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Crazy things non cruisers have told you about cruising


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I have someone I work with that thinks it is way too expensive to cruise. She has never priced it out. Most people who take vacations end up spending more. The difference is that we spend it in one lump sum and they piece it out...
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[quote name='thinfool']Truth be told, people in the cleaning industry often have more time and money to cruise than those with more "glamourous" occupations.

My old roommate has a successful janitorial service. He is platinum and/or elite on each of HAL, Princess and Carnival.[/quote]

Oh how true that is, DW used to work for a company that did background checks, the owner also owned a cleaning service. The background company lost money, the cleaning service was a cash cow. So much so that he lived in a 3 story house on the beach (we're talking sand and surf for a backyard), drove a bunch of high end cars and traveled a LOT.
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I get stories from people who haven't cruised in 35 years telling me why they'll never go on a cruise again.

My contractor and his family did not want to go on a cruise, but had to when his sister was getting married on ship.

I had someone telling me that cruising was like buying a car, they have a high sticker price and you have to haggle for a deal, and he hates doing that. I do remember back in the day when the brochure prices were absurd, and the TA could get you the deals. I love the internet now :p so much easier to research cruises!

I hear people refer to cruising as having to do things at certain times, and certain places and they just don't want to be told what to do. (Some people have seen too many NCL commercials).

I've always been amazed that people try to justify a land vacation over a cruise. My last land based vacation was the biggest pain in the butt! No one ever wanted to do the same thing, eat at the same place, or anything. So we spent a LOT of time driving around and bickering about what to eat and what to do that day.

Another thing I hear from non-cruisers all the time is that they would never go on a Carnival Cruise, it's just a bunch of party animals, up all night rampaging kids, can't sleep because you hear you neighbors, etc. When I tell them that I've been on Carnival 3 times and it's never been like that, they don't want to believe me.

Other people telling me that they would never take their kids on a cruise because there wouldn't be anything for them to do. I let my daughter tell them how ignorant they are.

My favorite was a save the world type telling me that they'd never go on a cruise because they heard that cruise ships use 1000 gallons of fuel to move 1 foot, and that is going to kill the world! So according to my math, my last cruise cost Carnival over $15 Million per person in fuel. lol What a bargain I had at $900/person then :D
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In 1994, my best friend and I booked a cruise on the Jubilee. When I told my 80 year old grandmother she said, and I quote, "I don't know why anyone would ever want to go on a cruise. All they do it drink, have sex and play music so loud that if they weren't in the middle of the ocean, they'd be arrested!"
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[quote name='deborahjo']That is exactly what I tell people who ask me how I could cruise. Unpack once and live for 7 days on a floating resort that takes me some place new every day with out me having to drive.

My BIL told my sister that he will not cruise. He said he was in the navy for 22 years and she was crazy if she thought he was getting on another ship.
Well we are cruising next year as a family to celebrate my dads 80th birthday. He has 2 months to decide if he wants to be part of the party or stay home and be a party pooper....[/QUOTE]
It took my DW only 15 years of pestering me because I too lived on ships for the better part of 4 years in the Navy. Looking back I only got 2 meals at Sea that were as good as a cruise ship, Thanks John, where ever you are. We finally went and I'm hooked. Now I refuse to cruise on anything painted Haze Gray.

I have a close friend who is an ex-submarine sailor who won't cruise because surface ships are just targets for submarines. Lame excuse but I'm still working on him.
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I have heard all the same excuses as all the other posters. When people ask me how i can afford such a vacation, i try and break it down for them:
Cruise includes:
room, food, entertainment, FABULOUS DESTINATIONS, and so much more
Price: (depending on room) from $500 to $1200, plus airfare ($200 to $600)
A resort includes:
the room
Price: for a nice room, maybe $200 (at least) times 7 days = $1400, then airfare ($200 to $600), plus food, plus the rental car or cabs plus entertainment.
Gee, I guess I must have to be a millionaire to afford a cruise. Why spend less money on a cruise for more when I can pay more on a resort for less?
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[FONT=Arial][SIZE=3]I got this one from my Mom. One of her co-workers went on a cruise over Christmas and New Years last year on the Carnival Miracle. It was her 1st cruise and one day at work, she asked my Mom (and I'm not joking here), "If you haven't booked a shore excursion for the port(s) of call, can you still get off the ship?" [/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=3]I still laugh about that one!! :D [/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=3]She asked another one about tendering but I forget what it was. I'll have to ask my Mom and tell you all later.[/SIZE][/FONT]

[quote name='books4sail']She also was convinced that the only people who could enjoy them were those over sixty. It's as though her perception of cruising was some sort of retirement summer camp. Odd, very odd![/quote]

[FONT=Arial][SIZE=3]No, not odd at all. I hear that [I]all the time[/I]!![/SIZE][/FONT]

[quote name='yoemen1988']When I told my 80 year old grandmother she said, and I quote, "I don't know why anyone would ever want to go on a cruise. All they do it drink, have sex and play music so loud that if they weren't in the middle of the ocean, they'd be arrested!"[/quote]

[FONT=Arial][SIZE=3]LOL, I love your Grandma!! :D[/SIZE][/FONT]
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I had someone make the old comment about how I must be rich because we are going on an 8 day Miracle cruise out of NY. Now this same person just got back from an all inclusive visit to the mouse for 4 nights. So I asked him what it cost (which was a bunch because it included 3 meals a day and stayed on property) for his family of 4. When he told me I laughed and explained my 8 day on the Miracle with my family of 5 is costing me about 40% of what he spent for just 4 nights. Give me a cruise ANYTIME!!!!!:D :D :D
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My ex refused to take me on a cruise -was afraid the ship would sink, yet had no worries about flying.
I kept telling him, if the ship goes down, you have a chance, you know how to swim. If the plane goes down, good luck flapping your arms and waiting for another plane to pick you up lol:D

I am also trying to convince my mom to cruise with us, but she keeps saying she is claustraphobic and afraid of water. I told her that's fime, keep the bathroom door open when she showers;)
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[quote name='becky48417']My Personal Favorite...

"I'm afraid of water"

So....don't go swimming in the pools or lounge in the hot tubs!![/quote]

Actually I am terrified of the water......took swimming lesson when I as a child and later when I started cruising....still could not get over the awful feeling of drowning:o . My swimming instructors finally figured it was because my Mum always said not to go near the river. I grew up on a farm along the Minas Basin which is part of the Bay of Fundy with the 'World's Highest Tides". I just wish I could get over that feeling because I just wish I could snorkel. So when someone says that they are afraid of the water....I tell them so am I:D and that doesn't keep me off those cruise ships LOL. I respect the water now and everytime I go on a cruise I walk over the nearby bridges and wharfs just to get the feel of being on a ship....I know this sounds strange but it works for me.
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[quote name='yoemen1988']In 1994, my best friend and I booked a cruise on the Jubilee. When I told my 80 year old grandmother she said, and I quote, "I don't know why anyone would ever want to go on a cruise. [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=red]All they do is drink, have sex and play music so loud that if they weren't in the middle of the ocean, they'd be arrested[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]!"[/quote]
Looks like Carnival's next advertising slogan. ;) :D I love that line, go Granny!
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Listen up:D

The beauty of cruising... and the beauty of cruising out of NYC

Where, or how else, Can I leave Long Island at 9:30am -be at the pier at 10:30am.. and by (usually)1pm start my vacation with all the food you can eat, drinks, band playing on the Lido deck... that an noncruiser would think I traveled 1000s of miles for this feeling-

Your vacation starts instantly! I would not do it anyother way!!!!!!!!!!!!:D
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My dad, who has never really taken a vacation, has always been puzzled by our love of cruising. But, now, he's kind of interested in trying a cruise to Alaska. When he first talked to me about it, he told me "I can't afford to spend $10,000 to go on a cruise". :eek: He was [B]astonished[/B] when I told him he could do an Alaska cruise, easily, with airfare for more like $1,200. :p

My nephew went with us on our recent Valor cruise, and a person at his tanning salon (big expert on cruising, right? :rolleyes: ) had told him not to drink the water on the ship because everyone who does gets sick since there is bacteria in all the ships water tanks. :rolleyes:
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My mom is afraid of the water but it only took one cruise to convince her that it's the only vacation worth any $$.

Anyways, my MIL is convinced that the medical staff can't speak any English and they aren't certified in any way to be in a medical position. She's convinced of this because she read it in a magazine and she'll tell anyone who is considering a cruise. This coming from a lady who is willing to travel to Mexico for dental care because it's cheaper than here in TX.
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I'm taking my 22-year old son on his first cruise in June.
I haven't said much and he's busy with school so I know he hasn't done a lot of research.

He did have a couple of questions:

1. "Is it possible to fish off the side of the boat?

2. "Is everything air-conditioned?"

3. "What if I get hungry between meals,..........are there vending machines?"

I think he'll be pleasantly surprised.

Can't wait!
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I'm amazed at how many people think cruises are expensive. When we start telling them how to find deals and how little you have to pay for one, they can't believe it! Just takes a little time and research, which thank goodness my DH is willing to do!

Once we realized we could take a 7-day cruise for about the same price we were paying for a week at the beach, there was no way we were going back to land vacations!
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[quote name='MinnesotaFrozen']We've been trying to get some friends to go on a cruise with us for a while. Finally the wife told us "we just don't like being stuck in one place for that long of a time". I think their view was that it was like being locked in a hotel for a week , but "stuck in one place" is not a description that I'd ever use for cruising.[/quote]
Stuck in one place alright, but WHAT A PLACE!!!!:D
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[quote name='meatball77']I'm too scared to bring my kids on a cruise, I'm so worried about them falling off the ship.[/QUOTE]

MY kids and I have cruised together sinve they were 5 and 8 respectivelly -now are 13 &16 .You cannot fall off a ship unless you do something real foolish like climbing on a balcony rail or trying real hard to fall off ship.
We love to cruise .Cannot wait for my next one......
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[quote name='BigDfromTN'][B][I][SIZE=3]What! thats hurricane season...............what are you going to do if you get stuck out there in a hurricane?[/SIZE][/I][/B]

[B][I][SIZE=3]Be Careful! you know they throw folks off them cruise ships all the time and the cruise lines just cover it up![/SIZE][/I][/B]

[B][I][SIZE=3]OH NO, not me.................I dont want that norovirus thing!![/SIZE][/I][/B]

[B][I][SIZE=3]I have a sister that went and had to sleep with the cabin door open she was so claustraphopic(sp) in that little bitty cabin![/SIZE][/I][/B][/quote]

Hear this one?
Half the workers on those ships are criminals. That's why they work at sea. Nobody on land will hire them, and they are running from the law.
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[quote name='yoemen1988']In 1994, my best friend and I booked a cruise on the Jubilee. When I told my 80 year old grandmother she said, and I quote, "I don't know why anyone would ever want to go on a cruise. All they do it drink, have sex and play music so loud that if they weren't in the middle of the ocean, they'd be arrested!"[/quote]

And people wonder why we cruise so much. It's for the booze, wild sex and loud Caribean music. It took an 80 yo to figure it out.
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[quote name='cruisin1982']Was told you will be bored nothing to do exept get sick from the waves. Well we were so bored on our last cruise week booked the same one for Oct-2009. So PLEASE BORE ME AGAIN:)

[FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=navy]I heard the same, as well as anyone who cruises is either newlywed, over fed or nearly dead and we'd hate cruising.[/COLOR][/FONT]

[COLOR=#000080]We're repeating last years itinerary...[B]THAT'S [/B]how bored we were! Can't wait.:) [/COLOR]
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