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Ecstasy rescued 41 Cubans


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I think what I really meant was that the ship doesn't HAVE to take them onboard unless the boat is unseaworthy.


You are absolutely correct.


I am US Govt and "affirmative action" doesn't exist in hiring here and immigrants don't get "priority"..illegal or otherwise. The only people who are given "priority" are US Veterans who are qualified for the positions they apply for.


BTW.."wet foot, dry foot" was implemented in 1995, not under the current administration. You may want to check your facts.


Bingo. Just to add a little to what you said. WF/DF isn't only based on our political concerns. Cuban policy also has a part in it. Currently, Cuba does not accept persons who made dry land in the U.S. or any Cuban with any status in the U.S. (in most cases). Only Cubans captured at sea and who have not previously been to the U.S. are accepted back into Cuba. WF/DF can be seen as very biased against other nations but unless Cuba changes their policy for repatriation, we're kinda stuck with it.

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We were on a ship that rescued some Cubans a few years ago. They were kept in the non-public area below deck 0. We met up with a Coast Guard Cutter several hours later and they were transferred to that boat.

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Thanks to Aquahound, as he's with the "puddle pirates" (USCG). We in the merchant marine make fun of the Coasties, but are always appreciative of the necessary and dangerous job they do, and welcome the sight of the orange and white helicopters when things go sideways.


I'm just a civilian merchant ship's officer. No active service, just some reserve time, though I did support our troops in Vietnam and Desert Storm, carrying supplies and equipment.


Well then, my gratitude still stands :D


Being from Michigan, and born on Lake Superior, we love (and need) our Coasties. They have a long, important history on our Great Lakes. We get hurricane force winds on Lake Superior and I will second that their job can be very dangerous. You couldn't pay me enough to go anywhere near that lake when she's all whipped up.:eek:

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Thanks to Aquahound, as he's with the "puddle pirates" (USCG). We in the merchant marine make fun of the Coasties, but are always appreciative of the necessary and dangerous job they do, and welcome the sight of the orange and white helicopters when things go sideways.


That's why we must be 6' tall...so we can walk to shore if we fall overboard. ;)


But seriously, I do tend to favor our Mechant Marine graduates who receive direct commissions over our own academy graduates. They seem better able to think outside of black-and-white policy.

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That's why we must be 6' tall...so we can walk to shore if we fall overboard. ;)


But seriously, I do tend to favor our Mechant Marine graduates who receive direct commissions over our own academy graduates. They seem better able to think outside of black-and-white policy.


'preciate that. One thing we try to instill is the concept of self reliance. When you're the only ship around for hundreds of miles, there's no Maytag repairman to call. Chewing gum and baling wire (red hand for those in the know) are time honored traditions.

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Some comments here are unnecessarily cruel. I'm a Cuban-american. You might support or not the immigration laws of our country, but being happy with other person's pain seems extreme to me.

I was in a cruise in Europe when our ship rescued a boat at night. They were immigrants from Africa. They were kept in the Cruise and delivered to the authorities on the next port. It reminded me of us, Cubans. How desperate you have to be to risk your live on the ocean. It is not an easy decision.

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The ship's medical center could hold 5-10 (more if crowded in) in the waiting area. Generally, there are large crew staging areas nearby, where a large number of refugees could be accommodated under security (per the vessel's security plan, not that they were prisoners) and food and medical needs would be taken care of. As Aquahound says, the cutter would normally be there within a couple of hours.


Thanks for answering my question (Post #13).

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Wrong. Cubans rescued at sea or interdicted by the USCG are returned to Cuba. Only if they reach land or if they already have any status in the U.S. are they permitted to stay. All 41 of the rescued Cubans in this case are being repatriated to Cuba.




Yes, they were. If they did not want to be rescued, there would have been nothing the cruise ship could do, other than report their position to the USCG. Cruise ships come across rafts every week. Sometimes they want to be rescued and sometimes they don't. In this case, they did.


Respectively, I beg to differ. New rules apply. All want to be refugees and "immigrants" are being admitted to the USA by the current administration. Bretbarte has an article to day that even petty criminals are not being deported.

Poltico. The Hill. Daily Caller...............all have run articles on the New rules of DHS. All "immigrants" All Reguees who are not Known criminal terrorists are escorted to the USA and reunited with families. Children and women crossing our borders........any border..are taken to their families in the USA by Border Agents.

Please research it.

NO one is being turned away from the USA.

I am not saying I like it or dislike. I am saying it is what is happening with immigration now in the USA and BOTH Parties work to have it so.

Not blaming. It is a JOINT effect. Votes for democrats. .cheap wages for GOP.


Again. I do not mean to anger anyone. It is what it is. It is easily confirmed by simple googling of the sources listed above. Also the Washington Times wrote a long article on our Wide Open Borders. All of them .Florida too.

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I am US Govt and "affirmative action" doesn't exist in hiring here and immigrants don't get "priority"..illegal or otherwise. The only people who are given "priority" are US Veterans who are qualified for the positions they apply for.


BTW.."wet foot, dry foot" was implemented in 1995, not under the current administration. You may want to check your facts.


Respectively.............the Current Administration and the Previous one has rewritten Old Immigration laws by executive orders and refusal to enforce the ones we had.

the Wet foot..Dry land was a product of the Cold War....It has long been outdated and the embargo put on Cuba...........has been called a crime against women and children by the Pope. So.........I am pretty well informed on the subject.


Again.......I am not saying it is better. Or Worse. I am saying.......it is what it is. Both Parties agree on it.


Respectively...........it is clearly spelled out on The USA State Department Website.


On the USA EOEC Board.............Any person who is a religious minority, racial minority, ethnic minority, sex or gender minority, speaks a language other than English, or isa refugee is awarded Affirmative Action. They are considered to be in need of protective services.


The USA DOJ web site spells out the penalties for any disregard of these rules, and they are not light. Hate Speech. Hate Crimes against any of these groups is very severely punished. And it is clearly spelled out.


Actually, spending the time to read some of the Govt. web sites can be n Eye Opener. I recommend you do so............to confirm if I am wrong or not.

Again.No disrespect intended.

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Respectively, I beg to differ. New rules apply. All want to be refugees and "immigrants" are being admitted to the USA by the current administration. Bretbarte has an article to day that even petty criminals are not being deported.

Poltico. The Hill. Daily Caller...............all have run articles on the New rules of DHS. All "immigrants" All Reguees who are not Known criminal terrorists are escorted to the USA and reunited with families. Children and women crossing our borders........any border..are taken to their families in the USA by Border Agents.

Please research it.

NO one is being turned away from the USA.

I am not saying I like it or dislike. I am saying it is what is happening with immigration now in the USA and BOTH Parties work to have it so.

Not blaming. It is a JOINT effect. Votes for democrats. .cheap wages for GOP.


Again. I do not mean to anger anyone. It is what it is. It is easily confirmed by simple googling of the sources listed above. Also the Washington Times wrote a long article on our Wide Open Borders. All of them .Florida too.


Perhaps I didn't make myself clear. I am in the USCG and I work in Key West. Translated - Cuban migrants are a large part of my career. Consider me a subject matter expert on this topic.


Once again, you are wrong. Please stop posting this misinformation.


Cuban migrants interdicted at sea are not, I repeat, are NOT brought to shore. They are repatriated to Cuba. That has been the policy since WF/DF was implemented and it still holds true today. The current administration did not repeal WF/DF.


The only thing you posted this is correct is the deportation angle. It is true...we do not deport Cubans. But deportation from the U.S. and repatriation from sea are 2 entirely different things.

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Respectively.............the Current Administration and the Previous one has rewritten Old Immigration laws by executive orders and refusal to enforce the ones we had.

the Wet foot..Dry land was a product of the Cold War....It has long been outdated and the embargo put on Cuba...........has been called a crime against women and children by the Pope. So.........I am pretty well informed on the subject.


Wet Foot/Dry Foot is not a product of the embargo. WF/DF was implemented almost 30 years after the embargo. It is a product of U.S. and Cuban Immigration policies.


And once again, no, neither this administration nor the one before has written any executive order to alter WF/DF. All that has changed was loosening the travel restrictions to Cuba and certain other technicalities that do not affect WF/DF.

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Perhaps I didn't make myself clear. I am in the USCG and I work in Key West. Translated - Cuban migrants are a large part of my career. Consider me a subject matter expert on this topic.


Once again, you are wrong. Please stop posting this misinformation.


Cuban migrants interdicted at sea are not, I repeat, are NOT brought to shore. They are repatriated to Cuba. That has been the policy since WF/DF was implemented and it still holds true today. The current administration did not repeal WF/DF.


The only thing you posted this is correct is the deportation angle. It is true...we do not deport Cubans. But deportation from the U.S. and repatriation from sea are 2 entirely different things.




No Disrespect meant. I honor your service. My husband travels on a military rate due to his service with the USA Coast Guard. My brother in law travels on a military discount due to his life long career in the USA Air Force.


Why would anyone intentionally spread information that is wrong on a cruise ship message board? Americans are uncommonly good to refugees and immigrants, often treating them better than American Citizens. I don't see how that be a slur on anyone. I would think gratitude would be a response. Any nation so noble should be honored.


To verify anything I have said.................read the web sites of the agencies involved. Read the current news being printed in reputable MSM news sources.

Why are you so indigent? Respectfully? Do you challenge the truth that the USA is extremely generous to anyone who wants to come here and live?

Cite your sources. And not written laws decades old...or if you do..include the executive orders that disregard those laws which are written and but have not been enforced since 2000.


And the intentional non enforcement of those laws is not for evil reasons.

But For humane reasons. Every human is a human and thus entitled to human rights. thus borders and nationalism. Result in strife and conflict. and suffering The new Globalist approaches to immigration enforcement which is very little.. ...forbid discrimination of anyone who wishes to cross borders if they can have a better life here. That is just.


resident Obama said the very same thing to the United Nations two years ago. It was televised.

President Bush confirmed his belief in that concept and his brother Jeb Bush chairs the National Immigration Forum which has done much to break down the antiquated beliefs of Nationalism and borders.

George Soros, the international Philanthropist , funds the NIF.

Even the Catholic church accepts that position.

As do Global Corporations.


the concept of the USA belonging to the world springs from humane philosophy. Not xenophobic beliefs.

Current Immigration enforcement polices ( borders don't matter) does not support American exceptionalism. Nationalism. Sexism. Genderisms. Racism. What is wrong with that?


What is it you object too.......respectively? it is the Modern Global Age.

Edited by AmberTeka
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Some comments here are unnecessarily cruel. I'm a Cuban-american. You might support or not the immigration laws of our country, but being happy with other person's pain seems extreme to me.

I was in a cruise in Europe when our ship rescued a boat at night. They were immigrants from Africa. They were kept in the Cruise and delivered to the authorities on the next port. It reminded me of us, Cubans. How desperate you have to be to risk your live on the ocean. It is not an easy decision.


Respectfuily I apologize. Americans should give Cubans anything they wish to make up for their suffering.


I certainly did not intend to be hurtful.


We have so much, when others have so little, and the West did certainly take resources and talent from under developed nations......like Cuba --that it is only fair that you now enjoy being an American Citizen and any benefits that accrue your way. And you don't need to be hurt by insensitive comments.


If we share the Wealth.......which I think is a good idea...then sharing the USA certainly goes along with that. Why not let people come here? why not throw our doors open to the world? I don't see a down side. It is happening right now.......and people do not even notice it. How harmful could it be? I would say it is a success story.

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No Disrespect meant. I honor your service. My husband travels on a military rate due to his service with the USA Coast Guard. My brother in law travels on a military discount due to his life lone career in the USA Air Force.


Why would anyone intentionally spread information that is wrong a cruise ship message board? Americans are uncommonly good to refugees and immigrations, often treating them better than American Citizens. I don't see how that be a slur on anyone. I would think gratitude would be a response.


To verify anything I have said.................read the web sites of the agencies involved. Read the current news being printed in reputable MSM news sources.

Why are you so indigent? Respectfully? Do you challenge the truth that the USA is extremely generous to anyone who wants to come here and live?

Cite your sources. And not written laws decades old...or if you do..include the executive orders that disregard those laws which have been written and enforced since 2000. And the intentional enforcement of those laws.

For humane reasons. Every human is a human and thus entitled to human rights. thus borders and nationalism...........forbid discrimination of anyone wishes to cross borders if they can have a better life here. Even the Catholic church accepts that position. As do Global Corporations.


What is it you object too.......respectively?


Alright, I'll tone it down. Sorry about that. I do respect and appreciate your words. But you need to understand that some of the things you are saying are not accurate.


What I object to are your assertions that all immigrants are admitted into the U.S. You keep saying migrants interdicted at sea are brought ashore and allowed to stay. That is not true. Migrant rafts are intercepted almost daily down here and at least once a week, USCG cutters repatriate the migrants to Cuba. That is the current law and I don't it see it changing anytime in the near future.

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Wet Foot/Dry Foot is not a product of the embargo. WF/DF was implemented almost 30 years after the embargo. It is a product of U.S. and Cuban Immigration policies.


And once again, no, neither this administration nor the one before has written any executive order to alter WF/DF. All that has changed was loosening the travel restrictions to Cuba and certain other technicalities that do not affect WF/DF.




I gave up on this thread yesterday, when this person started posting. I'm afraid you're butting against the immovable wall. These posts seem to be all over the map, and all I can say is "Wow, just Wow".

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Respectively.............the Current Administration and the Previous one has rewritten Old Immigration laws by executive orders and refusal to enforce the ones we had.

the Wet foot..Dry land was a product of the Cold War....It has long been outdated and the embargo put on Cuba...........has been called a crime against women and children by the Pope. So.........I am pretty well informed on the subject.


Again.......I am not saying it is better. Or Worse. I am saying.......it is what it is. Both Parties agree on it.


Respectively...........it is clearly spelled out on The USA State Department Website.


On the USA EOEC Board.............Any person who is a religious minority, racial minority, ethnic minority, sex or gender minority, speaks a language other than English, or isa refugee is awarded Affirmative Action. They are considered to be in need of protective services.


The USA DOJ web site spells out the penalties for any disregard of these rules, and they are not light. Hate Speech. Hate Crimes against any of these groups is very severely punished. And it is clearly spelled out.


Actually, spending the time to read some of the Govt. web sites can be n Eye Opener. I recommend you do so............to confirm if I am wrong or not.

Again.No disrespect intended.



Respectfully, just beacuse it's the first thing that pops up when you "google" something, doesn't mean it's factual or accurate. That's not good research. I spend a lot of my time of government websites. Again..I am federal employee. So I did some work real quick, as all of the websites you listed as "sources" are partisan. I got you some facts, and laws. Like Aquahound, I kinda know what I'm talking about.


From OPM.gov-

"Do I have to be a US citizen to apply?

Under Executive Order 11935, only United States citizens and nationals may be appointed to competitive service Federal jobs. In rare cases, agencies may hire certain non-citizens when there are no qualified U.S. citizens available, unless the appointment is prohibited by statute. In addition, Congress frequently restricts agencies’ ability to hire non-citizens into the excepted service as well, through appropriations provisions. For more information about citizenship requirements, please visit: http://www.usajobs.opm.gov/EI9.asp.


Further...from the EEOC



"Employers should not ask whether or not a job applicant is a United States citizen before making an offer of employment. The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 12986 (IRCA) makes it illegal for employers to discriminate with respect to hiring, firing, or recruitment or referral for a fee, based on an individual's citizenship or immigration status. For example, the law prohibits employers from hiring only U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents unless required to do so by law, regulation or government contract; it also prohibits employers from preferring to hire temporary visa holders or undocumented workers over qualified U.S. citizens or other protected individuals, such as refugees or individuals granted asylum.

"In compliance with federal law, all persons hired will be required to verify identity and eligibility to work in the United States and to complete the required employment eligibility verification document form upon hire."


And basic information on the IRCA http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_Reform_and_Control_Act_of_1986


And lastly https://my.usajobs.gov/.


You will see on the homepage that there are two selections you can make to search for jobs. One is that you are a US Citizen, the other is Federal Employee. There are seperate links to help people with disabilities and veterans utilize different programs to help find federal competitive and non-competitive employment. But that's not affirmative action. Each US agency was responsible for establishing their own policies after Executive Order 13583 to promote diversity in the workplace. I assure you, we have no quotas and when we interview in our administration, we don't care what color, religion, gender you are. If you're qualified, you're qualified. You do actually have to qualify and not even Veteran's Preference can qualify you for a job that you don't meet the requirements for.



Oh..and the "we don't turn anyone away" & "Wide open borders" assertion...


https://www.ice.gov/removal-statistics/ We deported (not repatriated) 368,644 people last year.

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Respectfully, just beacuse it's the first thing that pops up when you "google" something, doesn't mean it's factual or accurate. That's not good research. I spend a lot of my time of government websites. Again..I am federal employee. So I did some work real quick, as all of the websites you listed as "sources" are partisan. I got you some facts, and laws. Like Aquahound, I kinda know what I'm talking about.


From OPM.gov-

"Do I have to be a US citizen to apply?

Under Executive Order 11935, only United States citizens and nationals may be appointed to competitive service Federal jobs. In rare cases, agencies may hire certain non-citizens when there are no qualified U.S. citizens available, unless the appointment is prohibited by statute. In addition, Congress frequently restricts agencies’ ability to hire non-citizens into the excepted service as well, through appropriations provisions. For more information about citizenship requirements, please visit: http://www.usajobs.opm.gov/EI9.asp.


Further...from the EEOC



"Employers should not ask whether or not a job applicant is a United States citizen before making an offer of employment. The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 12986 (IRCA) makes it illegal for employers to discriminate with respect to hiring, firing, or recruitment or referral for a fee, based on an individual's citizenship or immigration status. For example, the law prohibits employers from hiring only U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents unless required to do so by law, regulation or government contract; it also prohibits employers from preferring to hire temporary visa holders or undocumented workers over qualified U.S. citizens or other protected individuals, such as refugees or individuals granted asylum.

"In compliance with federal law, all persons hired will be required to verify identity and eligibility to work in the United States and to complete the required employment eligibility verification document form upon hire."


And basic information on the IRCA http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_Reform_and_Control_Act_of_1986


And lastly https://my.usajobs.gov/.


You will see on the homepage that there are two selections you can make to search for jobs. One is that you are a US Citizen, the other is Federal Employee. There are seperate links to help people with disabilities and veterans utilize different programs to help find federal competitive and non-competitive employment. But that's not affirmative action. Each US agency was responsible for establishing their own policies after Executive Order 13583 to promote diversity in the workplace. I assure you, we have no quotas and when we interview in our administration, we don't care what color, religion, gender you are. If you're qualified, you're qualified. You do actually have to qualify and not even Veteran's Preference can qualify you for a job that you don't meet the requirements for.



Oh..and the "we don't turn anyone away" & "Wide open borders" assertion...


https://www.ice.gov/removal-statistics/ We deported (not repatriated) 368,644 people last year.


We did not deport that many people. The way of reporting deportations was changed. Now people who are turned away at the border are counted as "deported" when pre 2000, it was being deported from the Interior. Please google.........Poltico. The Hill. Washington Times. about the current, for humane reasons, non deportation policies. In addition, Hispanic and other Immigration Rights groups are very upset at any deporations as they break up families.


The current DHS Secretary...Mr. Jahs ( sp. google) this week announced that Petty criminals would not be deported. That was in most major newspapers.


President Obama has basically given amnesty to every illegal immigration who is present in the USA or entering..And Rightfully so imho.........who is not a serious criminal.

Louis Guiterrez is in the Papers today.....asking that even criminal deportees be given second chances.


This is in the News. Discussed on Fox. CNN. MSNBC. How is it that you can say that it is not true?


The EOEC law you cited.......executive orders says it is a crime to NOT hire a non citizen...and even illegal immigrant. ( Thomas Perez..Sec. of Labor..this month...Employers will not be punished for hiring Illegal workers and will not be investigated. Laws forbidding their employment will not be followed due to the impact on their families.. Please google. Is that not what I said?

And I agree. The right to work is universal.


I fear you are trying to frame the USA as restrictionist, xenophobic, racist, sexist nation...which practices cruel measures against innocents, and I respectfully disagree.


The USA is very generous in remanding past wrongs it may have committed to persons of other ethnic groups and foreign nations..particularly Mexico. And any unfair seizure of Mexican Property. and land. That shows a largeness of spirit. not a lack of integrity.


And you are aware that new executive orders on Immigration Enforcement were issued as lately as last week? On non deportation of petty criminals? Youths who have made mistakes mostly.


Affirmative action has been expanded, wisely so, to include any minority group. Hispanic. Muslim. non native born English speaker. And Majority Leader harry Reid has said that Illegal Immigrants brought here as babies certainly will be included in Affirmative Action. As will their siblings when they are legalized.


The current immigration reform bill that the Democrats push, ( and most Republicans in D.C. back) which is basically the Gang of Eight bill...........creates a New Class............New Americans. Any employer who hires them does not have to pay Obama Tax on them, thus giving employers a subsidy for hiring New Americans.up to $5,000.

Alfready..Current law.......any employer who hires any foreign college graduate does not pay payroll taxes on them for 29 months.


I am shocked. All of this is public information. Much discussed in the Media whether from a pro or con perspective. How is it possible that some seem to know nothing of this?

If you doubt me..............do your own research. And keep up with current news..............The USA is changing swiftly. It is being done with Judicial Orders. Executive Orders. by picking and choosing which laws to enforce.


I would also cite the USA Border Patrol. The USA citizenship and Immigration Department. The USA Ice Agent's Union...all, AFL-CIO members, who filed court in a Texas Federal Court , charging that they were ordered to lie on Immigration Deportation statistics by John Morton and Janet Napititano. Both resigned. The case was judged to have merit but had to go the Civil Service Grievance routine first.


As poll after poll proves that a large majority of Americans want illegal immigrants to be citizens. That they feel the border is secured enough. That legal immigrants and refugees of any numbers are welcomed.... I think my case is proved. The USA is the most welcoming nation to foreign nationals any nation has ever been in the history of the world.

And I stand by that statement.

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My father was an International Labor Union Representative from a major USA Labor union.

My sister spent most of her working life working for an International Charity, as the logistics director of how to get Aid the USA was giving to undeveloped nations into the often chaotic nation. She was one of the first to enter Romania when the Communist Dictators there fell. she spent years in Africa. fought the poppy cultivation in Turkistan. worked in Bangladesh. Name a crisis area..The Congo...she was there. The USA does much unknown good.


off the subject..but another person who does an immense amount of good in the world, and does not travel with reporters or photographers, spends her own money and often flies her own relief plane...........Mrs. Cindy McCain. this is NOT her Husband. it is her.She does NOT live in Washington D.C. I admire her immensely. had to put that in......she is almost totally unrecognized for the suffering she has fought..the hungry children she has fed. And she spends HER own money.


I am the last person to be opposed to immigration.


My apologies to those I offended.

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Well, it is not my intention to offend people, as I said, I'm a Cuban-american, and this is my country. I know that this is the most generous country in his immigration laws. There are bad and good stories of course, and not all of them have a happy end, but not better place to live the the USA, IMO.


I made my comment specifically for the people that were saying just get them back...everybody has the right to agree or not with the laws, it is the law and we have to respect it, but some sensibility is very much appreciated.


Now, about the dry/wet policy, it is still in place, nothing has changed. If a Cuban does not arrive to the shore, and by shore I mean dry land, it will get deported. The policy was created in 1994 to avoid a massive flow of immigrants from Cuba.

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Well, it is not my intention to offend people, as I said, I'm a Cuban-american, and this is my country. I know that this is the most generous country in his immigration laws. There are bad and good stories of course, and not all of them have a happy end, but not better place to live the the USA, IMO.


I made my comment specifically for the people that were saying just get them back...everybody has the right to agree or not with the laws, it is the law and we have to respect it, but some sensibility is very much appreciated.


Now, about the dry/wet policy, it is still in place, nothing has changed. If a Cuban does not arrive to the shore, and by shore I mean dry land, it will get deported. The policy was created in 1994 to avoid a massive flow of immigrants from Cuba.


For a good read about the dry/wet policy and being aboard a cutter, search for Yasiel Puig. Puig was a star baseball player for Cuba who, while trying to defect, was picked up by a coast guard cutter. He spent some time on the cutter before being returned to Cuba. He later successfully defected and now starts for the LA Dodgers. (All of this occurred under the current administration)

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President Obama has basically given amnesty to every illegal immigration who is present in the USA or entering..


Just to be clear, you're still not trying to say these 41 migrants were brought to shore, are you?


Now, about the dry/wet policy, it is still in place, nothing has changed. If a Cuban does not arrive to the shore, and by shore I mean dry land, it will get deported. The policy was created in 1994 to avoid a massive flow of immigrants from Cuba.


Bingo. That is correct.

Edited by Aquahound
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Hello! My husband and I were sailing this week on the Ecstasy when the rescue took place. We have pictures and video of this as it happened pretty close to our balcony. It was a very sad sight to see. The tiny boat was crammed with people. There were 4 infants with pacifiers:(. I know this happens pretty often, but too see it in plain sight was such a reality check.


Our port call to Cozumel ended up being cancelled due to the time it took for the rescue, and sailing back to meet with the Coast Guard. People were pretty bummed..but those are all first world problems. We were still on a cruise..we ended up in Nassau instead (which I and many others have been to tons of times). This experience was humbling because even on my worst day I would never have to make that kind of decision for my kids. I was lucky enough to be born in the land of the free!


This post got longer then intended. I wanted to address one more thing. The crew was adamant that passengers not go anywhere near the rescue operations. I am not sure where they were kept, but they never made it out near any passengers!


If you made it through my ramble..thanks for listening!



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  • 3 months later...

In terms of legal and illegal (me being legal) why have laws? if immigrants are desperate to leave their country to come here aren't turned away? My baby doesnt have milk n I don't have any money, should I just grab one from the store anyway? I've never understood this illegal immigrant business and I never will.


A land without law will fall to anarchy! The government is showing weakness if they are not enforcing law!


Why show I follow procedure n file proper paperwork to be here legally? It's not like the US turns people away....as much as this is a touchy subject for someone coming from a country who have people risking their lives to get here; it's a touchy subject for someone who files the correct paperwork and pays the appropriate fees, went to school, works, pays taxes, and started a family here....all done LEGALLY.



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