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All Things EARTH... part 2


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I too have an issue with button down shirts.  I have had a few with woven fronts and knit backs, where I just sewed the placket down.  So it looked like a standard button down, but I pulled it on over my head.  That only works with certain styles though, and i haven't come across any lately.


While I sew, a standard sewing machine really isn't great for knits.  I find I bring a lot to a trusted seamstress these days.  I look forward to sewing again in a few more years, if things settle down more.

 A lot of my knit shirts are from Eddie Bauer Outlet.  They aren't expensive, especially when they have 40 -50% off all the time.  


I am looking for nice ones. Still casual, but not as sporty?   I got a really nice chocolate brown one last year.  I might order from Lands End, since those looked nice.

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@pacruise804 We don't Skype or FaceTime. If we were to do anything, it would be Discord I think? But we haven't gotten that sorted. Coordinating schedules with a 5 hour time difference makes too big a deal out of the communication...I feel like I'd end up getting a report...hearing about things...but lacking in conversation, if you could understand what I mean...and so we have no schedule, we don't "talk"...I don't get to hear his voice...but we text with the What's App whenever we feel like it. I started texting him several years ago...this is kind of funny...


DS was talking about how the SNL sketch about the land shark wouldn't work today because young people don't knock on doors anymore. Your friends text you that they've arrived. We talked about how texting conversations are as real as IRL conversations for him and his friends...and sometimes, more real because while you can't hear tone of voice, there is much less confusion with the written word. So I kind of got the message that if I really cared to be in communication with DS as time passed, I would need to get texting as part of our relationship. I used to text him when he was in the basement or his room and I was on a different floor back in GA. I texted him when he was in the "cave" in Winston and I was out in the living room. OMG...so funny but true. It's almost like the phone call can get better customer service than the person at the counter.


Anyway...so while I'm out of the loop with his day to day...I still feel like I'm connecting to HIM with our talk about whatever. This isn't very fun to go so long without seeing him...but I think the space is good on both sides and we already have a plan in get together next year during the break between winter and spring terms with the TA we are taking...and after this year, I think that we all will be more motivated to have those get togethers.


I know that he will sometimes get online and play some games with his friends...but he doesn't have the time to do that as much when school is in session. I'd like to figure out a game that we all can play so that we can just talk while we are playing...like we're just hanging out.


I do miss him a lot...but I'm okay missing him...I think all is going as it should be right now.


There are so many how to's for personalizing tees! When I was questioning whether or not I really wanted to be getting a concert tee collection...I was looking around at outfit ideas and I really like when concert tees are just treated like a patterned tee, or knit, and not just a jeans and a tee shirt kind of outfit. The key is to have the tees be well fitted. You can throw in a bunch of personality if you want to take the scissors to them...I'm imaging your dancers doing what the Zumba instructors have been known to do...but I'd like my tees to end up being something of a wardrobe staple...a trusty shirt for a smart casual look...so that's something for me to experiment with.


I'm right there with you though regarding the fewer items and also the right now clothing. It's challenging to figure this all out...and frankly, with my lack of interaction with people IRL...it's very difficult for me to be motivated for this on a daily basis, which is one reason why I get a bit blindsided whenever I do want to go out and possibly interact with people. I can't figure out what to wear. I want to have a care for my appearance with the understanding that my appearance is talking for me before anyone actually talks to me, but I also don't want to be a person that cares TOO MUCH about what I look like. 


That's where I'm at. There is a certain look that I am really attracted to...a certain I don't care what other people think kind of look that I think is very fun, very creative, and very expressive. Sadly, I've been conditioned to NOT go after that look...and in the absence of being able to start the experiment to arrive at what I would really like to do...I do nothing because I can't figure out what else I would want. Hence...the hair that hasn't been cut in over a year...and the style that has basically been, "I'm growing it out", let's just clean it up for the past 2-3 years because the short hair wasn't working for me. 


I got a Serger years and years ago now...and it IS awesome. I like it for finishing the edges for when it is more appropriate to use a sewing machine. I don't feel that I've mastered the whole sewing thing though...I haven't made the time to do that...I have to allow myself to make things I don't like and not be put out and thinking that was wasted time on my part...even if I hate what I made. LOL. I'm putting too much pressure on myself to make awesome wonderful things even though I'm basically an advanced beginner in terms of skill. 

Edited by Anita Latte
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Anita, I'm glad you've found what works for you with your son.  People weren't kidding when they said parenting adult kids can be even harder than when they were at home ❤️ 


I so get "right now" clothes but wanting quality clothes.  I've spent so many years being frugal that it is often difficult to overcome sticker shock.  I also want to be sure if I do spend the money that it truly is good quality and I think I know just enough to get myself in trouble but not enough to be confident in my choices 😉 


One of our local thrift stores is having a 1/2 off clothing sale today so DD and I are heading there hoping to find some treasures 🙂 Wish us luck!

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I just realized I didn’t post my MardiGras outfit!  The group shot is our Cruise Critic meet & mingle (over 250, there were 50 today). It was so cold at first night’s parade we had on parkas (& many, many beads). Weather is much better this week headed toward ABC islands. Melody




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6 minutes ago, awhfy said:

I just realized I didn’t post my MardiGras outfit!  The group shot is our Cruise Critic meet & mingle (over 250, there were 50 today). It was so cold at first night’s parade we had on parkas (& many, many beads). Weather is much better this week headed toward ABC islands. Melody





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Laurie, those LE tees are a step up from the usual casual tee IMO.  They almost feel silky, and the coverage is good. You should be aware that, as I mentioned before, the dolman cut is slightly looser in the shoulders than an inset sleeve would be, but that's partly what I like about them. You would know how you feel about that style I guess.


Melody, fun mask!


Anita, whatever your style is that is most true to you, that is all that matters. You don't have to meet the expectations of a boss or a professor or the PTA or colleagues or whatever. Why not do what you want to? Here is one of my favorite articles about NYC, because it really isn't about clothes, it's about being true to your own spectacular self, at which these people excel. If that makes you an "original," well, why not?



I don't really feel a disconnect between my stay at home self and my public self. I may make a bit more effort when I go outside, but the essentials of what makes me comfortable in my own skin are pretty much the same. I've learned that the physical experience of the clothes is as important as how they look with regard to my satisfaction level. I am becoming more secure about wearing my own style when meeting with my friends who are successful professional women. The last time we went out together, they were wearing their ICE black, and I wore a soft green sweater with sparkly earrings. I looked good! and it made me happy, so that was that.




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Today I konmari-ed my jewelry. I started with the good stuff, took all the little boxes out, sorted what needed cleaning, what needed fixing, what I don't wear and thought about that a bit, and what I had accumulated and wanted to sell. It is something I have wanted to do since my mother passed away and my sister and I divided up her and my grandmother's jewelry. The upshot is that I have several little things that are minor-ly valuable (as in gold or gold with semi-precious somethings). There were three small gold bracelets that I had acquired in various ways but didn't pick myself (I kept one that DH gave me years ago). Too good to toss, never wore them. There was actually a ring from an old boyfriend in the mix. Two things that I was told were gold were costume, so they went in the Goodwill pile.


So, I took the money I got for the gold bracelets, and with it I'm having two rings resized, got a new battery for a watch, had a ring professionally polished, and am having my grandma's pearl drop earrings remade for pierced ears.


I put aside a few things that need cleaning and added jewelry cleaner to my shopping list. I have a pretty little bracelet that was my mom's that is going to my goddaughter. The rest went back in the boxes and into their special place.


The hardest things to deal with were my mother's and grandma's wedding sets. My mom's is not very valuable and the diamonds are too small to rework, and I will never wear them because I prefer my own, but I decided to save them to give to my nephew when he is older. He can either give them to his future bride, or trade for something new. My grandma's diamond I am having set into a lovely pendant. That makes me soooo happy, that I will be able to wear it close to my heart. Her setting was platinum and that will pay for the new piece.


I also sorted through and tidied up my costume jewelry box.


I can't tell you how satisfying it was!


Happy day.



Edited by MJC
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We made out well at the thrift store! 10 items for just over $20 🙂 Daughter found the 2 pairs of jeans she needed plus a nice light blue top, grey dress pants,  and a dress that is a combination of sweater vest and blouse/skirt.  I found 2 pairs of pants, 2 dresses, and a soft earthy yellow sweater.  I'll try to remember to take pictures.


Got her hair cut yesterday and the stylist confirmed that she is more cool and I am more warm (even though we look very much alike), so it's no wonder we can't wear the same colors.  We both want to get our hair colored this spring/summer and try going red, but she will need to do something in the blue reds while mine will be more copper.

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Great job Margaret! Maybe it's a spring thing...I'm totally in a KonMari state of mind! There is so much to go through...I know what I still have may not compare to those of you living in the same house for however many years...and your accumulation of stuff...but I do still have so much. It's getting better and better with each downsize...but so much stuff doesn't have a home, it's in a storage situation. And OMG, isn't it funny how the accumulation just begins all over again?


Rosie...without overstepping...may I suggest that you have a bit of a swap party? Invite your daughters and daughter-in-laws to go through their jewelry as well and do one of those swaps where everyone has the opportunity to go through the unwanted items of others and see if anything is really wanted? I've read of people doing this with clothing but I have never been close enough with anyone (especially in my size) to actually do one of these fun clothing swaps. Jewelry is beyond size however...and you just never know how people react to being given something. I know that I end up placing greater value on gifts and end up with what could almost be called emotional turmoil when I have been given something from someone I care for...so much so that I end up keeping things that only have emotional value. Just a caution that you don't pass along something to someone that has to then KonMari it down the line...even if you say, pick what you like and just get rid of the rest...that would be a difficult thing for me...I'm working on it...but still, it is something that I struggle with. I'm trying to be more discerning with what even gets to come under my roof...it's such a process.


Score pacruise! Back on the old Seasons thread there was a cool toned red head...it was a process for that woman to get her hair color on point...I'm so glad that your hairdresser understands the difference! That is a valuable person to know. I still have my purple dye...I just have to figure out how much hair and how I'm going to dye mine...but I've been wanting to do purple hair for about 5 years now. It's going to happen...

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On 3/5/2020 at 12:45 PM, pacruise804 said:

We made out well at the thrift store! 10 items for just over $20 🙂

That's amazing! I used to have a great Salvation Army for thrifting, especially for 50s and 60s clothes. Sadly the movie studio people now pick it over pretty thoroughly and it's hard to find anything good.


Speaking of red hair, we are watching a show called Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist on NBC, and I am trying to figure out if Zoey is a FIRE. The thing is, if you google the actress's images, she has had so many different looks that it's really hard to tell. On the show, she's a redhead and I think wears emerald green contacts, and her wardrobe is very bright, though it doesn't stay in any season. Then in some older photos she's an ashy blond with cool blue eyes. Her name is Jane Levy:




Sometimes I think she might be an AIR in disguise....

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I have been trying to dress better now that we are able to leave the house more often. I'm focused on my colors more and trying to be happier with what I'm wearing. I am always running into someone I or my husband knows. They all stop to chat and ask how he's doing (very well). He's at the point where he walks away from his chair and forgets the cane, so that's a good sign. We both would still love to get an uninterrupted night's sleep, though!


Here is my brunch outfit from yesterday. It was warm enough to wear my lighter coat, yay!  It does not look shiny IRL like it does in the pic. I got the sweater at Steinmart in September, and the scarf I bought in NJ. It didn't occur to me that they might go together because they are both strong patterns and the colors aren't a perfect match, but it works somehow. Oh, look who's in the background! 😊



Next is a shirt I got from Coldwater Creek. This is a style I wear often, but this is a cotton/poly blend so I think it will hold up to washing better than my Lucky shirts. Compared to the photo above, these are much softer colors for me. I think the cool blue in the shirt makes my eyes look cooler.



I love this new jjill dress. It is soooo soft. It is rayon/spandex, but only enough spandex to keep its shape and not be form fitting at all. It has 3/4 sleeves and is a slightly fitted a-line without a lot of flare. I think I will live in this once spring comes. I thought the green might be too muted for me (it's called shale), but perhaps not. I don't know but I like it.




This is another jjill. I am very happy with this one too, although the color is skating just on the edge of too bright perhaps. The camera is also not liking the tiny bit of sheen the dress has, making it look a little pinkish. The picture above and this one were taken in the same place, but the daylight is very different today from yesterday. I may try another picture tomorrow to compare. I like that I could dress this casual boho style or nice jewelry dinner out style.




So, I took a cue from Anita and did a lineup of my new spring things. Of the four, the blouse is the most perfect in terms of colors. The dark ivory background is better than the light ivory sleeve on the dress to its left (but that won't be near my face so it doesn't bother me). The teal tee is more jewel and not as muted as the teal in the blouse, just as the red/coral in the dress is not as muted as that in the blouse, which definitely has EARTH brick red and gold in it. I realize there's a lot of pattern fighting each other in this photo, but I think the palette is ok.




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I have been eyeing that JJill dress but I just bought a similar dress from Jjill with short sleeves . I really like the top from Coldwater Creek . I am trying not to buy anything much until I clean out my closets. I also have to gain some more weight .I look like Olive Oyl .

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I'm back!


Yup, I've already gone to and from Florida.  I made a post, but then realized yesterday that I never hit the submit button.  lol.


It was a fun trip!  We knew we were spending pretty much two days in Florida, and two days traveling.


We got up on Wednesday morning and didn't have to rush, in the sense that we wanted to be at the airport around 9 AM.  Seeing that my husband is normally at work around 7 and me at 7:30, this wasn't a big deal for us.  We also knew we were leaving in about 40 degree weather, so we decided on jeans, a long sleeved shirt, and for me a zip up hoodie.  While it would normally not be enough for me, I knew I'd be shedding the hoodie as the day went on.  We were due to arrive in Florida in the evening, and since I had heard it cools fast in the evening right now, I figured we'd be on track.


It was actually still pretty warm when we got to Florida.  We did not have the chance to eat lunch, but we did get a snack to eat just before boarding.  We went the healthy route - carrots, grapes, apples and these little cheese nuggets.  Small, but just enough to tide us over.


We got our rental car and started the trip to my sister-in-law's house.  We had no trouble at all with the drive.  I75 is a highway, but we didn't really have heavy traffic at all.  Getting off and getting to her house was very simple too.


She has a nice one bedroom villa right on a river.  It's a retirement community, so the houses all kind of look the same, if you know what I mean.  The interior though was fully reflective of my SIL's personality.  She has good taste in décor, and likes to be a little bit different.  We loved the layout - a nice sized living room, with a small area she created for an office.  She didn't just want to have a desk for her laptop, she wanted to feel like she could leave things out, and not thing about it when people stopped by.  So she created a bit of a doorway, and added two stationary doors.  It's hard to describe, but she had her contractor create a separate area by just adding an extremely wide doorway - the new sheetrock only extends about a foot on each side.  But then she added these old vintage glass doors on each side that don't open and close.  It actually leaves a remaining opening of about 10 feet.  The office is in one corner, and the other corner has a murphy bed.  She LOVES the murphy bed.  When she has company, she insists on putting them in her room while she uses the murphy bed for herself.  It closes right up during the day.


Her kitchen is mall, but well laid out.  The eating area is a good size, as well as the main bedroom.  Her full bath is compact, but has all the space she needs.  There is also a half bath, laundry closet area, and a nice screened in porch.


Her decorating style is pretty need.  I would call it vintage French, but she throws in some other things and does an amazing job of getting things to work together.


Anyway, it was after 7 when we got there, and we decided that rather than have a big meal, we would relax and chat with a glass of wine, and fruit and veggies.  We were tired from traveling all day.


The next day was game day.  Our nephew stopped over for a bit, and then we headed to the game.  Fenway South (JetBlue Park) is really nice and it was a ton of fun.  The temp was in the upper 80s, so it was really hot.  


We ended up back to the house around 5.  We opted for pizza and another evening of chatting.  I will say this - a day in the blazing sun with no shade makes you feel rather tired and dehydrated.  I did not do well with my water intake, to be honest.  I ended up drinking a lot of water the rest of the day.


Friday, we opted to go out to breakfast. 


Then we went to a store where my SIL has gotten many of the things for her home.  We found ourselves there for a long time!  We picked up some small things, and my SIL is going to ship them to us.  Most of it could have gone in our suitcases except for one thing, so she suggested we just leave everything in the box and she will ship it out this week.


We then visited a car museum, and to another store.  If you've ever watched Salvage Dog, this would be the supply store for it.  It gave us lots of ideas, but was expensive for what it was.


We then went to dinner with my SIL, son and his friend.  We had a great time.  Note to self:  Always bring something nicer to wear in case you need it.  We were underdressed for the restaurant we went to, and I felt out of place.  

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Laurie , Glad you had a nice time . You luckily got one of our nice days for the game . Our weather has been so fickle . A few nice days then back to chilly gray days. Was the store"Home Goods " ? That is one of my favorite stores .I also know exactly where the car museum and the salvage place is. Florida is pretty casual so it is rare to feel underdressed though Sarasota can be dressier . 

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Laurie I'm glad you had a nice time in FL. I have vague memories of going to the car museum when I was a child, but I have never been to the salvage store.


Did you enjoy the restaurant? If so, can you tell us the name? We always like recommendations from locals in SRQ because some of the touristy places aren't very good for the price.


It's nice to see my sister more but I really miss having a true vacation there.

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Margaret, the place is called Mattison's.  It wasnt fancy-fancy, but I had on Jean's and a red c-neck shirt.  If I even had a scarf or jewelry and nicer sandals, I would have felt better.


It was cooler on Friday, by the way.  I think the high was about 71.


Sally, the shop isn't a chain store.  It is called Bon Bon Vintage, i believe.


While it was a lot of fun, it was a different sort of vacation. I think I know what you mean, Margaret.  When you are on vacation, you do what you want, when you want.  I know I got up early, Nd jumped right on the shower each day and then waited for my SIL to get up.


I definitely learned a few things about packing for a different climate, but especially for a 16+ degree temperature change.

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We like Mattison's but have only been there a few times. The chef is from our former absolute fave restaurant that sadly closed, called The Summerhouse. It was a glass box in the middle of what had been a botanical specimen garden. It gets mentioned with longing at least once every time we are in Sarasota. 


DH got an A+ from the hip doctor today, so he is off restrictions now. He plans to go to work tomorrow by taxi, but he has to be careful not to overdo for the next two weeks. We are both relieved to meet this benchmark. 😁





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I remember the Summerhouse . Most romantic restaurant ever . Glad to hear your husband is healing well . I am probably going to buy that brown JJill dress . I love the JJill dresses for just popping on to go somewhere . They really wash and dry well and conform to my new no ironing unless absolutely necessary .

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