruising due to a new job, just back and really sad about all the insulting and name calling. I don't remember that from before.


I've been on Cruise Critic for 12 or 13 years now. I was here even before they switched over to this platform and had to wipe all their archives (so I have more posts than it gives me credit for, although not by that much). This influx of nasty posts and such is actually a more recent development. That said, this is still the best place to get a quick answer to anything cruise related. If you read this thread from the start you can see I got 3 consise answers pretty quick.


Normally I would respond as much as I am in this thread but I'm at my Dad's house by myself because he passed away the other day and I'm here to do a couple things and I've got nothing better to do in the evenings. I leave tomorrow so this will be the last night I have fun throwing logic at them. :p

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Actually, booking via CCL online there is no commission paid. Even if you book via a PVP, they don't make commission. They still get credit for making the booking even if that booking is transferred to a TA.


that's what I've always assumed too. I see it as a win win.


I would add too, that while I make the workload lighter for her and sometimes make it so she doesn't have to do anything to make a commission, she still earns it because there are other times when I run her ragged, far more than a typical client.


Nobody is taking advantage of anyone. If Carnival thought is was so, they'd... wait for it... change their policy. (I wonder if all those so called good TA's would suddenly "know about it" if they did). ;)

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I merely stated that a TA should know this policy. Is it the first time she has ever booked with Carnival?


I was not attacking anyone just stating the facts. And clairvoyance has nothing to do with it but basic rules do, which imho a good TA should know the basic rules.


Yes I know what you just merely stated. that's why I said what I did, because what you stated ... never mind.. I'll answer your question.


No this is not the first time she has ever booked with carnival. Why do you ask? Do you think that every time a TA places a booking they tell them about all the policies they have that are totally unrelated to what they're doing?


I mean, think for a moment here... If TA calls Carnival and says "I'd like to book Joe in cabin bla bla bla..." Why on earth would Carnival tell the TA "oh, and you know, if you ever have a client who books online, not Joe of course because he's already booked with you, but another client, well I guess they might not be a client yet seeing as though they're not currently booked with you, let's just say if some other person, not Joe, ever books online with us and then wants to transfer the booking to you, you have to do it within 30 days of them booking it online. Now about Joe, yes he's confirmed on sailing bla bla bla..."? I'm not sure what you think happens during the phone call when a TA makes a booking, but that ain't it!


Which fact were you stating again? oh yes, I remember, the one where the non-clarvoyant TA should "know" the policies without anyone telling her just because she's a TA and when you get your TA badge you suddenly know all the policies of all 60 or so cruise lines in the world about all topics and all policy changes all without ever asking anyone. That fact?

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My condolences to you and your family on the passing of your father.




Thanks Bill. I had a good day today talking to all his neighbours and such. It is a really great community here in Grand Forks, BC. A bit rural for my tastes but the people really look out for one another. At least 3 neighbours knew something wasn't right because of the way the curtains were and had people checking on him almost immediately.

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In reality, is sounds like you "scummed" Carnival.


When your friend buys a house from you don't you earn your commission by doing all the work required to make the sale?


Whatever, sounds like you two have a symbiotic relationship that works for you.


Best of luck on you future cruises and very sorry to hear of your fathers passing.:(




It's absolutely true what I do takes money from Carnival as opposed to me simply booking online and leaving it there, but if Carnival had a policy that did not allow transfers, then I would book through my TA from the start. So in reality, Carnival is going to pay a commission on every one of my bookings no matter what. So I am not scumming them. I'm simply postponing when my TA gets involved to save her a bit of work and that doesn't affect Carnival at all.

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i'm still not sure I understand why you didnt book it with the travel agent right away. If I book with a travel agent, I STILL look every day for price reductions. I still check all cabin categories if a better cabin, view or balcony pops up and if I find something, I contact them and they take care of it for me right away. I dont trust my travel agent to be as diligent as I would for my cruise. I do however trust them to make the change for me if I find something. that is really what you should do. I dont think that is asking too much of a travel agent (even a friend).


Don't get me wrong, my TA would ABSOLUTELY do all the price reductions calls for me without complaint if I asked her to. I just choose to make her life easier because that's the kind of person I am. This arrangement is totally my idea, not hers. She likes it of course, but she would never have even suggested it.

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and if you are really just looking for a simple answer... ask a simple question without a back story.


"What is carnival's policy for when I can switch my booking from me to a travel agent?"



if that's all you wrote, no one could have added anything further. when you write a back story, you invite others to comment on the back story as well. that is how forums usually operate.


Well said. Hands down the best counter argument of this thread, and absolutely correct.


It is not however how forums have always operated. Well, I guess they have sort of but it seems many comments now are edgy and personally demeaning in some ways.


The constant inference, without merit, that my TA is somehow incompetent rubbed me the wrong way. Even if she wasn't my friend I'd say she's one of the best I've known. It's BECAUSE she doesn't assume and instead takes the time to make the calls to verify that makes her so good and why her losing out on a commission because of some Carnival rep who didn't have their facts straight upset me so and led to my posting more than a mere question.


Personally I think that given the circumstances, Carnival should have allowed the transfer because it was their information we were relying on. It wasn't as though we missed the deadline and then tried to transfer. She called a few days after I booked so I would know when it had to be done.


I can't tell in the middle of writing this how long you've been here but if you've been on CC for several years you probably know that some injustices aired here on CC get fixed when the right people see them. This only happens when you have a back story. I'm not saying my sole purpose of writing the post was to get the transfer we were denied, getting the simple answer was the first and foremost thought, as I was hoping the first TA was the correct one, but I did write the back story so that someone with a similar experience might read it and say "yeah, that happened to me and I sent an email to so and so and it got transferred" or something like that.


It's just lately the sympathetic and helpful posts have been overwhelmed by those it can't wait for an opportunity to point out all the faults with every little thing you say and, as in this thread, jump to conclusions and accuse and demean without thought.


You may also remember if you've been on here a while, a guy came on with his "carnival scummed me" type story (possibly about another line) where he was apparently banned for life from the line. The thread had 20,000 or so posts in the first day and hundreds of thousands of views or something like that. within 3 days he not only was un-banned but had a personal call from the CEO.


Sometimes the right person is reading and you get more than a simple answer when you tell a back story.

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I guess all those free commissions are making the TA lazy and not forcing them to keep up with the industry.

Take care,



And those busy, non-lazy TA's that are forced to keep up with the industry, how to they learn about policy changes exactly?

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Agreed. Also, back story or not, and I am sure it was not the OPs intention to get people riled up, but yes, ask as many questions as you want, but to title the post 'Carnival is scamming my TA' of course people are going to get on the defensive.


You may have intended to find a simple answer to a simple question but to call out Carnival in the thread title and accuse them of scamming, well, its akin to lighting a match next to a powder keg.



First, I said "scumming", not scamming. They're different. read my reply above that talks about this.


Second, you're correct that the title may have got people riled up. Honestly, I hadn't thought about it but on reflection you're right, a different title may have been better. I'll try and remember that. or maybe I'll repost the exact same thing under a different title and see what happens. hmmmmm. not tonight though, I'm sleepy.

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Sometimes the right person is reading and you get more than a simple answer when you tell a back story.


then you have to take the good with the bad. I have been on here for years and I do know how it is. But if you are looking for the 'right' person to read this, you must know there will be the 'wrong' people too and will post on your back story. especially if you are bashing Carnival in one way or another.

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Don't get me wrong, my TA would ABSOLUTELY do all the price reductions calls for me without complaint if I asked her to. I just choose to make her life easier because that's the kind of person I am. This arrangement is totally my idea, not hers. She likes it of course, but she would never have even suggested it.


you might have missed my point. Give it to her right away and continue to do exactly what you are doing. whats the difference between giving it to her right away and doing all the work or giving it to her a few months later and doing all the work?


I know this is what Carnival told you but unfortunately Carnival people on the phone get things wrong and sometimes MUCH worse that this. If you have been on this site for years you should know that Carnival does get things wrong and most of the time they do not fix it just because you were told wrong.

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I'm trying to understand, let's see if I got this. so according to you, a "properly trained" TA should assume from their training what Carnival's policy is and then assume that from that point until the end of time that the policy will never change. and also her day to day bookings, which are not transfers, should somehow reinforce the years old transfer policy which never changes and could never change. Did I get that right?


I wouldn't want a TA to "assume" anything.


I would hope from their initial training, any updated training (which every job I have ever had, has at the very least monthly training and refresher training online to be completed to keep my job abd keep my certifications up to date) and her day to day cruise bookings, to know policy changes.


I know that the larger agency my MIL uses, their agents have to take recertification tests and know the policy changes that all of the cruiselines have institued.(and hotels, rail, airlines, etc..)

Plus they have to take monthly online update courses with all the changes.


Maybe your friend works for a small Mom and Pop agency or works on her own.

You never stated.


As long as you are happy with the service you get and the deal you two have, that is all that matters.


And by the way, the post immediately before mine hits the nail on the head and makes the most sense in this whole thread.



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