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Don't Forget ___ and Don't Bother With ____


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TCS, the picture was definitely helpful! Were you on a Carnival cruise?


Those of you who have traveled on HAL, have you found lack of outlets to be an issue?


Have only traveled on HAL once was glad we took a small power strip. It was definitely needed.

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They will, but it costs a pretty penny in roaming charges. But depending on your ports-of-call it might be cheap. I know I get Verizon service for "normal" minutes in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands and some islands cost less than others for roaming. But on the ship, it's definitely quite expensive (though much cheaper than their satellite phone service!).

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My DH was able to keep in touch with our kids.


he had called Sprint a head of time and they said it'd be "roaming" charges of a buck a minute.


Nassau we had normal coverage as we could call each other, while he was shopping and i was at the beach.


Belize, at the main land, he could not get a connection, but once we left port [tender] and were out there a bit... he was able to call home.


Anywhere off the coast of FLA we could call home too.

I can't recall Cozumel ... but i'm sure he got thru. We shall see what all those charges add up to.


on lady who we talked to on the ship purchased a calling plan where she could "tap into" the ships satellite to make and receive calls. She was saying that she had a lot of "missed calls" but was not able to send or receive... so she was gonna ask for a refund on that.


BUT -- check with your provider so see what the charges will be in each port ... you should be able to use it some days.


TCS, the picture was definitely helpful! Were you on a Carnival cruise?


yes, Carnival Glory.

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My curiousity is peaked! Why do you bring a highlighter or note pads?


How about a night light? I would imagine the kids will come in later than we can stay up. Would leaving the bathroom light on work?


I read on another thread that leaving the tv on the ships station that show the front of the boat is a good idea..turn off the sound and as it gets light in the am you will awaken with the sunlight...softly...not good if you are in Alaska on those long sunlight days..:eek:

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I never leave home without:

  • Money
  • Travel documents (passport)
  • tennis shoes
  • sun block
  • a good book (I was so bored on my very first cruise because the activities were very limited.)
  • ipod
  • my own hair products

Why did I bother with:

  • Beach towel
  • Expensive electronics (I never took them off the ship out of fear of breaking them)
  • Clothes -- (I terribly overpack):D

Things I should have taken:

  • power strip
  • dramamine
  • my own pillow

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What I should've left at home: the stupid power strip! Bought one to take since everyone said it was IMPOSSIBLE to manage with just ONE outlet in the cabin. Never took it out of the bag. Unless you travel with a half dozen electronics (why bother to cruise if you're going to stay in your cabin on the laptop or playing games?), you won't need it. I plugged in my camera one night to recharge, and I plugged in my phone a different night. That was it!



I second that - One thing i enjoy about cruising is getting away for electronics. I can't imagine two things I would need to have plugges in at one time.


Other "don't bothers"-

The over-the-door thing (it's always just DH and I and we have plenty of room for storage)

Jeans (for warm destinations - just too heavy)

Pajamas (I just use oversized T-shirts which can double as swimsuit coverups)



Don't forget-

Extra sunglasses

Bandaids (I always get blisters from walking)

"Supplies" (For ladies) - Selection is very limited on the ship and

in many ports

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I'm just gonna rely on my cell phone to know the time. I haven't used an alarm clock in years.


Only problem with relying on the cell phone for the time is when the ships time and the local time don't match. It can get confusing.


I find my cell phone makes a great night light, as long as it is charging, the light stays on. :)

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My last cruise, I was the third in cabin with my two married friends, so I packed more than I should have thinking space and privacy would be issues. The over the door organizer was worthless because it was too big. And if you hook it over the bathroom door it won't close. So I won't pack that again. The small lighted alarm clock was invaluable in our inside cabin because it's really easy to oversleep. And they were both seasick so I didn't want to wake them up just to check the time. I also brought a small flashlight that I used constantly, but once again, that was to avoid waking them up.

Now, for my solo cruise when I'll have all the lovely space to myself...

Won't pack

extra clothes


any kind of decorations or magnets (I couldn't get it to stick)



will pack

bug spray (I needed it last time)

insulated mug (I filled it with juice or water and drank that all day)

backpack (zipping it and carrying weight on my shoulders equally was much better than a tote bag)

motion sickness meds (for fear of them running low or out)

my own hair shampoo/conditioner. The salt water and sun fried my hair. It was nice knowing my shampoo wouldn't contribute to the problem.


Once again, going solo is a lot different than for those of you traveling with others. Nightlights/flashlights in inside rooms are valuable, IMO.

I'll pack much less clothing wise. I basically had a suitcase full of clothes I never wore. Won't do that again.

I didn't use the hi-liters or sticky notes. I did use lots of single $1 bills. Not at any strip clubs. ;)

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Take a bottle of over the counter type medicines you think you might need. Immodium, tylenol, dramamine, etc. They are expensive in the ship's store. No need for hair dryer or power strip. You may want a light up clock of some sort to see the time during the night. I think there's adequate shelf space in the bathroom so I don't take any kind of rack. Shoes store easily in the closet or under the bed. Take plastic bags for dity clothes. Don't overpack clothes. We always take too many t-shirts, etc. You spend more time than you think in a bathing suit. Take a bathroom freshener for obvious reasons. :) Slinky clothes pack easier!

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For Warm weather:


A Watersafe to keep your cruisecard, credit card, cash while at the beach.

Dollar Bills for tips to room service; other small bills for cab rides

Sunblock 15 or higher

2 bathing suits, cover up.


Don't Pack

Anything you wouldn't bring to a regular hotel. . .Jeez you don't spend much time in the cabin anyway. Why do you need IPods when the ship has live music playing by the pool? It is part of the cruise experience.

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Re:sea sick pills for your dd who is 8. I really don't know. I would read the package or check w/ the pharmicist or her doctor. Good question though! I am thinking they are ok for children but since I am not 100% sure I would check w/ someone else. Sorry I can't help more!


Children rarely get seasick. Their inner ears are more pliable than ours. But I would use the seasickness bands for children. There is kids dramamine, especially if a child is already prone to motion sickness (in cars or airplanes).


DS12 almost always pukes on a plane...but never in a car, and was fine on the ship (we traveled w/ 10 children; not one got motion sickness---BUT do bring a LARGE bottle of tylenol or ibuprofen; earache all week and that stuff is EXPENSIVE on board!)

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On Princess, robes in room are no extra cost. However, if you take it home with you, you WILL be charged.


I will not take again:

Clothes steamer

So many clothes (For instance, one black dress is all you need for formal nights....I took three for our three formal nights....believe me, no one will notice (they're too concerned with how THEY look)...you only wear the dress for a couple of hours, hang it up and wear it again!!

Over the door shoe organizer didn't use it, gave it to ARC after I drug it back home

Beach towel they supply as many as you want

Bungie cord don't know why I thought I needed it, but I didn't

iPod and Speakers it was OK, but I won't drag it along again, (maybe my clip-on iPod shuffle to wear while exercising next time) If you want soft music to sleep to, just turn on the TV to the cruise channel


I'm glad I took, and will take again:

Nightlight (even though the room steward unpluged it each day!)

Downey Wrinkle Release (travel size) which is why I didn't end up using the steamer!

Wraps to wear with my dresses, take a couple different colors, then you'll have a little variety with that ONE black dress!

Mesh collapsable hamper


:D :D :D :D :D :D

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for all the tips y'all!

One that I'll gladly second is the evening wrap for the ladies.

That A/C can get chilly in the dining room, especially if you've gotten a lot of sun that day. Plus the night air on deck can be chilly no matter where you're cruising.


I've had really good luck finding fancy lanyards that look like beaded necklaces at the local drug store. I've also seen them at Ross.


We also bring sample-sized individual packets of Woolite (from Target) to wash the swimwear, and it's good for other laundry too. Since it's in a thin packet, it's not going to leak.


Last but not least, Visine for relief from sea water and/or chlorine.


Happy cruising everyone!!!


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They will, but it costs a pretty penny in roaming charges. But depending on your ports-of-call it might be cheap. I know I get Verizon service for "normal" minutes in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands and some islands cost less than others for roaming. But on the ship, it's definitely quite expensive (though much cheaper than their satellite phone service!).

Verizon will give you a FREE loaner, with your own cell phone number. There is no charge unless you use it, in which case you pay for minutes - around $1.29 INCLUDING all taxes; maybe a little more or less, depending on what country you are in. If I recall correctly, text messages are only 50 cents. Great for emergencies, especially because you won't have to worry about forgetting to give someone a new phone number and people calling you are only charged whatever they would normally pay, if anything, to call your regular cell phone number.

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Things I'm glad that I have:

  • an efficient First Aid Kit: I save all of the small sample packets I get of tylenol, advil, pepcid, whatever (your doctor's office usually has as well as the ones you get mailed as trial samples). For regular, OTC meds (Dayquil/Nyquil), I put a FEW in small ziplock containers and mark w/ a sharpie on the outside. Throw in some small packets of antibiotic lotion and various bandaids as well as an ace bandage strip. All of this fits in one Quart sized ziplock (if your supplies are bigger than this, you've packed too much.) The point is to have a small supply of various things to get you started in case you come down with something. You can always get more in port, but you don't want to be stuck at night or a day at sea and mercy to what is onboard. (On the ace-- DD twisted her ankle in St. Thomas once and we spent forever trying to find an ace bandage!)
  • SMALL zippered purse (think a large index card size) to carry your SeaPass, lipstick/sunscreen and a couple of $ -- mine is a little quilted Vera Bradley bag; Coach and the big names make them, too.. for going to dinner without having to carry a fancy beaded purse (who cares, really?) and to throw in your day bag/beach bag in lieu of a full sized bag. I see women walking around the ship with their regular life fully-packed pocketbooks and I want to say "put that stuff in your safe - you don't need any of it here!"
  • Coverup and 2 bathing suits and one pair of Old Navy black $2.50 flip flops: seriously, I used to pack a different bathing suit for every day of the cruise. No one cares. As long as one is dry at any time, you are good to go.
  • I agree with the travel alarm clocks, nightlight, power cord. We always take two plastic ponchos from the dollar store (that have never been used). I do use the highlighter. I love my collapsable mesh laundry hamper (takes up no room in your suitcase when it is flat and doesn't weigh a thing.)
  • I do bring snorkel mask & tube, but NOT vest & flippers anymore due to space. (Rent the stuff that doesn't touch your face!)
  • One colorful bandana -- I tie it to the top of my pool chair on the desk so that if I wander away (to get a cocktail perhaps :cool: )and DD signs herself out of the kids club, she can easily spot my chair in the sea of same looking deck chairs covered in same colored beach towels. She knows where to go and wait and mom will be back in a minute.
  • One clear plastic folder from the home supply store with a closure (it look like a button that you wrap the string around). I get scatterbrained and keep photocopies of ALL travel docs, including passports, phone #s to my credit card companies, etc, in there just in case... Again, it is small,flat, and gives me peace of mind.
  • Paperbacks and magazines! Before I go I'll send an email to friends at work asking if they have any current fiction books (think Oprah's list) that they will give me. I carry on a stack (because sometimes a start a book and decide I don't like it.) At the end of the cruise I donate them to the crew library (you MUST leave a note to tell your steward this; otherwise they have to turn them in as lost property.) I can do this because we drive to the port; if you are flying, this is probably not practical.

What I try not to bring:

  • Too many shoes! Wear the tennis shoes on travel day, one pair of flip flops, ONE pair of black dress shoes and one pair of black sandals. PLENTY for a week.
  • I agree with the posters who have said that one fabulous black dress will work for both formal nights; and I bring one fabulous pair of black capri pants for two others. The beige capris I wear to board the ship go to dinner the first night and "caribbean night" and that's pretty much it for bottoms. I'd rather be in shorts & bathing suit anyway! (I know, ladies, you say you can't do it, but after coming home with piles of stuff I never wore on my first cruises I wouldn't do it any other way anymore.)
  • took the over the door shoe holder thing once and, like other posters, threw it out.
  • I only let DD bring ONE stuffed animal stowaway. Now that she is 12 she really only brings it to see where he will end up -- sitting with the towel monkey/tucked into bed with a chocolate/you name it. We have had some fabulous cabin stewards who have gone out the way. (One night on Costa on the last night - TOGA NIGHT - our steward wrapped our bear in a hand towel to make toga, put a gold wreath on his head, and left a note that even teddies need to toga. It made her whole cruise and got him an extra big tip.)
  • Underwater camera - took one once, paid too much for it and to develop the pictures of fish... won't do again.

Gee, all of this talk is making me want to go on a cruise. NOW! :rolleyes:

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There are some really great tips here! Thanks everyone! Any clothing tips for a first-timer with a 22mo DD old & 4yo DS? I want to be sure that I'm taking the right type/qty of clothing. Our ports will be San Juan, Tortola and St. Thomas. TIA

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I ALWAYS get blisters. (I know, I know, the darn "cute" shoes!) I found a product called Blister Block Stick, made by Band-Aid brand. Amazing. I use it all of the time now. It is tiny, takes up no space, and saves me a lot of pain.

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