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I must be easy.....


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I always read reviews and I realize they are really personal opinions but....I have reached platinum with carnival, some cruises more enjoyable then others but I have always found the food, shows, etc to be pretty consistent. We have cruised Royal, and again consistent, and in my opinion very similiar to Carnival. NCL has been are least favorite but in fairness we have only cruised once, so we weren't experienced with the freestyle dining, but again I found similiarities with food. Anyhow, I am suprised when I read reviews that state all the food was horrendous. I don't think its five star quality, sometimes I don't like some of the buffet choices BUT I have never come close to going hungry on any cruise. Perhaps expectaions are not realistic or perhaps I am just easy to please.

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I guess I'm easy, too. I've enjoyed every one of our cruises. There were some I liked better than others, but all were good. On our last cruise, we were talking with another couple whom we've sailed with twice before. They were talking about what a nightmare this one cruise was a few years ago. Now, we were on that cruise with them--in fact, we had an OV and they had a suite!--and we were at the same table for dinner. We did get re-routed due to a hurricane, but a nightmare?? Hardly. I think there are some people who really just look for something to gripe about. I'd much rather look for something to be happy about, especially when I'm on vacation! :D

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I always read reviews and I realize they are really personal opinions but....I have reached platinum with carnival, some cruises more enjoyable then others but I have always found the food, shows, etc to be pretty consistent. We have cruised Royal, and again consistent, and in my opinion very similiar to Carnival. NCL has been are least favorite but in fairness we have only cruised once, so we weren't experienced with the freestyle dining, but again I found similiarities with food. Anyhow, I am suprised when I read reviews that state all the food was horrendous. I don't think its five star quality, sometimes I don't like some of the buffet choices BUT I have never come close to going hungry on any cruise. Perhaps expectaions are not realistic or perhaps I am just easy to please.



I totally agree with you.

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Nope, I agree 100% with you.


I've been on quite a few cruises myself and you're right... no matter which cruise line you are on, the food is consistant. I've been disappointed occasionally with the item I've chosen, but on the whole I've been satisfied with the food... there have been items that have knocked my socks off also!


It's all a matter of taste... two people at the same table could get identical items (cooked exactly the same) one person loves it, the other hates it. Just look at the thread about the Chocolate melting cake... the chocoholics all drool over just hearing it's name... and the people that are okay with chocolate, they say it's just "okay"... people who don't care for chocolate, typically are saying that it wasn't good.

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I always read reviews and I realize they are really personal opinions but....I have reached platinum with carnival, some cruises more enjoyable then others but I have always found the food, shows, etc to be pretty consistent. We have cruised Royal, and again consistent, and in my opinion very similiar to Carnival. NCL has been are least favorite but in fairness we have only cruised once, so we weren't experienced with the freestyle dining, but again I found similiarities with food. Anyhow, I am suprised when I read reviews that state all the food was horrendous. I don't think its five star quality, sometimes I don't like some of the buffet choices BUT I have never come close to going hungry on any cruise. Perhaps expectaions are not realistic or perhaps I am just easy to please.


Truthfully I can't stand when people complain about the food. Seems some that is their obsession. That is the main reason they cruise. Some people live to eat:rolleyes:

There is more to cruising then the food. Ship, ports, entertainment, kicking back with friends and family. If you can't find anything you like you have a problem.

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confession time.....I am not a big dessert fan, give me pizza or something on the saltier side BUT we are hoping to cruise over thanksgiving, and in trying to decide which cruise/cruiseline that chocolate melting cake could be a tie breaker. I am very glad our waiter on our last cruise felt the need to bring me one even though I declined dessert. I wonder if I could get delivery right now?

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I am pretty easy too. I never complain about the food, why would I. I am not cooking, I am not clearing up the mess, and I am being waited on hand and foot. I am on vacation, who would complain about their vacation. We did have a minor, more irritating than anything, problem but it sure did not ruin our crusie. I just love the sea and think cruising gives you more bang for the buck, and you only unpack once, and that I love.


Well, it sounds like I am preaching to the choir, so I will stop.

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I'm with all of the above. Sometimes I wonder if some people come aboard just to complain. Then I think about it a minute and I know they do.


Still, as many times as this comes up here and as many times as I see it on cruises on this and other lines (this is WAY not just a Carnival thing) , I just can't figure it out.


The idea that for some people complaining is fun I understand. But there are a whole lot of way less expensive and time-consuming things they could do with their money than going on a cruise. As great of a value as a cruise is, it's still at least a few hundred dollars even for a short cruise on sale.


Think of all the times they could go eat at the Olive Garden and complain until they got a free dessert. Or all the times they could get behind me in traffic and do their road rage thing because I am going too slow. Or all the lines they could get in on land and save that expense.


Then it hits me: A cruise is the ultimate place for complainers to go.


They're in a closed environment and can't leave at least when the ship is at sea so they have a captive audience. We can't go anywere either and have to listen to them moan and whine about anything they can. They're in heaven!


And they're not alone!


There are others who like to complain equally as much as they do! It's as though they found thier long lost soul mates of complaining. They seek each other out. I don't know how many times I have avoided making eye contact with one of them while waiting in a line, elevator, etc as they complain away about nothing. I know I don't dare connect eyes with them or they will try to suck me into their pleasurable den of complaining. Instead I look at the deck numbers on the elevator or ahead in the line and they lose interest in me much like those big mean dinosaurs in the movie Jurassic Park (If you're very still they won't know you are there).


So now, armed with all the preceeding thoughts, I look at them much like a unique species of animals on display at a zoo; something to look at but not get too close to.



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I am also easily pleased on a cruise...I have only cruised on carnival and I have always been very happy....I love being on the ocean...Playing in the casino...Standing on the balcony watching the sunset....Getting a chance to hang out with my cruising Misfit friends...The food ,shows,islands are just a bonus...There's no such thing as a bad cruise....:)

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I always read reviews and I realize they are really personal opinions but....I have reached platinum with carnival, some cruises more enjoyable then others but I have always found the food, shows, etc to be pretty consistent. We have cruised Royal, and again consistent, and in my opinion very similiar to Carnival. NCL has been are least favorite but in fairness we have only cruised once, so we weren't experienced with the freestyle dining, but again I found similiarities with food. Anyhow, I am suprised when I read reviews that state all the food was horrendous. I don't think its five star quality, sometimes I don't like some of the buffet choices BUT I have never come close to going hungry on any cruise. Perhaps expectaions are not realistic or perhaps I am just easy to please.


Is it being easy or is it being agreeable?


Nothing is perfect. Without doubt, many of the cretins that we have to suffer on a cruise would gripe the same way on a Cunard ship as they do a Carnival vessel. NOTHING is good enough, even if what their being served is several times better than what they eat or experience on a daily basis.


It appears as though some individuals feel that if you don't complain you're showing a lack of knowledge. You've probably seen them... the folks that are taken aback because there are fish eggs in their caviar or snails on their plate when they order escargot...




All one need have to enjoy a cruise is a reasonable expectation of what is about to transpire. I wonder, can we get Carnival to distill that and inject folks with it at they board???

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I always read reviews and I realize they are really personal opinions but....I have reached platinum with carnival, some cruises more enjoyable then others but I have always found the food, shows, etc to be pretty consistent. We have cruised Royal, and again consistent, and in my opinion very similiar to Carnival. NCL has been are least favorite but in fairness we have only cruised once, so we weren't experienced with the freestyle dining, but again I found similiarities with food. Anyhow, I am suprised when I read reviews that state all the food was horrendous. I don't think its five star quality, sometimes I don't like some of the buffet choices BUT I have never come close to going hungry on any cruise. Perhaps expectaions are not realistic or perhaps I am just easy to please.



ditto, out sentiments as well. Some better then others, but none bad. Been on Carn, RCCL, Prin, and Celeb. Like them all. Each may have there high points but none are low. Sometimes you have to make trade offs, just know what your going on. We recently returned from Carn Holiday, in certainly doesn't compare to Glory, Legend, RCCL MOS, or any of the other megaliners we've been on, but it was definitely one of the best for us. There are no bad cruises, make it what you will and enjoy. I honestly believe some just can not be made happy. Life's short, cruise long. Enjoy.


looking forward to the day we try NCL and Holland

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Agree with you all.... Been on 3 Carnival cruises, and never lost weight !:p Plenty to eat, and plenty of choices. Every meal isn't five star, but is it anywhere ? Got to try new things, and always think the food is pretty good IMHO :D Same goes for entertainment, DH and I are always pleased with it, and enjoy the shows. Just want to enjoy ourselves, and go with the flow !

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Agree 100%! I go on a cruise looking for a good time and wonderful memories and have never been disappointed. I also smile and speak to people waiting on me or even cleaning the halls and get that friendliness back. Some people expect way too much and if 1 little thing disappoints them the whole cruise is RUINED and nothing good will come their way. We had breakfast 1 morning w/ another couple like that. I tried defending CCL then gave up, ate fast and left.

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I have no problem with people writing legitimate complaints that are in the form of a "constructive critique". Hopefully the cruise line will listen and this will make my next cruise better.


However, there is a huge difference between a legitimate complaint and someone who just has a star fish up their fanny!


And it doesn't take long to determine which catagory the review fits into.


As far as "being easy"....I think it may be more accurate to say that you have realistic expectations. I never say that Carnival food is 5 star. What I will say without hesitation is that I always get the best value for my dollar.


Some folks go on Carnival expecting a Seven Seas experience and then are disappointed. What they have forgotten is that they have not paid "Seven Seas" rates.


Carnival is what it is. A good time at a good value. period!!!

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We recently cruised with some family on RCCL and the food wasn't great, sometimes not even good, occasionally not even edible. I was very concerned going on a cruise with my DH (his first) that he would be miserable b/c we happen to live in a city with fantastic food (most of the time). I was amazed at what happened... he wasn't a fan of the food, but he loved the cruise! If he didn't like what he had in the dining room, instead of making it harder table for the wait staff, we would check out the buffet or one of the eateries. He will be the first to tell you that something good is available all the time on the ship; you just have to find what you're in the mood for. Now me, I ate the same thing every breakfast and lunch because I found what I liked and stuck to it;dinner was a time to be adventurous. Who could complain about having everything you need within walking distance and waking up every mornng in a new place? If you do, unless you were robbed on the trip, something is wrong with you!

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Anyhow, I am suprised when I read reviews that state all the food was horrendous. I don't think its five star quality, sometimes I don't like some of the buffet choices BUT I have never come close to going hungry on any cruise. Perhaps expectaions are not realistic or perhaps I am just easy to please.


I would have agreed with you until my last Carnival cruise. As a longtime Carnival cruiser, I was quite displeased with the quality of food on my Victory sailing.


And to get on line on the buffet at lunchtime to get to the hot meals to find most of the trays empty, that was just too much. Even jumping over to the deli whose line didn't move for ten minutes more than astounded me. For the first time, I found myself eating off the ship. Never done that before.


I guess I finally hit that "one".

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I think probably it is more the way you live everyday that reflects in your experience on board. I have learned even more so in life to not sweat the small stuff. On the Destiny, I would not have noticed worn carpets, etc had some reviews not stated that it greatly affected their cruise. Give me a break. We had 80% hispanics, some rain and some not great food. It was one of the best weeks of my life!!! Not much ruffles me anymore, it is just not worth the stress. My parents are in their 80's and Daddy has severe alzheimers. I am their caretaker. Worn carpets are not worth noticing.....

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I agree totally about the complainers. Some people just wouldn't be pleased with a front seat in heaven. It seems others come onto the board and give poor reviews just to get everyone going and it usually works. If we "regulars" just read and moved on instead of picking their comments to death, they and others would soon realize that we can tell the difference between constructive critisism and whining.:rolleyes:


To me, there is no such thing as a perfect cruise or a bad cruise. The difference is all in my attitude and that is the only thing I can control.

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I think we need to take into consideration that this board is called Cruise CRITIC. I'm fairly convinced that many of the negatives that people post about their cruise appear in their review because they are trying to be thorough, and it seems a bit nitpicky. If one of their family members or a coworker asked them how their vacation was, I'm not so sure they would say "It was great, but the corned beef on my reuben was crusty", or "we loved Aruba but my room steward only left us three bath towels instead of four".


Yes, some people have expectations that are just too high, but others probably seem "difficult" because they feel that they have to post every little thing that they experienced.

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I'm with all of the above. Sometimes I wonder if some people come aboard just to complain. Then I think about it a minute and I know they do.


Still, as many times as this comes up here and as many times as I see it on cruises on this and other lines (this is WAY not just a Carnival thing) , I just can't figure it out.


The idea that for some people complaining is fun I understand. But there are a whole lot of way less expensive and time-consuming things they could do with their money than going on a cruise. As great of a value as a cruise is, it's still at least a few hundred dollars even for a short cruise on sale.


Think of all the times they could go eat at the Olive Garden and complain until they got a free dessert. Or all the times they could get behind me in traffic and do their road rage thing because I am going too slow. Or all the lines they could get in on land and save that expense.


Then it hits me: A cruise is the ultimate place for complainers to go.


They're in a closed environment and can't leave at least when the ship is at sea so they have a captive audience. We can't go anywere either and have to listen to them moan and whine about anything they can. They're in heaven!


And they're not alone!


There are others who like to complain equally as much as they do! It's as though they found thier long lost soul mates of complaining. They seek each other out. I don't know how many times I have avoided making eye contact with one of them while waiting in a line, elevator, etc as they complain away about nothing. I know I don't dare connect eyes with them or they will try to suck me into their pleasurable den of complaining. Instead I look at the deck numbers on the elevator or ahead in the line and they lose interest in me much like those big mean dinosaurs in the movie Jurassic Park (If you're very still they won't know you are there).



I was reading this and for some reason remembered a woman from one of our last cruises (can't remember if it was on the Miracle or Westerdam). It was breakfast time at the buffet. I was in line waiting to get my coffee and water. This woman was standing there about 5 feet out from the beverage station complaining to another woman about how rude all of these people are and that they just keep cutting her and blah, blah, blah. I looked over my shoulder and the other woman had that look of disgusted agreement on her face and bobbing her head. I couldn't help it, I started laughing :D It reminded me of how some people, for some reason think that they are right and everyone else is wrong. I wondered if she expected someone to stop and say, "after you" or something.


Personally, I take the reviews with a grain of salt. You have to. It always cracks me up when they rate something a one, but the body of their rating raves about it:confused: ie., "I couldn't get my kids to leave Camp Carnival", but they rated the kids program a one. Most of the time, if they write a long enough review, you can kind of get a mental picture of the situation and what they are complaining about. I always am the person in my mental picture laughing at the person complaining :D


My only real gripe ever was dealing with the Manager of the Steiner Spa on the Westerdam. IMO, there is NO WAY that I would outsource any service portion of my business. It dumbfounds me that the cruise lines continue to outsource the spa business. I have read countless reviews about sales pressure that doesn't listen to the word no. The Steiner people don't care if you never go on that particular cruise line again, because they'll be on the next cruise line as well.


Overall though, if I'm on a cruise ship, I'm in my favorite place. I'd even welcome bad food for a week...maybe I'd lose a couple pounds!

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