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My Review: Mariner 3-night. Friday, November 29 Sailing. Compasses, Menus, etc.

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Christmas Decorations Mariner 2019


There is another current thread talking asking about Christmas decorations. I posted there, but I wanted to include the information in my report here too.


I already shared that the Christmas tree went up overnight on the night of Friday, November 29...so that on Saturday, November 30 morning...there was a Christmas tree.


Saturday evening, being the Dress Your Best evening...there was a ship's photographer near the tree taking photographs with the tree in the background. Throughout the evening though...many, many people were stoping for photographs at the tree...also on Sunday evening. Many parents were taking photographs of their kids in front of the tree, too.


I'm pleased to report that most everyone I saw was extremely polite regarding all the picture taking. Alert people would stop and not interrupt the photos. Awakened people would hurry up their pace and rush by when they realized someone was trying to take a photo. It wasn't a struggle. It was nice to see people all around being aware of the fact that other people were in the world and having courtesy toward one another.


I will say that the lighting in the Promenade is all over the place. So many different sources of light. I don't have a sophisticated camera...but it does have modes and some controls and it was exceedingly difficult for me to get a good picture of the Christmas tree. Even the ones that I have shared here have undergone a significant amount of software manipulation. YMMV. If I really cared about having a good photo with the tree, I would see how the professional camera did.





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CocoCay December 1, 2019


Our priority this morning was the Flowrider. As I mentioned previously, there was a one hour stand up session followed by a one hour boogie board session. This started at 9 AM.


We didn’t want to wake up too early. It is our relaxing weekend getaway, but we wanted time to eat a little something…but not too much.


I think we set the alarm for 8 or 8:15 AM.


Our plan was to have fruit and eggs. This was available in the first section of the buffet. There is an area where little plates with two fried eggs each are in constant replenishment from a chef. Surprisingly, it appeared that there were some over medium eggs there! Turns out, they WERE over medium. Perfect for us.


A table was available in the front section. No problems finding one.


A roaming crew member asked if we would like any beverages…he brought out some coffee for DH.


We didn’t rush through our food but we didn’t dawdle. Then we headed up for the Flowrider session that I previously talked about. This is an unpopular session as you would expect it to be first thing in the morning…not too many people.


While DH was waiting to ride…I took some photos of CocoCay.






Closer look at Harbor Beach




We didn’t stay longer than my one boogie board run early in the session…so it must have been around 10:15-20 when we headed down to the room to gather our bags for CocoCay.


Towels are available to check out on Deck 1 before you leave the ship. Near to the medical center and closer to the gangway that is for getting back on the ship. There are two elevator banks so you may need to walk around to find the towel station.

You can also check out towels on CocoCay. And you can exchange towels on CocoCay to get drier ones…but you cannot RETURN towels on CocoCay. You must return your towels back at the ship. You can return them at that same table on Deck 1 when you get back on board.


We packed up our belongings and headed down to Starbucks. We ordered cold drinks today and we hoped that we would be able to take them off the ship. The drink rule for taking anything off the ship is that it must be in a disposable container to take to CocoCay. You cannot take drink in glassware off the ship. There is a tray on Deck 1 at the exit gangway to collect such glassware.


There is a shuttle available to take you from the ship’s gangway to the island.


There are crew members in yellow shirts which identify themselves at the Royal Welcome Crew…the shirt says, “Ask me anything.” So we asked how to get to the Snack Shack.


Everyone received a map of the island with the cruise compass…and they are available on the ship by guest services…but we left the map in the room.


We had our heading…and a recommendation to order the mozzarella sticks…”They’re really good”. Off we went.


First impressions…CocoCay is REALLY well done. I don’t recall as many paved walkways when we were there before…nor were there the shade tarps over the walkways. Nor do I recall all the benches along the walkway. It made everything feel very accessible…very easy to get around.


I understand the woes of the bygone era of CocoCay where there was the feeling tended more to that of visiting an unchartered island tropical paradise…something undeveloped…but taking CocoCay for what it is…an exclusive beach resort developed with guest comfort and entertainment in mind…THIS is a very well done project.


We did go through and over the Oasis Lagoon Pool area on the way to the Snack Shack. The pool is large and winding in and out with islands and an incredible looking swim up bar. When I was picturing people talking about a swim up bar…IDK what I had in mind…but it certainly wasn’t the bar that is there in that pool.


Everywhere we walked was full of people. The Navigator was also docked in CocoCay. While there were definitely crowds everywhere, I didn’t feel OVERcrowded. I can’t comment on available chairs in the pool area. I wasn’t looking for chairs…I was drinking in the atmosphere.


It’s a high energy atmosphere around the pool. The music is loud and party like. If you packed your good mood with you…it’s all very fun and energizing.


The Snack Shack was busy. There are 4-5 windows where you order and receive your food. For whatever reason…one window has one couple at it…and all the other windows were 3-4 parties deep. That window was in the sun…whereas the others were shaded…so perhaps that was the difference? IDK, but we walked right up while that couple was receiving their food and ordered a funnel cake and the mozzarella sticks, which were recommended by the crew member who gave us directions.


The funnel cakes were pre-made and waiting for distribution. You can easily see into the shack and see what is going on back there. The cakes were on the small side…plenty of white plate around the edge of the cake. The powdered sugar is added right before serving. They are the kind of funnel cake that has definite sections…you can see the pattern of the drizzle. As such, they have a more contrast for the crunch to the soft. We enjoyed them. They were the best dessert like thing that we had eaten so far. Just set your expectation for what they are…it’s like getting Krispy Kreme when they aren’t Hot and in production. Still good…but not the melt in your mouth amazing Krispy Kremes when they are hot off the press.


I enjoyed my funnel cake bites…but I didn’t finish it. DH finished his…but he has a serious sweet tooth.


The mozzarella sticks were good. Nice crisp breading…and they were warm…but the cheese didn’t pull when you took a bite. The dipping sauce was good.


There are picnic tables right in front of the Snack Shack. There are also more tables to the side. Plenty of seating and we had no trouble finding a table.


After our post Flowrider snack, we headed off to find some beach loungers.


Snack Shack Menu December 2019




Condiments at the Toppings station




Toppings...the far side has chocolate chip cookies and fresh cut fruit.




Self serve drinks



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14 hours ago, cuppettmd said:

I'm really enjoying your review! I have my first RCI cruise booked on the Mariner in Oct. A question; did the "sad" deserts seem to be limited to this ship or is this a fleet wide thing? I like my Goodies! Thanks!


We did find the majority of the desserts on our Explorer cruise to be disappointing. We liked the chocolate chip cookies from all venues, and the chocolate and caramel cake at Giovanni's was spectacular. Otherwise, not fantastic.

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The map doesn't identify a separate name for the area of beach on the far side of the island on the far side of the pool and in between what is labeled Chill Island and the Opening Jan 31, 2020 Coco Beach Club area. I guess it is technically Chill Island but it feels more separated than having the same name as that other area would suggest.


You can still hear the pool music. The water has a bit more movement than the other area of Chill Island...and the view is of a more expansive ocean with the islands feeling further away.


We didn't have a plan...it was just the closest beach area to the Snack Shack and so we started walking along the beach until we found a couple lounge chairs we would want. I was almost shocked and very pleased to find two available lounge chairs with an umbrella. Technically, they weren't front row chairs because they were located further back that other front row chairs...but their proximity to the life guard station meant that there weren't any chairs between these loungers and the ocean...so front row further back.


I intensely dislike seeing my lack of physical fitness in photos. But still...this is me standing in front of our lounge chairs where DH is sitting to take this photo. You can see how uncrowded the water is...a what a gorgeous day it is.




We brought our normal swim goggles. No other swimming extras.


The water was chilly. The kind of chill that you can get used to quickly...but still...the kind of chill that shocks a bit...and is especially shocking once you hit above the thighs... Get into though and it's quite pleasant. It's not so chill that you have to keep moving to be comfortable. Definitely still floatable and hang out - able. LOL.


This area of water and beach is blocked off on one side as there is construction going on. A couple of backhoes...and other large equipment. You occasionally hear the construction...but we were far enough away that the noise wasn't a factor. It would appear that one over the water cabana is standing and in use. I saw a tram with a sign that said "Wedding Party Tram" so I wondered if the wedding party was out there?


We swam out a ways.


The dark areas of water are full of grass on the floor of ocean. There are open patches of sand...but it feels AWFUL. It is SO fine...it feels like mud. You do need to swim out away from the churn of the sand to get into some clear water...and if you do...you can see some fish. Not too many...but some.


We saw the long skinny kind with several fins...no idea what they are. We saw the more round kind with the eye toward the tail? We saw several clams. A hermit crab. Some different kinds of plants. Nothing too exciting but it was fun to swim around and see what we could see. It might have been nicer to have a breathing tube...you can only look for as long as you can hold your breath...but we were quite pleased with the exercise and the sights.


A bit of relaxing...a bit more swimming...


While we were hanging out in the ocean...one poor woman was sitting in the midst of a seagull attack. Funny enough, she was filming the whole time so maybe "poor" isn't the proper adjective. Someone from her party had left their food on their lounger. She was only one still there...and the seagulls were attacking that food. Flying and fluttering and fighting amongst themselves...diving for the food...crying out...you could totally picture Nemo...MIne, mine, mine...it was funny but it was AWFUL. One seagull grabbed someone's lanyard with their sea pass card attached. The gull dropped it, but still.


Later in the day, we saw this on repeat at various places.


This is my PSA...even if you are on vacation...even if you are used to just getting up at the buffet or anywhere else on board and leaving behind your dishes and left over food...PLEASE...at CocoCay...just bus yourself. Don't leave behind food...especially in the beach areas...especially if you are leaving the beach area. You are leaving an attractive mess for the gulls and everyone else gets to deal with the consequences.


More relaxing...people watching...


DH asked if there were any kayaks or stand up paddle (SUP) boards for rent on CocoCay. I'm the researcher...he never looks into anything before we go. There are indeed rentals available...so off we went to check them out. We packed up and headed out to see what the prices were.


There were double kayaks easily seen and also SUPs. I thought I caught a glimpse of some single kayaks as well. The rental cost for the SUP was $26 per half hour...$52 per hour. I needed to think about it...as I said...I'm not in great shape and because of that I tend to shy away from things that may be difficult. Taking care of business while I contemplated...


The restrooms are nice. They are attended and so they generally are in good shape.


The towel exchange is nearby, so we grabbed dry towels before heading back to give the SUPs a go.


We kayak...and have been curious about SUPs...but haven't tried them out yet. I had decided that a first SUP experience in the Bahamas seemed like a fun memory to have...so we decided to just get the half hour rentals.


Do the liability waiver on the tablet, present Sea Pass card, done. There are lockers at the rental shack. Almost like the safes in the room, you set the combination for the locker when you put your stuff in. They are typical small, rectangle door lockers. Two towels, day backpack, flip flops, etc easily fit in the locker.


IDK if we could have gotten help to get the SUPs to the shore...but we felt like we were on our own to pick out our PFDs, paddles, and SUPs.


There's a roped off ocean path that keeps swimmers out of the path of kayaks and SUPs entering the water. The path way leads from the more sheltered area of the Chill Island into the open ocean waters. A lifeguard came over and asked if we had ever done this before? Nope. We were instructed to start on our knees...paddling while standing on our knees until we hit the open water...where there would be more movement...and stand up there. Alrighty then.


A bystander asked if we had ever done this before. Nope. He said he would be watching to see how stable the boards really were.


The boards are rather large and clunky. When asking back home, a friend said that these are ocean SUPs and are intentionally clunky to be more stable on the ocean water.


The ocean water is CHALLENGING. OMG. We found that the best thing to do was to point the board into the upcoming waves (little waves...not anywhere close to surfing waves)...but still, if you were sideways to the waves, they would splash over the board. Talk about standing on a balance board! OMG... You feel awkward as you are crouched over with hands and feet on the board...testing...testing...testing...once you think you have your balance, you lift your upper body up while your lower body is still bobbing all around and dancing on the water.


Paddling in the current was extremely difficult for me. I finally figured out that I wasn't taking a long enough stroke. I was getting pushed around by the water and was having a hard time getting to where I wanted to go while standing.


The good news is that you can sit down whenever you want and there is plenty of room to figure out so many different ways to sit. Paddling while sitting is more difficult than a kayak though because the board is quite wide and your paddle is long with only the one paddle on the one end...not like a kayak paddle with two ends.


We ended up sitting and battling the current so that when we stood we could kind of use the current. Being upfront...this was a WORKOUT. OMG. But it was really, really fun. The half hour rental time was a perfect amount of time for the SUP. The kayakers were paddling down the length of Chill Island...approaching one of the sheltering barrier land masses and turning around. There's no way I could have done that on the SUP. We just hung out in the area close to the roped access to the beach.


There are life guard stations out in the water somewhat watching over all the rentals and the snorkelers in the sheltered water.


Paddling in that significantly calmer roped access pathway to the beach was so much easier! It let me know that paddling on a lake in calmer weather would be very different. I think I would like it a lot.


It was a great activity. We're working on becoming the more active people that we imagine ourselves to be...so this fell into that doing category for me. I tend to plan. And think. And have troubles with execution...that's what I'm working on in my life right now. Now that I am no longer beholden to a school schedule or DS's schedule...now that my time is more my own again...I'm trying to become the person that I imagine myself to have always been inside. So doing this was another big achievement for me. I was exhausted but super happy.


And hungry. Really ready for some real food.

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3 hours ago, wolfcathorse said:

when DH and I book an interior we request to have the bed separated, it gives you more room. Besides, after being married so long, who said we HAD to sleep together. Spices things up when you can honestly say "my place or yours" :classic_tongue:


I've read that before about the beds. We've been married for over 22 years but we have gone through a lot of separation in recent years...way too much sleeping apart to think about giving it up just yet. Most recently, DH commuted weekly from Winston-Salem to Orlando from early December to late May. We'd get either 2 or 3 nights together every week. Hard sleeping...I'm still not up for sleeping alone yet. LOL...

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We headed over to the nearby Chill Grill to check out the offerings. We decided to find a table first, offload our bag and towels, and tag team the food. There are tables all over…under shade tarps…in the sun. We welcomed the sun at our backs as we were still wet from the paddling. DH and I each fell in once. LOL.


There are multiple self service “islands” with many duplicates to spread the crowd around. Across the backside of the area was the grill area with burgers, hot dogs, and I think, ribs. But the Tacos islands looked GREAT. Walking around you could find corn tortillas, rice, beans, chicken carnitas, pork carnitas, steak carnitas, and flour tortillas. Toppings were at a separate “island” station. 


It was easy enough to pick out a relatively short or non-existent line.


DH made two tacos, a steak and a pork on flour tortillas. I made two pork tacos, a corn tortilla one and a flour tortilla one with some added beans. For all the tortillas…you need to dig down in the pile to find a tortilla that isn’t exposed. I’m sure the napkin surrounds were covering the tortillas earlier in the day but after being open for so many hours…the napkins were just out of the way and the tortillas exposed…so the top tortillas were getting some hard spots.


The steak and chicken carnitas are small cuts. The pork was shredded…which is why I went for the pork.


The topping bar is extensive. Shredded lettuce…beware the ice cubes mixed in with the lettuce shreds. It’s hard to just grab lettuce with no ice…so better to make a pile of lettuce or even a separate plate of toppings and then dress your tacos at the table. Salsa. Pickled jalapeños. Chopped cilantro. Cheese? Sour cream. Guacamole. It all looked really good.


DH and I made ourselves excellent tacos. DH said the steak was as good as the pork. We really enjoyed the tacos.


DH had spied people walking around with ice cream cones. He said it looked like good ice cream…much more creamy than the icier stuff on the ship. Off he went.


There are several ice cream stations on the ends of different beverage stations. Vanilla, Swirl, Chocolate. Each station has an attendant with glove covered hands dispensing whatever flavor you want. DH said it WAS creamy and so much better than the ship ice cream.


I swear it’s the same machine…I can only imagine that it’s the same mix? But seriously, the ice cream on the island was so much better than the ice cream dispensed on the ship.


We went in search of more desserts…and found chocolate chip cookies and what looked like brownies. They LOOK like brownies, but no…NOT brownies. Huge pieces of fudge like chocolate in two layers with some sort of squishy chocolatey layer in the middle. Maybe it was good but I was expecting a cake-like brownie…NOT fudge…so I had a bad reaction to the brownie looking thing. DH agreed that they should be cut to quarter size of what they were and then they would look more like what they are…some sort of fudge like thing. I didn’t like.


We thought it would be nice to have a beer so we went to the nearby Wacky Seagull Bar to see what they had.


Wacky Seagull Bar MENU December 2019
CocoCay Bar MENU December 2019




As expected…all the beers were lagers or pilsners…on the lighter side. Not what we were in the mood for. We continued to wander…checking out the CocoCay Island Market…etc


When we asked ourselves what we really wanted to do at that moment…what did we really feel like? HOT TUB. We meandered our way back to the ship…enjoying the sites.


Seen near the bridge on the Harbor Beach side…my thought was that they would be so hot…



Seen on the other side near the bridge…



Walking over the bridge...someone pointed out a barracuda fish...the thin dark area in this absolutely GORGEOUS water...




Sand sculpture...one of two we saw this day...






Mariner and Navigator...you can see the shuttles that will take you to and from the ships and island.





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Back on ship…


We exchanged our towels for fresh ones…just because we could.


Now let’s all remember…there are TWO elevator banks. You can stay in the first one you see with the hoards of other people that all stop at these first elevators…OR you can walk through that first bank and go around the corner to the other elevator bank which is basically empty.


For real. One other couple joined us…while there were easily 20 people or more in the other elevator lobby…


We went straight to the solarium.


Just like the elevators…the first hot tub was crowded with couples…but the other hot tub had 3 couples.


There are shelves right next to the hot tubs. The shelves are adjustable, but as they are…they form little cubbies where you can stash your stuff and keep an eye on it. Very convenient.


The hot tubs are great. Hot when you get in…but not so hot that you sit there and start sweating. The solarium bar was currently closed. FYI.


We enjoyed a very relaxing soak while DH debated if he wanted to give the Flowrider one last go. There was another afternoon session from 3-5 PM. He ultimately decided that he did…so when we were done just sitting in the hot tub…we headed back to the Flowrider.


It’s opposite world today with a long line for the slides and a relatively short line for the Flowrider…




One last view of CocoCay from above…



This second Flowrider session didn’t go quite as well as DH would hope. The morning session had gone much better. We’re taking it as more motivation for improvement for when we sail on Harmony in February 2020.


It was time to relax with a drink…we headed back to the cabin to change into comfy, dry clothes and grab our second bottle of wine. We opened the wine in the room and headed out in search of glasses and a nice place to sit. We got glasses from the Pool Bar, which were plastic. Searching around for a not too windy, not too loud spot…we ended up on Deck 12 aft again…this time on the Adventure Ocean side. Gorgeous view…but the music from the Sports Deck was a bit louder on this side.


This is where we were for sail away. Mariner left about 15-20 minutes before Navigator.


A lovely time…when the wine was done we decided to go in search of food. I thought the buffet would be open at 5:30 PM like EVERY OTHER restaurant on board…but NO. The buffet would not open until 6:00 PM.


What to do for 30 minutes?


We decided to go check out the gym. 


My Dad is a gym rat. I’m so proud of him. He is about to celebrate his 75th birthday. Before I got married, he decided to get in shape for my wedding and he has maintained his amazing fitness for all these years. About 24 years. He is the biggest inspiration. He has some specific needs for exercise equipment so I thought I would check out the offerings in the gym to document what is there on his behalf. The following post will have TOO MUCH detail for most people. It will be clearly marked…LOL.

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Mariner of the Seas
Fitness Center 
December 2019


I took photos of each strength training machine to record them…but don’t feel it necessary to post them all. But should anyone really want to see a specific machine, I could share. My list will also include whether or not the machine is a single axle machine or double. This may not be the correct term…but the idea is that for certain exercises…bicep curls for instance…you could have a double axle machine that will work each arm independently…or a single axle machine where both arms work the weight in tandem.


There was one…ONE person in the fitness center at 5:30 PM on Sunday, December 1, 2019. 


Pectoral Fly / Rear Deltoid…double

Seated Leg Press…this machine is the kind in my PT therapy where the feet are stationary and the body moves.

Seated Leg Curl…single

Leg extension…single

Seated Row…double

Triceps Press…single

Chest Press…double


We call this the “Flying Machine” in my family…well…it’s similar…








The free weight area…




There are actually two racks of free weights…the heaviest of this type is 75 pounds. The lightest is 5 pounds.




Many smaller hand weights…








Medicine Ball tower…the top weight was 4 pounds. The bottom weight was 10 pounds.



I don’t know what to call this…so picture…



The all purpose cable machines with all sorts of attachments…



Recumbent bikes…4
Never-ending stair machine…1

Seated rowing machine...1

The ever popular window line of treadmills…




Upright bikes…4
Elliptical machines…7


Balls, bands, and mats in the exercise room…



The exercise room…you can see just a couple spinning style bikes…there were a large group of them outside the room.




There was a water fountain in the gym with a sign saying don’t fill your water bottle at the fountain.


Up next...the Ladies Changing Room!

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Mariner of the Seas

Ladies Changing Room

Ladies Locker Room


Steam Room

December 2019


Off the lobby...pretty all sure...are the Mens and Ladies Changing Rooms. Very nice.












This area is also where the sauna and steam rooms are located. 


There was one woman in the locker room...headed into the steam room...I didn't attempt to take photos of those.

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So...I took these menu photos the previous evening...when we showed up at the WJ expecting it to be open. But it was between 9:00 and 10:30 PM. The doors were shut and no one was around. There was a table set up selling specialty dining...and they had all the menus at that table. I thought...this is the perfect opportunity to take menu photos! 


And I did.


Chops MENU

Mariner of the Seas

December 2019








Chops Wine List as seen on a table outside Chops...






Jaime's Italian Dinner Menu

Mariner of the Seas

December 2019




Izumi MENU

Mariner of the Seas

December 2019








I also took a picture of the laminated advertisement for the current on board pricing...




IDK how these photos upload and get embedded and if you can blow them up to read after going through all that processing online...in the event that you can't...the flyer says:


CHOPS GRILL +1...$65 pp

Unlimited Dining Package...$29 pp/pd


All packages include wine discounts:

40% off Bottles Under $100 and 20% off Bottles over $100

An 18% gratuity will automatically be added to guest's check.


Terms and Conditions:

Prices are per person for the full sailing. All selections are subject to change. Royal Caribbean International reserves the right to verify eligibility upon arrival to the activity. Specialty Dining Packages may not be available for every sail date. All reservation are subject to availability. Packages include food portion only for dinner and, when available, lunch service. For restaurants with a la carte pricing, you'll receive a $35 food credit. Beverage not included. For Dining Packages, it is not required that children 12 and under purchase this product. Children ages 0-5 dine for free and children ages 6-12 will be charged a $10 cover at the restaurant. Not available on holiday sailings. Not valid for Chef's Table, or Culinary Experiences / Activities. Purchase of dining packages provides 40% discount off bottles of wine priced at $100 or less; 20% discount off bottles of wine priced over $100 while dining in Specialty Restaurants. Wine discount valid only with the purchase Chops +1, 3-night, 5-night, or Unlimited Dining Packages; other Dining Packages excluded. Terms of Royal Caribbean's Alcohol Policy apply, including a minimum drinking age, which varies by itinerary. Offer is not transferable, not redeemable for cash, and expires on the final night of the cruise. VAT will be added to the price where applicable. Terms of Dining Packages apply.

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  • 1 month later...
On 12/10/2019 at 11:39 AM, sun_lovin!1 said:

Were you able to get the compasses posted? I'm having a little trouble with the sit and the images today 😣


So sorry! I'll aim to get the compasses loaded before this weekend. 


15 hours ago, lstockford said:

Did you go to any of the shows or take advantage of any other entertainment options??


We didn't go to any shows. Not sure what other entertainment options you might be referring to? 

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23 hours ago, Anita Latte said:

I don't see evening activities on Days 2 and 3. Is there another page? 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/2/2019 at 3:39 PM, Anita Latte said:


Thank you so very much for posting all of the BAR menus.  Much appreciated. 


A note about the Schooner Bar...


It stank of cigarette smoke from the casino next door. It was not pleasant.


We continued our explore of the ship by walking through the casino...where there were 3-4 people smoking. The casino was closed.


We did not venture back to the Schooner Bar for the remainder of the cruise...no idea how the smoke affected the bar at other times.


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  • 4 months later...

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