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15 Day trip to Egypt - the travel notes, by Seafun


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If you are traveling with GCT I would do the post trip to Jordan with them.. We stayed at the Crown Plaza Hotel right at the gate of Petra and it's a very nice hotel.. That part of the trip, Jordan, was much more layed back and we enjoyed it tremendously.. As far as going on the baloon ride again, you might be able to find it cheaper, but I would stick with GCT. You have to get up very early in the morning to do it and they will have an early breakfast on the boat, drive you by bus to the boats that take you to the other side of the Nile and bring you to the Baloons.. They then reverse it when done.. I think it is worth the extra money not to get all hassled about how to get there and get back and getting up and stuff like that.. My own personal opinion.. As far as changing money, as i said, the bank in the hotel is open 24hrs per day and you really don't have to get all excited about changing money.. just be shure to bring enough small US bills.. As someone said, the only time you must have Egyptian money is for government entrances.. and if you are traveling with GCT, most of your admissions are paid for.... Don't sweat it, it's a great trip and it's all taken care of for you...


Hi agan AnJ - I guess you can see I just posted another inquiry about ballooning. For some strange reason you rpost and the ones beneath it didn't pop up until after I hit "submit". Thank you for answering me about the balloon trip. My dearest friend is traveling with us and since she has never traveled before, I don't want to stress her out and go looking for a tour company for us. I was thinking that life may be easier if we just go with GCT, pay the extra money, and forget the hassle. If I were by myself, I would have no problem - but she is getting butterfies already, so it's best I keep things calm.

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We did not do the balloon ride but several of our friends we made on the tour did and enjoyed it greatly and took some great pictures from the balloon. They did say the balloon basket was somewhat crowded. We lived were stationed in Albuquerque, NM for a couple years and although never took a

ride we never really wanted tol


I recommend the Jordan post-trip if for nothing else but for Petra. To travel

that far to Egypt and not go the extra mile to see Petra is something I can't understand - I must say that three weeks is a long time with full days everyday. Petra again is great. We also went to Wadi Rum - desert tour. I

thought it was worth the ride. It was in the morning of the day you fly back

to Cairo, after Wadi Rum we went back to the Hotel Crown Plaza Petra, had

lunch, loaded on the bus and went to the airport.


Before we went to Egypt we were concerned about the luggage weigh allowance, Particularly in-country flights and the one carryon bag and its

weight restriction. Everything in-country was basically gang weighted.

So we never really had to worry about the weight. Coming back to the states we did load up one of the carryons and checked it thru to NY as

internationally we were permitted 2 bags each (which we checked thru to

Tampa) and we had a GCT travel bags (one of the many you will get if you travel much with GCT) and my wife loaded that up with "some" of the goodies I am sure you will find.

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My mom is the kind that always packs too much and buys too much and then I'm stuck trying to get it home. You said that on the way home, you loaded up a second bag...Did you have any troubles between Cairo and Jordan with that much stuff? Or were you able to leave a bag behind at the hotel? Just knowing my mom, that is one part that I'm starting to sweat about a little bit.


What about laundry for three weeks? I am packing one weeks worth, which means I'll need to do laundry at the hotel and on the ship. Was that a problem? Did you stay at the same hotel in Cairo all three times or did they move you around/


I am so excited about going...this is truly the trip of a lifetime for me!

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My mom is the kind that always packs too much and buys too much and then I'm stuck trying to get it home. You said that on the way home, you loaded up a second bag...Did you have any troubles between Cairo and Jordan with that much stuff? Or were you able to leave a bag behind at the hotel? Just knowing my mom, that is one part that I'm starting to sweat about a little bit.


What about laundry for three weeks? I am packing one weeks worth, which means I'll need to do laundry at the hotel and on the ship. Was that a problem? Did you stay at the same hotel in Cairo all three times or did they move you around/


I am so excited about going...this is truly the trip of a lifetime for me!


Don't worry about laundry, you can get it done at the hotel or on the cruise easily. It's reasonable compared to US hotels....


You sound very excited; have a great trip!! :):)

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TNS - Once we began to fly within the country of Egypt we were able to put two bags below on the plane. Whwn we left Egypt to head to Jordan, we were able to leave a bag behind in Egypt for when we returned. Be aware on the final return to Cairo you'll be staying at hotel very close to the airport..


As far laundry goes, we brought enough for 10 days, and once on the ship we sent it out to the laundry on board. If it goes out in the morning you get it back by evening.. or that's the way it worked with us.. on the next to the last day we sent out a few things again and had them back by evening so that we could pack.. I think the total cost for laundry twice was about $75 US.


On the return trip to the US from Cairo we were able to put our Bag and carry-on below so that we just had things we kept out that might be broken..


You are just going to love this trip!!

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Just take plenty of memory cards for photos and don't forget the battery chargers and extra batteries. That's the important stuff.... Just now going over my photos and reliving the experience... Fantastic!

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AnJ I know what you mean about the photos...:rolleyes: I took about 1,300 (but managed to erase about 300 of them -- covered earlier in this thread).

And after getting back home it took me a while to get to the daunting task of sorting through all the photos. But my oh my -- what a pleasure that was!! :D Reliving my adventures through all the photos.

As we have all noted -- PUSH YOURSELF TO TAKE PHOTOS, LOTS OF PHOTOS OF EVERYTHING! (You can edit them and delete bad ones once you get home.) You will be so grateful for every moment you spent taking pictures once you get home and see all those memory provoking shots.

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Taking pictures is no problem for this photographer, believe me! My three favorite possessions are my wedding rings, my passport and my camera! I have a great Canon Rebel that has traveled to three continents with me. I've thought about upgrading, but it's such a great camera, that I just don't have the heart. PLus, I don't wnat to spend that kind of money :)


When my husband and I spent our 20th wedding anniversary on a Med cruise, I took over 3000 pictures!


If you want to see any, they're on www.marionstravels.shutterfly.com.


My mom and I have this down to a fine art..when we're out exploring, she keeps up with all our stuff, wallets, water, etc., and I have my camera, LOL. She writes notes on where we are during the day, and that night, I edit those notes, add my own comments, and add my flashcard number to it, so when I get home, I know which pictures go with which notes.


Told you I'm OCD!

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LOL -- I didn't realize I was "preaching to the choir" about taking lots of photos. :rolleyes:

And thanks for the link to your Shutterfly pictures -- I'm sure I'll have fun looking at those!

Sounds like a good system with your Mom. I had to be both photographer and note taker as well. (As you can see -- I was able to jot down a few notes here and there, in between pictures, lol. :D )

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I'd echo that remark Seafun, very informative and helpful and superb pictures. we are off in three weeks - Cairo - Luxor - cruise to Aswan on Ms Stephanie -cruise on the Eugenie to Abu Simbal and then back to Luxor followed by 6 days in Sharm El Sheikh R & R to recover from templeitis! Our first visit.


Has anyone operated one of the new netbooks as a travel journal and photo back up, I am thinking of getting one, my laptop is pretty hefty and a bit ancient (come to think of it, so am I):(. I Would be grateful for any views or advice.

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New Salt, The next time I take a trip like this I'm going to get a "netbook" I used an iPod Touch this trip for email and facebook, etc. but it would be nice to have a place to backup photos while traveling.. I agree the Laptops are a little too hefty.


Seafun, they are correct, your review and all made my trip so much more fun, as I went along I kept telling people about your review, etc.. Thank you for all your help..

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(blushing) Thanks for the support and kind words. I can't tell you the joy I've gotten from being able to share my experiences with you all, and then to hear that it has helped others enjoy their wonderful trips even more is just frosting on the cake! :)

And I agree with you on the current thoughts that a netbook would be ideal for recording observations and for doing some photo backup. (Although most of them that I've seen have fairly small hard drives for backing up 1,000's of pictures, so I would still stick with the multi memory card approach.)

It would have been easier for me (who types much faster than he writes in longhand) to zip off my notes in a netbook rather than my leather-bound journal.

But I have to add that I have very fond memories of sitting on the top deck of our Nile cruise ship, watching life on the Nile go by, as I jotted down my various ramblings and observations in my journal. Watching sunrises and sunsets over the Nile, floating slowly by people tilling the fields, washing laundry in the Nile, children laughing, playing and waving -- those are some of my favorite memories -- it was a great place to write!

If the netbooks hold their charge for a couple hours (and they must), it would be nice to have something that small that could easily fit in a messenger bag that you could take with you anywhere you chose to. (Writing your notes on the top deck of the cruise ship, laying on the beach on the Red Sea, right outside the Egyptian museum, at the base of the pyramids... Ahhh... has a nice ring to it, no? :rolleyes: )

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But I have to add that I have very fond memories of sitting on the top deck of our Nile cruise ship, watching life on the Nile go by, as I jotted down my various ramblings and observations in my journal. Watching sunrises and sunsets over the Nile, floating slowly by people tilling the fields, washing laundry in the Nile, children laughing, playing and waving -- those are some of my favorite memories -- it was a great place to write!




I did the same thing! There is something about the act of writing that I really enjoy. I got a moleskin journal personalized with my name, the date, and "Egypt" and I wrote all my notes in it, as well as tucking in my ticket stubs, brochures, guidebook pages, etc. It will remain a treasured memento.

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I was thinking along the lines of the Asus Eee PC. I understand they start at about $200 up to about $400.. As i said, I used my Ipod Touch, it was great for emaill, music and video, but I couldn't upload photos.. But it is small and I also had other apps in it such as money conversions and lists and I was able to carry it around in my pocket so that when I was out and found a place with WiFi I was able to email and get on line.. BTW.. I found that McDonald's in both Egypt and in Jordan have WiFi and not Starbucks...

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Great advice - thanks! I can't believe that we're now down to less than a month! Meeting my mom for dinner tonight to start finalizing details. I've told her she can take one suitcase waying less than 33 pounds, which means that she might get it down to 40 lbs :). Ordered some packing cubes to keep my stuff organized since this trip is 3 weeks. She wanted us to go ahead and get our visas because she has a german passport and was a little concerned that she might have troubles, so we got our passports back. All I have to do now is get through the next month of work and we'll be ready to go.


One question....We're flying into JFK about 10 am and I thought about buying a day pass at one of the first class lounges....which terminal does Egypt Air fly out of and do any of you know which airlines have a lounge there?

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Egypt Air flies out of Terminal 4. I'll include a link to a page that will help you: :)



If you click on "Terminal 4" on that page it will list all the airlines that fly out of there. I know Northwest and Continental do, but I'm not sure if they have lounges there.

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I was thinking along the lines of the Asus Eee PC. I understand they start at about $200 up to about $400.. As i said, I used my Ipod Touch, it was great for emaill, music and video, but I couldn't upload photos.. But it is small and I also had other apps in it such as money conversions and lists and I was able to carry it around in my pocket so that when I was out and found a place with WiFi I was able to email and get on line.. BTW.. I found that McDonald's in both Egypt and in Jordan have WiFi and not Starbucks...


I have the Acer Aspire One. I bought it at WalMart for something like $350. I love it. Small, lightweight, but the keypad is not cramped as much as some others. It's a great little travel item. All I need when I travel for fun is something that I can use for email, loading photos, journaling, etc. This one does it easily. I also have the Igo Anywhere so I can use the Acer on the plane to keep myself occupied. The Anywhere can also be used as the AC power supply on land, so I don't have to haul the big power brick. AND, I can use it to recharge my cellphone and my Nintiendo DS, if needed.


For the poster with the Canon Rebel - if you don't want to spend the money to upgrade the camera, mYbe there is a cool lens that you could buy to "enhance" your photography.

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Hey folks -- Just thought I'd check in. It was exactly a year ago today that I left on my most excellent voyage of discovery to Egypt...

I feel almost guilty because I booked a couple of cruises this week to "Non-Egypt" locations, and even though Egypt was calling to me, none of the packages and prices that I found seemed like a great deal this year. Maybe I got too good a deal on the Gate 1 trip last year. :o

Anyway, it will be back to the Western Caribbean for me in November -- two weeks in Mexico, Belize, Costa Maya and a few other ports -- allowing me to see more of the Mayan pyramids and temples.

Also -- for those craving things Egypt, lol, I found a great DVD on Ebay, a "walking tour" of various sites in Egypt. It's great to watch while I hit my living room treadmill (but also would be quite enjoyable on a sofa. :rolleyes:

There's about an hour of video from walking around the pyramids on the Giza plateau, then on to the Philae temple, then Edfu and the temple of Horus, then walking through the Khan El Kalili bazaar, and finally a few random shots around Cairo.

Not sure if this link will work, (or if it's even allowed by the powers that be) but for those of us who didn't take a video camera, it brings back wonderful memories for a reasonable price: http://cgi.ebay.com/EGYPT-VIRTUAL-TRAVEL-DVD-CAIRO-PYRAMIDS-SCENIC-WALK_W0QQitemZ120372939483QQihZ002QQcategoryZ1310QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp1742.m153.l1262

Okay, there's my two cents worth for today. Still waiting to hear the reviews and observations from our latest Egypt visitors... :D

Edited by seafun
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