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Judy from QVC on HSN


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Hi Zcat:) it has probably been close to a year since Judy left QVC.

She married Paul Deasy (he used to be a host on the Q too) and he is also

working on HSN now as well.


Why did she leave? I have no inkling but now they both work over at HSN.

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Hi Lois: Haven't talked to you for a looong time. Boy you can tell I haven't been watching QVC for a long time. I didn't even know she got married again.Love to know why she left QVC. Thank you and happy cruising.

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This is just a guess but I noticed Paul left as soon as they married and then Judy left about 6 months after him. I think maybe QVC has some sort of rule about not employing married couples.


So I believe that is why they left not because Paul was doing a gem book. (he says he is still working on it) I am just glad to see them on TV again-especially Judy-she is so good at describing things.


She did a Nicky Butler show a week or so back and you could tell she really loved the jewelry-she was so excited to be working with him. Made me want to buy some. I just wish I could afford his stuff. It is gorgeous-just super expensive-when she was alive, Princess Diana was one of his clients.


He does do a little "costume" occasionially besides his silver and gemstones but I am so greedy I want his real stuff- not costume.

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Remember when Judy first married "Jeffrey" from QVC some years ago? They both were employed there still after getting married (though I'm sure it was really, really torturous on Judy having to conceal what Jeffrey turned out to be.... more like a frog instead of a prince.)


I remember people (not knowing what was going on, of course) asking Judy on-air how things were, congratulations, and all that. She just smiled and really concealed things well, though inside I'm sure she was exploding.


Kathy Levine, in her biography, told some things that weren't generally known at the time about Judy and Jeff's marriage. It's been quite a few years since I read those passages (whilst looking at the book at the local bookstore).


Humn, maybe *that's* why they no longer want married couples to work there... too much chance for scandal???

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Remember when Judy first married "Jeffrey" from QVC some years ago? They both were employed there still after getting married (though I'm sure it was really, really torturous on Judy having to conceal what Jeffrey turned out to be.... more like a frog instead of a prince.)


I remember people (not knowing what was going on, of course) asking Judy on-air how things were, congratulations, and all that. She just smiled and really concealed things well, though inside I'm sure she was exploding.


Kathy Levine, in her biography, told some things that weren't generally known at the time about Judy and Jeff's marriage. It's been quite a few years since I read those passages (whilst looking at the book at the local bookstore).


Humn, maybe *that's* why they no longer want married couples to work there... too much chance for scandal???



I did not know that until I read that here. For a while we did not have cable and when we got it back Jeff was no longer on QVC. I just figured he left.

I am thinking maybe you hit it on the nail there and that could be why a "new policy" was instituted.


I know on HSN Chris Scanlon used to be married to Alan Skantz for about 5 minutes. (she was joking with Suzanne Somers not long ago about her and Alan. she said they dated for 3 years and their marriage lasted 2 weeks.) They are both still there. Once about 10 years ago they both were substitute hosts on HSN's morning show. They kept joking alot and were acting very silly. I figured it was because they were uncomfortable working together on air-but still they were mostly professionial about it-just got a little silly.


Back to Paul and Judy. I do believe HSN is "cashing in" on their popularity with the public and our interest in them as a couple. They seem to be assigned to be back-to-back on air alot. The other day Judy did a walk-on at the end of Paul's show. He introduced her as his "good friend and wife". Today after she did her walk-on he joked since he was on first he guessed he would be cooking dinner and she quipped back "you mean you'll be picking up take-out" he laughed and answered she was probally right or something like that.


Anyway they looked so happy together-positively glowing-they do appear to be very much in love. I hope it lasts for them as I love them together.

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Wow. I was left in the dark also....I just found out about a month ago that Judy was hosting on the other program...My daughter spotted her there ...but, I didnt know she married Paul..wow, that's a shocker for me ..I watch QVC (and buy) all the time lol....I guess it's true, you learn something new every day....

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You know, I'm not sure about the policy of marriage on QVC. Jane Treacy and her husband worked together for several years-she as a host and he as a producer. However, now that I think of it, she left and returned. Maybe they did change the policy recently. My feeling (and I could be wrong) is that Paul left to go back to HSN and Judy followed along. Boy, could I give you a laundry list of who I wish would leave QVC!!!! Listen to us: we sound like a bunch of groupies!!!!



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You know, I'm not sure about the policy of marriage on QVC. Jane Treacy and her husband worked together for several years-she as a host and he as a producer. However, now that I think of it, she left and returned. Maybe they did change the policy recently. My feeling (and I could be wrong) is that Paul left to go back to HSN and Judy followed along. Boy, could I give you a laundry list of who I wish would leave QVC!!!! Listen to us: we sound like a bunch of groupies!!!!




Paul left QVC right after they married. I think the policy may be with ON-AIR hosts. Bob Bowersox is also married to Tony I forget the rest of her name but she used to be a host on there like 15 years ago. I know for a time they were both hosts on-air and thenshe started workoing behind the scenes.


Paul had been at HSN I guess about 10 years ago. He was married and both his children were born while he was a host there. Then I noticed he quit wearing his wedding ring and talking about his wife. (He used to speak of his first wife alot-all of the sudden he stopped talking about her). The next thing I knew he announced on air he was leaving HSN and making a career change and moving from FL. About six weeks or so later he showed up on QVC.


Paul only came back to HSN late last fall/early winter. Judy showed up over there around May or so-she has only been on air there 2 or 3 months.


If you click on their biographies-they said they took off a year just to travel and for Paul to work on his book. They said they went to Ireland and South America and even took a couple of cruises. (Sounds like our kind of people huh?)


I really do not think Judy would had left QVC just to go to HSN. She had been on CNN before QVC bought them out and came over to QVC with Dan Wheeler and Mary Beth Roe.


As I said I don't KNOW- it is just a gut feeling. After Paul left no one talked about them being married on air. I only knew that from reading that here at cruisecritic. I cannot of help but feel a stink was raised because of former hubby being a co-host-them marrying and then she leaving him after finding out he "went both ways". Maybe there was a fear history would repeat itself.


I certainly hope they will be happy-I do not think living life in the "public eye" is too wonderful. That must be horrible for them.

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What exactly did the book say about Jeff and Judy? :confused:




Remember when Judy first married "Jeffrey" from QVC some years ago? They both were employed there still after getting married (though I'm sure it was really, really torturous on Judy having to conceal what Jeffrey turned out to be.... more like a frog instead of a prince.)


I remember people (not knowing what was going on, of course) asking Judy on-air how things were, congratulations, and all that. She just smiled and really concealed things well, though inside I'm sure she was exploding.


Kathy Levine, in her biography, told some things that weren't generally known at the time about Judy and Jeff's marriage. It's been quite a few years since I read those passages (whilst looking at the book at the local bookstore).


Humn, maybe *that's* why they no longer want married couples to work there... too much chance for scandal???

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Hi, I believe those hosts were with CVN...not CNN.



"I really do not think Judy would had left QVC just to go to HSN. She had been on CNN before QVC bought them out and came over to QVC with Dan Wheeler and Mary Beth Roe."

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Hi, I believe those hosts were with CVN...not CNN.



"I really do not think Judy would had left QVC just to go to HSN. She had been on CNN before QVC bought them out and came over to QVC with Dan Wheeler and Mary Beth Roe."


You are so right-CNN is the news channel. I watch that a lot too.

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You are a piece of work!!!! You make me laugh out loud, and that's good. Why dont you write a novel? You sure know the ins and outs of the industry. I love it!!!!!!!!!!! Keep us informed of stuff.



Ester I think you are teasing me for spending so much time in front of the TV. I admit it. I have told this before but when my Meg was born 21 years ago-she needed numerous surgeries and her twin sister died one day after birth.


Hubby had the better income and health insurance so I became a stay-at-home mom. (That is if you call running a child to the doctor and hosps. 4 or 5 times a month a stay at home mom)


Later after Meg started school I started working a a merchandizer or company rep. for diff. companies taking care of their products at local Walmarts, K-Marts, Toys-R-Us etc. Not exactly a glameor job for sure but I could make my own schedule and be able to get Meg to her Dr. appts. Later I developed diabetes, (no shock-my mother was diagnoised at age 15)-which at fist was not too bad I could still "fudge" somewhat but it worsened over the years I developed diabetic neourophy (I have no idea how to spell it if KS is interested) Now I am not diabled but I am in pain most of the time and hubby suggested since he has a good income that I stay at home and be a homemaker again.


So I have-problem is that is not too fulfilling so I spend too much time watching TV and reading and posting on this board. Which gets me into trouble. I am such a pratical gal (and from my history you can see why) that I tend to irritate people when I point out things I see about them. So they try to blast me by telling me I spell terrible and I love my daughter too much.(Both true)


Maybe that is an idea-I should try writting a novel and have my characters on a cruiseship. ( there is a whole thread at another board at cruiecritic about novels set on cruiseships.) That should keep me busy but as to whether it sold or not who knows? (with my spelling I would need someone to edit for me wouldn't I?)


Hubby keeps telling me I should try being a TA and work out of the home-he seems to think I would be good at that. I doubt it.

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I hope you really know I was teasing all in fun. I have a strange sense of humor and until you get to know me, it might come off as obnoxious.


I am truly sorry about your daughters and yourself. That is a sad story, but you seem to handle it well. However, you did make me laugh, and that's o.k.!!! Unfortunately, we all need to laugh more, don't you think? It's too easy to make people sad, so laughter is good.


You just keep on being yourself and watch TV and fill me in on everything!!!!! And remember,I was joking with you!!!


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People leave QVC to go to HSN, hosts and vendors (Andrew Lessman, Joy Mangano, Susan Lucci) but I never see anyone leave HSN fro QVC.


Paul was at HSN before QVC. Sherry Liberman ( a vendor) was at HSN first. Tony Little (another vendor) was at HSN was actually married to Mindy Mccourtney-they both left HSN-he showed up on QVC and I did not see Mindy for a while. Mindy returned to HSN and later Tony Little showed up there also. I never knew for sure but I do not think they are married anymore. Mindy is no longer at HSN I do not think unless she is on America's Store I do not get that channel.


Alice Cleveland (a former HSN host) is now is a vender on QVC-for I forget some skin creme.


I am sure there are more. People come and go on both channels and all the others too I guess.


Ester I knew you were teasing nicely. I took no offense. Maybe I need to learn to be more tactful like you. I hold no grudges anyway though I have decided to avoid posting to certain people as they have made it clear they do not want me around.


That is another reason I posted what I did. I was accused of wanting to be anomous on this board. ( I am so anomous I have had people approach me on cruises and say they have read my posts here) Not exactly true-anyone could go to my profile and read everything I told you-though I do try to be a little careful what I say. I try not to embarrass my daughter who posts here. Unfortunately some things I have said she would not want others to know. So I have not been careful enough. AND SHE is the one person I DO NOT want angry with me.


Also I do feel we should all be a little careful what info we give. We never know who is reading this stuff.

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I'm laughing again. "Tactful" is not a word I am usually associated with!!!! But thanks for the compliment!


And you're right about too much information. Not only on these boards, but the whole internet thing is scary. I have given out my email address and it doesn't bother me because if I don't recognize the sender, it gets deleted.



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I'm laughing again. "Tactful" is not a word I am usually associated with!!!! But thanks for the compliment!


And you're right about too much information. Not only on these boards, but the whole internet thing is scary. I have given out my email address and it doesn't bother me because if I don't recognize the sender, it gets deleted.




That is another thing-I get all kinds of stuff from cruise companies and TA's. I guess cruisecritic sells our e-mails or else someone is savy enough to figure that out about me. I find it scary also.


One thing though it is not like I am rolling in dough- so I figure others who are are the target for the real danger. The worse I will get is a virus. Hubby has great virus ware on our computer though. He is a computer nerd-that is how he makes his living. I know never to click on attachments if I do not know if it is a legit person. He has hounded that into me.

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  • 2 months later...

I know this doesnt have anything to do with the cruise board, but today I was watching Mary Beth's jewelry show and she said she had an announcement to make ...She couldnt wait to tell it... But she said she would wait til the end of her show.... just before 5:00 eastern time....


Welllllllllll.....You guessed it, I missed it ...I had a phone call and the door....GRRRRRRRRRRRR...at the same time .....now im dying to know what she had to announce ...Please , someone that heard her please tell me before I go nuts hahahahaaha not knowing...


ok, thanks, Shirl

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Oh My !! I thought when I woke up this morning someone would have had an answer posted here about what Mary Beth said at the end of her show yesterday ....Come on guys, somone help.....Im dying to know Heeheheheheeee

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Oh My !! I thought when I woke up this morning someone would have had an answer posted here about what Mary Beth said at the end of her show yesterday ....Come on guys, somone help.....Im dying to know Heeheheheheeee


Hi Shirl - Mary Beth Roe announced that host Laurie Shore had a baby girl...believe the name to be Jeannie Elisa, named after her sister. She will be back in January 06.

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I thought maybe it was something about her, like they adopted a new child again..... Ok, thats great....I watched that whole show and my brother called me right at the end....It slipped my mind about wanting to be there to hear the announcement .....When I came back, they were into the next show.....Thanks for telling me ...

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