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I agree, great picture of Blondie. Has she ever taken a bad photo? I have never seen one. Certainly balances Ho-Hum.:eek: I too am a bit pressed to be able to jump on Ho's deal for us. I have arranged to buy The Donald's jet as he will have two or three others to use for the next 4 years. Have to re do all that "T" stuff on the plane with crossed pistols, cactus, coyotes, etc. It will be a flyin' Modigliani for sure. Y'all come.:D Free flights to SeaDream.:D You really should put a dash of Tequila in your morning coffee Mr. Hum. Works wonders.

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"Get to the airport early" Natalie our "posh" travel agent says.

It's the start of school holidays and security is on high alert.

What fun !

Hum sets his alarm for 4.00am.

He has some work to do before leaving "Old Blighty".

Driver picks us up at 6.00am.

And "meet & greeters" whisk us through to the Lounge !

Ruddy wonderful.

Well the point of telling you all this, is because Hum met "God" in the airport.

No not Jim.

Albert ROUX !

Who ?

The French chef who was the first man in England to gain 3 Michelin stars.

How wonderful.

Hum says hello and thanks him for his contribution to food in this country. A true revolutionary.

He is in his 80's now and both he and his brother are responsible for the two "bruisers" of the kitchen: Marco Pierre White and Gordon Ramsay.

And then Monsieur Roux says:

"Is that really you ? Monsieur Incontinent Pads !"

Vraiment, exactement la meme, monsieur!


And then onboard the plane.

Sitting across the aisle is a young American girl. Blondie strikes up a conversation (nothing unusual) and it transpires that she and her family of SEVEN will be going to Rome too (obviously) and then going to SD !

By the time this ruddy flight is over, Blondie will know everything about her, her family, pets, descendants, life aspirations...,,the whole "shabang", which Blondie will proceed to tell Hum on the taxi journey from the airport to the hotel !

Oh joy! Deep joy!

Where are you Jim in Hum's hour of need ?

Tequila in yer coffee ehh ?

Alrighty then.

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Hum met "God" in the airport.


Always fun when this happens. My last experience involving a chance airport encounter with celebrities was in April at ATL in Concourse E if I recall correctly. And no, it wasn't Gantt.


Oh, and have a great voyage. As if it the alternative is even remotely possible!

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Family of 7? So bustling the kiddies along to SD as well? Oops, there goes that brushfire again........Sorry Ho, Y'all do have a wonderful journey and report in as time permits. I am approaching well done and it is still a few weeks till our summer getaway to higher (cooler) elevations.

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.....have a fabulous cruise Ho Hum as ever. Throw the brats (sorry, the little darlings) overboard if they become a pain in the you know what!!

Apologies, maybe that's my concussion talking, almost knocked myself out, accident with an open Velux?!

Did you fly BA to Rome ? If so, did you fly club and Would you recommend it?

We have complimentary BAClub/business return tickets to the US (won at a golf tournament ) but was thinking of trying to exchange them to multi route to and from Europe for a cruise in sept. Appreciate your advice as ever!

Enjoy the weather, food, drink, company, cruise, craic, everything etc. lucky you.

Looking forward to your reports/jottingsxx


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Always fun when this happens. My last experience involving a chance airport encounter with celebrities was in April at ATL in Concourse E if I recall correctly. And no, it wasn't Gantt.


Oh, and have a great voyage. As if it the alternative is even remotely possible!


Now that was an act of God (meeting up with you) !

Talking of Gantt, we are sailing with him in September (avec Ted, naturally).

Thanks for your best wishes.

We will do our best to honour your "office".

Oh to be drinking a few beers with you and Jim.

Do you know one another ?

Both beer nuts and genial guys t'boot.



Family of 7? So bustling the kiddies along to SD as well? Oops, there goes that brushfire again........Sorry Ho, Y'all do have a wonderful journey and report in as time permits. I am approaching well done and it is still a few weeks till our summer getaway to higher (cooler) elevations.


The "kiddies" are in their mid-20's and married Jim !

Bernie supporters with guns !

Very intelligent and very personable couple.

Sadly Hum has no "tats" to display and Hum's bloated appearance does not seem to put off these serious, young, cool hipster dudes.

What on earth are they doing with old Hum is beyond Hum !

She has a very intense look and Hum loves her presence and earnestness.

No feckless yoof she !

Nay, verrily so.

And most attractive too.

A touch of make up and she would be a "stunner" but she probably prefers not to rely on augmented good lucks.

Of course they are both as "skinny as rakes" too.

God she dressed up tonight for dinner in a tight leopard skin dress and looked quite the huntress. Grrrrrrr. Very hot and sexy with a lot of attitude! Love it.

And she had quite a swagger too. Hum's liking her a lot. And he is a really cool dude. May we should dine together. It would be fun.

We could talk about..........!!!

What the hell would we talk about ?

No, not politics.......or the planet or anything remotely serious.


But Hum has two dates with lady crew tonight and with Blondie and who all look gorgeous: 3 to 1, Hum likes those odds.

Beautiful, intelligent ladies who were a lot of fun.

Hum and Blondie love to dine with the crew and we are always so impressed by their work ethic and attitude: we are always enriched by the experience and it is always great for us to be around them and catch up on how they are doing and all.


We saunter back into the reception area and meet up with the ladies in the concierge and shop and our guests and Blondie show off their outfits, shoes, jewellery etc.. to one another. These are great women whom Hum adores. Hum saunters off and lets the ladies get on with the girl talk.

It's been a wonderful day in Capri and Amalfi.

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.....have a fabulous cruise Ho Hum as ever. Throw the brats (sorry, the little darlings) overboard if they become a pain in the you know what!!

Apologies, maybe that's my concussion talking, almost knocked myself out, accident with an open Velux?!

Did you fly BA to Rome ? If so, did you fly club and Would you recommend it?

We have complimentary BAClub/business return tickets to the US (won at a golf tournament ) but was thinking of trying to exchange them to multi route to and from Europe for a cruise in sept. Appreciate your advice as ever!

Enjoy the weather, food, drink, company, cruise, craic, everything etc. lucky you.

Looking forward to your reports/jottingsxx



Thanks for your best wishes Ali.

Hopefully Hum has clarified the situation about the "kiddies".

There is a family of four youngish children onboard though but they are pleasant enough.

Hum introduced himself to the very youngest: a polite girl.

She told Hum she is sailing with her parents and that they are older than her.

Told you: lots of smart women onboard.

Smart enough not to be concussed by a rooflight !

Hum is trying to work it out.

Was it closed and you rammed your head into it.

Or did you open it onto your head.

Or was it open and the back became inclined down behind you.

Well whatever scenario, it is truly sickening when that happens.

A lay down is imperative.

Hum's sincere sympathies.


Yes we flew BA to Rome from London Gatwick. Gatwick airport layouts (both Terminals) are truly crazy.

Yes we flew Club.

We have a lot of baggage. "Cheaper" airlines fly out at stupid times, charge for baggage and do not have Lounges.

The flight was just 2 hours.

Being in Club only meant the middle seat was un-occupied and you were served drinks quicker (in Hum's case, this is important). There was no apparent extra leg room to discern.

Didn't know you could exchange business class for multi Club routes.

Are you sure it is even possible?

And you do mean for more than one return trip to Europe.

Hmmmm........BA Business to the US is very tempting but only if you were ever contemplating it. It sounds they could be a bit of a waste, in which case try to get 2/3 European return flights to Europe.

Do they have an expiry date ?

Blondie and Hum often chide ourselves for not taking quick flights to Europe or Ireland for even just 3 days.

So dunno what to say except take advantage of the one you are most likely to use, which Hum is guessing would be Europe especially if BA can actually do it and you travel with more than hand luggage.

But then again, what a bargain for flights to New York (shopping, theatre, museums) or San Francisco (fly drive to Napa, wines, meals).

Ask Hum something easier next time, like how not to concuss yourself on a Velux.

Did it swing down on your head ? Maybe some grip adjustment is needed (they should stay open whatever inclination you set them to).

Sorry haven't been much help.

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Now that was an act of God (meeting up with you) !

Talking of Gantt, we are sailing with him in September (avec Ted, naturally).

Thanks for your best wishes.

We will do our best to honour your "office".

Oh to be drinking a few beers with you and Jim.

Do you know one another ?

Both beer nuts and genial guys t'boot.


We know each other only from Cruise Critic. A former Provisions Master once told me there was not enough storage in the Beer Box for both of us at the same time.:eek: I have boarded the week after CTBR a time or two. The crew was exhausted with the restocking at turnaround day. Maybe someday.......:D

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Now that was an act of God (meeting up with you) !

Talking of Gantt, we are sailing with him in September (avec Ted, naturally).

Thanks for your best wishes.

We will do our best to honour your "office".

Oh to be drinking a few beers with you and Jim.

Do you know one another ?

Both beer nuts and genial guys t'boot.


We know each other only from Cruise Critic. A former Provisions Master once told me there was not enough storage in the Beer Box for both of us at the same time.:eek: I have boarded the week after CTBR a time or two. The crew was exhausted with the restocking at turnaround day. Maybe someday.......:D


SD lose money the weeks you and Charlie are on !

Crew hate those weeks too: all are on double shifts and no extra money !

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Hum walked into the Colombe d'Or, in St.Paul de Vence (South of France) and knew immediately, he had found one of the best restaurants he had ever visited.

It was the relaxed feel of coming home by an abundance of mature staff, beautifully presented and eager to see you who knew their jobs inside out, a significant many of them had done it for over 30 years.

The style is "shabby": maybe not fussy but relaxed is a better way of describing it.

It was decided decades earlier that nothing needed changing and so it came to pass. 1954 in fact !!

We grabbed a lunch time table under a canopy of plants on a spacious white linen cloth, metal table and ordered a DP06 (we had the same table here for the next 4 lunches).

Oh et un grande bouteille due Badoit.

"Certainement monsiuer"

To hell with the exchange rates, Hum had bought when the euro was strong so in fact the champagne was actually great value.


Oh the ambience, the food, the service.

No bill to sign, straight on the room: a maid escorted us there.

TV not working ! An important football match follows Hum's siesta.

Two maids try to work it then they call the General Manager.

A huge, moustached gentleman, looking like the plump one in Laurel & Hardy with the exact same smile. While he is bent over amid the wiring "mooning" his grande derriere to the world, the maids chat to Hum about their football mad husbands and how much beer they drank yesterday (France were playing Ireland and narrowly won). These ladies were great fun. Hum told them that if the TV wasn't working by the time of the match, Hum would be coming home with them to watch the match. Of course he would bring enough beers for both husbands. They were thrilled at the idea, the GM less so, when Hum told him the cost of the beers would come off the bill.

And then spluttering into action on came the television.


If you are ever travelling out of Nice (France) promise Hum you will book lunch here. It is a short distance away. You will not be disappointed. Trust Hum.


Whilst at the bar surrounded by Picassos, Miros etc... the receptionist was taking a call from an American lady and getting in a right "tangle". She was giving this lady room rates in Euros. The American lady was perplexed. It transpires she was trying to make a reservation for a Colombe d'Or in Texas.

There was great laughter around the bar with staff and guests.


Richard Murdoch and Jerry Hall had their wedding reception here a little while back.

Hum can see why.

The white linen table clothed tables seem slightly haphazard, the chairs are metal and crudely industrial, the white umbrellas are plain cheap and then there are low canopied trees all around some have their branches supported by posts resembling "walking sticks" for geriatric trees !

Sunlight is bright but dappled and the whole area is so cool in temperature and the one amazing thing is, is that despite the number of people dining, there is only a murmur of sound from the fellow diners. You can speak quietly to one another. Nobody is raising their voices but there is a distinct air of delight being there.


Oh do go !


The rooms are basic but fine but you have to book months and months in advance !

We were very lucky, they had a suite left.

Gulp !

No, dont ask !

The meals are not gourmand but brasserie.

The hors d'oeuvres with crudites was immense, never seen anything like it. We ordered one to share as a starter and couldn't finish it. We had to cancel our entrees.

Next day we ordered entrees only. Onglet pour moi, sea bream for Blondie.

Parfait !

Avec un bouteile de la rose de la maison pour 25 euros !

Incroyable !


Yes this was jotted weeks back nevertheless it may be of interest.........and maybe not.......Ho Hum

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SD lose money the weeks you and Charlie are on !

Crew hate those weeks too: all are on double shifts and no extra money !


This is all well and good but for some reason they keep inviting us back. Must be my boyish charm. N'est-ce pas?

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Do you know one another ?

Both beer nuts and genial guys t'boot.


We know each other only from Cruise Critic. A former Provisions Master once told me there was not enough storage in the Beer Box for both of us at the same time.:eek: I have boarded the week after CTBR a time or two. The crew was exhausted with the restocking at turnaround day. Maybe someday.......:D


One of these days, Jim. Don't give up. In fact, there are 3 opportunities shaping up nicely for 2017......


On another note, when I first read h-h's note above (it was very early this morning, in my defense), I read "beer nuts" as "beer guts" and had mentally prepared quite a lengthy epistle taking h-h to task for being so cheeky. Fortunately, I read it again in the cold harsh light of day and suddenly all was right with the world....

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Oh Hum, Grazie darling, for your review of one of the restaurants on my bucket list . I adore the French Riviera and visit as frequent as possible while still trying to see the rest of our wonderful world.

My eldest daughter even spent half a Summer in camp at Cap' D'ail with many 15 yrs olds many yrs ago who taught her how to enjoy wine (with a sprinkling of sugar) trains, pastries, learning the finer things in life (while enhancing her French) LOL!

I must say that one of my fav restaurants is Le Château de la Chèvre d'Or in Eze.

A fabulous place to visit and dine in case any others are interested. Just a short taxi drive from Monaco and well worth the visit.

Greatly appreciate all the info you and Blondie provide us and your reviews.



Contessa di Portofino

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Well we are greeted by our driver Marco who we have used for ages now and he takes us from the wonderfully organised airport to our hotel in Rome.

He is depressed complaining about the lack of tourists, saying those that come these days are all so young.

Gazing along the streets, Hum confirms it's true.

Oh shut up Marco !

He shuts up.

We arrive at a new hotel to us, it is the former home of a family which now has 11 rooms.

It is like a private home: we love the feel.

Maybe changing from the Russie will work out.

That night we are invited to the opening of their new roof terrace.

The grand-daughter and grandson of the lady owner are doing the honours.

What an attractive couple !

And so smart.

They have a "mixologist".

What a ruddy waste he is.

He makes his "signature" saffron martini with pomegranate.

Disgusting sweet concoction which he serves with a glare of dis-interest: Hum responds in kind and asks for a proper martini (chilled gin with a lemon twist).

The deck is beautifulky teak decked with raised flowerbeds and features three couple jacuzzis, some under shade, some outside.

Canapes are passed around and we mingle.


Next day we traipse around Rome for two hours seeing the sights and return just two hours later. 35C is too darn hot.


A wonderful pizza in a local Trattoria with a cheap bottle of wine and four beautiful young ladies serving in crisp white tailored blouses: how can any man resist ?


And so to the port. Marco hands us two bottles of wine he says we must try. How thoughtful of him. His mood has improved and we are spared the diatribe that life was better inder Mussolini !

He grabs Hum and kisses Hum on both cheeks like a brother. Now Hum is a tactile guy but he was a tad shocked by the emotion in a delighted way.

Marco has a pass that allows us to pull right into the port and we spill out of the car with Hum and Blondie arguing loudly about the bags and the porters grabbing them and a demonstrative Italian lady welcoming us and Marco fussing around too unbeknown to us this spectacle is being witnessed by a crowd of open moutherd fellow passengers shocked by the mayhem we seem to be creating.


We meet up with familiar faces but no old chums 'ceptin Beignet Boy and his lady who will no doubt be performing nightly in the Piano Bar amongst her growing following.


Hasn't the world gone completely mad dear chums ?

A tad depressing too.

Well we will soon be off for a bit of the "dolce vita" around Italy.

To be onboard again after such a long time away.

So many crew changes too (that's always sad but at least we remain in contact: even have a wedding to go to and a baby is on it's way too ! No, of course Hum wont tell you ! Well not until Hum has permission !).


Hum will restore the life balance by simply enjoying life's simple, eternal pleasures amongst crew and a chum or two with a glass of something in his hand, sailing along the Amalfi coast (to begin with) and being with his beloved, glamorous, Blondie.


The itinerary is in box below.


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These ladies were great fun. Hum told them that if the TV wasn't working by the time of the match, Hum would be coming home with them to watch the match.


A wonderful pizza in a local Trattoria with a cheap bottle of wine and four beautiful young ladies serving in crisp white tailored blouses: how can any man resist ?



Dearest hum,

Baron of Heidelberg (BoH) was a bit busy during the past days and as a result of this a bit (much more than 20 minutes) late in writing.

Today BoH read the statements of Hum about total stranger women - unbelievable!!!

BoH hopes, that beloved, glamorous Blondie will not read hum's idle talk.

What a facile chat-up???

Hum fiddled the TV to get in contact with the young ladies and to invite HIMSELF to go home with them ... :eek:


BoH is not quite sure, if only the bottle of wine was "cheap" at the Trattoria while reading about "crisp blouses" - hum, hum be careful!!! :D


Great itinerary you choose: The only complaint from BoH's side is, that it might be too hot (temperature! ;)) for the older ones like hum.

My favourite port Kotor is a part of hum's cruise - enjoy the long winding fjords in the early morning on your even longer winding way back from TOYB to your suite - PRICELESS!!!

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This is all well and good but for some reason they keep inviting us back. Must be my boyish charm. N'est-ce pas?


Of course it's the charm .............(Hums fingers are crossed) !

Though that lady of yours may also have something to do with it (being invited back that is).........just a thought but Hum's sure your right (both Hums fingers on both hands are now crossed!).

You are after all an "institution" on the boat (or that's how Hum thought he heard it go or were they saying you should be in ..........no, it's totally gone now, completely forget where Hum was going with that.......old age Hum guesses).

The "office" just ain't the same without you dearest chap.

No one can fill your shoes ..........(or your shirt).

Your twice the man.

No literally ......

Oh stop Hum !!

It's just juvenile attention seeking.

Pure and simple.

One of a few great men of SD !



One of these days, Jim. Don't give up. In fact, there are 3 opportunities shaping up nicely for 2017......


On another note, when I first read h-h's note above (it was very early this morning, in my defense), I read "beer nuts" as "beer guts" and had mentally prepared quite a lengthy epistle taking h-h to task for being so cheeky. Fortunately, I read it again in the cold harsh light of day and suddenly all was right with the world....


Well "if the cap fits" ....... Slim ? (Think Hum got away with that one).

"Lengthy epistle" from you dear chap would be like being gently nuzzled by an old, arthritic goat !

To darn nice...........that's you.

And you can triple that with your beautiful, smart lady........aaaaahhh (missing you both, so much).

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che bella!


Which day would you like to venture out and replace some of those threadbare camice of yours? I know a small shop in every port that I can direct you to.....




Oh Hum so loves you !!!!!!


But Hum has made a fool for you once too often .... darling we have a new crew member on SDII whom you may engage with.....so bright, so witty...there must be a dark past...a very dark past !

Until it is discovered and we are not all murdered in our Staterooms, Hum will keep "schtum".

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Next day we traipse around Rome for two hours seeing the sights and return just two hours later. 35C is too darn hot.


35C too hot?? What a sissy.:D



He grabs Hum and kisses Hum on both cheeks like a brother. Now Hum is a tactile guy but he was a tad shocked by the emotion in a delighted way.


You must have done the "Roll Tide" thing...:eek:


Bon Voyage Ho-Hum and Blondie.

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Oh Hum, Grazie darling, for your review of one of the restaurants on my bucket list . I adore the French Riviera and visit as frequent as possible while still trying to see the rest of our wonderful world.

My eldest daughter even spent half a Summer in camp at Cap' D'ail with many 15 yrs olds many yrs ago who taught her how to enjoy wine (with a sprinkling of sugar) trains, pastries, learning the finer things in life (while enhancing her French) LOL!

I must say that one of my fav restaurants is Le Château de la Chèvre d'Or in Eze.

A fabulous place to visit and dine in case any others are interested. Just a short taxi drive from Monaco and well worth the visit.

Greatly appreciate all the info you and Blondie provide us and your reviews.



Contessa di Portofino


"Mon plaisir" Contessa.

The Colombe d'Or was all that !


The staff, the menu, the food, the wine, the ambience.......(Unfortunately the poor internet onboard means Hum cannot post pictures of the place).


And verily, the Ch.de Chevre d'Or is truly a wonder, aussi.

We have been fortunate to stay twice.

Personally Hum prefers "Room Service" to eat various "nibbles", olives, salads, varieties of goat cheeses, farmhouse rustic pates, saucissons, baguettes and to serve yourself lashings of cheap, chilled Provencal rose in terra cotta jugs whilst lazing about on your own private terrace dressed in shorts and a white linen shirt whilst Blondie floats around in a colourful top looking glamorous, gazing over the landscape below tumbling down into the dark blue, blue waters of the Med with white hulled boats gently "bobbing" up and down rather than dining in the formal restaurant with plump, "dolled up" local ladies gossiping away with "snooty" expressions whilst feeding their vicious yapping "pooches" foie gras but each to their own.

But Hum totally agrees with you......a true "must see" and dine there too.

Oh and taking a coupe de Comte de Taittinger on the terrace with divine canapés with Blondie by your side. Magnifique!


Your eldest daughters travelling in France reminded Hum when he first went to France. Under your tutelage Contessa and life experience, Hum is sure your daughter handled herself maturely and competently.

Unlike Hum, who as a most sheltered, naive and extremely shy and inhibited 13 year old boy, he was sent on an exchange visit for a month with a similar aged French boy who had four older SISTERS !!!!

Hum learnt so many French ways, le vin, smoking Gitanes, riding motor bikes, pate, baguettes and les filles !

Her name was Ghislaine and we ........ but you lovely people do not want to hear about Hum's first time in .................. France.

"Jumping Jack Flash" was played incessantly and the mother of the boy and sisters danced whilst smoking listening to Jacques Loussier's "Play Bach".

Hum had fallen in love with all things (and especially women) French: remember Brigitte was at her peak.

Love la belle France. And as you became older, the various regions, the cuisine, the wines, champagne, Armagnac, the "Marsellaises", cinema, poets, writers, thinkers, chanteurs and most importantly the language.........the most beautiful language in the Universe.

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Morning HH.

Hope you're well and having a great time. That darned Velux and I haven't had the greatest relationship over the years :rolleyes:

Got my cruise and flights booked for sept. Two weeks out of here, yeah.

I'll email you re the flight situation, just not too sure if I can post the detail here!!

Have you heard of or stayed at http://www.qctermeroma.it in Rome? Tried to send the weblink. I've an early flight out of Rome and this is 10 mins from the airport. I've done Rome to death so no interest in staying centrally for one night so thought just disembark, transfer to here and relax for 24hrs before home.

Have a fabulous day as ever. Ali xx

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Well it is now "Day 5" onboard our trip from Rome to Venice via the Croatian coastline.

Day 5 !

Feels like we only "got on" a moment ago !

There is no room in the inn !

Ship is packed but as those that have sailed on SD know, it absorbs us well.

There are a few children onboard that is true but they are well behaved, nicely dressed and polite.

Hum has got to know three of them a bit on a better to know your potential source of annoyance basis. Which they are not, au contraire, they are actually delightful.

He asks if they are bored onboard and what they like about the trip the most.

Not bored at all Hum. The boy loved quad biking with his father up Mount Etna but he complained his father didn't go fast enough (sensible dad).

The young girl said she liked the puddings the most and the ice cream on the chef's walk in Amalfi with chef Tomasz which was great fun.

The oldest girl is a beautifully poised tall young lady (without "tats", nose piercings, pink, green or blue dyed hair, extensive make up and provocative clothing: just a very nice looking girl) who looks 21 but is in fact just 14!

She spoke with amazing maturity and refinement.

Hum fared less well at the maturity and refinement and was actually a little tongue tied.

All in all, a quite charming family.

Isn't it so refreshing ?


The "bigger kid" guests hail from the usual "pools" of America with Aussies, Brits and the odd European making up the rest. Nice bunch as always.

However there have been two incidents onboard amongst guests and no, Hum was NOT involved.

Yes very minor but we do love a bit of intrigue don't we.

In one incident, a gentleman declined a polite request made by a senior crew member and a couple were politely requested to change some aspect of their attire (or lack of it) when entering the Main Dining Salon.

Full details, names, photos, interviews with eye witnesses, discussions can all be found on "Idle Jottings" paid subscription forum which happens to have a special promotion this week only: $35 per quarter (50% discount to contributors).


Hum took a hard copy of THAT film with him for the benefit of the crew: most have only seen "snippets". Gareth, the Club Director had a brain wave and suggested putting it on the TV to be played constantly. This meant the crew TV would show it.

Brilliant idea.

They love it !

When we are featured, they rose to their feet and applauded (well on the first time they did).

Our MAIN concern was the crew, so it is most gratifying that they loved it.

Several of their comments are most surprising.

One of the spa ladies said it made her proud because she was seeing guests express how much we loved the ship and crew and how much we respected them.

Seeing us saying goodbye to the crew moved some of them too.


Guests onboard have been very kind too.

Some have even told us they are onboard because of the film !!

And that the ship and crew have fulfilled all their expectations and MORE.


We received a lovely card and bottle from Oslo thanking us for suggesting SD for the film and recently we received a personal thankyou from the Owner, who also very kindly presented us with a lovely bottle.

It meant so much to the both of us.


The weather chums has been wonderful.


So many new crew faces amongst the waiting and bar staff and a new sommelier.

Hum is slowly getting to know them all and mostly he is very impressed but there is one guy who annoys Hum so very much: strange it has never happened before.

He drives Hum mad!

And if we move.......he follows !

Last night Hum had a minor explosion after a series of very minor issues.

It is a chemistry thing. He is polite and Hum is sure has many excellent qualities but now he annoys the ..........

It's a Hum thing, no fault of the guy .....


There have been quite a few minor improvements around the ship which have made a huge difference:

- fans to the soffits of the outside dining deck

- refurbishment of the tender interior

- Illuminated make up mirror to cabins (Blondie is in heaven looking at herself)

Sadly the internet is still pretty rubbish but good enough to send out this banality sprinkled with pieces of drivel and flourishes of self-aggrandisement (the word of the day ! So ruddy educative this forum).


So, so far it has been a beautiful voyage and the Captain told us the weather is set for good.


Chef Tomasz is preparing some wonderful meals and the presentation of the dishes is amazing. Due to the hot weather, Hum has been dining on salads a lot: they have been very tasty indeed which he accompanies with a chilled Vermentino (from the wine buy list: $46).

The new South African barman (Cameron) makes the best Bloody Mary mix Hum has ever tried (Hum prefers gin to vodka). You must try it !


What a ramble this has been.

Life on SD is pretty perfect except for one guy driving Hum "up the wall"

Hum intends to have a word today.

Sea day today with spa ladies fully booked.

Ruddy shame.

Seems guests dont mind paying, what seems to Hum, high prices.

Hair and nail treatments are equally flourishing.


All the best to you dear chum wherever you are in the world and whatever you are up to.

And if you are not feeling "toppo" then get well soon dear chum.

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Well, paid subscriptions no less! It seems that Hum has found a way to tap

a "buck or two" for these fusillades of banalities as he oft refers, from

the more insatiable of Sea Dream aficionados. If that is what it takes for

the "inside scoop", where do I sign up? We do expect a little more for our

buck, however, than news of minor contretemps ... come on Hum, spill the

beans! And as for the Hum bio-epic replacing a 1970's Engleburt Humperdinck concert on the ship's CTV ... its a close call.


Sounds like you are having a great time. Please give our regards to

Gareth, Tomaz, el al. Can't wait to see them in October. How is the

nighttime enterpainment (sic)? Do try Trattoria da Ignazzio and

Atiche Carampane (you visited last year) for a good meal in Venice.

Love to the Misses!:)

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On Tuesday, November 7, 1960, I stood on the front lawn of the JFK compound in Hyannisport, a stones throw from my boyhood home, and

awaited the results of the presidential election, having voted earlier at

the National Guard Armory in town.


That really isn't the significant news ... what is is that I voted for Richard

M. Nixon. Not surprising, as Cape Cod, unlike other parts of

Massachusetts was then heavily Republican. I continued that voting

pattern until 2008, when John McCain selected Sarah Palin as his

Vice Presidential pick ... must have fallen on his head as a child!


That brings us to today, 56 years later and here is the conundrum.

I think Trump is on heavy meds and Hillary, well you all know the rap.

So what I do, as many suggest sitting it out favors Trump.


The good news, this November 8th, I'll just be seeing landfall after

crossing the Atlantic on SD II and really won't give a sh$%, as I

now live in Canada with no guns, no walls, and a kinder and gentler

people. That is certain to get cards and letters! :confused:

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