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Those that cruise with panic/ anxiety problems.


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Thought I'd stop lurking and post....I too suffer from panic attacks. I've been having them more regularly of late, usually when traveling to/from work (they are very transportation-based if that makes any sense). I was okay for a couple of years, but their back...ughh. Interestingly, I've never had one while cruising, although I'm not the biggest fan of flying. I know those of us with panic attacks are not all the same, but I find being on a cruise ship very freeing. It feels kind of like the last place I'd have one. What I do need to watch out for are some of the shore excursion activities. You'll never find me on a speed boat or traveling on a zip line:eek: . My body just seems to work better at a slower speed. I thought snorkeling would be out, but I can do that without a problem as well. I'm not sure, but maybe the open air and relaxed mode just help me feel great while cruising. You might just find this to be the case for you as well. ;)


Your variety is VERY interesting.....I wonder if it's related to WHERE you're going, not WHAT you're going in? It doesn't seem to be claustrophobia-based, either, like small spaces, being enclosed.


Really interesting. The two that I have had in my life were at times of HIGH, HIGH stress, and definitely were claustrophobic. I think I can see the "liberating" feeling of the cruise ship, because you can't get any more out in the open than up on top of a cruise ship in the middle of the ocean!


Glad you posted....good food for thought.

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Thought I'd stop lurking and post....I too suffer from panic attacks. I've been having them more regularly of late, usually when traveling to/from work (they are very transportation-based if that makes any sense). I was okay for a couple of years, but their back...ughh. Interestingly, I've never had one while cruising, although I'm not the biggest fan of flying. I know those of us with panic attacks are not all the same, but I find being on a cruise ship very freeing. It feels kind of like the last place I'd have one. What I do need to watch out for are some of the shore excursion activities. You'll never find me on a speed boat or traveling on a zip line:eek: . My body just seems to work better at a slower speed. I thought snorkeling would be out, but I can do that without a problem as well. I'm not sure, but maybe the open air and relaxed mode just help me feel great while cruising. You might just find this to be the case for you as well. ;)


My experiences wiht panic attacks has been transportation based, due to the fact you are not in control out side of driving the car. Being stuck in traffic, trying to get a travel lane etc. I myself is not a big fan of flying either (since 911 lost 2 FDNY Firefighter Friends) but I do it to challange myself. I also love the feeling of being out on the ocean and being on the cruuseship is such a release to me.


Anxiety/Panic is treated yearly by over 25,000,000 people in this country. That number is the actual people seeking treatment for it, does not include the people who have it and do not get help for it. So it's a huge medical condtion that unfortunatley is becoming more frequent and I would guess to do today's life styles. Think about it, we rely on so much fast paced technology, cell phones, texts, computers, pagers, WiFI. Plus life itself is such fast paced as well without the technolgy.


Stress, yes definetly a "trigger" for panic attacks. Especially if you hav only had 1 or 2 attacks then you are put under some extreme stress and whamo, it hits. It's good to talk about it and be relieved that you are FAR from alone in this.

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Hello everyone,

Im so glad to see people posting on this!


nw2this~ I want to make a suggestion about the table, if you have a lot of people at your table and you are feeling uncomfortable, just tell them you have some anxiety and your sorry if you seem distant. They will understand. I learned over the years in certain situations where I have felt really uncomfortable I let someone know how I am feeling and it really helps. Most people are kind and compassionate and will be helpful. Its kind of a relief to just let people know.


I have a hard time traveling. Never been on a plane, or ship, until this coming August (ship only) but I have a hard time in the car, where there is traffic, etc. I can drive, but anything over about 45 minutes away freaks me out, riding or driving. I either don't go or I stress out big time and give myself a really bad stomach ache then spend all day in the little girls room worrying about the road trip. Or I take a Xanex. It usually helps me to relax but I don't take it until an hour before Im leaving and I stress out the whole time before.


I hope that I feel free and enjoy being on the ship like some of you have said. Im trying really hard to keep a postivie attitude towards my cruise. My first step to getting over this fear was to actually book my room I suppose. I know I need to start living my life, one small step at a time =} My biggest dilema right now is looking for a stupid dress! lol. Of course Im stressing over that, how silly!



Larry thankyou for the website info. I will check that out.


Those of you that are anxiety prone, is anyone also obsessive/compulsive? I was wondering if these to traits go together. My poor husband, he just ignors all the silly stuff I do now. I guess he is used to my behaviors! haha.


Thanks for listening and replying all!



Sailing Monarch 8-7-06

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Now I found you on another thread when I have already posted to you about the dresses! Wow! I am also from So. Cal, also spend alot of time worrying about cruise ship clothes and also have GAD with panic attacks. I have always been a bit high strung and nervous but after my Mom was diagnosed with cancer twice in a year and a half my anxiety went through the roof and I started having panic attacks. It has been a few years and I am much better now.

Basically for me it is a combination of taking medication(valium) early enough and frequently enough and also breathing deeply and listening to my music on my ipod. I have found the cruise ships to be one of the most relaxing places I have ever been. As many people suggested we do book a balconys for that open space feeling and that sense of freedom. I also am careful about the excursions I book and we usually do things on our own rather then with a groups so I can feel that sense of control.

I am not really the type to worry about the ship sinking or terrorism but like many of my fellow anxiety sufferers I do worry about germs. I found that wiping down the cabin with antibacterial wipes when we arrived really calmed me down and I just try to keep my hands clean.

Try not to sweat the small stuff. Nobody really notices anybody in terms of clothing or behavior unless they are totally outlandishly dressed or acting like a drunk fool. I think you will love this and find the environment to be soothing and very controlled. I have never slept better in my life then on a cruise ship!!


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CNR1STCRUISE -- Thank you for this post. There is certainly a lot of valuable information here which will help a lot of people.


I too have suffered from panic attacks (on and off for 18 years); never medicated but have used breathing techniques to get through. I'm certainly not one for flying, but cruising I love it!!!! I live outside Philadelphia PA so I'm very happy that NY, Philly and a few NJ ports offer commercial cruises. One day I'll get back on a plane as I haven't flown since 1998 (business trip, quit that job ... lol).


My worst "cruise" panic attack was on my October 2003 cruise. I was quite nervous at our first night dinner. Not really sure what brought it on. But, my wonderful husband could see my fear and talked me through it. And, once I realized that not one other passenger nor cruise employee were in any way frazzled, I was able to, along with breathing techniques get through it. Otherwise, I would have been running out the dining room doors. I kept that evening, my drinks to a minimum as my hubby certainly didn't need a paranoid drunk on his hands.


But with my other two cruises (1993 and 2006) ... no one problems. Cruises are great! I would recommended them to anyone. It is the greatest way to travel.


We hope you enjoy your time. And, look forward to hearing back from you all the wonderful things you experienced.

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Hi Oceanal~ I did see your post on the cruise fashion page. Thanks! Its so hard to decide on things!


Where about in so Cal are you? If you don't mind me asking. I live in the High desert.


Im very sorry to hear about your mom, that would make anyone have anxiety. I know that mine got worse after I had my kids.


Im so excited to hear from you all, including you jam810 about cruise ships making people so comfortable, and helping to relax.


I have already told hubby that I do not want to do group things, I too like to be in charge of what Im doing. I would never ride a tour bus! I get nervous thinking about that. I have my good days where Im really excited about the cruise and then some days I think I just can't do it. More positive than negative though. :o Im trying! =} The breathing does help and I am such a fan of good music. I like nice mellow music when Im stressing. It really does relax. I need to steal the ipod from my husband.


thanks to everyone I am really looking forward to the cruise. Im sure I will find the right dress, for formal night and all the other little stuff will come together when it is time. I still have 5 months! Why don't some of you go on my cruise with me???? hehehhehe.



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someone else recommended EMDR therapy. I strongly recommend looking into it. I have a girlfriend who had bad anxiety disorder and since going for EMDR, has been anxiety free. One doesn't have to have had a major trauma for it to work.

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We live in a small town called Chino Hills. It is North of Anaheim, South of Pomona. What town do you live in?

Do the family members you are traveling with (in-laws etc)know about your situation? I know for me that was one of the toughest things I had to do...tell people about the problem. When I did I found it actually made things easier. Years later my MIL started suffering from anxiety and IBS and I was able to understand and help her out a bit.

I would also suggest counseling if you can do it. It has been wonderful for me. Do your kids suffer at all? I am definitely seeing the beginnings with my son and it is heartbreaking. This stuff is quite genetic in nature. Anyway...try to keep up the positive thoughts. It truly is a soothing vacation!


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ATA~ What is EMDR? I can't think this morning.


Oceanal~ I lived in Chino when I was little! I don't know if Chino Hills was there then or if it was all just Chino. I know I went to Newman elementary =}


I live up by Victorville. Off the 15.


Most of my family knows about my problems and I finally told my girlfriends. They all understand but get discouraged when I don't participate in things. For example, it is very hard for me to go "down the hill" to go shopping or anything. Im not sure how Im going to feel driving to Long Beach =}


I have noticed both my girls at different times show signs of anxiety like behavior. (Ages 6 & 8) I had it when I was little but never had a name put to it until after my kids were born and I got worse, then my MIL was able to tell me what my problem was and I have been dealing ever since.


I have an e-mail you could reach me at its from my website, not sure If I can post my site here so I will give you the e-mail if you are intersted in chatting about our "issues"!


It is customerservice@chicksrocksngifts.com In fact, My mom and I go around to different craft shows and we were going to do one in Highland this weekend but I just couldn't go "down below". I was freaked out about driving there, thinking I wold be sick on the way. So we canceled. That is my biggest issue, afraid to drive places that are an hour away for fear of having my stomach upset and not feeling in control.


Cindy =}

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I have anxiety and panic as well, and found it fairly easy to tailor our first cruise around it. Meds are key, obviously. ;) I should note that I'm not claustrophobic; my panic sets in when closed in with people. So I remember being so worried about how many people are on a ship.


It ended up that the ship was so large, larger than I could have ever imagined, that most of the time you could forget that there were so many other people. If lines on the Lido got choking, there was room service. The dining room could be avoided. Taking a private tour will minimize the number of people you're jammed onto a boat/bus with. Lining up for tendering and muster etc. were unnerving, but short enough to be bearable. I'm also a night owl, so was able to wander around the ship late at night and enjoy the open spaces without so much noise and clatter. And I skipped all the social activities; I have a terrible time with meeting new people and get nauseous at the thought. And yet, had an absolutely awesome time. :D I plan on taking these same measures when we next sail, and feel confident they'll work as well.

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Misfit~ Thankyou for sharing your way of dealing with anxiety, and for the ideas of the private tours, avoiding the dining room etc. Its funny but now that I think of it I think that anyone who suffers from anxiety, feels the same as the next sufferor, but I think we all suffer from different fears. I actually am very social and really enjoy meeting and talking to people, of course I have to feel the situation out first but once comfortable I talk a lot =} You, on the other hand seem to not like that. I just find it interesting, all the different fears. I do however understand how that makes you feel to be in a social situation, Im sure its similar to how I feel when driving to certain places. I feel sick and not in control and like Im just going to lose it! So Im thinking I will be fine once I get on the boat, I just got to get there in one piece!


I said it on an earlier post but I really think there should be a cruise for anxiety/ panic sufferors! Maybe it would help some of us, knowing everyone feels the same. We could all overcome our fears at the same time. :o




This is been bothering me, my sign in name says cnr1stcruise. It looks like "sinnner" 1stcruise! lol. I have to say it stands for Cindy ~n~ Rick =}

Ok, I feel better now!

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I have to say that Cognetive Behavior Therapy has worked for me in the past. It makes you realize your feals and teaches you on how to deal and challenge your fears.The fight or flight syndrome is worked on as well. Of course it is easier to flee than fight and find your comfort, safety zone. Believe me at times I would rather flee then "stay" and flight, but I have to honestly say you can overcome some of your fears and realize that panic will not make you die, freak out, go insane etc. I work on challenging the things that I do not feel comfortable with. Good luck to all and all have a wonderful cruise now and in the future.



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Several years ago, my DH was diagnosed with severe Panic Disorder and Social Anxiety, which over time has also brought on Agoraphobia (fear to leave the house) ..... We're going on our 3rd cruise in May! We've been through all the medications, all the cognative therapy, group sessions, etc. etc. etc. Some help, some don't - I'm sure for every case out there it's a different combination. The bottom line is that, while he has his good days and bad days prior to our cruises, he doesn't let it stop him. A big part of it for him is the "safety" of our room. Especially on a ship - more so than any other kind of vacation - he's never very far from the "safety zone". With the social anxiety, traditional dining is not an option for us, but with so many different dining options available now, it's never been the slightest problem - all ships have tables for 2 if you look hard enough or are willing to wait a few minutes for a table to clear. He's said that now his outlook is "What's the worst that can happen?" He knows his attacks only last 20 - 30 minutes, and then it's over.


As for flying to whatever port the cruise leaves from, we know from experience that a direct flight is best. (It relieves the anxiety of being stuck "somewhere in between".) We are fortunate, living in Denver, that 2 airlines are based or hubbed here, so getting direct flights almost anywhere is pretty easy (even if we have to pay a few dollars more for the convenience).


So, try some of the tricks and tips suggested here by other posters, and enjoy your cruise! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was just wondering if there was anyone out there that suffers with panic/anxiety that goes on cruises? This will be my first cruise in summer and I do and have suffered in the past with panic and anxiety. Im excited about my trip, but some days I feel like I can't go through with it, like Im just gonna freak! Im trying not to read about stuff like the viruses and other negative stuff, but Im human and Its like a train wreck, I look at the boards with my hands covering my eyes, peeking out the little hole! So I was just wondering If I was alone or not:eek:

I don't have a panic/anxiety disorder so I can't answer to that, but I would like you to know that I have been cruising since I was 19 and I am now 50-something (okay, what the heck, I'm 59). I have cruised all over the world and have never, ever, had any kind of problem on a cruise other then once in a great while I will get a little queasy if we hit rough water. Please do not let the things you hear on the news upset you. We have fires, rapes and deaths every day on land. Think of the thousands of cruises every year and how few times you ever hear about any troubles on them. I truly believe I'm safer on a cruise then here on land!

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Whoo whooo....(((huggs))) to everyone ..great support


I also am the anxious/worry wort type.. I am not claustrophobic or agoraphobic...but I have more "situational" anxiety I think ???

I tend to worry, to think i will be late, to not enjoy things for worrying about them (chicken little ??)


I have been on a couple cruises and loved them, did fine


I do try to plan stuff ahead (tee hee) and I have learned that for ME

sometimes "less is more"....now I plan but I do NOT overplan


I have been reading some of these cruise reviews, and love them, but when i read what some people "accomplish" on shore excursions, doing like 2 private tours and shopping and more, running to get on ship ...THAT makes me nervous


My first cruise , with my ex, we went on a 'private tour" on St Croix, yeah when ships were going there...and I really felt nervous, hot in the old car, bumping along, felt pressured and yuck


then...St Thomas?? Yes, taking the ferry to St John is beautiful, st John is beautiful but i felt like we were going to miss the ship, the "logistics' and time and pressure really made ME not enjoy that beautiful beach :(


NOW<<< I ONLY do as much "port" as I want...I dont try to "do it all"

I also do what I enjoy...get a massage or a pedicure, lay out and read a book, sit and look at the ocean, talk to people, sit in the hot tub


I also like to order room service on port days, that way I get a nice start,

and do not have to worry about variable at the buffet, ie timing/lines

and I do NOT try to cram everything into one day too much


For instance>>> I am going to Jamaica, and I kept reading about the hassle whe you leave the falls, the vendors?? so ...I booked the little sundancer to the falls, sail to the beach, do the falls,AVOID the nervous hassle, go back on the sundancer and have music and rum punch, back to the island village, shop , get on ship in PLENTY time !


I think you have to set your own pace and you will do fine...on cruise I love to find a quiet spot and look out at the horizon and have a coffee or something..just relax...SO relaxing !


I dont let chair hogs bother me cause i dont want that "first row"> I think most ships have some quieter areas/spots


Sometimes it is hard, with a DH or SO ..and kids too...trying to do what everyone wants you to do


but...IF you really do get nervous, you might want to try to get them to "slow down", take time for yourself


remember you can sort of "set your own pace" ...just cause there are a gazillion people doing a gazillion things, you can do your own thing too


I don't ever want the anxiety of being in traffic in a crazy old cab trying to get back to the ship haha, rushing rushing....so I plan accordingly



Happy ...and relaxing...cruises to all of us !!

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been there...didnt know i had this problem, and it doesnt happen alot but i have learned to control it when it happens. a few yrs ago, i had to fly from freeport to fll on a tiny island hopper...i ahd the window seat...ummm....i will trade for an asile...nope...i thought i was gonna freak out!! no air!! my heart was pounding.... OMG!!! stop it it old myself...of course there is air....everywhere there is plenty of air!!!! i closed my eyes and started to breathe in thru thenose and out thru the mouth....keep your eyes closed!!! after a few mintues of this...i was fine...now i know i can do that and not start screaming, cuz that is how i felt!! my cruise out of new orleans..i looked upa t this huge ship and thought no way!!!! what??? there is all kinds of air on this ship!!! we had an outside cabin...it was great!!!!! we cruise every yr now..get this one...last yr i had an inside cabin!!!! at first it was AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, ok...i opened the door and stuck the door jam thing under it u know air issue.....i laid on the bed, the most comfortable bed about 10 minutes and just breathed in andout very slow...i,m fine!!!! close those eyes, seems like our eyes tell our brains yikes!!!! oh, by the wya...there is plenty of air and lots of fun to be had!!!! go get em!! cindy

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I have been on 15 cruises and an October 2006 cruise is paid for.


My opinion is that persons subject to panic attacks or who suffer from anxiety should not go on cruises. There are all kinds of other vacation and travel opportunities for you that do not involve the risks/rewards of cruising. On a cruise ship you give up a certain sense of space and accordingly persons who need a certain amount of space at all times should not go on cruise ships.


Hope that this helps,



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i love cruising, best thing i ever did!! it is how one learns to deal with any problem is the solution..cant swim if u dont get in the water. it can be overcome as with many things, it is how one maintains themselves and understands what happens, it just happens all of a sudden, but if u know how to handle it....no problem..an inhaler helps to at first. i did a submarine several yrs ago in the bahamas,,,,gotta try... it had an upper thing that stayed out of the water..whew..but i did it and i did go up after awhle. and know what else??? i can dive too...gotta have the guts to go in......

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I have been on 15 cruises and an October 2006 cruise is paid for.


My opinion is that persons subject to panic attacks or who suffer from anxiety should not go on cruises. There are all kinds of other vacation and travel opportunities for you that do not involve the risks/rewards of cruising. On a cruise ship you give up a certain sense of space and accordingly persons who need a certain amount of space at all times should not go on cruise ships.


Hope that this helps,




Fred, With all do respect I have to disagree with you. People who have been diagnosis with Anxiety/Panic Disorder know that through therapy they need to challenge their fears and avid them. Cruising, Flying, Elevators, etc. shouldn't be avoided but challenged. People with this disorder may dream about their "fantasy" vacation and to some cruising is a wonderful way to deal with this disorder and they feel free and being out on the ocean. We can go on about the space issues as there are many places, situations that space can become an issue not just on a Cruiseship.

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I have a hard time traveling. Never been on a plane, or ship, until this coming August (ship only) but I have a hard time in the car, where there is traffic, etc. I can drive, but anything over about 45 minutes away freaks me out, riding or driving. I either don't go or I stress out big time and give myself a really bad stomach ache then spend all day in the little girls room worrying about the road trip. Or I take a Xanex. It usually helps me to relax but I don't take it until an hour before Im leaving and I stress out the whole time before.


have you ever tried breaking a trip into smaller, more manageable pieces? Plan a stop along the way that you can get to without getting into your discomfort zone - with something to do there, to make it a destination in and of itself - breakfast? lunch?

The task of eating an elephant seems insurmountable - until you start cutting off bite-sized chunks! :D

Just a thought...

another Cindy

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My opinion is that persons subject to panic attacks or who suffer from anxiety should not go on cruises. There are all kinds of other vacation and travel opportunities for you that do not involve the risks/rewards of cruising. On a cruise ship you give up a certain sense of space and accordingly persons who need a certain amount of space at all times should not go on cruise ships.

Hope that this helps,


(madly resisting the urge to flame)

Fred, with all due respect for your opinion, how is telling her "you shouldn't go" supposed to be something that helps? :confused: She is trying to be brave and take some first steps to move beyond her issue, and asking for the help and advice of others who may have "been there, done that", and you offer her this? I can see perhaps suggesting it to severely claustrophobic people (who may need "a certain amount of space at all times"), but not to "persons subject to panic attacks or who suffer from anxiety"!

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what a group we have! just with any other problems we have in life....they can be overcome! i live in the st louis area....we have mass transit..boy does it get crowded espically after a cardinals game!!!! i was in the situation the first time i went to a cards game..whew!! i maen sardines...but hey!! we were with friends and yep...there was enuff air for all of us!! all million people on the train, uncderground in the dark!!!! we laughed the whole time, my frinde is very short and she has has issues too, we were just fine.. her hubby is terrified of flying but sometimes he just has too...we all sit together and talk the whole time, he doesnt even realize what is goin on around him. our minds r amazing things, thank goodness we are able to learn how to control it!!! go cruise, live and love life!!! and breathe deep!!!

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There are such wonderful and nice people in the world! I am taking in every bit of advice that you all can give.


Roofing princess~ I should break up my trip, to get to the cruise, Its only a 2 hour drive but maybe If I plan on stopping for a stretch break then it will be easier. The elephant thing was funny, got the point across!


Fred~ Im sure you meant well, but as others have probably said, the first step in helping myself with this issue is to do the things that one fears the most. I would have not originally planned a cruise out of the blue but my MIL was turning 60 this year and she was kind enough to ask me first, before telling other family memebrs that she wanted to do a family cruise. She asked if it was something I would consider doing. Knowing all to well my problem. she said it would mean a lot to her if I would consider it. If I said I could not do it then that was fine, no one would go, she wouldn't even tell the other family members. So after a week of anxiety just thinking about it. I decided that would be a good thing to do to help myself. Plus I love my mother in law to death and I would do anything for her, so I took that first step and we booked. Im excited about going, yet fearful at the same time. If I have any problems on the boat, I promise not to run to the railing screaming in fear and jump over. I will just go to my "happy place" in my mind, or my room or whatever! It will be a great opportunity for me to learn to live my life! Something I have not done very well the last 10 years, just ask my husband!


As far as flying goes, NO WAY!!!!! lol!!! I give you all that face your fear of flying so much credit! You deserve a day at the spa!


Share cruises~ I agree, It is a good idea to set my own pace. We are doing the Catalina, Ensenada, San Diego 5 day. I am going with a group of 14 family members. I told hubby, that Im not so sure I want to drive, 40 minutes in a little bus to go see the blow hole in Ensenada, that freaks me out! Hence, the driving thing. So I may miss some of the exciting tourist attractions due to my own choices, but my first step is to get to the dock and then board the dang boat! :)



Mrsflydude~ That is fabulous that your hubby is cruising! I was agoraphobic for a few months. I was not stuck in the house but would only go to 2 places, Walmart and the grocery store. Both were 5 minutes form me. Anything longer than 5 minutes in the car and I freaked out. I eventually started venturing out more and now I can drive all around town, just hate drives over 40 minutes. Im really working on that though.

Zanex does help when I need it. So does the breathing and just knowing so many people share the same horrible problem makes me feel better!!!!! (That sounded kind of bad! lol) I meant that in a nice way. I know there is so much support out there. It is soooo much appreciated.


First due~ you talk about the flee or fight syndrome. Ah, very familiar with that. I am doing a lot more fighting now a days than I was. I realize after fleeing so much it made it a lot harder to go back! So the times I have stuck it out have been beneficial, not always great, but beneficial. I will be going on this cruise, I do not plan on backing out or I will never try it again.


Looking forward to more conversations with my nice new anxiety friends!:p

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