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kids and formal night on Jewel

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My kids are 5 (ds) and 7 (dd). I read somewhere that on the formal nights that kids club will sometimes take them for pizza. Is this true? Also for a 5 year old, is nice pants and a button down shirt enough? or should i buy him one of those "clip on" ties? Girls are so much easier to deal with , i.e. dresses. (DD has a couple of really nice ones and they are easier to buy).


Another reason I would prefer them eating with other kids is that I really want to enjoy my formal meal, at least one night. We are only sharing a table with family.


OK, lets the criticism and attacks begin that usually happen on this board. (i.e. how could I not spurge for a suit that my son will only wear once since I could afford a cruise. Why I would not want to eat with my kids on formal night, etc) :).


But seriously, are there other options on formal nights for the kids like I had read?

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What are the dress codes onboard?


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What are the dress codes onboard?

There are three distinct types of evenings onboard: casual, smart casual and formal. Suggested guidelines for these nights are:


Casual: Sport shirts and slacks for men, sundresses or pants for women

Smart Casual: Jackets and ties for men, dresses or pantsuits for women

Formal: Suits and ties or tuxedos for men, cocktail dresses for women


3 to 4-night cruises include one formal night and the remainder are casual nights.

5 – night cruises include one formal and the remainder casual nights.

6 – night cruises include two formal nights, one smart casual and the remainder are casual nights .

7 to 9-night cruises include two formal nights, one smart casual night and the remainder nights are casual nights.

10 to13-night cruises include two formal nights and two smart casual nights, and the remainder are casual nights.

14+ -night cruises include three formal nights and four smart casual nights and the remainder are casual nights.


We appreciate your usual parental guidance and cooperation in observing these easy guidelines with your children.

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Hey, Ohunion, do you keep this stored so you can just right click and paste it any time someone types a question about clothing? One would think you would have better things to do, but apparently not.:eek:

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Hey, Ohunion, do you keep this stored so you can just right click and paste it any time someone types a question about clothing? One would think you would have better things to do, but apparently not.:eek:


I also noticed that KelJ. If you go to his posts you will see how many times he posted it, lol, its really funny.

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What are the dress codes onboard?



Casual: Sport shirts and slacks for men, sundresses or pants for women

Smart Casual: Jackets and ties for men, dresses or pantsuits for women

Formal: Suits and ties or tuxedos for men, cocktail dresses for women


Hey Ohunion - Lighten up, it says men and women...not males and females...therefore one could imply the boys and girls are not included. Besides, her children are not coming the dining room. Her question asked if there were other things for the kids to do that night since she didn't want them to come to the dining room and buy a new outfit for one night (understandable by the way). Her question shows that she obviously respects the dress code or she wouldn't be asking about options.


Hey Sandy - Personally, I think a little boy looks really cute in a tuxedo. :) But considering the age of your children you should be able to arrange something else for them to do. Just have fun!

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My kids are 5 (ds) and 7 (dd). I read somewhere that on the formal nights that kids club will sometimes take them for pizza. Is this true? Also for a 5 year old, is nice pants and a button down shirt enough? or should i buy him one of those "clip on" ties? Girls are so much easier to deal with , i.e. dresses. (DD has a couple of really nice ones and they are easier to buy).


Another reason I would prefer them eating with other kids is that I really want to enjoy my formal meal, at least one night. We are only sharing a table with family.


OK, lets the criticism and attacks begin that usually happen on this board. (i.e. how could I not spurge for a suit that my son will only wear once since I could afford a cruise. Why I would not want to eat with my kids on formal night, etc) :).


But seriously, are there other options on formal nights for the kids like I had read?


I think for kids that are going to grow out of nice clothing quickly, nice clothes is all that is expected ...


There are three distinct types of evenings onboard: casual, smart casual and formal. Suggested guidelines for these nights are:

Casual: Sport shirts and slacks for men, sundresses or pants for women, jeans are okay

Smart Casual: Jackets and ties for men, dresses or pantsuits for women, no jeans

Formal: Suits and ties or tuxedos for men, cocktail dresses for women, nice clean clothing for the little ones


If you want to get an inexpensive nice looking clip on tie, and if you son will wear it, that would be nice, but not necessary.


I see nothing wrong with sending the kids off to enjoy themselves while you enjoy yourself on formal nights. Most likely both you and the kids will enjoy it more. However, keep them around long enough to pose for a few pictures with you.


Another option is, if there is someone who is willing to act as a babysitter (and you trust this person) then send the kids with him/her/them.

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Hey Ohunion - Lighten up, it says men and women...not males and females...therefore one could imply the boys and girls are not included. Besides, her children are not coming the dining room. Her question asked if there were other things for the kids to do that night since she didn't want them to come to the dining room and buy a new outfit for one night (understandable by the way). Her question shows that she obviously respects the dress code or she wouldn't be asking about options.


Hey Sandy - Personally, I think a little boy looks really cute in a tuxedo. :) But considering the age of your children you should be able to arrange something else for them to do. Just have fun!


Have you read the entire RCI suggestion?


It also says:


We appreciate your usual parental guidance and cooperation in observing these easy guidelines with your children.


Go ahead, click the link. You'll find most of the answers to most of your questions on RCI's web site. And they have a handy search engine, that works rather well....you just need to enter the correct search word.

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Go ahead flame me... BUT - dang it's formal night and children are people too... What an opportunity to teach your children how to dress, behave, order properly from the menu, use the proper utensils.... etc... Don't forget the photo ops...


When we cruise one of the things my beautiful daughter looks most forward to is dressing to the "nines" for formal night. We shop at home for dresses and make that "our time". We keep our dresses "secret" to surprise "dad", he loves nothing more than putting on his tux and as he puts it, having his two angels on his arm...


Friends we cruise with have two young sons - they have had wonderful luck at a "2nd time around" shop getting little tuxes for the boys. Another option is to go to a rental place at home - often times they sell used tuxes cheap - and for children - really cheap!


After dinner we always take in the show - all dressed up - then after the show perhaps a few spins around the dance floor - with daughter of couse, then nightcaps together as a family. What a wonderful opportunity to teach the little ones...

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Not everyone can afford to buy expensive clothing for their children knowning that the kids will grow out of before they have a chance to wear it a second time.


Meanwhile, on the ship the RCI web site's "suggested" wear is treated as just that, a suggestion. It is not treated as a rule. So, having the children dressed nicely in good looking clean clothing is fine.


If the kids enjoy getting dressed up, and if the parents can afford to buy the kids formal wear, great. However, there is no reason for anyone, child or adult, to miss out on dinner simply because they cannot afford formal wear. The cruise ship staff will not ask anyone to leave just because they do not have "formal" clothing on. Anyone in nice clean clothing is welcomed by the cruise ship staff in the dining room. I would hope that the rest of the passengers would follow the example of the cruise ship staff and make everyone feel welcome to attend every meal, regardless of how much each person has to spend on clothing.

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Not everyone can afford to buy expensive clothing for their children knowning that the kids will grow out of before they have a chance to wear it a second time.


Meanwhile, on the ship the RCI web site's "suggested" wear is treated as just that, a suggestion. It is not treated as a rule. So, having the children dressed nicely in good looking clean clothing is fine.


If the kids enjoy getting dressed up, and if the parents can afford to buy the kids formal wear, great. However, there is no reason for anyone, child or adult, to miss out on dinner simply because they cannot afford formal wear. The cruise ship staff will not ask anyone to leave just because they do not have "formal" clothing on. Anyone in nice clean clothing is welcomed by the cruise ship staff in the dining room. I would hope that the rest of the passengers would follow the example of the cruise ship staff and make everyone feel welcome to attend every meal, regardless of how much each person has to spend on clothing.


Next time your boss "suggests" you do a task at work, click on the stop watch and see how long it takes until you begin that task. Then tell us what the meaning of "suggest" is.


And if one cannot afford the requested clothing and accessories, then one probably should not be spending money on a cruise.

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Yes Adventure Ocean will take the kids for Pizza or Johnny Rockets (depending on your ship) on formal night. I bought the boys clothes and as so excited about formal night. My oldest fell asleep in his seat at dinner! I am not kidding. He was even snorign softly. The next formal night we sent them for pizza, they loved it.


You are the parent and you need to decide what's important to you. I do understand why someone may not wish to invest in a suit for a boy who is only going to grow out of it. I bought a size 8, too big by a little, suit for Gene-Gene for formal night in October and he put it on for his Great Grandmothers Funeral last week and it was too small! I have told them to stop growing but they refuse to listen.


We solved this by putting Steven (who usually grows faster) in nice pants, a dress shirt and a tie (I think I paid a total of $20.00 for all of it at Marshall's). This worked well for him. Mr. "I Need a Suit Mom" got his suit but it was still only around $50.00.


Formal night? Steven loved it, Gene-Gene was not that into it and they both loved to eat with their new friends. A kid like I was would really get into it. I loved playing "adult" but it's not for all kids. You are the parent and know your kids best.

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:p I think our friend Ohio needs to cruise a bit more often so he can loosen up


But in all seriousness, I know I am disappointed when adults do not follow the guidelines, but children.. well I would be more likely to give on that one!!


I am cruising with my 9 year old in April and will have him dressed appropriately- I am fortunate that I have the means to not only have him travel and see other places, but also buy him clothing he may not wear again- If it came down to not cruising and giving my child the opportunity to see the world simply becuase I had to choose between that and having to spend additional money on "proper attire", I would cruise and not worry about the clothes. It is about enriching experiences and broadening childrens horizons. Shame on anyone who feels that the clothing trumps that opportunity. I appluad parents doing the best they can to give their children these experiences even when it may mean stretching the budget.


Most of all, if I would be more concerned with parents managing their childrens behavior than how they dress them- A misbehaving, undisciplined child dressed in a tux would be far more offensive to me than a well behaved child in chinos!!!


But, Ohio is entitled to his opinion, as we all are... that is what makes America so great!

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:p I think our friend Ohio needs to cruise a bit more often so he can loosen up


... A misbehaving, undisciplined child dressed in a tux would be far more offensive to me than a well behaved child in chinos!!!


I agree with you WineDown17 and many others of you

...manners are more important than clothing :) . But learning to dress appropriate to the situation is also a part of manners, which is why the OP was probably asking about alternative activities for her kids if they decide not to dress up.

...I think it's a great opportunity to be exposed to "fine dining" and learn some etiquette. It's always a great time watching a child eat their first escargot;)

...The kids looks so cute all dressed up...remember when people used to dress up in their Sunday best? Just look at what people where to church these days? :eek:

...There will probably be more adults inappropriately dressed than kids :eek:


But let's remember:

...Not wanting to buy clothes that someone will grow out of quickly is not a reflection of wealth or lack thereof.

...The OP was asking about other options for that night so that her kids didn't have to come to the main dining room and even then she was planning on dressing them up somewhat. Quoting the dress code does not answer her original questions.

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My guys all love ALL the dining room dinners, from smart casual to formal. They wear khakis, not jeans, to the casual evenings, with button up shirts, and suits at the formal dinner. But they are in their teens.


As far as children learning to dress appropriately etc., I think the OP could bring her little ones to the casual nights, dressed appropriately, and they would learn a lot about dining in a nice restaurant. Then, on formal night, when she would like to have a "grown-ups's night out" from the sound of it, they could enjoy the pizza or whatever....


win-win-win - what cruising is all about!

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Next time your boss "suggests" you do a task at work, click on the stop watch and see how long it takes until you begin that task. Then tell us what the meaning of "suggest" is.


And if one cannot afford the requested clothing and accessories, then one probably should not be spending money on a cruise.

My boss treats me as a professional. I have to balance his requests against other demands on my time, and he understands that. Sometimes his requests do not get completed for hours. But they do get done, and that is what he expects.


My dictionary defines suggest as "to propose as a possibliity." This is how the ship's staff handles the dress code. A suggestion is not a rule. Following a suggestion is optional.


A cruise is not a job for the passengers. A suggestion that someone be excluded from cruising simply because they cannot afford formal clothing that is only worn once or twice a year is elitist. Not everyone is as rich as you. I would hope that others would judge people by their character, not the clothing they can afford.


When a member of the cruise ship staff suggests a particular meal, or a particular shore excursion, or a particular item to buy, do you buy it? You can choose to follow the cruise ship's staff's suggestion or not. It is your option. The suggestion is not coming from the passenger's boss. The passenger has the option to follow the suggestion or reject it.


Now lets look at the muster drill. When the ship's staff tells you to go to your muster station, it is not a suggestion. It is a command that must be followed.


If you have been on a cruise lately you would see that people are warmly welcomed into the dining room by the cruise ship staff even if they do not meet the letter of the suggested/optional guidlines. A suggested dress code is something that a passenger has the option to follow, or reject. There are items in the dress code which are not suggestions, they are requirements, and they are stated as such. Shorts and bathings suits in the dining room are examples. It is not suggested that you do not wear shorts or a bathing suit in the dining room. Not wearing shorts or a bathing suit is a rule, and clearly stated as such.


The bottom line is the dress code on RCI's web site is clearly stated as a suggested dress code, one that the passenger has the option to follow or reject. No one should be denied access to the dining room just because they are not rich. Fortunately the cruise ship staff is very understanding in this regard.

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BRAVO!! Very nicely said.


And the I hope the OP will do what she feels most comfortable with and what she feels is best for her situation... Lots of good points and suggestions...


Wishing you an amazing cruise for you and your family Sandy!!

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Cuizer2.......The best answer I have read regarding suggested dress. Now if possible, this should be posted every time ohunion does his thing, you know, like everytime the suggested dress is posted, follow up with your post. Is that possible? I think that would be appropriate and would love to see it done.

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If you decide NOT to take them to the dining room on formal night:


The kids' club will probably feed them at some point on that night; your daily announcement sheet will be very clear on this point. If the information isn't forthcoming, you can drop by the kids' club earlier in the day to ask. If they will not be eating at a time that fits into your dinner schedule, you can order them room service while you're dressing for dinner, or your husband can take them to the buffet while you take your time dressing.


If you decide TO TAKE THEM to the dining room on formal night -- and I know this isn't what you asked about:


They should be dressed appropriately. I agree this is easier for little girls, but with a little effort you can find a once-used jacket for your son. It'll be a great photo op.

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Formal: Suits and ties or tuxedos for men, cocktail dresses for women



Ohunion, as mentioned by another poster on another thread where you went on ad nauseum re. this, you are therefore stating that llittle girls are supposed to wear cocktail dresses??? Come on, lighten up. These are kids.


To the OP: a nice outfit that they would wear to church or a wedding would be quite appropriate.


Have a great cruise!

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Ohunion, as mentioned by another poster on another thread where you went on ad nauseum re. this, you are therefore stating that llittle girls are supposed to wear cocktail dresses??? Come on, lighten up. These are kids.


To the OP: a nice outfit that they would wear to church or a wedding would be quite appropriate.


Have a great cruise!


This is RCI's rule, not mine, as you implied "you are therefore stating" .


As long as people keep asking the same question, I will post the same answer:


What are the dress codes onboard?


Just click the link…..




And you’ll find…..


What are the dress codes onboard?

There are three distinct types of evenings onboard: casual, smart casual and formal. Suggested guidelines for these nights are:


Casual: Sport shirts and slacks for men, sundresses or pants for women

Smart Casual: Jackets and ties for men, dresses or pantsuits for women

Formal: Suits and ties or tuxedos for men, cocktail dresses for women


3 to 4-night cruises include one formal night and the remainder are casual nights.

5 – night cruises include one formal and the remainder casual nights.

6 – night cruises include two formal nights, one smart casual and the remainder are casual nights .

7 to 9-night cruises include two formal nights, one smart casual night and the remainder nights are casual nights.

10 to13-night cruises include two formal nights and two smart casual nights, and the remainder are casual nights.

14+ -night cruises include three formal nights and four smart casual nights and the remainder are casual nights.


We appreciate your usual parental guidance and cooperation in observing these easy guidelines with your children.

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First use of ignore list - I really don't need to read the posts of someone whose only ability it to cut and paste.


Made this thread much more enjoyable to read!


I agree - 5 year old girls in cocktail dresses!!! Give me a break!

As much as I love dressing up for formal night, and enforce the dress code with my young men, I can see how silly it would be to buy a suit for a 5 year-old boy that would be worn one time only. A nice pair of slacks and a nice shirt, with a clip-on tie, if possible, would be fine, IMO.


But the OP (remember the OP?) mostly wanted to know if her little ones would have a good option if she wanted a grown-up formal night. I think her question has been answered very well by a number of good folks on this board.

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This is RCI's rule, not mine, as you implied "you are therefore stating" .


It is not a rule, it is a suggestion ...


Suggested guidelines for these nights are:

Casual: Sport shirts and slacks for men, sundresses or pants for women, jeans are okay

Smart Casual: Jackets and ties for men, dresses or pantsuits for women, no jeans please

Formal: Suits and ties or tuxedos for men, cocktail dresses for women, nice clean clothes for the littles is fine

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First use of ignore list - I really don't need to read the posts of someone whose only ability it to cut and paste.


Made this thread much more enjoyable to read!


mheeren, thanks for the great suggestion! I have also done the "ignore"!!!!!

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