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I must be easy.....


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I think everyone thinks that they are easy until..... their particular button gets pushed.


I don't like cold food. I want a hot breakfast, hot lunch and hot dinner. And I have been on a cruise where it was impossible to get anything hot outside of the dining room. So I ate in the dining room when it was open. I don't think it is nickpicky to point out the lack of hot food outside of the dining room. I had a great cruise.


some people will complain because they can't tolerate smoke or noise or the drinks are too high or too weak or anything that is their pet peeve. I think everyone has a button that can get pushed. The key is to not let in spill over into the rest of your trip but we all know people that once one bad thing happens, it's all bad. So if folks report one bad detail, give 'em a break it was important to them , it doesn't make them a chronic complainer.


thanks for all reviews everyone, I love 'em.

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My thoughts are that if someone else cooking my meals, serving me and cleaning up the mess afterwards, the food is already perfect before I even taste it. :o


I'm real easy to please too.

Well, they could just install only a McDonalds to fit that bill.


I want a bit more than that. And I do like McDonalds occasionally.

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OK......so we're all easy, but are we cheap and can we be had? :p

Sorry, the devil made me do it....*weg*



Pfft! That's why my DH keeps lettin' me book cruises. I think I'm easier had on a ship :eek: which means that although I'm easy, I don't come cheap. :p

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No, Mickey D's doesn't serve you so they wouldn't fit the bill :p




there's a McDonalds near Universal Studios in Orlando that DOES serve you. They have all of the typical food, but they've also got panini's and other items that are NOT typical of McDonalds. I think they are calling it a McDonalds Cafe' or something like that... if you order one of the "specialty" items (in other words, not typical McD's food) then you get your food on a real plate with a fork and a knife even!!


I've only been in there one time, it was just too weird!!

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I agree completely. We leave in December for our 3rd cruise on the Holiday. We talk about other cruises, but we are comfortable. The ship is small, but larger than one would think. We have never had a bad time, problems, yes. But it is like life, if you are determined to have a good time, you will. Even though I fainted when a sea creature fell off my husbands plate of salad, that he didn't realize it was a seafood salad until then. When I came to, we just shifted tables and left the plate like we had never seen it before. icon10.gif

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I agree. I have a friend who is unhappy after every vacation she takes. Doesn't matter what she does or where she goes, she will find something to complain about. I, on the other hand, choose to have a good time and always do. The worst part is that she tries to project that negative attitude to anyone who is looking forward to a vacation - "oh its going to be so hot" "that's a terrible time of year to do that" "I wouldn't stay there if I were you." I've just decided not to listen to her.


My DH and I are leaving for our first cruise in 5 days and I fully expect to have a wonderful time and enjoy the food, the weather and everything else about it!

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I'm with all of the above. Sometimes I wonder if some people come aboard just to complain. Then I think about it a minute and I know they do.


Still, as many times as this comes up here and as many times as I see it on cruises on this and other lines (this is WAY not just a Carnival thing) , I just can't figure it out.


The idea that for some people complaining is fun I understand. But there are a whole lot of way less expensive and time-consuming things they could do with their money than going on a cruise. As great of a value as a cruise is, it's still at least a few hundred dollars even for a short cruise on sale.


Think of all the times they could go eat at the Olive Garden and complain until they got a free dessert. Or all the times they could get behind me in traffic and do their road rage thing because I am going too slow. Or all the lines they could get in on land and save that expense.


Then it hits me: A cruise is the ultimate place for complainers to go.


They're in a closed environment and can't leave at least when the ship is at sea so they have a captive audience. We can't go anywere either and have to listen to them moan and whine about anything they can. They're in heaven!


And they're not alone!


There are others who like to complain equally as much as they do! It's as though they found thier long lost soul mates of complaining. They seek each other out. I don't know how many times I have avoided making eye contact with one of them while waiting in a line, elevator, etc as they complain away about nothing. I know I don't dare connect eyes with them or they will try to suck me into their pleasurable den of complaining. Instead I look at the deck numbers on the elevator or ahead in the line and they lose interest in me much like those big mean dinosaurs in the movie Jurassic Park (If you're very still they won't know you are there).


So now, armed with all the preceeding thoughts, I look at them much like a unique species of animals on display at a zoo; something to look at but not get too close to.




Good one!! It is so true...it's like mentals...never, never...look at them (other than to identify them of course). Next thing they'll be your new best friend. Why is it though, that complainers are usually over a certain age. Younger folks don't seem to grouse about stuff.

If you're old and cranky for some reason....take a hike. Can I help you overboard????:cool:

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We recently cruised with some family on RCCL and the food wasn't great, sometimes not even good, occasionally not even edible. I was very concerned going on a cruise with my DH (his first) that he would be miserable b/c we happen to live in a city with fantastic food (most of the time). I was amazed at what happened... he wasn't a fan of the food, but he loved the cruise! If he didn't like what he had in the dining room, instead of making it harder table for the wait staff, we would check out the buffet or one of the eateries. He will be the first to tell you that something good is available all the time on the ship; you just have to find what you're in the mood for. Now me, I ate the same thing every breakfast and lunch because I found what I liked and stuck to it;dinner was a time to be adventurous. Who could complain about having everything you need within walking distance and waking up every mornng in a new place? If you do, unless you were robbed on the trip, something is wrong with you!


There are times when the food on Carnival is better on some ships than others. I think it has a lot to do with the chef onboard and what spices (generally from their native countries) they use. I eat the same thing on every ship (I know ... boring) and I only eat beef. (no seafood, not a big fan of chicken or pork) In defense of RCCL and the food you found...it could have just been that ship or even that ship could have been having an off week. Folks who cruise both RCCL and Carnival generally say the food is comparable. So glad your hubby still had a good time. Shows he is made of "good travel genetics"!!!


I have a saying that I will have a great time, unless the ship sinks. Even if it sinks...no one is hurt and they give me enough perks for my trouble and inconvenience...I will still have a good time.


Also remember on all cruise lines, if you get a dish that for some reason is not to your taste...ask them to replace it. They will do so gladly!

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Good one!! It is so true...it's like mentals...never, never...look at them (other than to identify them of course). Next thing they'll be your new best friend. Why is it though, that complainers are usually over a certain age. Younger folks don't seem to grouse about stuff.

If you're old and cranky for some reason....take a hike. Can I help you overboard????:cool:



Now wait a second buster....I'm old (damn I hate that...56) and cranky (sometimes it serves my purpose but then I feel guilty) HOWEVER I rarely complain on a cruise, and then only for good reason.


Let me explain, please. I'm a CEC (certified executive chef) who is no longer able to work...all those years lifting 50-100 lb pans of "stuff" did a number on my spine...and I also owned a large and prosperous catering company when I lived in Houston. Therefore I know how difficult it is to serve 200-400 people a "perfect" meal, let alone thousands. Things I rarely, if ever, do is order the lobster tail or steak on formal night....why, because chances are both have been standing in an alto sham (warmer) for long enough to make either very, very chewy. I tend to order items that others may not and always ask the headwaiter what to eat that night....if you get a good one he/she really will know what's on the mark in the kitchen. I save the lobster and filet for the supper club (we generally make two trips to the supper club....just because).


What I won't tolerate is rude or inattentive service. I report rude and let my gratuity speak to the inattentive (always with a note explaining why the tip is low). On one cruise our waiter's assistant was SO superior that we tipped him at the end of the cruise and then cut the am't on our card...with a note to both the headwaiter and the maitre d. On our last cruise the maitre d was a tyrant whereas the assistant maitre d a true joy. Everyone at our table had the gratuity for the maitre d removed from our account and personally tipped the assistant. For me, money speaks in the service industry...but I always back up my decision to remove a gratuity with a written explanation to that person's superior. In my opinion a "gratuity" has become less a recognition of good service and more of an entitlement for the waitstaff (or whomever) having to put up with us. I say this after being in the service industry for more than 20 years.


As to age....if I live to be 86 and am persnickity I can only hope that those around me will understand that I grew up in a different age and find everything around me foreign. Heck, even now, when I went to college we used a slide rule....do kids even know what the heck a slide rule is now? Of course not. I also grew up, in an age, where ladies wore white gloves, did not chew gum, would never be caught in red shoes, always wore a girdle and never asked a man out......and then the sixties hit (thank heaven's) and I was liberated!! LOL :p


My point is this, not all older people complain and not all complainers are older people. I have seen plenty of 20's and 30's all but banging on the table until they got their way and not tipping appropriately for exceptional service.


*ducking from the incoming rotten tomatoes*

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After a lot of thought about this I somehow think that the people who are chronic complainers after a cruise are just spoiled and lazy. In particular I read a review from a woman who thought her cruise was horrible because "she had to wait 2 min for the dining room to open each night" and "couldn't find any food on board at times and it was all horrible" - - not a direct quote but the thread of her rant. Now who in their right mind would complain about the dining room opening 2 min past the appointed hour? Maybe her watch was set fast : )


Anyway I truely think that these complainers either want attention or are truely spoiled and can't appreciate life.


I had a cousin who is a very go, go impatient type - and yes a tad spoiled - when she told me she was going on a cruise I thougth "oh no - I wouldn't want to be there cause she will hate the lines, etc." Well she had a wonderful time and is now on her third cruise in 2 years ! She said that cruising is such a great value and so diverse that she can't wait to go. She automatically puts her pet annoyances aside and finds all the good in a cruise.


I think if someone had an unusual experience they wanted to share or to alert other cruises about by all means share it - but don't bash an entire cruise line (no matter what the line) because you can't see beyond yourself and your petty needs. After reading some reviews I thought they were posting a report from prison !

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Our 1st cruise was the 1st one out of Mobile after Katrina, We had to wait in unbelieveable lines. They had to unload the 4 day cruisers who had been on the ship for a week. We didn't board until about 5:30pm. I was hot, tired, hungry and somewhat ill tempered. The 1st thing was being strapped into a life vest and taken on deck. The water was awful, and everything it was used for ie coffee, tea. The food was awful, the milk went over. We hit VERY rough water on the way back, a really lot of people were sick. I, too, am an "old" person (57 now). It was some of the most fun we had ever had. We could hardly wait to go back, and we did a year later. It never occured to us to complain, we were happy. It was wonderful, we still laugh about it.

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I'm with you SuseG. I'm 57 and I've never complained about anything on a cruise ship. I'm amazed at how hard working and good natured the staff always is. I always treat them well and they treat me VERY well. I always say I'd like to take a couple of them home with me. My house would be alot cleaner if I had a "Steward". I think complainers come is all ages and sizes. They always see the glass as half emty. The answer to long lines at the buffet is to try and plan your eating at a less crowded time. Or go to your room and order room service!! Or order a whole pizza and have an ice cream cone while it is cooking!!!! Yum. I'm on the Inspiration in 26 days and I can hardly wait. It will be #8 for me. Looking forward to Platinum!!!

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Truthfully I can't stand when people complain about the food. Seems some that is their obsession. That is the main reason they cruise. Some people live to eat:rolleyes:

There is more to cruising then the food. Ship, ports, entertainment, kicking back with friends and family. If you can't find anything you like you have a problem.


Given the VERY large amount of time and effort that cruise lines go through to promote, emphasize, and provide great food, it's hardly surprising that for many cruisers, yes, the food IS the main attraction.


The flipside would be an avid sunbather complaining about rainy weather or crummy ports-of-call, whereas the buffet jockeys would be perfectly content scarfing down endless shrimp cocktails indoors.


There is something for just about anyone on a cruise, but when your "something" doesn't live up to expectations, it can definitely be a letdown.


But I do agree that there are some who seem to complain just for the sake of having their opinions be heard. I'd much prefer someone to simply "tell it like it is" whether it was good or bad, so that future travelers at least have an idea of what they might expect.

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I find that complaining about the complainers can be the most legitimate complaint one can have. I was on a cruise once that missed ports, and a number of the passengers went NUTS. They were holding demonstrations every day and demanding full refunds. It was literally impossible to avoid or ignore these people. The missed ports didn't ruin my cruise, but the pervasive negativity from a large group of passengers very nearly did.

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I find that complaining about the complainers can be the most legitimate complaint one can have. I was on a cruise once that missed ports, and a number of the passengers went NUTS. They were holding demonstrations every day and demanding full refunds. It was literally impossible to avoid or ignore these people. The missed ports didn't ruin my cruise, but the pervasive negativity from a large group of passengers very nearly did.


What a shame, for you! I am so sorry that happened. One must assume that those who demonstrated did not, thoroughly, read their docs which state that docking at proposed ports can be changed at the captain's disgression.


IMO if anyone deserved a free cruise or refund it would be those passengers who had to put up with demonstrators!

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One must assume that those who demonstrated did not, thoroughly, read their docs which state that docking at proposed ports can be changed at the captain's disgression.



They may not have read it prior to the cruise, but it was pointed out repeatedly that that was the language in the docs they signed. It didn't matter. They were still completely unreasonable.

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