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Extremely disappointing experience with White Star Luggage


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DH and I took our first voyage followed by a TA (Southampton to NYC) on the QM2 this summer for a total of 14 days on the ship. We had 10 days on the east coast beaches planned for after we landed in NY which of course required a completely different set of clothing.


We had read positive reviews on White Star so decided to use them to ship 3 large suitcases home from NY.


It took two weeks for the bags to arrive in CA., which worked out great as we were just getting home.


But when they arrived one of the 3 bags was completely unzipped and just taped together with packing tape. The delivery guy said he had no way of notating this. My choices were to sign and accept or refuse shipment. So I signed.


Miraculously nothing was missing but a couple of items were damaged. The suitcase is destroyed. I purchased this top rated suitcase a week before our trip, it was not overpacked nor overweight when I gave it to White Star in NY.


When I contacted white star to make a claim I was told this was not their problem and I had to make a claim with FedEx. FedEx denied my claim saying it wasn’t covered because my suitcase wasn’t in a box. I refuted this and was denied again because this wasn’t covered in the terms of contract. I have sent photos of the original dated receipt and the damage to FedEx, White Star and my Cunard travel consultant.


Additionally, my precruise experience with White Star was unsatisfactory, but wasn’t so bad that I would have mentioned it. But as I feel compelled to report the destroyed luggage and more importantly the fact that neither FedEx nor White Star nor Cunard will take any responsibility for it, I may as well tell this bit of the tale too.


Basically the rep, Paul, told me he was too busy to send me the information and labels for my bags precruise. He wanted me to just get them onboard. His emails were extremely unprofessional in both tone and had multiple spelling and grammatical errors.


Having never used Cunard or White Star I was not comfortable just “waiting to see” how and if it would all work once on board as our travels after NY simply would be impossible with the 5 huge bags we had brought along.

Finally my Cunard travel representative, Sharlene, who had been absolutely amazing in planning this trip, stepped in and the precruise bump was ironed out.


However, it turns out the information relayed by Paul to me and the ship was wrong and incomplete.


Nothing in my information packet said I had to see the White Star rep on board. So I didn’t. But being the one who has to double check everything I went to the pursers desk and did speak to her. I discovered that she had a list of those who would be dropping off luggage in NY and I wasn’t on it. She said she had encountered several people like me on the cruise who purchased precruise that Paul had failed to notify her of. Apparently you had to be on her list. Your name is checked by the rep when you drop off. If you aren’t on it they won’t take your bag. So not sending this info or telling me to get on this list is a huge error on White Star’s part.


After FedEx denied my claim, I again contacted my Cunard Travel consultant and am currently waiting to see if she can help. I gave them my bags July 1st, made my first claim July 10th and it’s been 2 weeks since I’ve heard anything from Cunard through Sharlene.


I paid $450 for this “premium” service which was a lot more than Luggage Forward wanted. BTW their rep and drop off was right there when we got off the ship next to the White Star drop off and rep.


Given the poor follow up to this issue I will say you should gamble on luggage forward. At least if this happens you won’t be out so much money.

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Oh no. Sounds like a bad experience overall. Unforgivable really. While mistakes happen, the finger-pointing between Cunard and FedEx about how luggage is shipped and claims are to be made shows a fundamental issue in the service itself. And "Paul?" Really someone above him needs to be notified.


(I also feel a bit guilty because I was probably one of the posters replying with my positive experiences, urging you to sign-up)


Here's contact information for the most appropriate executive (according to elliott.org consumer advocacy site) for escalation and notification about Paul.


Simon Palethorpe

Senior Vice President Cunard

Carnival House

100 Harbour Parade

Southampton SO15 1ST


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Oh no. Sounds like a bad experience overall. Unforgivable really. While mistakes happen, the finger-pointing between Cunard and FedEx about how luggage is shipped and claims are to be made shows a fundamental issue in the service itself. And "Paul?" Really someone above him needs to be notified.


(I also feel a bit guilty because I was probably one of the posters replying with my positive experiences, urging you to sign-up)


Here's contact information for the most appropriate executive (according to elliott.org consumer advocacy site) for escalation and notification about Paul.


Simon Palethorpe

Senior Vice President Cunard

Carnival House

100 Harbour Parade

Southampton SO15 1ST



Thank you very much. According to the fine print no one covers the actual suitcase. And since what got damaged was not the “used” clothing you are supposed to only be shipping (our masks for the ball and the box to a fine watch-the watch was not shipped just the box-were damaged) we have no real leg to stand on here either.


White Star could have removed most of the danger of this type of uncovered damage by putting suitcases in boxes. It seems for the cost (and to maintain their reputation) they would want to make that effort.


I think my main reason for this post is to inform people of this outcome so they can enter into the agreement eyes wide open, and to push White Star to change their service to protect their clients against this.


I know everyone is capable of reading the fine print but sometimes when planning vacations all of it gets a bit overwhelming.

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I hope Cunard makes this right with you. I have used White Star Luggage service almost every time I cruised with Cunard, and other than a fed ex driver with a real attitude I have never had a problem. Please continue to pursue your claim fine print aside, this is a serious public relations issue. Please keep us informed maybe we can help.

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I hope Cunard makes this right with you. I have used White Star Luggage service almost every time I cruised with Cunard, and other than a fed ex driver with a real attitude I have never had a problem. Please continue to pursue your claim fine print aside, this is a serious public relations issue. Please keep us informed maybe we can help.


I appreciate the encouragement. I was just thinking yesterday about how much energy I wanted to give this.


I really think White Star should guarantee that your bag is not handled so horribly that it would be destroyed like that. I think I have a bit of a leg to stand on since I have a dated receipt showing it was not even a week old when I sailed with them, but really everyone’s bag regardless of age should be protected better. Even if the only outcome is that some procedures are put in place to keep this from happening to someone else I would consider that a win.


I think I will give it one more push forward.

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I was disappointed to read about your experience because I had previously heard positive accounts of White Star service. I’m sorry about the damage to your luggage and hope you receive compensation.


We have needed to ship luggage a few times. The first time, I boxed a piece of luggage and shipped it directly via UPS to the hotel we booked for a precruise stay. I had contacted the hotel for their permission before shipping the luggage. It was shipped from a US address to the US hotel so customs wasn’t involved. It worked beautifully.


The second time, I used Luggage Forward, and while I couldn’t track the piece as well as I would have liked, the luggage arrived at the ship as planned with no damage.


The third shipment was Luggage Concierge, from a Florida port to our home via UPS. The bags arrived in terrible condition. One had tears that could not be repaired although no contents were damaged . Both pieces were scuffed and had cording damaged from abrasion. And both pieces were incredibly filthy, as though they had been dipped in a dirt/sand substance.


I had photos of the bags pre and post shipment, and with some negotiation, received satisfactory compensation. There was still the time and aggravation factor. In this case, I lay the blame on UPS. Luggage Concierge did reimburse us for a piece of replacement luggage.


Most recently, I used Luggage Forward to ship a bag from the US to the UK. It went via FedEx. I could easily track the bag, and it was quickly in Maidstone for a Dover departure. The problem came when the bag wasn’t on the ship. The concierge and our butler repeatedly checked on the bag and reassured me that not all the luggage had been loaded. I wasn’t feeling comfortable about the situation. About 45 minutes before sailing, I called the Boston office of Luggage Forward. They answered immediately and pursued the matter. Their records showed that my bag was at the Dover Port. No more than 10 minutes passed when I was rushing to lifeboat drill and just happened to pass the gangplank. I saw a man in a suit literally running and out of breath pulling my bag behind him. Note this is not the standard way luggage arrives on ship! He was wearing a port authority name pin on his lapel.


What happened? I’ll never know, but I suspect my bag had been delivered to the port but not transferred to the ship. I speculate that my call to LF prompted LF to call Dover. If true, both FedEx and Luggage Forward came through for me, and someone at the port failed. I will add that I had purchased a colorful cheap ( translate super ugly) zip on cover for the bag before it shipped so it would be easily identifiable, and the cover arrived with black streaks on it. Unless one carries ones own luggage, it will surely be subjected to a lot of stress and abuse.


My conclusions? (1) If possible, I’ll use a box to ship luggage in the future. I’ll at least use a luggage cover.

(2) The integrity and professionalism of the luggage shipment company will be the final factor in my choice of company. I don’t believe the shipment companies can control what happens during transit via UPS, FedEx, etc , but if they are available 24 hours a day to solve problems (as was LF in my Dover situation), and if they provide reimbursement with minimal hassle, they rise to the top of the group of shipment providers.


Good luck with White Star.

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I've used White Star a few times and the experiences have been 'alright'. I don't like that they don't box or wrap the luggage for shipment...especially at the prices they charge. Does Luggage Direct? Or, some other luggage carrier. I would be tempted to change if they do.


The luggage takes a beating there is no doubt of that. In addition, the last time we used White Star after our SA cruise on the QV our luggage sat in a warehouse in Fort Lauderdale for days before be shipped home. It took two calls from me to Cunard to get things moving again. They of course blamed Fedex.


I'd like to hear more about other luggage carriers if people would like to share. sorry, don't mean to hijack the thread:D:D

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I've used White Star a few times and the experiences have been 'alright'. I don't like that they don't box or wrap the luggage for shipment...especially at the prices they charge. Does Luggage Direct? Or, some other luggage carrier. I would be tempted to change if they do.


The luggage takes a beating there is no doubt of that. In addition, the last time we used White Star after our SA cruise on the QV our luggage sat in a warehouse in Fort Lauderdale for days before be shipped home. It took two calls from me to Cunard to get things moving again. They of course blamed Fedex.


I'd like to hear more about other luggage carriers if people would like to share. sorry, don't mean to hijack the thread:D:D


Thank you for sharing. I don’t think this is a high jacking of the thread. It is a natural extension of the conversation.

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I was disappointed to read about your experience because I had previously heard positive accounts of White Star service. I’m sorry about the damage to your luggage and hope you receive compensation.


We have needed to ship luggage a few times. The first time, I boxed a piece of luggage and shipped it directly via UPS to the hotel we booked for a precruise stay. I had contacted the hotel for their permission before shipping the luggage. It was shipped from a US address to the US hotel so customs wasn’t involved. It worked beautifully.


The second time, I used Luggage Forward, and while I couldn’t track the piece as well as I would have liked, the luggage arrived at the ship as planned with no damage.


The third shipment was Luggage Concierge, from a Florida port to our home via UPS. The bags arrived in terrible condition. One had tears that could not be repaired although no contents were damaged . Both pieces were scuffed and had cording damaged from abrasion. And both pieces were incredibly filthy, as though they had been dipped in a dirt/sand substance.


I had photos of the bags pre and post shipment, and with some negotiation, received satisfactory compensation. There was still the time and aggravation factor. In this case, I lay the blame on UPS. Luggage Concierge did reimburse us for a piece of replacement luggage.


Most recently, I used Luggage Forward to ship a bag from the US to the UK. It went via FedEx. I could easily track the bag, and it was quickly in Maidstone for a Dover departure. The problem came when the bag wasn’t on the ship. The concierge and our butler repeatedly checked on the bag and reassured me that not all the luggage had been loaded. I wasn’t feeling comfortable about the situation. About 45 minutes before sailing, I called the Boston office of Luggage Forward. They answered immediately and pursued the matter. Their records showed that my bag was at the Dover Port. No more than 10 minutes passed when I was rushing to lifeboat drill and just happened to pass the gangplank. I saw a man in a suit literally running and out of breath pulling my bag behind him. Note this is not the standard way luggage arrives on ship! He was wearing a port authority name pin on his lapel.


What happened? I’ll never know, but I suspect my bag had been delivered to the port but not transferred to the ship. I speculate that my call to LF prompted LF to call Dover. If true, both FedEx and Luggage Forward came through for me, and someone at the port failed. I will add that I had purchased a colorful cheap ( translate super ugly) zip on cover for the bag before it shipped so it would be easily identifiable, and the cover arrived with black streaks on it. Unless one carries ones own luggage, it will surely be subjected to a lot of stress and abuse.


My conclusions? (1) If possible, I’ll use a box to ship luggage in the future. I’ll at least use a luggage cover.

(2) The integrity and professionalism of the luggage shipment company will be the final factor in my choice of company. I don’t believe the shipment companies can control what happens during transit via UPS, FedEx, etc , but if they are available 24 hours a day to solve problems (as was LF in my Dover situation), and if they provide reimbursement with minimal hassle, they rise to the top of the group of shipment providers.


Good luck with White Star.

Thank you for sharing your experience. I hope others come forward and share as well.


I actually did ship a piece of luggage to our B&B in Provincetown Cape Cod for the last 10 days of our trip. Since I packed it in a box it arrived safe and sound. And it was much cheaper than using a service.


My take away is just pack your bag yourself in a box and ship yourself. I can’t believe these companies charging these premium prices are not doing this. I’ve decided it’s a rip off. There is obviously a market for the convenience factor. These companies aren’t providing convenience if your bag gets mauled, your belongings end up thrown out of the bag and then stuffed back in.


Hey who wants to develop a start up with me and become a millionaire? Wouldn’t be hard to do it right and knock White Star and the rest out of business.

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